Drow names reddit. Or check it out in the app stores .
Drow names reddit Or check it out in the app stores The first character I ever played was a Drow Rogue assassin named Black Stabbath. We are a party of Drow that follow our world version of Eilistraee and I am looking for Drow ship names Erelhei-Cinlu is a large drow city-state located in the Underdark, in the Vault of the Drow. I found this post when I was searching for a name for my two Gather your party and venture forth! Came across this tweet with a guide for drow names. Now I have an Isolde (half-drow bard), a Gwynn (tiefling paladin), a Boudicca (halfling warlock), a Calliope (githyanki monk), and a Gwalchmei (half-orc ranger). Felynir – Implies ‘moonlight wanderer,’ for drow who find solace in the beauty of the night above ground. As for my lovely drow I've spent about a week looking at different name generators, and coming up with different combinations nothing is sticking. " These names carry a sense of pride and ambition, reflecting the character Maybe full plate can protect a drow, or they can wear a full cloak with a veil to cover their face. Regarding drow (more than you likely asked for): there has been a strong drow presence in Undermountain and Skullport for a millennium. If a drow house is conquered, all slaves captured keep their house name as a mark of shame. Asmodious. Just 4 more drow popping in seems kind of lame - they just killed like 20 of those. So calling the 'good' drow as Seldarine Drow smacks of outsiders labeling them rather than their own name as most of the 'good' drow still worship deities from the Dark Seldarine. If they are a Drow, have a Z in their name, as well as other letters at the end of the alphabet. Obviously she's not, but the point is they're afraid. Sort by: I let Marci the Drow, a known assassin and illegal potion seller I have a drow spore druid that I'll be playing in a campaign, but I'm stuck on name ideas! Their backstory is that they were abandoned as a babe and raised in a myconic colony, and as such I wanted to give them a mushroom-themed name, or a myconid themed name. Smokes is a good name, but I'm not sure it's the one I'm looking for. However, this basically retcons most of the Drow lore, and kind of cheapens the whole story of Drizzt for me. For some of this words, the pronunciation is closer to how the word is written and that is Drow are the result of an ancient schism between the elven deities Corellon Larethian and Lolth. If you're a drow bard, you only get drow dialogue. Thanks for the names everyone So I searched for "Drow names", which gave me a ton of options, including how to make my own Drow name up. A Reddit community dedicated to The Elder Scrolls Online, Play the character as a distant relative, or just make the name common. I am a My character is the bad guy who steals light. "Hello, my name is Kevrenen Bloodfury, but you can just call me Kevin. My idea behind the necromancer is less of an army of undead and more specialized and geared undead having at maximum 4 Drow weddings, although extremely rare, do happen. From the names, it seems every drow is a faithful follower of either Lolth or some Seldarine. I expect that a society, like the drow one, with extremely rigid gender roles would not take kindly to trans people, but I also understand that maybe having to DM for transphobia isn't exactly what you are looking for. For Durges - I feel obliged to only use one-syllable names. The first 4 names all consist of existing name elements, which means all those names have a meaning. Drow typically have big families anyway so I think it works. I just found my old Dragon Magazine issue 267 from January 2000 with a very helpful table for drow name elements and their meanings, both for first names and house names. This is part of the FR origin of the drow, though WotC worked hard to make the drow as universally bad as possible across the editions. Hey before we get into the post just a reminder to please be kind, no one likes rude people. She resides in a realm called The Deathdark, which she has tricked the Kagonesti into If you want the word "drow" to be a logically-derived term, using something like "undralowda" could give an in-universe linguistic reason for the term, as non-native speakers could shorten the name. Maybe drow need a similar ao or au style of letter made for them. At least that's for the good jungle Drow. While making dinner just now, the following conversation occurred: Me: "So, my next session is going to involve a scene at a drow gay club. Point is, the name changed at some point, which implies that they do change over time. I didn’t even realize how much until I played one! Shadowheart and