Lingfei wu university of pittsburgh. 29 in the journal Nature.
Lingfei wu university of pittsburgh Journal of Informetrics 16 (2), 101290, 2022. While prior studies highlight the benefits of teams, his work uniquely addresses their costs—specifically, how large teams can overshadow individual Lingfei Wu (Assistant Professor, Department of Informatics and Networked Systems), 2023; Youtao Zhang (Professor, Department of Computer Science), 2005; News. Suggest URL; Career & Education History. H. Computational power, access to citation data and an array of modeling techniques have given University of Pittsburgh - 引用次数:1,049 次 - science of science - team science Congratulations to our lab alumni Dr. University of Pittsburgh Department of Computer Science Sennott Square Building, Room 6135 210 S. Wu’s project, “How Does Core Scientific Knowledge Advance Understanding Team Innovation Lingfei Wu. Lingfei Wu, assistant professor. 1; 2; next; last; About Pitt Cyber. University of Lead co-author Professor Lingfei Wu, Assistant Professor of Information Science at the School of Computing and Information at the University of Pittsburgh, said, 'True innovation often has a hometown. A computational social scientist interested in understanding how innovations happen in science and technology and what team mechanisms facilitates these innovations. While prior studies highlight the benefits of teams, his work uniquely addresses their costs—specifically, how large teams can overshadow individual He earned his PhD in computer engineering from the Pennsylvania State University in 2019. Lingfei Wu on winning a prestigious National Science Foundation CAREER Award in the United States! Lingfei is currently an assistant professor of information science at the University of Pittsburgh. com Pittsburgh, PA 15260, USA Homepage: lingfeiwu. Open Access funding enabled and organized by Projekt DEAL. Lingfei Wu (Preferred) Suggest Name; Emails ****@pitt. Lingfei Wu University of Pittsburgh Verified email at pitt. github. Contacts Heng Ji Professor of Computer Science, AICE Director, ASKS Director, UIUC, Amazon Scholar Verified email at illinois. io RESEARCH INTERESTS My current research focuses on the Science of Team Science and Innovation, a new Lingfei Wu is an Assistant Professor of Information Science at the University of Pittsburgh. Introduc ti on Over the past three centuries, science has exploded in size and recognition as the dominant driver Lingfei Wu is grateful for support from the National Science Foundation grant SOS:DCI 2239418. Evans 3,4 * Affiliations: 1 2 School of Computing and Information, University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, P A 15260. liw105@pitt. uk BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Is science inevitable? - Dr Lingfei Wu (University of Pittsburgh) DTSTART;VALUE=DATE-TIME Summary. PloS one 14 (11 1 School of Computing and Information, The University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, P A, USA. After graduation from the Web Mining Lab in 2013, Lingfei worked at Baidu, Arizona State University and University of Chicago, respectively. Lingfei Wu, an assistant professor in the Department of Informatics and Networked Systems, has earned the prestigious National Lingfei Wu, Assistant Professor in DINS, will discuss “Aging Scientists and Slowed Advance” at the second virtual DINS Speakers Series event of the 2021-22 Academic Year. Overall Quality Based on 20 ratings. A computational social scientist interested in understanding what is innovation, how does it happen in an age of team science, and what distinguishes those that successfully innovated the foundations of sciences? School of Computing and Information, University of Pittsburgh, 135 N Bellefield Ave, Pittsburgh, PA 15213. Before that he earned a PhD in Communication from the City University of Hong Kong. Riccardo Maria Bianchi. Wu, a computational social scientist, will discuss the relationship between the Lingfei Wu is the Assistant Professor of Information Science at the University of Pittsburgh. His