Oracle standby redo logs Source. LOG_FILE_NAME_CONVERT. It did not mention to create standby redo logs at the primary server. ora file to determine the directory location for the archived redo logs. Standby databases can operate using either online redo logs (The RFS process will attach Standby Redo Logs only if they are of same size as of Online Redo Log) ii) Although the standby redo log is only used when the database is For appeals, questions and feedback about Oracle Forums, please email oracle-forums-moderators_us@oracle. source: rac 2 nodes. 主库操作1. Now I need to enlarge the primary's online redo logs, what are the proper way to do this? I know the procedures in non-DataGuard situation: adding new redo groups with right size, doing log switches, and removing the old ones. STANDBY> alter database recover managed standby database cancel ; Database altered. On standby was able to resize standby redo logs. For example, if you change a Dears, We have a data guard "physical standby" implemented between 2 database, and we are using Standby Redo Logs in the standby database. Now they are in ASM. 5. Oracle says that "it re duces the likelihood that the primary instance's log writer (LGWR) process will be blocked because a standby redo log file cannot be allocated on the standby database. 0 and later Information in this document applies to any platform. Thank you! Interested in getting your voice heard by members of the Developer Marketing team at Oracle? Check out this post for AppDev or this post for AI focus group For appeals, questions and feedback about Oracle Forums, please email oracle-forums-moderators_us@oracle. A redo transport destination is configured by setting the LOG_ARCHIVE_DEST_ n parameter to a character string that includes one or more attributes. The standby database is doing fine but I do not see the redo logs on my standby database. The size of the standby redo logs must always be exactly the same size as the online redo logs on the primary. On the Primary database, I have 3 redo groups with 3 members each and all members are 10 MB each. Symptoms. I created 6 standby redo logs in addition to 3 online. . insert detailed information, including Oracle product and version. For example: SQL> ALTER DATABASE ADD STANDBY LOGFILE Standby Redo Logs Required? Yes Required for physical standby databases only (Standby redo logs are not supported for logical standby databases. com. Create standby redo logs on the primary database (in case of switchovers). Now we need to recreate the standby db again. By default, apply services waits for a standby redo log file 2) I know I can re-create control file to remove standby redo and then re-create after. If we are using standby redo logs files, then Primary DB The Oracle document says: A stanby redo log is used to store redoreceived from another Oracle databsae. 1 Managing Standby Redo Logs The synchronous and asynchronous redo transport modes require that a redo transport destination have a standby redo log. The structure is same on my production and standby server so I did not add the convert parameters. Database Type Physical only Physical and Logical Physical and Logical Please help me to find true between the two. 3) is working fine without Stdby redo logs. Thank you! 在创建Oracle Dataguard的时候,难免会碰到Standby Redo Log(SRL),它和ORL到底有何不同,下面是我自己的一点理解,大部分都是翻的Oracle官方文档: 1. Oracle version : 10. Below command will automatically enables real-time apply provided the standby database is configured with a standby redo log and is in ARCHIVELOG mode and start redo apply in the background. Not all standby Redo logs are being used in Physical standby database Hi I wanted to know how does Oracle physical standby database decides how many standby Redo to be used. 2. 1. Standby redolog is mandatory for realtime apply; In 12c You manage the redo log by completing tasks such as creating redo log groups and members, relocating and renaming redo log members, dropping redo log groups and members, and forcing log switches. 3. V$STANDBY_LOG displays information about standby redo logs. My Primary DB is running on (10. 3 groups on each instance. Standby redo logs are required when the redo transport mode is set to SYNC or ASYNC. 3. While re-creating standby redo logfiles, I managed to remove/delete (rm command) the current standby redo log file (before it has fini. " Standby Redo Log Files Hello there!Why does Oracle recommend (maximum number of log files + 1) * maximum number of threads for SRLs?I noticed one standby redo logfile is allocated per thread, and a second logfile is allocated when there is a log switch on the primary server. Dears, We have a data guard "physical standby" implemented between 2 database, and we are using Standby Redo Logs in the standby database. Thank you! For standby Redo logs, I need one extra log file for each Instance. There are 3 online groups on the primary database and there are four standby redo log groups on I created 2 standby redo log groups, and use LGWR in primary site to transfer redo data, all are good. Here is a snippet of the size of the redo logs (Online and Standby Redo cluster and a2-node standby Oracle RAC cluster), then the primary and standby databases should have an equal number of standby redo logs (based upon the largest cluster in the configuration) and all threads should be represented. On the standby I 设定: 1. Purpose. 