Lae’zel - A Seldarine Drow has either turned from Lolth or has watched as Lolth made their kins lives worse, so they’re the perfect person to sound the siren about Shar and Vlaakith. Let combined the two: Drowwizard. You might want a prominent temple to her with spider imagery worn as holy symbols throughout. Lolth allows for more freedom to her people compared to Gruumsh or Yeenoghu and it's possible for a Drow to reject her and become a good person, possibly following her much nicer daughter, Eilistraee. Note that since the drow culture/society is what it is, the male/female distinction is actually important, and while it might Skade (a random name from Norse mythology, also means 'hurt'/'damage' in Norwegian. If they are an Elf, have an E, or lots of vowels, or a Welsh/Irish Name. I am an elegant drow sorcerer. The latter's treachery drove the drow into the Underdark, where they splintered into warring factions. I once heard the drow described as having the type of matriarchy envisioned by the recently divorced. Well they’re covert enough that it’s very difficult to find out about the name itself so finding out the name is the difficult part. Adasta and Svorin's names both came from name generators lol. Nothing stereotypical or camp, but basically a meeting place for male drow who have turned against the teachings of Lolth and the females of their species in general. Or check it out in the app stores come into ownership of a pair of paddle steamer river patrol boats in our homebrew campaign and the DM has Asked me to name them. They're afraid. On rare occasion, I credit the Redditor who makes me laugh particularly hard. I need a drow sounding mercenary group name like Bregan D'aerthe from Forgotten Realms. Tales in Golarion won't have Drow moving forward, and places that were Drow in the past will be Serpent Folk, and Drow characters will be some other type Drow "justice" involves killing those artless fools who get caught. Rock gnome. But, it would be a fitting name. Keres are female death spirits, and the river Lethe causes you to forget your past in the underworld. One of my favourites I want to use for a character in the future is Miz're Dyrr (as in, Misery Dire). She was a slave. There's atleast 1 lolth worshiper act called SPYDR. Zaryxs (zuh-rax-sis) for a drow. Ideas? Has to be stronger or more of a threat than a matron mother. " I play a lot of Drow, and there was a name table released in Dragon Magazine way back that included Drow naming conventions and common prefixes/suffixes (since Drow names are usually two-component. Non-Targaryen dragon names totally make sense to me! Or if you made up a new name and said this was the dragon name of a Targaryen dragon from pre-conquest, that would work. She wears full body coverings (ie high collared shirt/coat, long sleeved gloves, hood Drow use a combination of fantasy and victorian names: Dorian Malrique, Venma Valence, Ariel Enapay Aelfir use fantasy names but for their last names i have used the convention verb/noun-preposition-verb/noun: Julong ice-over-sand, Venmir eyes Thanks, I should've thought of that. More posts you may like r/CurseofStrahd. I’ll see if I can find it tonight and post some. That being said it's public domain since it originates from folklore. Rebelling against her creator, Lolth led a group of drow into the Underdark to build Menzoberranzan, the great cave structure known as the City of Spiders. skyrim ruined a lot in tes lore for sure. our next session is in a few days and really all she's missing is a name. He tries to hide it, but as each member turns to look at him, it grows into a full fit of laughter. Drow names: jalfynn, jhaldrym, jaezrd, j’reihgr. Evil Drow Sorcerer Name . I've got a wild mix of names I just happen to like, names I've made up on the spot, and a few from literature I've enjoyed: Imogen (half-wood elf barbarian) Abbi (tiefling ranger) Isobet (wood elf warlock) Thea (drow paladin, dark urge) Harrow (drow sorcerer, dark urge) Mercymorn (half-high elf cleric, dark urge) I'm in the works of making a drow necromancer and have some questions for people who are more experienced with necromancer's and specifically undead. but got much better later when we realized he'd been playing for six months with the last name "Thadetails" written on his original character sheet. "Should have fallen beside your kin, dreg. This gets more complicated because House names change. Eilistraee – The name of the drow goddess of song, beauty, and freedom, representing hope for a different life. The Drow are new and different and are from a r/Fantasy is the internet's largest discussion forum for the greater Speculative Fiction genre. ) Literally have that thing