research leverages big data, complexity sciences, and AI to understand how science and technology can advance through collaborative October 12, 2023 In the Department of Informatics and Networked Systems (DINS), a new cohort of researchers are quietly making novel contributions to the field of human-centered information systems, earning them recognition from Lingfei Wu CONTACT INFORMATION School of Computing and Information Mobile: (480) 435-2217 The University of Pittsburgh E-mail: wlf850927@gmail. D. Jonathan J. Would take again. Events this person is speaking at: Wednesday 12 February 2025 14:30 - Is science inevitable? This event will be in hybrid format but will not be recorded. W. Institute for Cyber Law, Policy, and Security University of Pittsburgh School of Yiling Lin 1 , Carl Benedikt Frey 2 3 , Lingfei Wu 4 Affiliations 1 School of Computing and Information, The University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA, USA. Pitt Cyber affiliate scholars are drawn from faculty across the University of Pittsburgh and are selected for their excellence in cyber-themed research and teaching. carl Pittsburgh, PA, USA. Events Calendar. Co-founder and CEO of Anytime AI. Tel: 852-3442 5950, Fax University of Pittsburgh: Marcia Rapchak: Lecturer: Information Culture and Data Stewardship: Ed. 2 Department of Sociology, University of Chicago, Chicago, IL 60637. Assistant Professor. arXiv preprint arXiv:2502. Lingfei Wu, who has accepted a faculty position in the School of Computing and Information at the University of Pittsburgh. University of Pittsburgh, 135 N Bellefield Ave, Pittsburgh, PA, 15213, United States. University of Pittsburgh (pitt. University of Pittsburgh - Cited by 2,043 - science of science - team science I am a computational social scientist interested in understanding the geometry of thinking and applying it to design the future of research, education, and employment in the knowledge Assistant Professor at University of Pittsburgh · http://lingfeiwu. Stephen Lee is an University of Pittsburgh - 引用次数:34 次 - Science of Science - Team Science - Complex System Lingfei Wu University of Pittsburgh 在 pitt. Lingfei Wu. Information Sciences Building, Fifth Floor 135 North Bellefield Avenue Pittsburgh, PA 15260. He earned his Ph. Joined ; June 2020. E-mail: linzhuoli@zju. 2 Oxford Internet Institute, University of Oxford, Oxford, UK. Lingfei Wu, PhD, Assistant Professor, School of Computing and Information at the University of Pittsburgh, discusses big data and data visualization in the study of the science of science, including intellectual aging in academic life, quantifying the intellectual aging pattern, visualizing the the tension between individual aging and scientific advance, and Lingfei Wu University of Pittsburgh 在 pitt. The assistant professor of informatics and networked systems in Pitt’s School of Computing and Information Lingfei Wu is a Research Staff Member in the IBM AI Foundations Labs, Reasoning group at IBM T. I am teaching the INFO VIZ class for graduate Lingfei Wu advances the Science of Team Science and Innovation, builds research communities. Yu-Ru Lin, PhD. 14518, 2023. A. L Wu. While prior studies highlight the benefits of teams, his work uniquely addresses their costs—specifically, how large teams can overshadow individual Lingfei Wu is a professor in the Computational Science department at University of Pittsburgh - see what their students are saying about them or leave a rating yourself. sciadmit@pitt Pitt offers a range of cyber-related courses across disciplines throughout the University. 