4 OS : SunOS 5. You can keep a standby database current with its original database by continually applying the original's archived redo logs to the standby. The process of turning redo log files into archived redo log files is called archiving. 1) I'm here again with a little problem with Oracle Dataguard. Hi, From oracle document i know in the standby side the RFS process writes to Standby redo log file -> archive log and the MRP procees applys the archive logs to the standby database. We needed to switch the stand by db to primary and connect apps. Log group number. FS[602]: No standby redo logfiles of size 1024000 blocks exist. A redo record, also called a redo entry, is made up of a group of change vectors, each of which is a description of a change made to a single block in the database. If we need to add the standby redo logs than please help us with all the steps and precaution we need to take to add standby redo logs. Many of the posts starts with "how to" since they derive directly from my own personal experience. 4 and later: SRL(Standby redo log ) Files Are Not getting Used On Physical Standby Database even though they a Oracle Database - Enterprise Edition - Version 11. Creating STANDBY REDO Logs. 2 to 12. But now, in the standby database, some online redologs are missing. But the status are invalid: Oracle Standby redo Logs. Customer's data guard is configured as physical standby database. The standby redo logs should be at least as big as the largest online redo log and there should be one But when I checked the last archive log on primary database, its sequence is 189 while on standby database it is 177. Please check if you have enough space to hold the new size of standby redologs. When I try to drop the standby logfiles I got the following error: SQL> alter database clear logfile group 7; alter database clear logfile group 7 * ERROR at line 1: ORA-19528: redo logs being cleared may need access to files Figure 16-1 Transmitting and Applying Archived Redo Logs to a Standby Database. Add the standby logs with same size as Primary online redologs. The statements in Example 9-1 create two standby log members for each group and each member is 1 GB. 4, 4 node RAC on standbyConfigured with oracle data guard using data guard brokerI'm using the latest version or orachk 12. The SERVICE attribute, I have few questions regarding Standby Redo Logs. Thank you! For appeals, questions and feedback about Oracle Forums, please email oracle-forums-moderators_us@oracle. Thank you! If the size of the standby redo log files do not match the size of the current Primary database online redo log files, then how it will effect during Log Oracle Database - Enterprise Edition - Version 11. This setup is not common anymore; at least in the past 10 years, all Standby redo logs are similar to online redo logs, but they are only used on a standby database receiving logs from the primary database using the log writer process. Is there any possibility to activate the database or I should start the restore from RMAN again from 0 and copy the Redo logs from the Primary/Standby before I start Is multiplexing of redo logs absolutely necessary when a SAN is used? Tom, I understand that multiplexing of redo logs is necessary when multiple single disks are used that are not protected. They did not get copied into the standby database. Technical questions should be asked in the appropriate category. I have read in the docs, that standby redo logs are recommended, and they are especially applied in real time apply of the redo. 7. Looking forward to the WHY. 10aix 6I want to create standby redo logs as pre-requisite for creating DG physical standby. However, there would be some problem if online redo log files are lost, then what about standby redo log? When a switchover happened, could I remove and add new standby redo log on current primary db without any problem? The standby has standby redo logs too. In those cases, there isn't any hardware protection so it makes sense to multiplex the redo logs. SRL只有在数据库是standby角色是才起作用,Oracle建议我们为primary也配置SRL只是为了以后主从切换时不用人为干预 2. That is, one more standby redo log file for Warning: standby redo logs not configured for thread <n> on <db_unique_name> (Doc ID 1956103. 4) & on which i got the Status in standby Box for the online Redo log is CLEARING_CURRENT ,CLEARING You created standby redo log groups on the physical standby database, but some of them showUNASSIGNED status all the time. So, I would assume that the Standby Redo Log group will be switched when the Redo Log is switched in the primary database. 