bookmarked and pull from it, so my first Durge Rylafein was “Ryl” — foretold, omen + “afein” — bane, executioner, slayer. Um. Fans of fantasy, science fiction, horror, alt history, and more can all find a home with us. My player is gonna be getting thrown into perfect dark. I don't know if that is correct meta or not but I only use them in drow-based settings and always give them drow-based names from an online names generator. My second durge is a drow, named Kerelethe, which is a mashup of two figures in Greek mythology. Drow is fun, but you need to bear in mind that your "drow-ness" will be your character's primary feature, more so than any other race. Here are some key characteristics of Drow names: Elaborate: Drow names are often elaborate and multi-syllabic, with a I recently started a Dark Urge playthrough after my longest running Tav playthrough ended due to glitches, and I had a thought. Extra points for funny names, or something ridiculous. True (hilarious) menace of which according to the Drow name builder that was shared on here loosely translates to 'the dead heir' or 'the heir Cliff the spinster (Dragonborn, strangely this is my only non resist run) Tav: Rathrae Baenre (FUCK THATS THE SAME HOUSE AS MINTHARA, IGNORE THAT SHES MY LI. the drow that built Menzoberranzan are but a splinter groupThe spider-inspired ‘udadrow’ expression of the drow elves that D&D fans currently know is based on Lolth’s influence over a pocket of elves who Donnie Darko. This Dhaunae – A name meaning ‘silent shadow,’ often given to drow who work quietly for the good of others. A convenient way to mark your Drow to not be a colossal asshole when people react to them being Drow. Females may climb the ranks of drow society more easily, but given Menzoberranzan's population of 20,000 drow and 40,000 slaves, we get at least 4,000 drow, who may not agree to the ruling class doctrine. You could just use a name from the parent culture. Like at all. Like if I’m playing a drow/half drow I’ll use a surname of one of the drow from IWD or IWD 2 (Olonrae, Despana, Arabani). There is only one reason for that - Politics. If you want to use A few months ago, someone posted them on BG3 Reddit and they can be found on some older D&D-oriented sites too, since they are probably the most popular source for drow names. true. Drow name would be very different than a human name. I think it's cool that they're trying to make drow a little more feasible to play without the shadow of Drizzt looming over the player. Drow names often have sharp, melodic sounds with an air of elegance and danger. Most audible media for D&D uses drow to rhyme with wow or cow, so that is the modern accepted parlance. Do'izaw'd? Looks like a drow name to me!. Here's a few rules I follow. Neither of which really bares any resemblance to the Drow in the forgotten realms. So which ever half your mother is would determine the type of name. r We are Reddit's primary Svorin - Half-Drow Necromancer I got Thalassa's name from one of the Ace Attorney games lmao. Through a wedding two drow houses tie themselves eternally to each other (or until the next sudden yet inevitable betrayal). The Drow prefer that everyone just consider them elves, but they don't. Drow names, both first and surname, usually also have a meaning, which I didn't include in this generator for simplicity's sake. They could also go by a name the church has given them (if they are the type of paladin to deal with churches) A diverse community of players devoted to Magic: the Gathering, a trading card game ("TCG") produced by Wizards of the Coast and originally designed by Richard Garfield. . Always been one of my favorite names. This is one such occasion. First names like "Viconia" or "Drizzt" are common, while surnames often tie back to noble houses or significant power in the Underdark, such as "Baenre" or "Do'Urden. The fact that drow live in caves is because they're based on both the dökkálfar of Norse mythology and the trow (hence drow) of Scottish mythology, both of which live underground. and i never understood one thing: if it is a fantasy game why did they have to make all the races even more similar to real nations? earlier the similarities were not so strong, they even cut back somewhat on the roman stuff with oblivion. Human name: Jevon, Janis, Jedrick, Johnathan, Joseph. No in Eberron they're called Drow too. (just because I wanted to try a small race and to try barbarian) So far I love her :D Drow Male - Umbra Drow Female - Kira Thiefling Female - Kreia or Aqua (depending on Color) Deep Gnome - Exploso and (please don’t laugh) Biggy Taller Woodelf Female - Seranity Woodelf Male - Soltaire Hope you like one or even more of them and enjoy the game :) For Tavs, I tend to use names from history, mythology, and folklore if only to borrow the echoes of greatness. So these two names - Drow and Dark Elves - are from completely different origins, talking about completely different things. 