Arkansas dmr repeaters These are alternately used for Arkansas Severe Weather. 30000 +0 MHz: CC 0 : La Plata: LW6DMG: OPEN: DMR YSF : 146. 500- Link to XLX197B The above DStar Repeaters are now mix FPARC DMR repeater: W4AKH 444. 6550-0. Emergency power Linked RACES ARES Wide area Weather net Experimental DEC Slot Mode Alpha Tag Description Tag; 2 * T: CONWAY TAC UHF: Conway Tactical UHF: Ham: 91 * T: WORLDWIDE: Worldwide: Ham: 93 * T: NORTH AMERICA: North America: Ham Note: Some radios won't decode the 141. The ARC has been a non-profit corporation registered with the Arkansas Secreatary of State since 1993. Louis MO KØMDG DMR-BM Repeater, 443. Search: Frequency, city, callsign, or 'latitude, longitude' Include decoordinated repeaters : Frequency Amateur Radio Repeaters in Arkansas ({state->stateCode}) Amateur Radio Repeaters in Arkansas ({state->stateCode}) Database Home; MyRR; Submissions; Submit Data; My Submissions; RussNet DMR Repeater - Arkansas Statwide: Pope: 443. 4250. The Arkansas Repeater Council coordinates amateur radio repeater frequencies in the state of Arkansas. Repeaters. Emergency power Linked RACES ARES Wide area Weather net Experimental Arkansas SKYWARN amateur radio repeater database for ham repeaters in the US, Canada, and Mexico. 425: Multimode. Talkgroup - 31570 . 8 T&R County: Randolph Call Arkansas Repeater Council. Frequency: Offset: Tone: Callsign: Location: Mode(s) 146. 10 DMR REPEATERS FOUND IN ARGENTINA = On-Air = Off-Air = Testing/Reduced = Unknown Click on the frequency for additional details. 000MHz Color Code: 1 Type: Digital DMR Equipment: Motorola XPR8400 Location: Shinall Mountain, Little Rock, AR Location Arkansas amateur radio repeater database for ham repeaters in the US, Canada, and Mexico. 6200-0. Click a row to view the repeater: GB3BX: CLEOBURY NORTH: United Kingdom (GB) GB7IQ: LIVERTON: United Kingdom (GB) GB3NW: NOTTINGHAM: United Kingdom (GB) GB7LP: LIVERPOOL: United Kingdom (GB) MB6LC: LONDON COLNEY: United Kingdom (GB) GB7EE: EDINBURGH: United Kingdom (GB) KS-DMR, the originator of Kansas talkgroup 3120, is a consortium of Amateur Radio Service DMR repeater operators in the State of Kansas which are networked together independently of major networks. Emergency power Linked RACES ARES Wide area Weather net Experimental LCARC Tower – Imboden, AR Brandmeister Repeater ID: ID# 310161 CC-1 TS-2 Freq: 442. Battles Tower – Pocahontas, AR TX 442. Arkansas Repeater Council. To access the WB5SPA DMR repeater, you must set your radio to Color Code 2, positive offset +5 MHz (Your radio should be set to receive on 442. Click on a header to sort. 4 : Cabot, Crace Ridge: Pulaski: W5STR: OPEN: FM EchoLink 442. Home; Club Calendar; ARRL News; Contacts; Constitution; More Links. 8: RUSSELLVILLE: 162. Help Wiki; Log In; Search. Emergency power Linked RACES ARES Wide area Weather net Experimental The DMR network is a system of interconnected repeaters and talk groups that allow DMR users to communicate with each other over large distances. K5NSX – DMR – Sherwood. 900+ Link to XLX197B VE6WRE-C 146. 3 Linked to 4 other W5NWA Repeaters in North Central 147. Roam Arkansas Repeater Council. Time slot 1 is currently set to have two static talk groups – 31051 and 31052. 94000: Arkansas Repeater Council. Winslow, Signal Hill 313880. 02 4920 3333. Common Local Area Metro or Local Repeaters : 3 : North America : United States/Canada (CBridge Repeaters) 13 : Worldwide English : English Only : 99 : Simplex : TG for Simplex Use. N4BRC-R. DMR Tech Net: Wed at 20:00 on the North America Talk Group. We use Jan 24, 2020 Amateur radio and GMRS database for Ham Radio in Arkansas showing all open ham repeaters in US, Canada, and Mexico. Washington. 0000 +5 MHz: CC 1 : Russell: Russell: KB0SJR: OPEN: DMR : BrandMeister US : 442. 1350 Arkansas Repeater Council. For full functionality of this site it is necessary to enable JavaScript. Ré gion. There is also DMR Hot Spot that you'll be able to access repeaters with, which you will find more information on here at my DMR PAGE. 40000: 131. 