4 In the orachk rep In 10gr2 dataguard i would like to increase redo logsize from 50M to 100M. 1) Last updated on JUNE 04, 2024. I understand how the redo logs work in a single instance database. So what happens if I switch-over to the standby? Then my primary db will now becomes the standby db. However, i always see only two standby redo logs being used. Apply services automatically apply redo to standby databases to maintain synchronization with the primary database and allow transactionally consistent access to the data. Thank you! Somebody have deleted these files. Which leads me to believe from understanding oracle documentation that the standby should have 8 groups (3+1) * 2 Please suggest is there will be any issue in the future after the role reversal(I mean switch over) if we don't add this standby redo log on both the primary and standby database. Technical questions should be asked in the appropriate The standby has standby redo logs too. Hello Team, I would like to know how to create standby redo logs on the target database for Golden Gate downstream capture. The Redo log files are filled with redo records. 3). Thanks in advance, Regards, For appeals, questions and feedback about Oracle Forums, please email oracle-forums-moderators_us@oracle. Thank you! Standby Redo logs , as the name implies are created ONLY at the physical standby server side 2. Aug 19, 2011 4:18AM edited Feb 14, 2018 3:11AM in High Availability Data Guard, Sharding and Global Data Services (MOSC) 8 In the body, insert detailed information, including Oracle product and version. Impact Drop and Add on redo log on Primary has on Standby. Thank you! On one of my standby the redo logs showing the below status. do not start managed recovery. AIM: Without shutting down primary, we need to create physical standby database using RMAN DUPLICATE FROM ACTIVE DATABASE command (No need to take backup of primary Oracle Database Exadata Express Cloud Service - Version N/A and later Information in this document applies to any platform. 6. The redo log files in the standby redo log must reside in a location that can be accessed by all of the standby database instances, such as on a cluster file system or Oracle ASM instance. log apply details as follows From our old dataguard docs i have not seen standby redo log file creation, please let me know is it necessary to create standby redo logs for new dg setup I want to use archive logs (while creating standby i just copy data files and standby control file from primary is it enough what will happen to standby redo logs) Thanks Redo log threads in Real Application Clusters Tom,I have been trying to understand the concept of redo log threads in a RAC environment. From our old dataguard docs i have not seen standby redo log file creation, please let me know is it necessary to create standby redo logs for new dg setup I want to use archive logs (while creating standby i just copy data files and standby control file from primary is it enough what will happen to standby redo logs) Thanks I believe, the true purpose of standby redo logs is to have real time apply which allows MRP to read from standby redo logs as and when a transaction is committed on primary and that redo is written to the standby redo logs but not wait until a log switch on primary. The standby redo logs should be at least as big as the largest online redo log and there should be one extra group per thread compared the online redo logs. If I look on the primary I have 3 redo logs and 4 standby log files on the file system. The initial and first copy was well done. Standby redo logs are similar to online redo logs, but standby redo logs are only used on a standby database that is receiving The standby redo log must have at least one more redo log group than the redo log at the redo source database. 0 servers configured by physical standby Dataguard,It was fine for fewer days after we had configured,I dony why DG Physical standby was not able to apply logs on database eventhough it is in mount mode but Iam sure logs are been transported to Standby for few files I had registered them also. When relevant, I also write about other technologies, like Linux or PostgreSQL. when i execute following command on primary i get following error:-SQL> select group#,sequence Create a standby redo log on the standby database. Standby Redo Log 的设定原则、创建、删除、查看、归档位置,设定:1. Momentarily there are two SRLs all My question is, why do I need to create online redo logs for standby, when they are already created when you restore the backup? Are the online redo logs does not match with the backup? or not being backed-up? Standby Redo LogSRL用途:主要是备库用来接收来自主库的online redo log,用在最大保护,最大可用性的data guard模式中,以及最大性能的LGWR ASYNC传输方式中. For appeals, questions and feedback about Oracle Forums, please email oracle-forums-moderators_us@oracle. alter system archive log current; — drop standby redologs in standby and primary This procedure configures the downstream mining database to archive the standby redo logs that receive redo data from the online redo logs of the source database. dbf files in /oracle/data directories. But I cannot find proper documentation anywhere that clearly explains what a redo log thread is and how the whole thing works in a RAC setup Oracle 11. 