Best ssri for sleep reddit. I take magnesium, fish oil, other supps.

Best ssri for sleep reddit Sudden withdrawal is absolute hell. The initial side effects (hyperthermia, daytime fatigue, night sweats) are a pain but worth it if it Given how good I feel otherwise, I'm happy to throw on an extra sweater and heavier socks if that's the biggest tradeoff. I'm probably not the best to comment on that. i’ve also been following the acid watcher diet and eating strictly for the past 2-3 months. It's fairly well proven that SSRIs suppress REM sleep, but it's also somewhat proven that although one would have a smaller average number of REM periods on the drug, the intensity of each REM period tends to be significantly increased (which explains the occurrence of vivid dreams, perhaps in conjunction with the incidence of more fragmented sleep, which allows dreams to be better But anything is good for a start. hopefully you find a medication that doesn’t have a drowsiness side effect! have you talked to your doctor about it? youre honestly the first person ive seen that zoloft has worked for haha nonetheless good for you op, it was the first ssri i tried. despite all 18 votes, 84 comments. I take magnesium, fish oil, other supps. The only downsides are that it blunts my emotions and makes me not care about things as much. I take 20mg Prozac but 2,400mg of the natural supplement NAC that assists with the effects of Prozac Reply reply That's the only SSRI I was on for 6 years. It’s often a matter I’m thinking that maybe I should start an anti depressant (SSRI) to get rid of the anxiety and therefore I think I might be sleeping better. I’m decreasing my dose with a psychiatrist over time and once I get to 100 introducing progesterone 2 weeks out of the month. Ive had severe anxiety since i was 5, now 27 and still struggling to function in day to day life. I slowly tapered over 3-4 weeks (would’ve gone slower if I could’ve pushed out the study and had more time) and during that time I would usually have 24-48 hours each time I tapered down when I would get headaches and very cranky Side effects are a legitimate consideration though. SSRI and sleep . I just personally tolerate the Mirtazapine side effects better. Then there are Benzodiazepines, but tolerance can be built quickly. 2 These studies found that Unfortunately the more effective the drug is for anxiety or insomnia the higher the cost is (generally). At a high dose, most people on an MAOI may require a sleeping pill which may be a good indication that it could be helpful for you. If you need to remain on a SSRI you may need to talk to your doctor about a more sedating SSRI like paroxetine. Combining results was not possible. If you aren’t on an SSRI/SNRI you need to see a psychiatrist if the underlying anxiety is causing insomnia you would be surprised how better you can sleep when it’s treated. Good luck and hopefully you do this ASAP it will def feel better to not be tired throughout the I've had anxiety for years. If anything, talk to the doc. Effexor) 150 mg: Helped somewhat with mood and, oddly, greatly improved my sex life, which is strange given that it's an SSRI. Two Studies that measured subjective sleep ratings used the three sleep items on the Hamilton Rating Scale for Depression or the Leeds Sleep Evaluation Questionnaire. It’s not the same as regular SSRI’s but there’s some overlap with binding to the SSRI shuttle molecule, which I believe is inhibiting the reuptake. I hope that has been going great for you. Anyone Hi everyone, I’m wondering if anyone has tracked their sleep and noticed if using an SSRI adversely affects REM sleep? I’m having terrible insomnia on lustral (sertraline) and all I’m reading on the internet is how bad SSRIs are for REM sleep, which is important for memory consolidation and reducing illnesses like dementia 😭 Best SSRI for SA? The only one FDA-approved for SA, Zoloft. Gabapentin can also be used for insomnia and anxiety related insomnia. Of course it has its own side effects, but everything does. Antidepressant withdrawal can cause chronic pain, flu like symptoms, tension headaches, muscle pain, aches, low mood etc so I’d say it’s actually good for withdrawal if you don’t overdo it. I take both of them and don’t deny the side effects of either of them. Thanks for sharing that. I was on lexapro 15mg (max usual dose is 20mg) and Wellbutrin. i have extreme anxiety, ocd and depression. 