Glen eira council complaints “COVID-19 is a generation defining The City of Glen Eira takes its name from two local landmarks — Glen Eira Road and Glen Eira Mansion. gleneira. 30 pm, Tuesday 14 December 2021 in the Council Chambers (420 Glen Eira Road, Caulfield). Do you After-Hours Noise Complaints — Policy. We must adhere to privacy laws Glen Eira City Council Corner Glen Eira and Hawthorn Roads Caulfield, Victoria. Council’s endorsement of this At Glen Eira City Council, managing requests and maintaining high customer service standards are our priorities. Contact us Get in touch online; 03 9524 3333; Glen Eira City Council wants to hear your voice! Fill out this survey to let us know what is important to you to help us plan for the future of Glen Eira. Contact us Get in touch online; 03 9524 3333; Being green and leafy is an important part of Glen Eira City Council’s character. PO Box 42 The Council Plan responds directly to the vision established for the community through the Glen Eira 2040 Community Vision and reflects the contributions made by the Glen Eira community This Annual Report reports on our progress in delivering the Council Plan 2021–2025 and responds to the Glen Eira 2040 Community Vision. By 31 December 2023, Glen Eira City Council amend its Complaints Handling Policy to reflect the spirit and intent of section 107 of the Local Government Act 2020 (Vic) by clarifying that Glen The best way to resolve Glen Eira Council complaints. 00pm Monday 24 March 2025 Applications assessed: The Glen Eira Council Plan 2021–25 (Council Plan) is our overarching strategic plan outlining the outcomes we seek to achieve over the next four years. Contact us Get in touch online; 03 9524 3333; visiting the Glen Eira Council Service Centre, located at Glen Eira Town Hall on the corner Hawthorn and Glen Eira Roads, Caulfield. gov. 7 cooling-off period An Ordinary Meeting of Council for Glen Eira City Council will be held at 7. Government agencies Department Glen Eira City Council Corner Glen Eira and Hawthorn Roads Caulfield, Victoria. Ordinary Glen Eira City Council Corner Glen Eira and Hawthorn Roads Caulfield, Victoria. Contact us Get in touch online; 03 9524 3333; Glen Eira City Council Corner Glen Eira and Hawthorn Roads Caulfield, Victoria. Contact us Get in touch online; 03 9524 3333; Glen Eira City Council operates CCTV systems at fixed locations throughout Glen Eira, on land and buildings that we own or control. We must adhere to privacy laws when collecting and handling your personal We must adhere to privacy laws when collecting and handling your personal information, and dealing with things like complaints and submissions. Our environmental health officers investigate residential complaints if there's The COVID-19 Omnibus (Emergency Measures) Act 2020, which received Royal Assent on 24 April 2020, amends the Local Government Act 2020 by inserting a new Part 12 – Making a report is not the same as lodging a complaint but if you leave your email contact, Glen Eira City Council Corner Glen Eira and Hawthorn Roads Caulfield, Victoria. The Ombudsman investigated Glen Eira City Council’s approach to resolving a complaint from a ratepayer. au 2. There are many issues that face the community, yet so very little opportunity to partake and thrash out Standard 7: Processes for complaints and concerns are child-focused. It provides a transparent update on our performance and the facilities, programs and Glen Eira Council says that it is try to work on a solution for the popular Big Frog mural that was removed from Murrumbeena. 17 Handling pests in your home and surrounding area can be frustrating, but Glen Eira City Council can help. 00pm on Tuesday 26 November 2024. If you Glen Eira City Council Corner Glen Eira and Hawthorn Roads Caulfield, Victoria. vic. This site is owned and operated by Glen Eira City Council using software licensed from Social Pinpoint. 30pm, Tuesday 25 June 2024 in the Council Chambers (420 Glen Eira Road, Caulfield). 5 Council means Glen Eira City Council; 2. Contact us Get in touch online; 03 9524 3333; Glen Eira Mayor Cr Margaret Esakoff said the addition of Your Stories means your unique voice can now become part of the local historical record. Glen Eira City Council Corner Glen Eira and Hawthorn Roads Caulfield, Victoria. Our staff Glen Eira City Council Corner Glen Eira and Hawthorn Roads Caulfield, Victoria. Early This site is owned and operated by Glen Eira City Council using software licensed from Social Pinpoint. How to submit a complaint You can submit a complaint in one of the following ways: submit a complaint online email us at mail@gleneira. We must adhere to privacy laws when collecting and handling your personal An Ordinary Meeting of Council for Glen Eira City Council will be held at 7. His plumber said footpath works by a Council contractor likely caused the damage. Public Interest Disclosures about Councillors should be addressed by IBAC. 6 Complaints Handling Policy means Glen Eira City Council’s Complaints Handling Policy located at www. If we can’t resolve your complaint This Policy aims to ensure that all of our customer and community members, including children and young people, can feel confident to raise complaints with Council easily with an This report follows a complaint made by a Glen Eira City Council ratepayer about damaged stormwater pipes causing flooding on his property. 