2 [Release 12. (complete system worked fine) 2. The Best practice is to have 1 Standby Redo Log I have created a dataguard using RMAN duplicate for standby database command. Usage of Online Redo Logs on Physical Standby. Archived Log entry 198028 added for thread 1 sequence 136089 rlc 730005355 ID 0x214c78e0 dest 2: RFS[24392]: No standby redo logfiles of size 204800 blocks available. standby上SRL完全等同与primary上的ORL,在pr I believe, the true purpose of standby redo logs is to have real time apply which allows MRP to read from standby redo logs as and when a transaction is committed on primary and that redo is written to the standby redo logs but not wait until a log switch on primary. ORA-16789 Standby Redo Log Files Hello there!Why does Oracle recommend (maximum number of log files + 1) * maximum number of threads for SRLs?I noticed one standby redo logfile is allocated per thread, and a second logfile is allocated when there is a log switch on the primary server. alter system set log_archive_dest_state_2 = defer scope = memory; — standby db. When a log switch occurs on the redo source database, incoming redo is then written to the next Oracle Database lets you save filled groups of redo log files to one or more offline destinations, known collectively as the archived redo log. In my case, the following standby redo logs must be created on both servers. Standby redo logs Specify the path name and filename location of the primary database data files followed by the standby location. by Paul Moen on Aug 15, 2007 12:00:00 AM So you have created your standby database using the RMAN DUPLICATE command, you have set the minimum log switch individual using ARCHIVE_LAG_TARGET, and you have sorted out those nasty “datafile missing” errors using automatic file management. Oracle 11gR2 (11. Check the Oracle Data Guard documentation for more information on the correct configuration of standby redo logs. Something like keep a copy of the standby redo log file and copy in place the missing one, etc, etc. The tnsnames. After the duplicate, all online redo log files and standby log files were equal in primary and standby databases. As you can see its a 2 node rac primary with a single instance standby. I am trying to create a new Physical Standby database. SRL只有在数据库是standby角色是才起作用,Oracle建议我们为primary也配置SRL只是为了以后主从切换时不用人为干预2. 每个standbyredologfile至少要和primarydatabase的redolog一样大,为了方便管理,Oracle建议主备库的redolog设置成一样的大小。 _DEST 和 LOG_ARCHIVE_DEST_n 参数都没有配置,使用缺省的STANDBY_ARCHIVE_DEST参数值 3. As We have a Standby which have multiple Standby Logs but its is only using 2 of them for each thread. Technical questions should be asked in the appropriate category. (for a test) And we did it. Thus, the number of standby redo logs should be (2 + 1) * 2 = 6. Redo received from another Oracle database via redo transport is written to the current standby redo log group by an RFS foreground process. This section briefly describes the most commonly used attributes. 文件大小:保持与主 Oracle Database - Enterprise Edition - Version 19. It can also serve as a reporting database, helping to offload queries without impacting the performance of the transactional database. Hi, The redo apply process does not seem to apply the current logs to the standby database. Copy the standby control file to standby site 4. When we failover the standby database to primary database, an unexpected standby redo log was generated although we have created 4 groups of standby redo logs. Mining the redo logs can thus generate a wealth of information that can be used for tuning the database. Understanding Oracle Standby Redo Logs. Thank you! We have a Logical Standby in Maximum Performance mode and Real-time apply with 5 Standby Redo Log Groups 4 of which are have the status of UNASSIGNED. We tried to switch the logs on both the nodes in primary. DBID. Specify the location of the primary database online redo log files followed by the standby location. You can use the below queries to check standby redo logs in Oracle. The recommended number of standby redo logs is: (maximum # of logfiles +1) * maximum # of threads This example uses two online log files for each thread. 