Riverside county recorder Upon receipt, the Recorder's office will submit the document to County Counsel who will determine whether the original document contains any unlawful restrictions, as defined in Government Code Section 12956. Many of these records are available for sale. You may obtain a certified copy Official Website for Riverside County California Clerk Recorders Office . Auditor-Controller; Clerk of the Board; County of Official Website for Riverside County California Clerk Recorders Office . 00 if Official Website for Riverside County California Clerk Recorders Office . General Records Retention Schedule (GRRS) GRRS_2024_Rev14 : 6/4/2024 : 3. Auditor-Controller; Clerk of the Board; RECORDER - To record as mandated by law all recordable documents in connection with ownership and titling of properties and other negotiated items within the County of Riverside. The County Clerk-Recorder’s website allows visitors to conduct fictitious business name searches, grantor/grantee searches, and vital records searches that include birth, marriage or death certificates. To provide ongoing training and awareness to educate Departments on records management best practices. There is a fee to record this document in Riverside County. Auditor-Controller; Clerk of the Board; The Archives Commission recognizes that, according to the decision of the County Board of Supervisors, "it shall be the duty of the Commission to advise and make recommendations to the Riverside County Board of Supervisors concerning the development of the County Archives, the preservation of County historical records, documents, and objects. Skip to main content. Disabled Veterans Exemption. m. Pick from the topics listed below: Property Assessment Process; Proposition 19 Property Tax Benefits Official Website for Riverside County California Clerk Recorders Office . The year's tax roll -- a list of all taxable property, its owner, and its value as of Jan. Auditor-Controller; Clerk of the Board; Peter Aldana was elected the Assessor-County Clerk-Recorder for Riverside County in June of 2014. vs The "Recorder Sample Documents" below is a partial list of commonly used recording forms and a description of each. Date: Agenda No. Office Hours & Locations Phone: (951) 955 Under California law, Assessor Clerk Recorder’s Office staff are prohibited from providing legal advice. Auditor-Controller; Clerk of the Board; Most of the Assessor-County Clerk Recorder's forms have been created in Adobe PDF and allow for online completion and printing by its users. Riverside County Assessor-County Clerk-Recorder. Documents must be received Assessor-County Clerk-Recorder. If you own a boat in Riverside County on the lien date (January 1 of each year), you are responsible for the full property tax bill, even if you sell the boat after January 1. CAVALRY SPV I, LLC AS ASSIGNEE OF CITIBANK, N. If you are a California veteran who is rated 100% disabled, blind, or a paraplegic due Official Website for Riverside County California Clerk Recorders Office . Property Info / Homeowners / Tax Relief and Exemptions / Disabled Veterans Exemption. Auditor-Controller; Clerk of the Board; County of NOTE: The Assessor-County Clerk-Recorder has no authority or responsibility over the Declaration of Homestead program but have provided some general information below. Office Hours & Locations Phone: (951) 955-6200 Live Agents from 8 am - 5 pm, M-F Click Here to Contact Us. About the County Clerk Official Website for Riverside County California Clerk Recorders Office . Riverside CA, 92501. The Assessor-County Clerk-Recorder provides a The Riverside County Assessor-County Clerk-Recorder is excited to announce the 2025 Riverside County Recorder Title Company Meeting. Tell Us Certificates from the Riverside County Clerk-Recorder are typically available within 4-6 weeks of the event. " To carry out this mission, Welcome to Riverside County Online Appointment Solution. SEARCH RESULTS ARE LIMITED TO THE PAST 90 DAYS. Auditor-Controller; Clerk of the Board; County Clerk-Recorder (800) 696-9144 Riverside County Assessor-County Clerk-Recorder. to 3:00 p. Office Hours & Locations Phone: (951) 955 Assessor-County Clerk-Recorder Peter Aldana announced today that the taxable value of all property in Riverside County for the current year is $302 billion. What We Do. Lookup court cases, access docket information, case summaries, court documents, lawsuit filings, opinions, and tentative rulings. After searching, copies or certified copies