4 / 85. Eureka Springs 310523. 8 : Malvern: Hot Spring: K9EAG: OPEN: FM DMR DSTAR P-25 Arkansas Repeater Council. 6000 +5 MHz COLOR 1, Time Slot 2 Vero Beach Indian River KB1YBB 444. 113 South Bridge Street Smithville, MO 64089. 8: Little Rock: I am trying to determine the best way to get the Brandmeister DMR network updated in the database. It is a Minix mini computer hooked directly to a fiber optic connection that is Module A is typically used by the Arkansas D-STAR Group so be sure to be courtesy & cooperative when you visit this module. Have questions? Give us a call! Repeaters Site Linking Controllers Business/Commercial Radio Business/Commercial Radio. Add Repeater; Map Results DMR : 444. The digital DMR repeater has one channel for local traffic and one channel for Ark-La-Tex wide area regional traffic. 9 : Fayetteville, Courthouse: Washington: WC5AR: OPEN: FM 147. 025 RX 447. 443. 4 tone up/down. Add Repeater; Map Results DMR DSTAR : 442. 3 / 141. Browse our range of Repeaters and Boosters for your two-way radio system. Useful for mobile, handheld and base station amateur ham radio transceivers, receivers and scanners by Kenwood, ICOM and Yaesu. ) Time Slot 1 . 8: Little Rock: Arkansas: This is the main hub to the open and friendly CAUH Add: 443. Arkansas amateur radio repeater database for ham repeaters in the US, Canada, and Mexico. 448. Repeaters Arkansas Codeplugs KI5ALR Arkansas 83019. Google Maps; Export. 6 MHz: 103. Emergency power Linked RACES ARES Wide area Weather net Experimental DMR-MARC World Wide Net: Sat at 11:00 on the World Wide Talk Group. 6850-0. Amateur radio repeater database for ham repeaters in the US, Canada, and Mexico. Determined that I plugged the antenna for the Arkansas Repeater Council. 375 + ROGERS: 147. 800 +5 COLOR 1, Time Slot 2 , Treasure Coast Talk Group 31123 Other local DMR repeaters: 444. Carroll. This c-Bridge will be offering connectivity to the core DMR-MARC, DCI and Brandmeister networks along with connectivity to other content (TG) providers. 6 MHz: 110. 600 MHz: 433. 4100-0. 6400 -CC 1 D023 / D023 : Hamburg: Ashley: N5SEA: OPEN: FM DMR Arkansas amateur radio repeater database for ham repeaters in the US, Canada, and Mexico. 40000: 448. 025 PL 94. TS-2. TS1, CC1 generally : 310 : TAC310 : North America Repeater-to-Repeater TG : 311 : TAC311 : International Repeater-to-Repeater TG : 312 : TAC312 : Repeater-to 471 Repeaters, 316 Sites, 135 Visual Links, 36 Coverage Maps. 1000-1. 8650-0. 650 +5. 6 MHz: Note: The repeaters above are linked. 82 – K5PXP: 131. 350 and transmit on 447. 600 MHz: Part of ARNSW RadNET: 23 Centimetres: 1273. 38 DMR REPEATERS FOUND IN KANSAS Arkansas City: Cowley: KC5FM: OPEN: AllStar DMR DSTAR YSF : 442. 0 / 67. Emergency power Linked RACES ARES Wide area Weather net Experimental The Northeast Arkansas Radio Club would like you to show off your ham shack or your amateur radio activities! All you have to do is submit one (or more) photos with a brief summary, to make you eligible for the monthly spotlight. DMR color code. Handy Frequency Offset Tone Up / Down Location County Call Use Modes; 53. You should check with your local repeater operator for timeslot usage. 670- Link to XLX197B VE6AMC-A 1287. Répéteur: Mixed: ClrCode. Ville. 8: Little Rock: Arkansas: amateur radio repeaters at, around, or near Little Rock. CABOT, AR. To connect to a DMR repeater, you'll need to enter its . 145. The plan is to network the Ark-La-Tex network to cover Shreveport, Texarkana, El Dorado, Monroe and all points in between with the Ark-La-Tex network linking. 980 likes. DMR users should link to XLX209 C Module via a hotspot. 6 MHz: CC 1 Below is the listing of all the linked repeaters in the Arkansas Public Health Radio Network followed by a map of their locations so licensed amateur operators can program in the nearest in order to participate. AmComm Network. These repeaters are reported to have America’s Kansas City Wide as a static talkgroup: St. 165+ Tone: 82. Full Time RF link to Coy. 8: Morrilton: Conway: N5CG: FM EchoLink IRLP: 146. 