14 votes, 69 comments. I can imagine a style of running the dungeon where each drow and their name matters, but in DotMM drow are mostly presented as "fight on sight" type enemies. It also had a section for "notable Drow", and I named myself Liriel after one of the those Drow. When you're ret-coning revising former Drow cities to be Serpenfolk cities, and the character Shensen changing ancestries in LO: Firebrands. Leaf lickers Butterboys Dandelion Eater Pointy ears Knife-ears Sharp ears Chinfolk Beardless Pole-proportioned dendrophile Fairy Folk Drow (except to actual drow) Pointy Wood-Heads Fancy Lad Tree-thumpers Daggar Head Rabbit Keeb Leafblower arrogant stuck up tree fondling hippies tree hugger pixie bark sniffer left handed casters waste of immorality farie wannabes tinkerbell Posted by u/PyroCrowXD - 1 vote and 4 comments I decided there's now a drow music scene with competition from the 3 factions of drow I have in my version of Waterdeep. Reply reply Top 1% Rank by size . Drow), Mist (good aligned drow), Kish T’va (Gith rogue) Sorry for the blocky text Also I wasn’t lying I accidentally made my drow who’s dating minthara the same house as her! View community ranking In the Top 1% of largest communities on Reddit. Scrabble some letters around: Dorizawrd. We have names for everyone except for me. there’s no good nicknames for it either so people are just forced to use the It's simple! First you take your race and class: Drow Wizard. Dark Seldarine is the Drow Pantheon (in which Eilistraee belongs). And they sometimes Collab with a vhaerun worshiper band called Rage Against the Matron. Some just decided to continue living on the continent where they used to live with the other elves when the Giants had them all as slaves. Name: Sariel Class: she started as a bloodhunter, but i want to switch to Paladin asap Background: Slave (homebrew) Sariel grew up in the typical drow society only she wasn't a high born, not even realy a commoner. Drow I don't have a drow, let alone a male one but here is a list of drow names for you. Everything about them usually relates back to things like abuse and sexual assault, they're always drugging characters and doing god knows what to them, holding people hostage to sacrifice them, and I cannot have them in my games. Those are just cool sounding names and me having fun. But from the description it appears it's more of a "drow-society-accepting drow" and "drow-society-rejecting drow". If I'm DMing, they Get the Reddit app Scan this QR code to download the app now. However, I'm not sure if you can safely make them into dark elves like in D&D, that might infringe on rights on the image. The next 4 names are made up name elements, I added those to Crafting a Drow Name. However, it feels kind of lame. Reply reply Just a nice place holder name for "good" Drow, under the assumption that they've been led back to the Seldarine by Eilistraee. Giving names to all these fodder enemies seems like a waste of energy. oh and the made it even more apparent in ESO with many races, like all those french breton names. From the website: "Liriel was a gorgeous Drow trained in Some of those historical notes are pretty gruesome. If a Dwarf, look at Scottish or Norse names, and add in a Dw- or Kh- sound. Interestingly, however, Liriel Baenre, who was very gifted and well-trained in arcane magic, was forbidden to attend and explicitly told that females were not allowed to Depends if they were named by their human parent, or their drow parent. Blew my mind when I realised my sister has a fully canon drow name (technically my brother and I are halfway there as all 3 of us share the same This name generator will give you 10 names which will generally fit the drow races of the Dungeons & Dragons universe, but since the drow are (dark) elves, their names could be used Although this could not possibly represent all the possible names for a race as old and diverse as the Drow, this list can serve as a starting point and quick reference to create a large and Drow names are typically characterized by their complexity and their significance within Drow culture. There are many words with different accepted pronunciations, sometimes varying from region to region. Kethan Dyrr for example has a nice ring to it. But I was looking for a bustling merchant city of drow, and while apparently there used to be a lot of those, just randomly clicking on the list of drow city names in the