may be Assessor-County Clerk-Recorder. Please note that only Riverside County certificates Riverside County Recorder 2724 Gateway Drive Riverside, CA 92507: If the oath is sent to any other address, there is no guarantee that it will be received at the correct office for processing in a timely manner. Office Hours & Locations Phone: (951) 955-6200 Live Agents from You have been redirected to the home page because your options have changed Instructions; Welcome to the Riverside Assessor-County Clerk-Recorder Self-Service System. Office Hours & Locations Phone: (951) 955 The Assessor-County Clerk-Recorder of Riverside County is committed to the principle that each and every customer should always: Be treated with courtesy and respect. Temecula. Use Official Website for Riverside County California Clerk Recorders Office . Enter name, date, or document type to find records online. Due to the ongoing COVID-19 health crisis, processing times may be longer than normal. This prohibition includes offering any guidance as to what actions must be undertaken, how to complete the forms, or determining what forms are required in making changes to title for real property. Documents are The instrument, paper, or notice is presented solely to correct a recording sequence. Box 751 Riverside, CA 92502-0751 Or Riverside County Clerk-Recorder Attn: Clerk Section P. Office Hours & Locations Phone: (951) 955 Riverside County Recorder 2724 Gateway Drive Riverside, CA 92507: Requests will be processed in the order in which they are received. Riverside County Assessor Office of the Recorder | County Clerk Our duties are to provide public notice by accepting and recording legal documents required by law upon payment of proper fees and taxes, as well as maintaining birth, marriage, and death records and indices for San Diego County. Most of our drop boxes are available 24 hours, seven days a week, except for our downtown Riverside-CAC location Official Website for Riverside County California Clerk Recorders Office . Be provided prompt services and Official Website for Riverside County California Clerk Recorders Office . Assessor-County Clerk-Recorder cart Home Language. To provide the recording, storage and Official Website for Riverside County California Clerk Recorders Office . Office Hours & Locations Phone: (951) 955 Beginning February 1, 2022, it will be mandatory to file electronically with the County of Riverside. Riverside (Gateway) 2724 Gateway Drive. Assessor-County Clerk-Recorder. What is the Homestead Declaration? Riverside County Official Website for Riverside County California Clerk Recorders Office . Use Website In a Screen-Reader Mode. The Get to know Peter Aldana, the Assessor-County Clerk-Recorder for the County of Riverside. Deposit your request and payment in a drop box located at the following offices: Official Website for Riverside County California Clerk Recorders Office . Riverside CA 92507. O. Temecula CA, 92591. Strategic Plan. Riverside County Archives. This year's tax roll—a list of all taxable property, its owner and its value as of Jan. 11 ACR – Assessor: DRRS_ACR Official Website for Riverside County California Clerk Recorders Office . The Assessor does not set tax amounts or collect taxes. Auditor-Controller; Clerk of the Board; County of Submit the completed document to the County Recorder. Learn about the Assessor, County Clerk, and Recorder functions. Office Hours & Locations Phone: (951) 955-6200 Live Agents from 8 am - 5 pm, M-F Click Here to Riverside County Assessor-County Clerk-Recorder Office Hours & Locations Phone: (951) 955-6200 Live Agents from 8 am - 5 pm, M-F Click Here to Contact Us The "Recorder Sample Documents" below is a partial list of commonly used recording forms and a description of each. Learn about the ACR team, news, and contact details. The Assessor must Riverside (Downtown) 4080 Lemon Street. Official Records Search and Copies - Web. If you would like to Riverside County Department of Animal Services Reports Major Progress in 2024 March 11, 2025 42 Large RivCo Shelter Dogs Board Cross-Country Flight to Find Adopters The Assessor-Clerk-Recorder offers drop-off services to allow customers to hand-deliver their documents and requests. Riverside County Assessor Riverside County Assessor-County Clerk-Recorder Office Hours & Locations Phone: (951) 955-6200 Live Agents from 8 am - 5 pm, M-F Click Here to Contact Us Official Website for Riverside County California Clerk Recorders Office . Learn about the history of Riverside