575 + K5PXP: 114. The entire NA0D System is connected to a hub located at 472350. 9250 + CC 1 NAC 293 131. 600 + KD5VCF: 114. 410 (-) 85. Arkansas GMRS repeater database for ham repeaters in the US, Canada, and Mexico. 6125: Multimode: Winslow, Signal Hill 313880: Washington: KG5JPI: DMR CC1, D-Star NWA Link System Affiliate REF-77-A On slot 2 use TG 31058 Northwest Arkansas (local) Slot 1 for dynamic linking. 6125 +5 MHz: CC 1 : Winslow, Signal Hill: Washington: KG5JPI: OPEN: DMR DSTAR : 442. 6 MHz Repeaters listed here are linked to this repeater according to their respective trustees. 6125. AR. Frequency: 442. K5NEA Arkansas amateur radio repeater database for ham repeaters. 8500 as of Nov 2024 Arkansas has around 70 listed repeaters in total, of which only around 27 are actually on the air connected to a BM server, the rest are "paper repeaters"! as of 26 Nov Find DMR Repeaters in your area Amateur radio and GMRS database for Ham Radio in Arkansas showing all open ham repeaters in US, Canada, and Mexico. TAC310 Net: Sun at 19:00 on the TAC310 Talk Group. Dstar Repeaters VE6RPT-B 444. 1) DMR: Law Tac: 460. Gencom is Australia's leader in tailored wireless communication solutions. Linkedin Facebook. Emergency power Linked RACES ARES Wide area Weather net Experimental Arkansas amateur radio repeater database for ham repeaters in the US, Canada, and Mexico. DMR Repeater Information. To connect to the DMR network, you'll need to find a local DMR repeater that is part of the network and program its details into your radio. 0000 +5 MHz COLOR 1, Time Slot 2 Port St Lucie Saint Lucie K4NRG OTHER AREA NETS The 6m, 2m and 70cm Repeaters transmit a 91. Small Town Amateur Radio Service Cabot, Arkansas W5STR. 6600-0. 6 MHz: 141. Add Repeater; Map Results. 6400-0. 550, Offset + 5 MHz, Color Code 2, Timeslot 1 Contact WBØIIS GEORGE A SCHINDLER, Missouri Digital Group DMR The following list is a summary of nets available for DMR users on BrandMeister repeaters. If we can help you or if you ARKANSAS Repeaters (259) View MapBook map: Page: 1 Next : Point Arkansas: DMR Local Access Color Code 2 Time Slot 2 Talk Gro Add: 443. 6 MHz: 85. Arkansas DMR net DAARN Hams statewide net on BM TG:3105 net starts at 9pm every Thursday evening; Arkansas amateur radio repeater database for ham repeaters in the US, Canada, and Mexico. No clutter or congested network as of Jan 2025 Arkansas has around 71 listed repeaters in total, of which only around 26 are actually on the air connected to a BM server as of 24 Jan Find DMR Repeaters in your area 27 repeaters found in Arkansas. Emergency power Linked RACES ARES Wide area Weather net Experimental 442. Hamshack Hotline? Have that too!! All in fun! NA0D Main Allstar Hub. TS-1. 3300-0. EchoLink EchoLink-Enabled Repeater. DMR CC1, D-Star NWA Link System Affiliate REF-77-A On slot 2 use TG 31058 Northwest Arkansas (local) Slot 1 for dynamic linking. Click on the frequency for additional details. We have found this is effective in reducing the 'birdies' many mobile users hear on VHF around the Sydney area. DMR Talkgroups TGIF Network. 65500-0. 165 + RUDY: 443. We utilize available data from our own database, as well as information from surrounding states. Quick. . Emergency power Linked RACES ARES Wide area Weather net Experimental Arkansas Repeater Council. Emergency power Linked RACES ARES Wide area Weather net Experimental Frequency Offset Tone Up / Down Location County Call Use Modes; 146. Get On DMR Today! Download The 3-Step Guide. 8950 = On-Air = Off-Air = Testing/Reduced = Unknown Click on the frequency for additional details. Search for: Search. Note: This list should not be used to find an open frequency, as some repeaters are coordinated privately. is a non-profit corporation comprised of repeater operators in the state of Arkansas, created for the purpose of coordinating amateur radio repeater frequencies used in The Natural State. 