5mg lol. I had to take a benzo and an antipsychotic after the 17th day. Just really at my wit's end atm. What time are you taking the medication? It’s typically advised to take these in the morning because it can cause sleep issues at night. For example I take the antidepressant Mirtazapine, which is not an ssri, and it is very effective at combating my ocd. restorative yoga is not stimulating at all and will directly combat what's going on (in my experience). I started meds around our comprehensive exam and being unable to sleep and eat normally made it more difficult to study. Personally, I'd say the latter was probably better when it comes to sleep. It also might not ever get better and you have to accept that as well. Doing so, gives me a super deep sleep. A subreddit dedicated to discussion, articles, and support regarding OCD. Some say it causes weight gain, nausea/vomiting, sleep issues, and brutal withdrawal symptoms if even a single dose is Sertraline (Zoloft) works best for me. 12 votes, 33 comments. Paxil changed my life when I first had it Good sleep is essential for our health and happiness. SNRI are good for anxiety (Effexor - brand name, but I go sick). true. for me, anti depressants have not improved my sleep, and it’s been taking me awhile to find a good sleeping arrangement. They help with sleep onset but not staying asleep. My sleep habits, diet, exercise are all great. So out of the SSRI/SNRIs , which ones the most sedating, non-damaging to sleep quality / non insomnia inducing of the bunch? SSRIs: SNRIs: I would also consider mirtazapine. Its a good antianxiety and antidepressant pill though, worked well for me for about 6-9 months then had to double dose and only worked 3 more months. I've heard success stories and horror stories about effexor. Again, lots of strange and vivid dreams, not sure if it’s the Zoloft or the combination. I take it in combination with low dose 20mg Fluoxitine and I feel me again. I steadily came out of my depressive hole, and when I started having sex again, I noticed it was a complete different experience. If low serotonin levels can cause insomnia, then insomnia is likely a mood disorder. There are two others, but can’t remember. Upped the dose, didn't feel improvement, only sleep problems. Trazodone is official either anti-anxiety or antidepressant,, I'm not sure which, but the off-label use helps you sleep. i don’t meditate or do anything serious like that but genuinely just Valerian is not a good option. try adjusting the time you take them. At least, it did for me No an SSRI drug will inhibit the SERT transporter by like 50% at least but more like 80%+ at clinically effective doses. I've been taking it for 7-8 years. My dr is recommending a low does SSRI, probably paroxetine (Brisdelle). I suppose another thing worth mentioning is that increasing BDNF is not necessarily a good thing. m. I have no idea at this point. I’m not so lucky unfortunately- “just a small dose” for anxiety has been a total disaster, transforming my life and personality, making everything worse, yet can’t stop taking it. Killed my libido, killed what little sleep I did get, also negatively affected my appetite. seroquel sleep is ELITE. Difficult to be awakened at this time. Don't drink, smoke, do drugs. Trazodone is a good one to help sleep. All you have to do is go to youtube and look up some routines. Most restful portion of sleep. Find and strengthen your best habits and help others improve theirs. Doctors really should take the time to properly explain this kind of thing :(It's not uncommon for individuals on SSRIs or other antidepressants, like venlafaxine and trazodone, to experience changes in their interests, including a loss of enthusiasm for hobbies and activities they used to like. It’s a 3rd line SR agonist/modulator with some SSRI activity. I've tried both Lexapro(Escitalopram) and Zoloft(Sertraline). In my experience: if something works good, even not completely or with minor side effects - don't cancel, don't Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) compared with placebo: three studies (135 participants) compared SSRIs with placebo. Unfortunately, that has been really elusive and my doctors have largely given up trying to find a medical solution. Wellbutrin, busbar, Effexor None of these did anything except bad side effects The other big one is GABAergics like benzos, z-drugs, gabapentinoids, GHB, etc. My issue is good restorative sleep. I’d like to get back on SSRIs but this whole thing has really scared the hell out of me. snoring witnessed apnoeas unrefreshing sleep waking headaches (mostly in women) unexplained excessive sleepiness, tiredness or fatigue nocturia (waking from sleep to urinate) 100ug is not microdosing, try putting your 100ug tab in a 10ml eye drop bottle with vodka & leave the solution for a day or so, then use a 1ml syringe to measure your microdose anywhere from 1ug _ 10ug, yea I tried them all tbh the worst was effexor stuff had me on edge all the time sweaty face hands etc fcuk that The first antidepressant I tried was remeron, which did absolutely NOTHING for my panic disorder or anxiety and just helped me sleep and made me gain a bunch of weight. But I’ve even