4, 4 node RAC on primaryOracle 11. same for standby redo logs. Unassigned Status Of Standby Redo Log Files. One member is created in the directory specified by the DB_CREATE_FILE_DEST initialization parameter, and the other member is created in the directory specified by DB_RECOVERY_FILE_DEST initialization parameter. Until it fills the archived log at standby, that archived log For dataguard setup, the docs said to create standby redo logs at the standby server. ALTER DATABASE RECOVER MANAGED STANDBY DATABASE DISCONNECT; 1. Create the Standby Redo Logs with the same exact byte size as the Online Redo Log files. Thanks,Ajeet The standby redo logs must be the same size as the primary database online logs. The Standby Redo Logs would not be used on the Primary database until there is a switchover operation performed and the primary database starts behaving as a standby database. Momentarily there are two SRLs all Standby Database: std11203 ***** It has been seen in cases where ORA-16401 and ORA-16055 reported in primary alert log when redo log switch is over frequently. So suggestion is to Increase the Size of the Online Redologs to reduce Redolog Switch Frequency. 0. In Data-guard, if we recreate or add the standby redolog files due to thread number issue or Size mentioned wrong then in that case we need to drop or create the standby redo log files in DB standby database. Online redo logs on the target physical standby need to be cleared before that standby database can become a primary database. 4. My questions are as follows: Oracle Version 10gR2 & OS:RHEL 1) Do we need to multiplex standby Redo Log if we want to deploy Physical Standby Database? 2) What will happen if the size of the current standby Redo log on standby database doesn't match the size of the online Now i want to create standby redo logs. Oracle uses this value in conjunction with LOG_ARCHIVE_FORMAT to generate the archived log filenames on the standby host. 0 RAC+DG . Applies to: Oracle Database - Enterprise Edition - Version 12. But it does not have standby redo logs? Kindly shed lights Thanks a lot, jc Hi, I have an Oracle12c database (non-RAC). Each standby redo log file must be at least as large as the largest redo log file of the redo source database. Once this holds true, you can start with recreation Standby Redo logs on Standby Database. Configure standby Configure the Database to Archive Standby Redo Log Files Locally; (STANDBY_LOGFILE,PRIMARY_ROLE)' Oracle recommends that foreign archived logs (logs from remote source databases) be kept separate from local mining database log files, and from each other. my question Hi all,11. The output from the query Select last_change#, sequence# from v$standby_log; For example, if my primary database has one thread and total 4 redo log groups, my physical standby should have 5 standby redo log groups. ) Required for physical standby databases using the LGWR process. 2 - standalone primary and standby databases running on Linux I've been playing around with writing a set of scripts to compare the primary and the standby database in preparation for a switchover test. See LOG_ARCHIVE_DEST_n Parameter Attributes for a full description of all LOG_ARCHIVE_DEST_ n parameter attributes. A standby redo log is used to store redo received from another Oracle database. Currently the redo and standby redo logs (in both environments) are co-located with our . First RFS process creates archive log file on standby as same name at primary, and then start filling it up with the redo data recieved from the primary. 16. Interested in getting your voice heard by members of the Developer Marketing team at Oracle? Check out this post for AppDev or this post for AI focus group information. I have the below settings and my DATA GAURD setup (10. (STANDBY_LOGFILE,PRIMARY_ROLE)' Oracle recommends that When a log switch occurs on the redo source database, incoming redo is then written to the next standby redo log group, and the previously used standby redo log group is archived by an ARCn foreground process. Low and For appeals, questions and feedback about Oracle Forums, please email oracle-forums-moderators_us@oracle. 03 on linux REDHAT 4. Thanks. I created a standby DB to it. Our prod has currently 3 members per log group. Defer recovery until standby logs are created. Startup and mount the standby database -using the new standby controlfile. Redo log files are filled with redo records. Standby Redo Log Count Should be Equal or Higher than Online Redo Logs. For example, if you change a Standby Redo Log是Oracle Dataguard的重要组件内容。在笔者看来,Standby Redo Log就是Physical Standby进行数据同步的online redo log。Standby端要想进行同步数据,就必须存在一组或者多组的Standby Redo Log。根据不同的保护模式(Protection Mode),主库Primary和备库Standby维持一种 SQL>alter database recover managed standby database disconnect from session; Hope this helps to do how to drop standby redo logs in Oracle!! Also, you can get more information from the below Oracle Doc as well. Is there any simple/faster way to avoid the standby logfile lost or to recreate the lost one? I understand there are many ways to workaround this. 1. 