Confidential prayer request When#knowledge#of#a#need#or#situation#is#made#known#via#a#prayer#request,#Confidential#Prayer#Ministers#are not#todiscuss#or#share#that#informationwithany#other#person#within#or#outsideof#this#prayer#ministry. With our very best wishes, WakeMed Spiritual Care Department As Catholic missionaries, we believe in the power of prayer. Paul’s Intercessory Prayer Team at prayers@stpaulsc. All other requests will be sent to the Prayer Team. CONTACT. Prayer requests may be emailed to St. a day. Let the hurry and worry of your life fall away from you. . All requests are handled confidentially*. Psalm 25:14 This text is a great deep, but at the outset we must say that we have neither the time nor the skill at this time to atte PRAYER REQUEST Thank you for submitting a prayer request. Submit your prayer requests today, and let’s navigate life’s journey together, hand in hand, heart to heart. When you submit your prayer request on our website, it will first be sent to a moderator for approval. Last. You may submit your prayer request below. 2018 Divine Mercy Sunday. e. Either a Prayer Request, a Confidential Prayer Request (this type of Prayer Request goes to the Pastors only), or Prayer Request for the Prayer Team. Your prayer request is a sacred honor and trust. Online prayer requests are shared with our prayer team just as they are Once your prayer request is received, it will be moderated according to our Faithbridge guidelines, and then shared according to your instructions. 2015 Listening to God's voice. All prayer requests are confidential. example@example. Many churches have prayer chains where a group of individuals pray for requests as they are submitted either via a phone tree, via email or an online posting. 9 Day Novena. ” –James 5:16 These written requests written are collected by a member of the Prayer Ministry weekly, and the team prays for each request for 30 days. God bless! Our prayers are with you! Your prayer requests will be received by the Pastor, Prayer Chain Ministry and the Steven's Ministry Leader. -All address information you provide is confidential. Email Prayer Request: * Thank you! Your prayer request will be handled Your prayer request is a sacred trust and is kept confidential. You can choose how much information to share and whether your request is confidential or not. He is here with you now – and always. Please feel free to fill out the Prayer Request form below. I have seen this work countless times as I prayed for people all over the world. Our Care Team is always available to support you in confidential prayer. Please write today! Complete this handy form or type “Prayer Request” in the Subject line of your e-mail No request is too small or too vast; every prayer is a testament to faith and unity. A prayer chaplain monitors this line and forwards the prayer requests to the Care Team and to Silent Unity for 30 days of prayer. Israel Baptist Church is always here for you with confidential prayer support. Our prayer team meets every week and prays for every request we receive. A prayer to Our Lady of Guadalupe from Kevin. Home Dec 28, 2024 · You may also leave a private and confidential prayer. Let us know how we can pray for you. org. At Crossroads, we believe prayer makes a difference. Minimum number of characters not met. Prayer requests of a general nature are important, but we ask you to use the prayer line only for your specific personal needs and concerns. Take a step today and ask God to step in. Archive. You may leave a prayer request on the prayer line, 817. Please submit your request below. National Prayer Center Assemblies of God prayer line : Call 1-800-477-2937. Any time you have a prayer need, Unity is here with free, confidential prayer support. Approval can take up to 24 hours, but it is usually much quicker. 373. These prayer requests will be submitted to our Elders and staff. 2016 Lenten Retreat. To help us comply with data protection regulations please refer to any person(s) by their first name only and omit all other identifiable information (i. Prayer. Your request will be read and prayed for, but we regret that due to the enormous number of requests we receive each week, we do not have the staff or time to reply to each request. Sep 6, 2013 · Request prayer on a prayer chain anonymously for a confidential prayer request. For more than 130 years, affirmative prayer has been key to the Unity mission. Prayer requests may be anonymous. Submit your confidential prayer request here. For emergency prayer requests, contact Rev. Your prayer requests will be kept confidential. Resources. Your request is a sacred trust and will always be kept strictly confidential. We do not share information with anyone. Your details were sent successfully! Send All prayer requests are kept confidential. No private information will be sent. To maintain your anonymity, please do not include any personal information such as names or locations. A member of our pastoral team will stand with you in your time of need. Dec 21, 2024 · Prayer and Hope prayer request hotline: Call 1-866-599-2264. Entrust your prayers and petitions to the loving care of Saint Rita of Cascia and her powerful intercession. com Although we rarely do so, we reserve the right to edit requests. Name . You can ask someone you trust, a minister, or the church you attend. Names and requests are held in the strictest confidence. 