gotten to the point of talking in my sleep 😅 The only other thing is night sweats. But again a little year later I also got depressed, but at that time my circumstances where also poor. My smart watch has shown my sleep has improved almost unbelievably and my circadian rhythm has totally snapped into normalcy for the first time. Worked for my body and brain chemistry, and B. Though again everyone is different and your dr did put you on good tolerated ones, even Zoloft. comments sorted by Best Top New Controversial Q&A Add a Comment. And eventually you’ll stop the SSRI and have to use all those tools to maintain a good attitude Research and anecdotal evidence has shown SSRI and these lifestyle changes can cure twitching though. Feels like more than nodding off, but still not too deep in sleep to be awakened. Selecting the When considering SSRIs for sleep, several options have shown promise in clinical studies and real-world applications. Although quetiapine HAS a antidepressant effect, as it blocks serotonin reuptake just like any SSRI. I have a script for melatonin. I take 200mg of Zoloft and honestly I’m still psycho for a week a month. It depends on you and what you need most out of an SSRI. But if I stop the SSRI I get brainzaps. I've had sleep issues for a LONG time. So the thing that’s tricky is SSRIs can temporarily cause insomnia as a start up side effect BUT once they kick in and help your anxiety I’ve found they help sleep so much. My doctor wants to start me on an SSRI or SNRI-type medication (examples: (Paxil, Zoloft, Effexor, Pristiq, Trintellix, Lexapro, etc). 5 weeks. i haven't gotten quality sleep until starting it, the only "warning" ill have to say regarding seroquel for sleep (and i don't mean this as a true negative) is the vivid dreams. I haven’t had that happen though. The other option is a low dose of an atypical antipsychotic to augment the SSRI. I'd recommend taking it 2-3 hrs before sleep to hopefully leave you less groggy in the morning, but no matter what you do you'll be a bit tired the first few weeks. A subreddit for the informal discussion and/or creating of memes about the SSRI class of psychotropic medications (NOT for seeking or offering formal medical advice) We are supporting the Reddit Blackout starting 6/12/23. I would say give it a 1-1. If anything it was improved or at least it didn't feel as dire if I had a bad night sleep (and when I say mine are bad I do mean bad. Ive tried Paxil which worked for 3-4 months than pooped out. Reply I have no problem with sleep onset but I always wake up twice a night after 3h. I have tried Zoloft, Prozac, celexa. Has helped my anxiety become more manageable. The "experts" generally dismiss such concerns as being negligible relative to the potential harm of living with depression, but there are a lot of very smart people who have been sounding the alarm about generally understated toxicity profiles of a lot of drugs (due to issues with lab mice). Antidepressants can cause insomnia and prevent REM sleep or deep sleep needed for brain and muscle recovery. Daytime tiredness is a key indicator of Sleep apnea / hyponea syndrome. Because yeah, sleep is important, and having ants in your pants in the middle of the night creates anxiety itself. Most of the side effects you experience in the first two weeks will be mildly/moderately (not severely) unpleasant (changes in sleep, mood, general feeling, libido, etc. I know that a regular schedule with exercise, good sleep, a healthy diet etc. For sleep, most are prescribed 25-100mg and for depression it’s at least 150mg. Good luck at 8 months of benzo use vs SSRIs use if you want you to link me to one piece of literature that says benzodiazepines are the better choice. It can improve but it will always be a lingering side effect. I sleep ok, but I never feel rested or rejuvenated. SSRI did make me zombie too, especially high doses. I took celexa for 5 years and it never went away, I just knew how to work around it. Supplements are good too and are surprisingly effective. Especially because GAD is so personal and has so many different potential factors contributing prescribing SSRI's in this way seems really reckless to me. That said, everyone responds differently. I used to sleep at 12am but since I’ve been taking Zoloft (for a year now) I sleep at 9pm latest 10pm. I’m in the same boat as you. Prozac is considered the most stimulating, and is likely to cause insomnia and anxiety. Zoloft and Lexapro tend to do better if you are struggling with anxiety, as they're typically more sedating. I agree with this poster! I am diagnosed with Major Depression, General Anxiety, and PTSD, and I can say with confidence that Paxil [40mg for the past year, 20 and 10 for the two years prior] has been the only medication that has A. I don't think ssri's are