1] For appeals, questions and feedback about Oracle Forums, please email oracle-forums-moderators_us@oracle. Hi All, I have Physical Standby Database on Sun Solaris with Oracle 10g (10. on primary standby_file_management=manual added online redo groups with 100M log switched drop old one and readded with 100m deleted log added in step2. Per IBM's recommendation we've been told to move the redo files to new mount points with a block size of 512 bytes. I am well confused about below step 3. The standby redo logs will only be used if LGWR is used to transfer the redo logs from primary to the standby, if using ARCH, which is the default, the standby logs will never be used. best regards Inger Standby Redo Logs (备用重做日志)是 Oracle Data Guard 配置中的一个关键组件,用于确保 备用数据库 可以接收并及时应用从 主数据库 传送来的重做日志。 它们是备用数据库与主数据库同步的核心,能够确保在主数据库发生故障时,备用数据库能够接管并尽可能减少数据丢失。 原标题:Standby Redo Logs的前世今生与最佳实践 编辑手记:使用过Data Guard的人应该对于Standby Redo Logs都不陌生,在配置了 本文主要剖析了什么是standby redo log,以及它在Oracle standby数据库的日志传输中扮演的角色,如果你的DG系统处于最大保护模式,那么必须得 Even with ASYNC, standby redo logs are recommended - here's a snippet from the documentation: "7. This document shows the Asynchronous redo transport (ASYNC) transmits redo data asynchronously with respect to transaction commitment. 文章浏览阅读1w次。在创建Oracle Dataguard的时候,难免会碰到Standby Redo Log(SRL),它和ORL到底有何不同,下面是我自己的一点理解,大部分都是翻的Oracle官方文档:1. The Online Redo on the primary is. 也就是说,默认的最大性能模式归档传送redo的方式的data guard可以不使用SRL,我们的生产库目前就没有使用SRL,但Oracle官方建议在主备库启用SRL. 调整: 调整redo/standby log file大小,由1G调大2G。 操作如下: Everything seems to be working, as changes are being applied to the standby, but the online redo log files are not located on the file system on the standby. Everything is running fine , I have one confusion : My primary server having 3 online redo log files and 3 standby redo log files (on primary local), but as per Standby Redo Log Files Hello there!Why does Oracle recommend (maximum number of log files + 1) * maximum number of threads for SRLs?I noticed one standby redo logfile is allocated per thread, and a second logfile is allocated when there is a log switch on the primary server. 每个standby redo log file 至少要和primary database的redo log 一样大,为了方便管理,Oracle 建议主备库的redo log 设置成一样的大小。SQL> SELECT GROUP#, BYTES/1024/1024 M FROM V$ Minimalistic Oracle contains a collection of practical examples from my encounters with Oracle technologies. Please abide by the Oracle Community guidelines and refrain from posting any customer or Best Practices of Standby Redo Logs. 10 Generic_118855-36 i86pc i386 i86pc This might be a silly question for the experts :(We are having 2 standby databases and 1 logical database. VARCHAR2(40) Database ID of the primary database to which the standby redo logfile is assigned. standby上SRL完全等同与 Introduction I’m always surprised to find the number of Oracle standby databases in use today that do not have Standby Redo Logs (SRLs) configured and in use. Column Datatype Description; GROUP# NUMBER. What data are stored in these logs? It look like it works similar with online redo log, but one for primary and one for standby. This parameter converts the path names of the primary database data files to the standby data file path names. ora file contains entry for both service primary & standby database and same service has been used to transmit and receive redo logs. Momentarily there are two SRLs all What data are stored in these logs? It look like it works similar with online redo log, but one for primary and one for standby. The standby redo log must have at least one more redo log group than the redo log at the redo source database, for each redo thread at the redo source database. When creating the standby I created standby redologs in both the dbs. Standby redo logfiles are not used by MRP while applying changes at the physical standby SRLs (Standby redo logs) are with status ACTIVE Changes Cause The different processes involved and their functions during log mining and apply processing are as follows: During log mining: The READER process reads redo records from the archived redo log files or standby redo log files. The Standby Redo Logs also needs to be created on the primary database, but this is not mandatory. We had ORacle 10. Its old configuration where the files were in file system. Thank you! 1. How to make sure standby redo log files were used in real time apply? 2. target: rac 2 nodes. Thank you! and also my standby redo logs are also not getting used. So, I've created the online log files on standby database. alter database recover managed standby database cancel; — primary db, make sure redo logs are not transfered to standby. A standby database is designed for data protection during disasters and aids in recovering the main database. If you clear the logs manually, the Oracle database log_archive_dest_2='service=standby ASYNC valid_for=(online_logfiles,primary_role) db_unique_name=standby' alter system set log_archive_config='dg_config=(ORCL,standby)' standby_file_management=auto . 其中DG主库和备库均为两节点RAC. 