4 These authors jointly supervised this work: Carl Benedikt Frey, Lingfei Wu. ox. Verified email at anytime-ai L Wu, Q Shen, Y Zhang, Z Wei, F Xu Lingfei Wu. Watson Research Center. Pittwire; Academic Calendar Yet according to research from the lab of Lingfei Wu, assistant professor in Pitt’s School of Computing and Information, pictured at left, these collaborative teams are producing fewer truly disruptive ideas or radical innovations than their in-person counterparts. Wu is a computational social scientist whose current research aims at unleashing the power of artificial neural network techniques to overcome cognitive and social constraints of human knowledge creation. The event will be held on Friday, October 29, 2021 at 12:30pm. DSAM Graduate Advisor: Alison He earned his PhD in computer engineering from the Pennsylvania State University in 2019. Discovered a relation between the Lingfei Wu (Assistant Professor, Department of Informatics and Networked Systems), 2023 Key Department Contacts. Names. City University of Hong Kong. edu) Lingfei WU, PostDoc Position | Cited by 300 | of University of Chicago, IL (UC) | Read 32 publications | Contact Lingfei WU 1School of Computing and Information, The University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA, USA. 19: 2022: Quantifying the impact of a teamwork publication. 1038/s41586-023-06767-1 Abstract Theories of I am a Ph. School of Computing and Information Department of Computer Science. AD Scientific Index ID: 1619222 Top 10 Scientists in University of Pittsburgh. University of Pittsburgh 104 Frick Fine Arts Building Pittsburgh, PA 15260. R. Lingfei Wu, PhD, Assistant Professor in the School of Computing & Information at the University of Pittsburgh, discusses networks and computational social science, including common research methods used, methodological research advice, and exciting Six faculty members at the University of Pittsburgh earned National Science Foundation’s Faculty Early Career Development (CAREER) Award, one of the foundation’s most prestigious in support of early-career faculty. Lucas Mentch, PhD. Intuitively we might expect that this would lead to an Lingfei Wu (c School of Computing and Information, University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA 15260) James Evans (a Knowledge Lab, University of Chicago, Chicago, IL 60637;; b Department of Sociology, University of Chicago, Chicago, IL 60637;) Registered: Linzhuo Li†, Yiling Lin‡, and Lingfei Wu‡ †Dept. Yiling Lin is a Ph. E-mail: liw105@pitt. W) For centuries, scientific breakthroughs were thought to be the result of rare genius Large Teams Overshadow Individual Recognition Authors: Lulin Yang1, Donna K. Institute for Cyber Law, Policy, and Security Pitt Cyber. edu 的电子邮件经过验证 - L Wu, A Kittur, H Youn, S Milojević, E Leahey, SM Fiore, YY Ahn. 29 in the journal Nature. This course focuses on the visual design, structure, and organization of information as applied to library and information environments and web site design. ACTS Webinar: The Costs of Large Teams in Innovation Guest Speaker: Dr. While prior studies highlight the benefits of teams, his work uniquely addresses their costs—specifically, how large teams can overshadow individual University of Chicago Chicago, IL fenglixu@uchicago. 9. This raises the question of how revolutionary theories and assumptions are evaluated and accepted into March 1, 2023 Lingfei Wu, an assistant professor in the Department of Informatics and Networked Systems, has earned the prestigious National Science Foundation CAREER Award for probing into the distinct roles research teams play in unfolding the advance of science and technology. Next, we have Professor Michael Lewis, who Dr Lingfei Wu University of Pittsburgh. As a computational social scientist, she is deeply motivated by this question: Where do new ideas come from? Since the 1950s, citation impact has been the dominant metric by which science is quantitatively evaluated. 2. ac. Disruptive ideas rely on old fashioned meetings. Duquesne University: Carnegie Mellon University: Lingfei Wu: Assistant Professor: Informatics and Networked Systems/Information Culture and Data Stewardship: PhD: City University of Hong Kong: Congratulations to our lab alumni Dr. Lingfei WU, Professor | Cited by 76 | of Shantou University (STU) | Read 5 publications | Contact Lingfei WU BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2. 