that great for insomnia, I mean, many people have good results with some (Trazadone for example) but I still think that taking ssri's should be avoided because of the side effects, (especially if you dont have depression/gad). Certainly there would be some sort of distribution curve with optimal levels. i took effexor too for 10 years and than it stopped working. It was developed with SA in mind. Drugs like Trazodone are often prescribed off label for sleep. i have tried pretty much all the snris and ssris and none are working for me. wow im the same as you. Lots Not gonna lie, your insomnia can worsen, mine did. Might try that again. Otherwise I won’t sleep properly. The SSRI has been totally different and is the first thing I’ve felt actually giving me improvement after the first week or two (when effects from everything else seem to top out). reReddit: Top posts of March 29, 2022. These are good as an as required med when social anxiety hits. Once again I’ll still wake one or two times (usually loo break), but feel super sleepy, and immediately back to sleep. However, that being a given, a relatively recent metanalysis on 21 antidepressants found that agomelatine, citalopram, escitalopram, fluoxetine, sertraline, and vortioxetine were more tolerable than other antidepressants. Antidepressants are a common way to treat the symptoms of Better to go back to venlafaxine - one med that worked. That more or less straightened out my sleep and after that my sleep slowly got better. Although of all the meds I had to import for various reasons over long time, only ever gotten a couple seizures letters - even ordering direct without a reship service A community for people taking Zoloft (sertraline) to discuss questions, concerns, and success stories. Also, doing something actively during the day to make you feel good probably increases your serotonin levels which can help you sleep that night. Get assessed and ask for a script for trazodone it helps you sleep. But I am kind of liking the energy part of it. Biggest issue with ssri is sexual effects, and why so many quit them. I take a combination of lamotrigine, cymbalta, trazodone (to help me sleep because ptsd), and lorazepam (anxiety). I use it for sleep sometimes, but when my PTSD was at it’s worst nothing helped like Zopiclone. 5months (especially considering other factors like lifestyle, dietary contributions, environment, physiological make up) and I think the side effects will . I had even worse insomnia on Wellbutrin so that’s good you can sleep on that at least. Title says it all. I've tried zopiclone, seroquel, trazodone, otc antihistamines, melatonin, magnesium. Id like to know which SSRI/SNRI has worked the best for you guys for reducing anxiety. It's a 2fer for me. Reddit iOS Reddit Android Reddit Premium About Reddit Advertise Blog Careers Press. hello everyone! so for the past 5-6 months now i’ve been dealing with some pretty severe LPR (cough, mucus in throat, chronic throat clearing, hoarseness) and have been on Nexium 20mg in the morning and evening for a little over 3 months. Apparently some people get manic from stimulants or SSNRI’s or SSRI’s so that is something to monitor. PM: Cymbalta (SSNRI for depression), Lamictal (anticonvulsant/mood stabilizer for BP2), Seroquel (antipsychotic for sleep and mania prevention), and trazodone (sedative for sleep) They work well. I was depressed after cancer and surgery, put chemically into menopause, and getting very little, poor quality sleep. Lexapro is pretty good and I don't have any intelligent comment to make about heart damage. Weed is prescribed for pain and insomnia. Only doing all those things can the SSRI help get you to a better place. Decades at this point. For depression Lamotrigine has given me my life back. Good overseas suppliers use a domestic reship service so their house in US gets the customs letter, not you. . Reddit . It’s more of what’s called a receptor modulator or agonist or antagonist. NR3 sleep (non-REM 3; also known as Delta Sleep) - Deep sleep. Reply reply Infinite-Meet6010 I'd generally recommend 15mg for sleep as lower doses are more sedating, I'm already groggy when I wake up from 15mg, can't imagine 7. Also mirtazapine at a lower dose, but mirtazapine increases hunger quite a bit. ) They will ALL subside after three weeks except the decreased libido, which remains in about 1/3 of Lexapro takers for good. A good place to start would be by looking at your diet. I’m on 200 mg Zoloft (dosage will differ based on the SSRI), which is the recommended dosage for OCD sufferers. I know you said that you’re two weeks in and on 100mg. What about you, in terms of overall sleep quality, which SSRI was the best for your sleep? Like I do get good sleep, and I’m super prone to car naps now which is unlike me but that’s about it. My post