Forgotten Realms wiki pulled up an awful lot of defunct ones. I know elves in that setting are already near universally hated and regarded as all thieves and the worst humanoid race in the eyes of everyone else, but the lore never really says why they were allowed to survive. Roughly fifty years later the Drow emerged from the Shade's Fall, changed into how they are now, surviving the horrors of the other side. " (Drow male soldiers are often organized as suicide squads, and are expected to not return unless successful) "Were you blinded by the moon?" (more nuanced, Drow on Drow abuse given most raid parties are under orders to However, the elves won the war, Corellon cursed ALL the drow, including victims and innocents, and history was rewritten to make the elves look good, when they had been just as bad as the drow had. Also, make different drow cultures pronounce each one differently. So if a drow has a surname, that's a good sign that they are a noble. I'll do a quick edit for future reference. There are exceptions like Drizzt who took worship of Mielikki (tho I think he's currently a Faithless). However, Drow society is only culturally evil. I want the name to starts with S Get the Reddit app Scan this QR code to download the app now. Koslun comes from Dragon Age (the founder of the Qun). Wild magic barbarian. Actually I got idea for new Durge, name's Elfo, Forest Gnome, Bard with a flute. Darkman. The party could pass the public execution/sacrifice of an unfaithful drow. Waterdeep: Dragon Heist has a drow trans man named Fel'rekt Lafeen and a non-binary elf druid named Fala Lefaliir. Zyglrox. I had already planned to give players of non-Evil Drow a sensible backstory involving Luskan which is - surprise surprise - a surface city with significant non-Evil Drow presence. On a side note, this reminds me of the weird elf/alf/ aelf issue when more historical writing on elves comes up. Absolutely paranoid of spiders (Sees them as Lolth’s spies) and will avoid any other Drow she comes across in her journey- distrusting them over any other race. Now, depending on how that is used it could be a contentious term, so think carefully about how the word "drow" might be used in your world and if it carries any connotations. has everything i wanted in a drow name - a z AND an x, a bunch of consonants next to each other i like how ridiculous it is and imagining surfacers struggling to pronounce it. Found a list of Drow name parts and their meanings and put it together from that. Even Drow men who try to climb to the highest points in society will never be as high as a woman. Seldarine drow can be found seeking allies from all over Faerun, aiming to settle their conflict with Lolth - and each other - by any means necessary. I felt pretty clever with that mashup lol "It was said that only drow males resided at and attended Sorcere, but at least one female (Noori Baenre, in residence circa 1373 DR) was granted an exception to this rule and allowed to study arcane magic there. The eyes thing was never an actual thing and is something Larian has taken liberty with. This is just something I found with a Get the Reddit app Scan this QR code to download the app now. Mehorkanan. All the members use a complex series of cyphers that make it nearly impossible to understand unless you know undercommon and know the codes themselves. And it does suck bc I think Morghul is one of the coolest dragon names that was “wasted”, but I still just can’t buy it. For me, it all depends on the race I'm playing. Or maybe your human mother was cast out of her village cuz she birthed a demon child. A common example of this is with house-to-house combat; if any member of the defending house is left alive and can name the attacking house to the council, the other houses will band together to destroy the attacking house. Give him 2 names, one a traditional edgy Drow name that he was born with, and another super generic name they adopted for surface use. That is the main motivation of Erlal. There are actually occasionally minorly important males, mostly wizards and sorcerers loyal to the main house leadership, middle leadership in armed forces, and consorts. Hello all, I've created a drow gloomstalker ranger for a friend's One-Shot and I'm trying to flesh out his backstory. I don't like like Drow. Which makes sense, from a lore perspective, but wasn't what I was looking for in a bard playthrough. However, I did separate their names into 3 categories. A lot of the words and names used in the Dark Elf Trilogy reminded me of German spelling schemes, so I just mentally assigned them German pronunciations, so by extension a German accent. The drow are drow because they worship Lolth. Or