12 Fraud and Corruption Policy & Procedure; 8. PDF. Police and council officers can direct offenders to stop unreasonable noise. In fact, it’s the first strategic direction of our Council Plan. Our team will head out to pressure-wash the graffiti You can lodge a customer request or complaint in person at our Service Centre, or by telephone or email. We must adhere to privacy laws when collecting and handling your personal In accordance with section 94(4) of the Local Government Act 1989 (Vic), notice is hereby given that, at the Ordinary Meeting of Glen Eira City Council scheduled for Tuesday 3 September Glen Eira City Council Corner Glen Eira and Hawthorn Roads Caulfield, Victoria. 8. The man complained after a plumber advised damage to his property’s stormwater Customer Rights and Dispute Resolution: The policy offers customers the right to escalate complaints regarding the process under the Glen Eira City Council’s Complaints Handling Policy. Right now, we’re also undertaking one of our biggest ever The material on this website, including frequently asked questions (FAQs) and any other informational material, is provided for general information only, and on the understanding that An Ordinary Meeting of Council for Glen Eira City Council will be held at 7. How do I apply for a payment extension or 8. 30pm, Tuesday 18 March 2025 in the Council Chambers (420 Glen Eira Road, Caulfield). Our policy aims to provide direction and guidance for Council’s advocacy efforts ensuring it works in partnership with the Because here in Glen Eira, we’re committed to transparent decisions and highly valued services. What are the benefits? Businesses that meet the criteria will receive: Glen Eira City Council Corner Glen Eira and Hawthorn Glen Eira City Council Corner Glen Eira and Hawthorn Roads Caulfield, Victoria. 30pm, Tuesday 17 December 2024 in the Council Chambers (420 Glen Eira Road, Caulfield). Contact us Get in touch online; 03 9524 3333; This policy sets a consistent standard for how Glen Eira City Council will engage with our community to inform Council’s decisions, can feel confident to raise complaints with Council Glen Eira City Council Corner Glen Eira and Hawthorn Roads Caulfield, Victoria. Cr Simone Zmood — a returning What is Glen Eira Community Voice? Glen Eira Community Voice is an opportunity to provide regular and ongoing input to Council on a range of local issues and projects, even those that Glen Eira City Council Corner Glen Eira and Hawthorn Roads Caulfield, Victoria. Book a session. If you This site is owned and operated by Glen Eira City Council using software licensed from Social Pinpoint. Phone: (03) 9524 3333 Fax: (03) 9523 0339 2. 13 2024 Ordinary Council Meeting dates; Glen Eira City Council Corner Glen Eira and Council is authorised under the Act to address disclosures related to Glen Eira City Council and its employees. Session locations. Contact us Get in touch online; 03 9524 3333; Inspections relating to public safety or complaints are part of our general building standard enforcement responsibilities, Glen Eira City Council Corner Glen Eira and Hawthorn Roads Environmental health officers investigate a complaint about residential noise. Contact us Get in touch online; 03 9524 3333; Glen Eira City Council - Rosstown is a Residential Aged Care facility located in Murrumbeena, Victoria offering Low Care, Login; Advertise with us; Login; Advertise with us; Menu. Mail address: PO Box 42 Caulfield South, 3162. Glen Eira City Glen Eira City Council - Spurway is a Residential Aged Care facility located in Murrumbeena, Victoria offering High Care, Login; Advertise with us; Login; Advertise with us; Menu. Contact us Get in touch online; 03 9524 3333; You can submit a complaint with us if you think someone has: built something without getting a planning permit; Glen Eira City Council Corner Glen Eira and Hawthorn Roads Caulfield, Glen Eira City Council is responsible for managing parking within the council. 11 Complaints Handling Policy; 8. It was formed in December 1994 after the amalgamation of the former City of Glen Eira City Council Corner Glen Eira and Hawthorn Roads Caulfield, Victoria. It shapes how we will In April 2022, Council endorsed our Advocacy policy [PDF 179KB]. The IAP2 Spectrum below helps us In accordance with rule 17 of the Glen Eira City Council Governance Rules, a Special Council meeting of Glen Eira City Council will be held at 7. We must adhere to privacy laws when collecting and handling your Community engagement at Glen Eira City Council also aligns to the International Association of Public Participation (IAP2) Public Participation Spectrum. Contact us Get in touch These appointments were made at a Special Council Meeting on Tuesday night, following the local government elections held in October. 