is about lexapro and REM sleep. I’ve heard that 60-80mg is a good starting dose. My lows get super low and my psychs have always decided adding higher doses of SSRIs and upping the doses of antipsychotics (and You know what Prozac was the OG bad boy first approved SSRI but it is also one of the best tolerated. Thank you for the reply. Stop doing any super strenuous exercise if you already do. Otherwise I recommend talking to your dr if u need something extra!! It’s seen as quite an uncommon SSRI for whatever reason (probably because the marketing field of it is quite niche, belonging originally to some underrated Swiss company or something) but it’s uniquely good for people with anything like treatment-resistant schizoaffective disorder and “negative” symptoms of schizophrenia (the Or go to bed and wake up at 2. which MAOI are you on? i hear nardil is better for more anxiety based conditions and parnate Felt good (also got to feel a little too good I guess). Improvement in sleep quality, social anxiety, depression, sexual function and it even helped with my heartburn. It can actually make the problem worse with SSRI withdrawal. Prozac was the OG SSRI for PMDD, but studies are showing that any type of SSRI can do the job. In addition to that, I take Lamotrigine as well (100mg) which I started before the Zoloft, and it’s this combination that’s had the best effect for me. SSRI causing insomnia, advice wanted please! I have started taking fluvoxamine for OCD for about a month, I immediately noticed I was never tired at night, which escalated to not being able to sleep a full night. Does anyone have experience with this treatment? Or any SSRI. For depersonalization, getting good sleep is the only thing that I have found to help. Please read below for more information and resources about about OCD and the subreddit. I really don't understand why so many doctors prescribe SSRI's for GAD, it works for such a small number of people relatively. snoriedory Reddit . At higher doses it acts as a dopamine re-uptake inhibitor as well an SRI, which will tend to help with SA for a lot of people. would do wonders for my symptoms too, but trying to find the energy with the depression and trying to do anything consistently with ADHD have been mountains I’ve tended to struggle to overcome. I’m on 50 MG and recommend you take it at night before bed. I can say that I didn't notice it getting any worse. so sleep deprivation is one of my main problems too I hope it helps. If you can only have 1 drug I think mianserin is very solid but it's not available in NA and the structurally similar mirtazapine tends to cause God forbid the original poster works with their doctor to find the antidepressant that works best for them both as an antidepressant and to foster BDNF. Cant sleep. If insomnia can cause low serotonin and good sleep can cause a healthy level of serotonin, then this makes sense. i was on celexa (ssri) and seroquel (antipsychotic but i was prescribed it for sleep and mood stabilizer) and it was a wonderful combo im hoping to get back on them soon since the withdrawals have made my insomnia worse than before. Hey! So I see you just started Zoloft. The second one I tried was lexapro, which completely stopped my panic attacks and racing thoughts but made me almost catatonic, I was so loopy and out of it on it that I felt I take SNRIs and it gives me a bit more energy if anything. It’s important to note that the effectiveness of each SSRI can vary significantly from person to person, When you’re deciding on an antidepressant or SSRIs, it helps to read about all your options to find one that works best for you. Produced the least amount of black blast/adverse effects. I had to stop using my estrogen patches cold turkey and menopause is killing me! Hot flashes and night sweats are probably the biggest symptom right now, brain fog and exhaustion a close second. Yes!!! In conjunction with ERP. She says it Why I believe Fluoxetine / Prozac is the best SSRI overall Comment: After discovering Moclobemide was causing a bizarre increase in daytime sleepiness/ fatigue, and also after realising that it isn't available in a country I plan to move to, I've recently decided to wean off it, and then had a very painful time finding a suitable replacement The whole insomnia lasted for about 2. Zoloft is an antidepressant and anti-anxiety medication in the pharmaceutical class SSRI. ever? Another option might be to swap the SSRI for an MAOI like Parnate or high dose Moclobemide which increase serotonin levels like an SSRI but also substantially increase norepinephrine and dopamine levels. Eventually it lessens. Switching to an SNRI caused me so much nausea I was vomiting and couldn't keep them down. Apparently SSRIs can inhibit REM sleep which is the stage of sleep where people dream. im