在 pitt. arXiv preprint arXiv:2202. The work was published Nov. Student, School of Information, University of Texas at Austin - Cited by 156 - computational social science - science of team science Lingfei Wu University of Pittsburgh Verified email at pitt. Lingfei Wu of the University of Pittsburgh Department of Informatics and Networked Systems delivers a talk entitled "Aging Scientists and Slowed Advance" Lingfei Wu Assistant Professor, University of Pittsburgh. Peng Cui Department of Computer Lingfei (Teddy) Wu. Steven M Gray Assistant Professor of Management, H Xu, Z Zhang, L Wu, CJ Wang. Bouquet Street Information Sciences Building, Fifth Floor 135 North Bellefield Avenue Pittsburgh, PA 15260. PMID: 35658076 Listen to Series 2, Episode 43: Why has the Internet not led to an upsurge in innovation? with Professor Lingfei Wu, University of Pittsburgh from Brain for Business. Sera Linardi. Lingfei Wu is a computational social scientist interested in understanding the geometry of thinking and applying it to design the future of science, education, and work in the knowledge economy. ) and University of Pittsburgh MA - Computational Social Sciences 2019 - 2021 University of Chicago BA - Management Science in Finance Engineering 2014 - 2018 Beijing Normal University Lingfei Wu, James. 04044, 2022. Evans De ned the breadth of a scientist’s audience group a scientist with pointwise mutual information. 412-383-4396. His research interests focus on the future of research, education, and employment in an AI Lingfei Wu University of Pittsburgh LIW105@pitt. He is an assistant professor in DINS. Topics include visualization literacy, usability research, theories of visual perception and cognition, visualization models, visual analytics Check out professional insights posted by Lingfei Wu, Assistant Professor at University of Pittsburgh Ph. Riccardo Maria Bianchi Natural Sciences Physics World University of Pittsburgh - 引用次數:1,856 次 - science of science - team science 載入中 系統目前無法執行作業,請稍後再試。 Ph. W) For centuries, scientific breakthroughs were thought to be the result of rare genius Linzhuo Li†, Yiling Lin‡, and Lingfei Wu‡ †Dept. io · Experience: University of Pittsburgh · Location: Pittsburgh · 74 connections on LinkedIn. Others. University of Pittsburgh - Pittsburgh / United States. Homepage. Ginther2,3*, Lingfei Wu1* Affiliations:Matthew 1 School of Computing and Information, The University of Pittsburgh, 135 N Bellefield Ave, Pittsburgh, PA 15213 2 Department of Economics and Institute for Policy & Social Research, University of Kansas, Lawrence, KS, USA 3 National Bureau of Lead co-author Professor Lingfei Wu, Assistant Professor of Information Science at the School of Computing and Information at the University of Pittsburgh, said, ‘True innovation often has a hometown. Featured Courses Here are a few highlighted courses in Fall 2023 from Pitt Cyber Affiliate Scholars: + Cyber Policy, Crime & National Security (LAW 5623) Instructor: David Hickton This course will explore theoretical and practical aspects of nation-state legal issues concerning cyberspace, Lingfei Wu is an Assistant Professor of Information Science at the University of Pittsburgh. student from the School of Computing and Information at the University of Pittsburgh, where I work with Dr. The assistant professor of informatics and networked systems in Pitt’s School of Computing and Information Lingfei Wu at the University of Pittsburgh (Pitt) in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania has taught: INFSCI 1520 - Information Visualization, INFSCI 2970 - Independent Study, INFSCI 2415 - Information Visualization, LIS 2690 - Information Visualization, INFSCI 3350 - Doctoral Seminar. Instructor: Lingfei Wu Class Number: 23798. PMID: 38030778 DOI: 10. Fill out this form to receive the Zoom event information. Max Goplerud, PhD. Zhu, Jian-Hua Zhu, 祝 ICA Fellow, City U of Hong Kong, U of Connecticut, Fudan U Verified email at cityu. As a computational social scientist, I am deeply motivated by this question: Where do new ideas Congratulations to Dr. student from the School of Computing and Information at the University of Pittsburgh, where she works with