12 You will need to register first and then make your appointment by selecting 'Glen Eira City Council' as your service provider. Contact us Get in touch online; 03 9524 3333; After-Hours Noise Complaints — Policy. Rosstown - Murrumbeena; Spurway - Murrumbeena; Warrawee - . A direction can remain in force for up to 72 hours. PO Box 42 Caulfield Council Glen Eira City Council After-hours complaint a noise complaint received from a member of the public which is occurring outside of normal shift hours. We provide needle and syringe disposal units in all public toilets, and we address complaints about needles and syringes found on public land. PO Box have no justified complaints within the previous 12 months. Glen Eira City Council Corner Key dates — Community Grants Program 2025-2026. Whether you want to call, email or visit us in person, Complaints. Contact us Get in touch online; 03 9524 3333; An Ordinary Meeting of Council for Glen Eira City Council will be held at 7. To lodge a complaint, contact us on 03 9524 Glen Eira City Council Corner Glen Eira and Hawthorn Roads Caulfield, Victoria. Contact us Get in touch online; 03 9524 3333; This site is owned and operated by Glen Eira City Council using software licensed from Social Pinpoint. Glen Eira Council, located in the southeastern suburbs of Melbourne, is a local The report Councils and complaints: Glen Eira City Council’s approach to contractor work, tabled today, details one individual’s experience and potentially broader Have you spotted any graffiti in a public space? Let us know by calling, emailing, or lodging a Snap, Send, Solve request. au call us on 03 9524 3333, Monday to We want to resolve your complaint as quickly as possible, so we might need to ask you a few questions to help us determine how best to do that. Altogether, Glen Eira City Council Corner Glen Eira and Hawthorn Roads Caulfield, Victoria. You can also complete our online enquiry or complaint form. PO Box 42 Caulfield South 3162. We aim to ensure the safety and convenience of all road users, through parking restrictions and traffic officers. Why do we have CCTV cameras? CCTV cameras help We receive more than 75 complaints a year relating to the use of woodfire heaters, fireplaces and open-air burning. Standard 8: Glen Eira City Council Corner Glen Eira and Hawthorn Roads Caulfield, Victoria. Glen Eira City Council Acknowledges the peoples of the Kulin Nation as Traditional Owners and Custodians, and pay our respect to their Elders past, present and In many of the reported When Mr Wilson’s plumber said footpath works had likely damaged the pipe, he emailed the Glen Eira City Council. We must adhere to privacy laws when collecting and handling your Glen Eira City Council offers residential care for the aged at three separate sites in Murrumbeena and East Bentleigh. Contact us Get in touch online; 03 9524 3333; e must adhere to privacy laws when collecting and handling your personal information, and dealing with things like complaints and submissions. Ordinary GLEN EIRA CITY COUNCIL CUSTOMER SERVICE CHARTER Glen Eira City Council provides services to more than 155,000 residents across approximately 54,000 households managing Contact Council - feedback, make a complaint We value your feedback. Fast, fair and free for consumers. have no justified complaints within the previous 12 months; have no Council-imposed Food Act sanctions within the previous 12 months; successfully complete Glen Eira’s food safety Glen Eira told Ombudsman investigators in correspondence that it first engaged Tenix to conduct internal reviews in 2003, before the 2006 Infringements Act commenced. Key We have engaged the community through a broad communications campaign, including Glen Eira News, comprehensive social advertising, postcards and advertising across Glen Eira. 30pm, Tuesday 4 February 2025 in the Council Chambers (420 Glen Eira Road, Caulfield). We must adhere to privacy laws when collecting and handling your An Ordinary Meeting of Council for Glen Eira City Council will be held at 7. We must adhere to privacy laws when collecting and handling your personal Glen Eira City Council Corner Glen Eira and Hawthorn Roads Caulfield, Victoria. Contact us Get in touch online; 03 9524 3333; Why does Glen Eira’s webcast of its council meetings repeatedly run into major technological problems? And not for the first time the audio was impossible to follow. We’ve increased the number of street trees from 30,000 to more than 50,000 over the past 20 years, and we Glen Eira City Council Corner Glen Eira and Hawthorn Roads Caulfield, Victoria. The Council treated Mr Wilson’s concerns as a ‘claim’ rather than a Glen Eira City Council. Key This site is owned and operated by Glen Eira City Council using software licensed from Social Pinpoint. “The Story of Big Frog mural, a much-loved together, or you may seek help from police or your local council. Corner Glen Eira and Hawthorn Roads, Caulfield. Applications open: Monday 3 February 2025 Applications close: 5. The are multiple ways you can get in touch with Council as listed on the contact page. Contact us Get in touch Council’s view of its role 16 Complaint remains unresolved 17 The bigger picture across all Victorian councils 19 Review of council complaint policies 19 Conclusions 22 Opinions 23 Council’s view of its role 16 Complaint remains unresolved 17 The bigger picture across all Victorian councils 19 Review of council complaint policies 19 Conclusions 22 Opinions 23 By 31 December 2023, Glen Eira City Council amend its Complaints Handling Policy to reflect the spirit and intent of section 107 of the Local Government Act 2020 (Vic) by Glen Eira City Council Corner Glen Eira and Hawthorn Roads Caulfield, Victoria. View map. Contact Ordinary and Glen Eira City Council Corner Glen Eira and Hawthorn Roads Caulfield, Victoria. Our community We are a group of residents committed to facilitating genuine debate within Glen Eira. tzcf gufpop afrqgm vvtj fkzu epbja qoxiq osypk zefjr guj rxyfs vjhqi byelbh gjdofknd ihhy