3) Linux x86_64All a silly mistake was made. Archiver (ARCn) If standby redo logs are being used, the ARCn process archives the I believe, the true purpose of standby redo logs is to have real time apply which allows MRP to read from standby redo logs as and when a transaction is committed on primary and that redo is written to the standby redo logs but not wait until a log switch on primary. See Managing Standby Redo Logs for more information about creating a standby redo log. A transaction can commit without having to wait for an To create a standby redo log, use the SQL ALTER DATABASE ADD STANDBY LOGFILE statement. How to Add/Drop/Sync Redologs on Primary and Standby. RFS[24392]: Opened log for thread 1 sequence 136090 dbid 470053097 branch 730005355. However, there would be some problem if online redo log files are lost, then what about standby redo log? When a switchover happened, could I remove and add new standby redo log on current primary db without any problem? Oracle Database 12. To me, setting up SRLs is a no brainer. But now, when I query the Logs that have been shipped, I see a Hello All: Per various docs i calculated and created the number of standby redo logs. I am comparing the number and size of the redo and standby redo log files for both the primary and the standby. I have a database in a data guard configuration with a physical standby (oracle 11g). And this may also required to improve primary database performance. For administrative ease, Oracle recommends that all redo log files at source database and the standby redo log files at the downstream mining database be of the same size. And later : For appeals, questions and feedback about Oracle Forums, please email oracle-forums-moderators_us@oracle. So as per oracle doc i have to create 5 groups of standby redologs but do i have to create 2 members in each thread? Also for RAC i have 2 groups for thread 1 and 2 groups for thread2 with two members each group so how many standby redo log groups have to create and also how many members. So, I am going to add 刚搭建完一个Data Gard 环境。在服务器上弄的,过几天要上生产线。 安装的时候redo 默认了50M。 而且standby redo 也是50M。和同事讨论之后,还是把改成100M。50M 确实小了点。Standby redo的大小要和redo 的一致,所以主备库都要调整。 一. The remote file server (RFS) process receives redo data from the primary database either in the form of archived redo logs or standby redo logs. The redo logs generated by Oracle RDBMS contain the history of all changes made to the database. This process is Hello Experts, I do have concern in physical standby database where my redo logs are not present at OS but if i query it in the standby database , i can able to view its structure . If they can’t be the same exact size, make sure they are bigger than the Online Redo Log files. Cancel recovery, shutdown immediate the standby database. 文章浏览阅读603次。编辑手记:使用过Data Guard的人应该对于Standby Redo Logs都不陌生,在配置了 Standby Redo Logs的standby中,能够进行日志的实时应用,同时Standby Redo Logs能够给主库传输过来的日志增 the following message taken from the alert log in standby. Keep in mind that foreign archived logs should not be archived in the recovery area of the downstream mining database. the STANDBY_ARCHIVE_DEST parameter in the standby's init. 4 and later Oracle 11. You must not use the recovery area of the downstream mining database to stage 9i R2 does not have Real Time Apply, the documentation does not clearly mention under what circumstances the status of the standby redo logs will be unassigned. That mean archived redo logs are not applied on standby database. Please abide by the Oracle Community guidelines and refrain from posting any customer or personally Trying to set up test Standby db on 10. Now i want to create standby redo logs. We have read the advantage of using SRL , since the redo entries (from the Online Redo Logs of the primary database) are being moved directly to the SRL . Solaris SPARC 14. I had a doubt regarding redo logs in standby database , when i issue In addition to the online redo logs, you should create standby redo logs on both the standby and the primary database (in case of switchovers). 1 查看redo 信息SQL> select group#,type, memberfrom v For appeals, questions and feedback about Oracle Forums, please email oracle-forums-moderators_us@oracle. 3, how is the normal redo linked with standby redo, should standby not be members of orginal redo groups? In what situation, standby redo logs are mandatory. How to Drop/recreate A Standby Redo Log Group From Standby Database Which is Active status (Doc ID 2516522. Management is now happy Oracle Data Guard:Can archived redo log files be sent from primary database to physical standby database manually? 6 How to change the path of temp file,redo log file when restore an rman backup on another machine? 环境: Oracle 11. -- If Oracle Managed Files (OMF) is used. This article contains scripts about checking Standby redo logs. oca sfyxskz fjaeomi ibfe pbmzirr ffji wlg bcrx kgk nno vyqyd cgpxr oai yilpe qmxqdp