3 + 6 = SUBMIT REQUEST. All requests are held in confidential prayer for thirty days by our prayer team. surname, contact details, geographic location, job role etc. Prayer requests are kept confidential and are placed in secure prayer boxes near the altar in the Crypt Church to be prayed for during each of the Shrine daily Masses. Please note that this is not immediate, but will receive our attention in a timely manner. -All information you provide in your prayer request is confidential. Sutton is the oldest of 5. Your prayer will also be included in our weekly prayer list (unless you mark your prayer as confidential) which will be made available to the congregation via The Quatrefoil, our weekly e-newsletter. This form is for CONFIDENTIAL prayer requests that you wish only go to the Pastor. You can request prayer by email at 1prayer@csl. How can we pray for you this week? Let us know using the form below. Your request is a sacred trust and is kept confidential. In addition to the confidential prayer team, if you’d like the prayers of the whole congregation we can include the first name in the Sunday bulletin and read it Submit your confidential prayer request here and our Intercessors Ministry will pray on your behalf. Our dedicated prayer team has the privilege of praying with people over 20,000 times each week! We look forward to praying for you! You can call us 24 hours a day or submit a prayer in the form above. Each week, prayer requests received from online check-in, our app and website are sent to our prayer team to pray over. All requests are kept strictly confidential and you will not be contacted unless you indicate it in the form below. info Cornerstone Fellowship provides confidential prayer. Confidential Prayer Requests. Email Address: Name: Prayer Request: A value is required. com How can we pray for you? Joyce Meyer Ministries believes that God wants to meet your needs and reveal His promises to you. While donations are important to maintaining Glenmary’s home mission ministry, so are the missionary online prayer requests and ongoing prayers from Glenmary’s supporters. All prayer requests are kept private and confidential. Liberty United Methodist Church. Our prayer warriors are happy to pray for you. If you have a special need and want to seek God’s help, you might be wondering where to write a non-confidential prayer request. PRAYER REQUEST. Your prayer request will be kept confidential and we will be faithful to pray over you prior to writing this letter. Francis Prayer Chain and the Lamb of God Ministry. You can make a prayer request online or speak with a prayer associate by phone. com. Your petition will be placed at the Grotto in Lourdes and your intentions prayed for by a Priest, as quickly as possible. All requests are held in the deepest confidence. Our If you have a prayer request, please fill in the form below. Once your request is received, a staff pastor or ministry leader will attempt to contact you by email or phone to offer further encouragement and prayer. Message. All non-confidential prayer requests are distributed to specific ministry staff and elders, as well as a group of Fellowship members with a heart to pray for you that make up our prayer team. If you have a special concern that you would like us to pray about, please feel free to share your prayer requests. Prayer requests may be made 24/7 on our confidential prayer line. office@thechapel. We would be honored to pray for you or someone you know. Novena. Every Prayer request we receive is treated with love, compassion, respect, and confidentiality. We offer the sacred service of Affirmative Prayer for you, knowing that you are already perfect, whole and complete. Submit a confidential prayer request to the Allen Temple Prayer Warriors Ministry. Our mission is to help and serve through prayer, publishing, and community. 2341, 24/7. Submit your confidential prayer requests for Unity in the Seven Hills and Silent Unity. If you have an urgent or confidential prayer request, please contact our confidential Prayer Chain through Jennie Golding (578474) Let peace surround you as you sit or kneel quietly. Email * Phone # (Opt. A confidential request from G. surname, contact details, geographic location, job role, etc. Please let us know how we can continue to pray for you in the future, and if you have any updates, you can submit them using this form or contact the church directly. Prayer Changes Everything. We will pray for your intention and it will remain confidential, only being shared with those you indicate below. Our prayer team will treat each topic with great discretion as they intercede on your behalf. Jesus told his disciples, “Ask and you will receive, so that your joy may be complete” (John 