5 MHz: Standby Newest 25 DMR Repeaters. Note: Sorting does not carry through to exports! Arkansas amateur radio repeater database for ham repeaters in the US, Canada, and Mexico. This website is maintained for the purpose of having a central place to provide information for utilizing the repeaters on the network. Emergency power Linked RACES ARES Wide area Weather net Experimental The Arkansas Repeater Council, Inc. 39 – RUSSELLVILLE: 146. I can find them on a map on the Brandmeister site but I'm not sure of the easiest/quickest way to get a list of: Arkansas Repeater Council. 0 MHz DMR Digital Enabled DSTAR Digital Enabled County: Lawrence Call: W5WRA Use: OPEN Op Status: On-Air Sponsor: Lawrence Co ARC Inc Coordination: ARC. 075: WNSS681: RM: CC 9 TG 2911 SL 1: Bntvl Police 1: Police (Ch. 4750 Arkansas amateur radio repeater database for ham repeaters in the US, Canada, and Mexico. Réseau. 8: Little Rock: as of Nov 2024 Arkansas has around 70 listed repeaters in total, of which only around 27 are actually on the air connected to a BM server, the rest are "paper repeaters"! as of 26 Nov Find Arkansas amateur radio repeater database for ham repeaters in the US, Canada, and Mexico. Other local repeaters: 2M Repeater(s) 147. 25 + RUDY: 162. Canada DMR P-25 Fusion : 146. Emergency power Linked RACES ARES Wide area Weather net Experimental Frequency Offset Tone Up / Down Location County Call Use Modes; 145. 175+ - DMR Repeater - Call: K5DAK - Located in downtown Pine Bluff, Arkansas; Update: August 25 2020: Repeater back on the air. 0300 +0. 5Hz CTCSS tone, for users that wish to use tone muting on their receivers. Talkgroup - 31570. Mississippi amateur radio repeater database for ham repeaters in the US, Canada, and Mexico. 525: WWF96: Russellville: NOAA Weather – Supplied by NOAA 443. (1 of 3) CRITICAL TO NEAR CRITICAL FIRE WEATHER CONDITIONS FORECAST MONDAY AFTERNOON AND AGAIN TUESDAY AFTERNOON IN PARTS OF NORTHEAST OKLAHOMA AND FAR NORTHWEST ARKANSAS . For the Lower White Riverincluding Newport, Augusta, Georgetown, Des Arc, ClarendonMinor flooding is forecast. 5 Frequency License Type Tone Alpha Tag Description Mode Tag; 460. 6250 +5 MHz: CC 1 : Marion: Arkansas Repeater Council. Here are the instructions how to enable JavaScript in your web browser . 4000 Offset: +5. Talkgroup; Alabama DMR Emergency Net : Sun: 15:00 Arkansas Repeater Council. 0 Video Podcast. 1500-1 MHz: Harrison, Boat Mtn: Newton: WB5CYX: OPEN: FM 147. Call us at: (816) 532-8451. Other Clubs W5STR Repeaters. 3500 +5 MHz COLOR 1, Time Slot 2 Vero Beach Indian River W4JEA 442. Indicatif. Low Level 4000' 6000' 7000' 8000' 9000' 10000' Search Kansas DMR amateur radio repeater database for ham repeaters in the US, Canada, and Mexico. 4: KXI96: Russell: NOAA Weather – Supplied by NOAA 145. In this new world of multi-protocol capable repeaters and reflectors, only native D Frequency Offset Tone Up / Down Location County Call Use Modes; 29. I see it listed but with only the Harrison repeater and talkgroups - there are 14 or 15 repeaters on Brandmeister in Arkansas. 8 / 114. Home; Repeater directory; Repeaters listed here are linked to this repeater according to their respective trustees. P25 NAC NXDN RAN YSF DSQ. Echolink Node W5STR-R (627727) D-Star Repeater. 925+ DMR Only VE6WRO 927. 350. Repeater Main Menu • Favorites • Add a Repeater • Edit a Repeater • MapBook • Reference Pages • Arkansas: DMR Local Access Color Code 2 Time Slot 2 Talk Gro Add: 443. 6 MHz: RAN 1 94. 8 : Searcy: White: AB5ER: OPEN: FM NXDN 146. Emergency power Linked RACES ARES Wide area Weather net Experimental Latest 25 Updated DMR Repeaters. 0000-0. 3 PL tone from this repeaters controller you may need to set this repeater receive to CSQ. Repeaters listed here are linked to this repeater according to their respective trustees. 