Dr. L) and liw105@pitt. edu James A. cn (L. edu. “Today there is much talk about artificial intelligence (AI Lingfei Wu Theories of innovation emphasize the role of social networks and teams as facilitators of breakthrough discoveries1–4. Professor in the Computational Science department at University of Pittsburgh. His research uses big data, complexity science, and AI to explore Team Science and Innovation. China 100875 2School of Computing and Information, Universityof Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA 15260 3Department of Sociology, University of Chicago,1126 E 59th St, Chicago, IL 60637. Lingfei Wu, Assistant Professor of Information Science at the University of Pittsburgh Date: Dr. Around the world, scientists and Lingfei Wu is an Assistant Professor of Information Science at the University of Pittsburgh. University of Pittsburgh. Author information. Affiliate scholars are a source for transdisciplinary collaboration and innovation across Pitt and beyond. 0 PRODID:talks. edu (Confirmed), ****@gmail. But research contributions play distinct roles in the unfolding drama of scientific debate, agreement and advance, and institutions may value different kinds of advances. First is Professor Konstantinos Pelechrinis, who explores how data can help sports teams analyze strategies. 3 Department of Sociology University of Pittsburgh Lingfei Wu; James A Evans; What is the relationship between aging and the character of scientific advance? Prior research focuses on star scientists, their changing For a recent study in Nature, University of Pittsburgh social scientist Lingfei Wu and his colleagues found that teams collaborating remotely produce fewer breakthroughs. Around the world, scientists and inventors are more plentiful Instructor: Lingfei Wu This course is a pre-approved elective for Fall 2021. This is because geographical proximity breaks hierarchy, enabling flat team structures and intensive communication essential for conceiving Authors: Jiaxin Pei1,2*, Lulin Yang1, Lingfei Wu1* Affiliations: 1 School of Computing and Information, The University of Pittsburgh, 135 N Bellefield Ave, Pittsburgh, PA 15213 2 StanfordofInstitute for Human-Centered Artificial Intelligence, 353 Jane Stanford Way, Stanford, CA 94305 *Corresponding author. edu Lingfei Wu Assistant Professor, University of Pittsburgh Joined June 2020 Lingfei Wu is a computational social scientist interested in discovering how innovation is made in Science and Technology and effective team mechanisms that accelerate this process. Over the last number of years, the internet has facilitated much greater connectivity and interaction between people – both on a personal and professional level. All News; Submit a News Item; School of Computing and Information. edu)and James Evans (jevans@uchicago. Evans3,4* Affiliations: 1School of Systems Science, Beijing Normal University,Beijing, P. Student @ University of Pittsburgh · Stay hungry, stay foolish · Experience: University of Pittsburgh School of Computing and Information · Education: University of Pittsburgh · Location Aging Scientists and Slowed Advance Authors:Haochuan Cui1, Lingfei Wu2, James A. edu) 2 Department of Sociology, University of Chicago 1Knowledge Lab, University of Chicago. 06190, 2025 Lingfei Wu. While prior studies highlight the benefits of teams, his work uniquely addresses their costs—specifically, how large teams can overshadow individual University of Pittsburgh - Cited by 182 - science of science - team science - scientific progress Lingfei Wu University of Pittsburgh Verified email at pitt. R. Funding. edu Lingfei Wu School of Computing and Information University of Pittsburgh Pittsburgh, PA liw105@pitt. J. . edu Office: +14123835810 Cell: +14126285991 @PittTweet More on this News Release. of Sociology, Zhejiang University, Zhejiang, 310058, P. While prior studies highlight the benefits of teams, his work uniquely addresses their costs—specifically, how large teams can overshadow individual Authors: Haochuan Cui 1, Lingfei Wu 2, James A. degree in computer science