16:24). Submit a prayer request below and we will be praying for you for the next four weeks. Prayer Request * Contact Name * Email * Phone * Confidential Positive Prayer Request Fill out your information, and prayer request, then submit below. Prayer Line. "Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present you requests to God. Prayer Wall […] Whatever your prayer need, we are here to support you in affirmative and confidential prayer. A prayer request from K for freedom and democracy for the people in Venezuela. Parishioners and immediate family member names will be included in the bulletin for 3 weeks following your request. Prayer Request for St. All Requests Will Remain Confidential Confidential Prayer Request Form. We believe that through prayer, God will provide specific words or scripture that will impact or uplift you and our hope is that your eyes remain on Jesus in times of struggle and celebrations. Please note as well that due to the large volume of prayer requests we receive, we cannot publish more than one post for prayer requests from the same person on any given day, except for those requests involving emergencies. If you would like your prayer request beyond two (2) weeks, please resubmit anew. If#a#Prayer#wishes#to#consult#with#another#Confidential#Prayer#Minister#regarding#accountability#or#prayer# This team of devoted prayer chaplains is here to assist in any way they can. Do you have a prayer need? Are you facing a challenging situation at the moment? Because of the finished work of Jesus at the cross, today, you can come boldly to your heavenly Father’s throne of grace with your cares and obtain mercy in your time of need (see Hebrews 4:16)! We invite you to submit your prayer request by clicking here. All requests are treated as confidential prayer Your prayer request will be kept confidential to the Church elders. All prayer requests are strictly confidential! If you checked the Confidential Prayer Request box, your requests will only be shared with our pastoral leadership staff. They will not be published in THE CONNECTOR unless you indicate you would like them listed there. 2017 Divine Mercy Sunday. org, telephone 720-279-8981, or by simply filling out the form below. Email . Fill out an online prayer request form today and let us send His blessings into your life. #### # 2. We pray that God will be with our listeners everyday, and that God will guide us all toward better living. Online Prayer Requests. 2016 Divine Mercy Sunday. If you have an urgent need, please call Deacon Francine, our Serve and Care Ministries Director at 608-212-5100. Testimonies. All information you provide in your prayer request will be held in confidence. TBN Prayer Center: Call 714-731-1000 or visit their website to submit your prayer requests. Your prayer request is confidential. Confidentiality is very important to us. Name. Prayer chain ministers monitor the line to activate the chain of support and will return calls, if requested. Prayer Then you will call on me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you. For over forty years, Golden Key Ministry-Unity has been lovingly supporting people in positive, affirmative prayer, all over the world. Confidential prayer requests to the pastors only may be submitted online using the Confidential Prayer Request/Praise for Pastors Form. O. We treat your prayer requests with the utmost importance and your prayer will be kept private. You can also call the church office, or email one of the church staff/ministers and we will pray for your need or your praise. We invite you to share your prayer requests on this page. He loves you and cares for you. The Unity Prayer Ministry (Silent Unity®), prays with people of all faiths around the globe each year. If a prayer request needs further follow up, our Director of Care and Prayer sends those to the appropriate care team. If you need someone to pray with you, you can also approach any of our elders, deacons or ministers at the end of our Sunday services. * Indicates required field. Confidential Prayer Request. Thomas the Apostle Catholic Church Thank you for entrusting your request to our community of faith. Every request we receive is treated with love, compassion, and respect. Submit your 100% anonymous prayer request here, and let’s call upon the power of righteous people praying for your need. All requests for prayers are posted on the prayer board, which the Sisters consult each day. NOTE: Any prayer request you share with Crossroads will remain confidential and will only be shared with our prayer team for the purposes of prayer. How to Make a Confidential Prayer Request Contact Your Parish : Speak directly with a priest or staff member who can offer private prayer support. Prayer requests are accepted on the KACS Prayer Line anytime 24-hrs. With that in mind, please feel free to request prayers for yourself or for your loved ones – whenever you feel you need spiritual strength. It is an honor to pray with you anytime there is a need. Thank you for submitting a prayer request. In your request, please notify us if you'd like it to be a confidential request. NOTE: Any prayer request you share with Believers Church will remain confidential and will only be shared with our pastors and prayer team for the purposes of prayer. Please complete the form below to submit your prayer request. 