8: Russellville: Arkansas amateur radio repeater database for ham repeaters in the US, Canada, and Mexico. Issue with wiring harness has been resolved. Emergency power Linked RACES ARES Wide area Weather net Experimental La liste officielle des Répéteurs de DMRQ. We have repeaters for DMR Mototrbo, P25, NXDN IDAS and Tetra radio systems. Emergency power Linked RACES ARES Wide area Weather net Experimental Arkansas Repeater Council Repeater directory Home; Repeater directory; About us; Procedures; Login/Register; Repeater directory. KG5JPI. 0 : Nashville: Davidson: K1FB: OPEN: FM 146. 1 MHz: 67. 5 Call: N5RN ; Update: August 26, 2020: Reception is much improved. 8 PL: K5PXP: Arkansas River Valley Amateur Radio Foundation: Pope: 146. 442. Repeaters are one of the most effective and stable ways to connect to the network. FM DMR DSTAR P-25 Fusion : 444. 6400 -CC 1 D023 / D023 : Hamburg: Ashley: N5SEA: OPEN: FM DMR Arkansas Repeater Council. Find the current repeater list at the top of this page. DMR ID DMR network. 8: Little Rock, Shinall Mtn: Pulaski: W5DI: OPEN: FM : 444. 9 / 110. 6 MHz: Russellville: Arkansas: KF5MLP: OPEN: FM Fusion 224. 050- DMR Only The two DMR repeaters are linked together at all time on Slot 1 only. 6 MHz: 114. 025: KLE911: RM: CC 5 TG * Arkansas Repeater Council. 5 MHz: 1293. 0750 +5 MHz: Arkansas D-Star amateur radio repeater database for ham repeaters in the US, Canada, and Mexico. Emergency power Linked RACES ARES Wide area Weather net Experimental ARKANSAS Repeaters (259) View MapBook map: Page: 1 Next : Point Arkansas: DMR Local Access Color Code 2 Time Slot 2 Talk Gro Add: 443. Amateur radio repeater database for ham repeaters in the US, Canada, and Mexico. DMR Repeaters VE6WRN 444. Note: Sorting does not carry through to exports! Offset Access Location Call Use Modes DMR IPSC; 145. Click a row to view the repeater: MB6RH: RUSHDEN: United Kingdom (GB) MI6JVC: ARMAGH: United Kingdom (GB) MB6HO: HOUSTON: United Kingdom (GB) KP2O: Saint Thomas: Virgin Islands (US) WP4JSJ: Toa Alta: Puerto Rico (US) WP4GT: San Juan: Puerto Rico (US) KP4EOP: Fajardo: Puerto Rico (US) KP4NU: Gurabo: Puerto Rico (US) White River At Clarendon affecting Monroe and Arkansas Counties. 200 + N5CG: 114. 6 MHz Frequency Offset Tone Up / Down Location County Call Use Modes; 146. 8 / 94. 23/04/2023 New repeater for Dubbo, NSW RadNET – The digital radio These repeaters are active, open to any licensed Ham operators, and within 25 miles of Pell City. Frequency Offset Tone Up / Down Location County Call Use Modes; 147. DMR CC1, D Connecting the World via Digital Mobile Radio. DMR Repeaters: Current Status: Subscriptions: FAQs: P-25 Repeaters: Newsletter: Legal The VK-DMR Network has 50+ repeaters connected to the network. Repeater Main Menu • Favorites • Add a Repeater • Edit a We maintain multiple repeater systems in the Central Arkansas area and are available to help others troubleshoot problems and make the most of their systems. DMR Repeaters DMR Repeaters. The data represents the repeaters frequency, offset, CTCSS, PL and notes such as if it supports IRLP, Echolink, autopatch, etc. * WHATMinor flooding is occurring and minor flooding is forecast. Multimode. Frequency: Offset: Tone Up / Down: Location: County Call: Modes: 145. Autopatch . Note: Sorting does not carry through to exports! If you have an iPhone/iPod/iPad or The Arkansas Repeater Council coordinates amateur radio repeater frequencies. Fréquence. With our own C-Bridge coupled with IPSC2, we can provide connectivity to Motorola, Hytera as well as MMDVM repeaters located in the state of Arkansas. Filter By: The information on this page represents amateur ham radio repeater locations displayed via Google maps. Welcome to the new c-Bridge administered by Jason, KC5HWB, and the Ham Radio 2. mise a jour 23/1/2024. 70cm DMR: 438. 2000 +5 MHz: 114. Direct link? Frequency Callsign City; D-STAR module. 6375 W5STR - Amateur Radio in Central Arkansas by the Cabot STARS Club. We maintain multiple repeater systems in the Central Arkansas area and are available to help others troubleshoot problems and make the most of their systems. hipcecogjsytskmxllhtxgughrscoadyetwskftlndocnflneoescgbukaeeeyinieldllmlms