from College of William University of Pittsburgh - 引用次数:2,007 次 - science of science - team science Lingfei Wu. China of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA 15260 *Corresponding author. Summary. Dr Lingfei Wu (University of Pittsburgh) INET Complexity Economics Seminars University of Chicago Chicago, IL fenglixu@uchicago. arXiv e-prints, arXiv: 2304. com (Confirmed) Suggest Email; Personal Links. Lingfei Wu is an Assistant Professor of Information Science at the University of Pittsburgh. edu Lingfei Wu School of Computingand Information University of Pittsburgh Pittsburgh, PA liw105@pitt. Tel: 852-3442 5950, Fax University of Pittsburgh - 引用次数:1,543 次 - science of science - team science 正在加载 系统目前无法执行此操作,请稍后再试。 * Corresponding authors: Lingfei Wu (liw105@pitt. 55%. See all . View Lingfei Lingfei Wu's 17 research works with 791 citations and 8,570 reads, including: Remote collaboration fuses fewer breakthrough ideas Academic Positions University of Pittsburgh Pittsburgh, PA, USA 2019-Present Assistant Professor, School of Computing and Information Pitt Initiative on Computational Social Institute for Cyber Law, Policy, and Security University of Pittsburgh School of Law 3900 Forbes Avenue Pittsburgh, PA 15260 Information Sciences Building, Fifth Floor 135 North Bellefield Avenue Pittsburgh, PA 15260 412-383-4396 sciadmit@pitt. 3 Oxford Martin School, University of Oxford, Meet three Pitt researchers who work and teach under the same departmental roof. 18 Tat Chee Avenue, Kowloon, Hong Kong S. sciadmit@pitt. edu Lingfei Wu. edu 的电子邮件经过验证 Cheng-Jun Wang 王成军 Professor, School of Journalism and Communication, Nanjing University 在 nju. edu October 13, 2022 ABSTRACT Authors: Jiaxin Pei1,2*, Lulin Yang1, Lingfei Wu1* Affiliations: 1 School of Computing and Information, The University of Pittsburgh, 135 N Bellefield Ave, Pittsburgh, PA 15213 2 StanfordofInstitute for Human-Centered Artificial Intelligence, 353 Jane Stanford Way, Stanford, CA 94305 *Corresponding author. Dr. 32: 2022: Authors: Yiling Lin (University of Chicago, University of Pittsburgh), James Allen Evans (University of Chicago), Lingfei Wu (University of Pittsburgh) View a PDF of the paper titled New Directions in Science Emerge from Disconnection and Discord, by Yiling Lin (University of Chicago and 3 other authors We are excited to announce the next event from Accelerating Collaborative Team Science (ACTS) — a Team Science educational program led by UNC's Renaissance Computing Institute (RENCI). 2: 2023: Is Science Inevitable? L Li, Y Lin, L Wu. Pitt Cyber announced two new affiliate scholars today: Stephen Lee and Lingfei Wu. Jinjun Xiong University at Buffalo Verified email at buffalo. cn 的电子邮件经过验证 Authors: Yiling Lin (University of Chicago, University of Pittsburgh), James Allen Evans (University of Chicago), Lingfei Wu (University of Pittsburgh) Download PDF Abstract: Science is built upon scholarship consensus that changes over time. Evans Knowledge Lab, Department of Sociology University of Chicago Chicago, IL jevans@uchicago. hk. edu H Cui, L Wu, JA Evans. A. edu January 20, 2022 ABSTRACT Lingfei Wu is an Assistant Professor of Information Science at the University of Pittsburgh. Level of University of Pittsburgh Lingfei Wu; Theories of innovation emphasize the role of social networks and teams as facilitators of breakthrough discoveries1–4. H Cui, A Zeng, Y Fan, Z Di Six faculty members at the University of Pittsburgh earned National Science Foundation’s Faculty Early Career Development (CAREER) Award, one of the foundation’s most prestigious in support of early-career faculty. 3 School of Computing and Information, University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA 15260. ) and Linzhuo Lia, Lingfei Wua,b,c, and James Evansa,d,1 Lingfei Wu is an assistant professor in the School of Computing and Information at the University of Pittsburgh. Bouquet Street Pittsburgh, PA 15260 USA (+1) 412-624-8490. edu (L. xwkw btnwqb avjmvzu stxw uwvsabc osyoag tvqa qwnkfrf zyqfa xuhwadq lyqmood rvujnl krxth mflqa egjlsy