281-987-1980 office 281-987-1930 fax We have been praying for your prayer requests for over 60 years. Confidential Prayer Line You may submit a prayer request for yourself or someone else in confidence by contacting Joan Kelley by email at JoanCKly56@gmail. Submit your prayer request by completing the following information. ” – James 5:16 It is our privilege as your Prayer Team to pray for you and lift your requests and praises up to God. If so, one of our prayer warriors will pray for you via return email. A confidential request from Joan. Feel free to submit as many prayer requests as you like! Whatever your prayer need, finding peace of mind provides a foundation of strength to face any situation. Fields marked with a ‘*’ are required. Oct 11, 2024 · Private, confidential prayer requests provide a safe space for these intentions. We do not share or sell our mailing lists or email address lists. Andrea directly at 203-426-9070. Email Address. 206 Ell Hall Northeastern University 346 Huntington Avenue Boston, MA 02115 617. Your prayer request is a sacred trust and is kept confidential. Write a non-confidential prayer request. SUBMIT YOUR CONFIDENTIAL PRAYER REQUESTS BELOW. Non-confidential prayer requests will be reviewed before dissemination to our Prayer Warriors and printed in our weekly FOCUS bulletin. We're trying to give as many people as possible a chance to be heard on this prayer line. 251. White Plains, GA 30678 (706) 467-3089 | LibertyUMC1786@gmail. You can also Request Care by clicking on the button below. Our team prays for all the prayer requests we receive on a regular basis. If you have a need and would like us to pray for you, please feel free to fill out a prayer request form. Sometimes crisis, major life transitions, or an ongoing situation might make it difficult to fully participate in our discipleship process. Last Name. You are God’s child. All requests will be held in prayer by our prayer chaplains and then forwarded to Silent Unity for prayer for the next 30 days. We apologize for any inconvenience. The requests in the indoor wall stay in place for 30 days before they are removed, respectively released and shredded. Submit your prayer request today. Details of your request The secret of the Lord is with them that fear Him, and He will show them His Covenant. (To submit an OPEN PRAYER REQUEST – for ALL to See World Wide – Click Here) For more than 130 years, affirmative prayer has been key to the Unity mission. Contact Us 7905 Smyrna Parkway Louisville, KY, 40228 Prayer is the heart of the UCC Ministry! Please feel free to use this confidential form to submit prayer requests to our Ministry Team. To submit your request online, please complete the form below. We welcome you to use the tools below to support your prayer life. Each request is prayed over by our staff and prayer teams. This site is merely a tool. No matter what issues you’re struggling with, know that someone is praying for you. (*) denotes a required field. If you so request, your prayer intentions will be kept confidential and shared only with our prayer leaders and clergy. Any sensitive information or requests marked confidential are sent as an anonymous request. Email * Prayer Request * Submit. Prayer and Care Ministries. Confidential prayer requests will only be seen by the pastor. Jeremiah 29:12 Praying both privately and communally are powerful ways to build and stay in a relationship with our Lord. Prayer requests can be included in our prayers during worship or be kept confidential. Please know that this request will only be seen by the confidential Trinity Intercessory Prayer team. Prayers. To submit a prayer request, please complete the form below. Your information is confidential. Any time you have a prayer need, The Harbor is here with confidential prayer support. ) Prayer URGENT PRAYER REQUEST – Please Saint Bernadette intercede to The Immaculate Conception please pray for a sweet 7-year-old; Sutton who was diagnosed with Leukemia. All information you provide in your prayer request is confidential. Chaplet of Divine Mercy. Confidential Prayer Request Form. The church you attend might have a prayer chain. Request from Kevin for souls living and deceased. We offer the sacred service of Affirmative Prayer to you, knowing that you are already perfect, whole and complete. -All interactions are completely confidential. Name * First Name. Once approved, your prayer will be posted to the online community of prayer section of our website where others can see and pray for your intention. Most important, when you submit a prayer either – using either our open, public forum, or private prayer request site, God hears your prayer. Please provide contact info if you would like to be contacted. Leave a Reply Cancel reply We believe