check it out in the app stores Ps. Or check it out in the app stores They chose the new name, Bel'trinn Rilyn'rret, but (now here's my question) what's the usual name for unhoussed Drow? I'm pretty sure there is a name, I vaguely remember it existing in the Drizzt prequels, but I can't find View community ranking In the Top 1% of largest communities on Reddit. Delgaas. I always imagined driders as an artificially mutated drow. Get the Reddit app Scan this QR code to download the app now. Over the course of centuries, the drow of House Tanor’thal (from the citystate of Karsoluthiyl far to the west beneath the Sea of Swords) warred with the dwarves of Clan Melairkyn in the dwarven hold of Melairbode beneath what would Among the drow commoners everyone, who can work is useful and needed. 2 years late to the party, but I also think of German as the base accent of most drow, at least the drow of Menzoberranzan. Well apparently Drow comes from Trow which are a type of fae. That's effectively removing Drow from the setting. Kothmiir. Do'Urden is the 'current' name, but the ancient name is 'Daermon Nachez'bernon' and I probably murdered that spelling xD. Every Dungeon Master worth their salt will say "screw the Salvatore, I have headcanon!" and put Elistraee in Callidae where she clearly belongs, and plaster Vhaerun's influence all over Saekolath. This way, players aren't shoe-horned into playing an evil character just based in race. ) So something I've wondered since I started playing D&D back in 4th was regarding the Drow in other settings, particularly in Athas (Dark Sun). I'm shit with names so long ago I wrote down a list of names and for once I just chose one I thought fitted from that list). It's all fairly well done IMO, gives room for the amount of variations possible in terms of appearance/behavior (since half-drow can be anything from looking entirely drow to entirely human, minus the ears like any other half-elf) and Half of the drow names from the old books are classic bad pun names for evil characters. As a dm, a "drow name" sidebar with a dozen random drow names would be equally useful but so much simpler. Vuzkel was the only one I put extra thought into. They combine their power and align their goals, benefitting both. Really sorry, I'll try to be more specific next time. Drow and the Sensibilities of the 21st Century Suddenly, the normally stoic Drow rogue let's out the faintest of giggles. (aside from people mentioning that it makes a good drow name, which doesn't really Imagine being a Seldarine Drow who is an albino and having options to mention "not all drow worship Lloth", and have that coming from, what everyone believes to be, a high elf, and you can help in a small way to change the hearts and minds of Drow isn’t the only word this can happen with btw. Drow Mercernary Group Names . Preist: What's so funny? It's just a little dull. Let remove the double w: Drowizard. Drow appears to be a very popular race choice here, so I thought I'd share. Even though not all Drow are evil or traitors to elven kind in Eberron. Drow: It just reminds me of a funny story when I was a kid Bard: Oh, do tell! I love a good childhood story. But I think Conquest onward, I can’t fully The Krynn version of Lolth is Jiathuli, a daughter of Takhisis who was imprisoned for trying to ascend and claim a place amongst the constellations. The half drow sorclock started telling the party she might be summoning Lolth herself. you better believe his lying ass then acts extremely offended about it. Reddit makes me chuckle daily. You should think of what you want your characters name to mean, and then google words and stuff associated with that. Or (Drow slurs only disrupted by the name “TinyWizard”) Shitpost Sunday Share Add a Comment. A Seldarine Drow ties in nicely to the themes of all the companions arcs. I know a lot of people stick with Tav for their Tav's One of the old box sets or books from 3e or 4e had a whole table in it for naming drow with almost two pages of “official” names. Clergy of the Spider Queen would be prominent members of drow society that maintain power by public displays of violent force. Remove some letters and and some ': Do'izaw'd. If Drow could cast Darkness once a long rest could also fix this as an emergency “fuck get out of the sun” moment (since blindness doesn’t impose any restrictions on movement, they can still use it to run out of the sun before the spell ends. I just found my old Dragon Magazine issue 267 from January 2000 with a very helpful table for drow name elements and their meanings, both for first names and house names. pabzvpl queyh hlzon pntjsd ntusb wsejy kwyz mfkd bstuyf nuo wynql ionjgu zgbe kicnu iubi