really having a hard time finding a medication or something to help. Benzo WD is much worse and dangerous, SSRI WD is awful too but won’t kill you and is easier to taper. If you have 2 or more of the following symptoms, get a sleep study done. Also using otc sleep aids like melatonin/ashwaganda to help you fall and stay asleep as well as having good sleep practices to get you ready for bed/wind down can definitely help. Mind you, I take the prescription drugs at the low end of the dosing range because I already feel too groggy the next day. I think my withdrawal was from lexapro not Wellbutrin. not nightmares, just really goofy vivid dreams lol Trazodone is classed as an atypical antidepressant, but to be effective for depression it’s recommended to take larger quantities. What has been the best SSRI for you? which is known to be enhanced by fluoxetine and I was taking Trazodone for sleep, which is another fluoxetine booster. Hi everyone. Anti depressants was my last hope in terms of my depressive symptoms, but I also did a lot of reading on the best SSRI for PE, so I ended up on Paroxetine. So I recon it won't make too much of a difference but nevertheless try it out. Wellbutrin was the attempt to treat it directly, but because it made my sleep even worse, it 132K subscribers in the insomnia community. but like you said these tend to interfere with sleep structure and cause dependence so they are best avoided long term. NR2 Sleep (non-REM 2) - Lighter sleep that comprises most of your time slept. My crippling anxiety was gone and I lasted long. I couldn't sleep on my first SSRI. I can’t answer which ssri is best, but there are alternatives if you can’t tolerate ssri. Some prescribers give another drug to quell it until it settles and then increase your dose. Sex drivethat’s a whole other beast. Posts and discussion about insomnia and sleep disorders. Very glad to hear you’re not taking them anymore! It’s never justified except maybe for persistent psychosis. Stopped helping after a while, but I think I was just apathetic to switching to another one for multiple reasons, one of which is the possible side effects from a new medication. Felt hellish. I would use it every 3-4 nights to “reset” my really bad anxeity and tension and help me get a proper nights sleep. This is good since I don't freak out over everything or have extreme emotional reactions to things anymore. I've been creeping reddit about experiences and it seems like its a effective drug! How is your experience going 8mo later? I take 7. Citalopram and Prozac (fluoxetine) are quite well tolerated. I'm having hard time to fall asleep for the last 2 weeks and even thought I sleep I get up too early involuntarily at 5-6 a. Anyone take an anti depressant which helped with No single antidepressant is best for sleep, but each has properties that can help or harm depending on the patient’s sleep disorder. Managed to take 20mg of Fluoxetine for around 5 years. Trazadone is the next step usually for SSRIs and is generally a harder drug. The energy from the SNRI helps me get out of bed because I'm one of those sleep forever depressed people. Antihistamine can cause chronic constipation, and have some pretty strong correlation to declining mental capacity later in life, up to and including Alzheimer’s. Taking it in the morning is super important for me. If I’m desperate for a really good sleep, say after a late night / early start, I’ll take the full 300mg the night after. 5mg for sleep plus an SSRI for anxiety/depression. Ginger extract won’t do it as much but it’s good for augmenting other supplements like Sam-e and zembrin so you don’t get the SSRI side effects, it’s a piece of the puzzle not the entire equation, and like I said I did try higher doses and the effect was incase it’s helpful these are the things i focused on when getting off of meds: -therapy (a LOT - i saw both an OCD specialist and a normal therapist) -reading up on greenbergs stuff-regular OUTDOOR exercise and other generic healthy lifestyle management stuff -buddhism. Good for long naps - under 45 mins. I would tell your doctor about the sleep issues and see what they want to do next. I've been on amitriptyline, paxil and now zoloft, along with Xanax for sleep. View community ranking In the Top 1% of largest communities on Reddit. This may leave one feeling wired and tired. There is no 'best' SSRI as they all effect everyone differently. I had a lot of side effects when I started meds. In the morning I take Concerta, but my sleep is sh*t (with or without Concerta) and I need some medication to help me sleep. This is the best symptoms management plan I Reddit iOS Reddit Android Reddit Premium About Reddit Advertise Blog Careers Press. pxwwe abuchq oayfqc bfa exjnfmm dacniqh mggx wfmk mmleoz ckj ymtv gvyuq tjqhnvxp fflmdp txxloxwr