that prayer is powerful! If you would like our prayer team to include your prayer, please fill in our confidential prayer request online form or the Worship Service bulletin form. 2 days ago · Thank you Father God that I can come to you in Prayer because of your son Jesus , Thank you for this day , Your Kindness and mercies and grace , I ask for you to bless this ministry and all their families , and all who request prayer for their needs , you Know all of the people I have on my prayer request , Let your will be done , Please fill Greater Pure Light Church 12330 Vickery Rd Houston, Texas 77039 . Do you or a loved one need prayers? You’re not alone, we all need prayers! We would love to pray for you or someone you care for. Other Divine Mercy Prayers; Stations of the Cross. ). Catholic Prayer Requests to Our Lady of Lourdes - submit with our FREE online Prayer request service. So, please know: The FaithPrayers National Prayer Line is a grass-roots Christian prayer ministry offering a 24-7 toll-free, confidential phone line for prayer. Select the "send a note" link to send an anonymous personal note of your concern for them. If your prayer is time sensitive or confidential, please choose the PRAYER CHAIN option. Submit a prayer request using one of the three ways below. Prayer Team Requests. Fill out this online request form so that we can join you in prayer. It is our honor to pray with you. We welcome confidential prayer requests for all good desires. Box 266 Littlestown, PA 17340 (717) 345-9888. In addition to submitting this prayer request, if you would appreciate a spiritual/religious care visit with one of our Chaplains, please call our office at 919-350-8556. Please submit your prayer request below. 3091 Liberty Church Rd. If the submittor has indicated the intention can be shared, then the prayer request will also be forwarded to parish prayer ministries, including the St. We do not respond to prayer requests. 2020 Divine Mercy Sunday. Please pray for James, hospitalized with pneumonia and late stage dementia. Confidential prayer requests are shared with Quest Staff only, and non-confidential requests are shared with the staff and our prayer team. Prayer requests marked "Confidential" will only be sent to Pastoral Staff. If you wish to make a prayer request online, please feel free to enter your prayer request in the space below. Prayer Requests. 2728 [email protected] Request a free, personal prayer request today. Location: 1 Concord Street Nashua, New Hampshire 03064 Tel: 603-882-4861 Fax: 603 1. Please note, all prayer requests are confidential and are not posted on our website. We also have a special Mass intention every Wednesday for all prayer requests received over the past week. First Name Last Name. Our church staff and prayer groups will pray over your request within the next week. “…and pray for one another so that you may be healed. 1144 Bollinger Road P. Prayer requests are kept confidential and are placed in a petition basket below the relic of Saint Rita in the Lower Shrine. You can indicate with whom you would like your request to be shared. " You may continue to request prayers for prolonged illness. A confidential request from K. These prayers will be held in confidence among those on the Prayer Chain and distributed as soon as received. Do you need me to stand with you in prayer about something urgent? Do you need a miraculous healing touch from the Lord or a breakthrough in your finances? The Bible promises that fervent and faithful prayer works. Or you can write a prayer in a formal prayer book. Prayer intentions will be added to our list for two (2) weeks and will be remembered during Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament on Wednesdays during Holy Hour. A new baby was born the day after the diagnosis of Sutton. Prayer requests will remain confidential within the Prayer Team, unless there is an These intentions will be prayed for by Fr. Your request can be submitted via the form below. Call 972-491-7729. “The prayer of a righteous person has great power as it is working. 2015 Divine Mercy Sunday Wellington We invite prayer requests, and we share with the congregation the names of those for whom we pray. Main Office. 700 Club Prayer Center: 1-800-700-7000 JOIN OUR PRAYER LIST If you or anyone you know needs prayer, feel free to submit a confidential prayer request today! We at FOCC believe that the Lord hears our prayers and our Clergy & congregation will gladly lift you up in prayer! Prayer Requests APOLOGETIC ANSWERS Want to learn more […] We Welcome Your Prayer Requests. All prayer requests will be placed on the Altar to be lifted in prayer during each Mass. John Dillon or a priest he has designated. Feel free to send us back a “Prayers Answered” or “Thanksgiving” request upon resolution of the request, if appropriate. There is never a charge for After you leave your prayer request, please take a moment to read through others concerns and lift them up to the Lord as well. Ideology. Name * First. qctjhcpp cja ozrlax scnb ytcnlj rihptuk tnnxi cxxkzvu wxdfg zpkxqrvo