County through the Riverside County Archives. Office Hours & Locations Phone: (951) 955-6200 Live Agents from Purchase copies of filed Clerk records online, by mail, or by coming into one of our public services locations. Search for documents recorded or filed by the Riverside County Recorder and Clerk from 1893 to 2025. Find out how to access, review and obtain public records from various county departments, including vital records, fictitious business names, notary public and more. Press Alt+1 for screen-reader mode, Alt+0 to cancel. Office Hours & Locations Phone: (951) 955-6200 Live Agents from Peter Aldana was elected the Assessor-County Clerk-Recorder for Riverside County in June of 2014. 1—will generate more than $3 billion for local government services. Peter has been with the Riverside County ACR office for over 30 years in a variety of appraisal, supervisory, and management positions. Annual Racehorse Tax Return (Form 571-J) Revenue and Taxation Official Website for Riverside County California Clerk Recorders Office . The Assessor must complete an assessment roll showing the assessed values for all property and maintain records of the above. Ensure a quick visit by Assessor-County Clerk-Recorder Peter Aldana announced today that the total taxable value of all property in Riverside County for the current year great to $338 billion, an $18 billion increase. Peter earned his Bachelor of Arts degree from California State University Fullerton, and his Master of Arts degree in Education from Azusa Welcome to the Riverside ACR 2023 - 2026 Strategic Plan. Auditor-Controller; Clerk of the Board; Welcome to Riverside County Assessor Online Services. Please allow 6-8 weeks to receive your original recorded document back in the mail. Read our 2023-2026 Strategic Plan. 41002 County Center Drive, Suite 230. Next. Electronically. Box 751 Riverside, CA. 1 -- will generate roughly $3. Be treated fairly and equitably. Office Hours . See the Fee Schedule for Marriages, Fictitious Business Names, Certificates, Notary Public, Surety, Copies and Filing. To purchase data, please visit the Contact Us page and select "Bulk Data Search public court records in Riverside County Superior Court, CA. Riverside County Website. Office Hours & Locations Phone: (951) 955-6200 Live Agents from Official Website for Riverside County California Clerk Recorders Office . 92502-0751; If we are unable to process your request, we will return to you your application, payment, and a letter providing you with further instructions. Helpful Links. County Clerk Fees. Peter earned his Bachelor of Arts degree from California State University Fullerton, and his Master of Arts degree in Education from Azusa Official Website for Riverside County California Clerk Recorders Office . Description; Select a search type. Unsupported Browser Riverside County Assessor-County Clerk-Recorder. 2 subdivision (b). Office Hours & Locations Phone: (951) 955 Official Website for Riverside County California Clerk Recorders Office . The Office of the Assessor maintains assessment records of real and personal property in the County of Riverside. Documents to be recorded may be mailed to: Riverside County Recorder P. PLEASE UPDATE YOUR WEB BROWSER. Auditor-Controller; Clerk of the Board; County of Contact the Riverside County Assessor-County Clerk-Recorder to schedule a speaker for your next meeting or to organize a webinar. To file electronically, complete an application online and send us your notice as follows: Click on Fish and Game Filing Official Website for Riverside County California Clerk Recorders Office . SST Number: (SST#####) EVitals Order # Customer Name. Home; Welcome to Riverside County Online Appointment Welcome to Riverside County Assessor Online Services. 00 for each plain copy of the statement requested or $2. Back to RMAP Home. This forms must be completed by January 10 and submitted to the Riverside County Assessor-County Clerk-Recorder, PO Box 1240 Riverside, CA 92502-1240. 1—will generate more than $3. This event will be held on January 22, 2025, from 1:00 p. A. Auditor-Controller; Clerk of the Board; County of Riverside ASSESSOR-COUNTY CLERK-RECORDER. The Assessor must determine a value for all taxable property and apply all legal exemptions and exclusions. Find information and services for property assessment, recording, and elections in Riverside County. Send completed forms and payments to: RIVERSIDE COUNTY CLERK PO BOX 751 RIVERSIDE CA 92502-0751; We cannot accept responsibility for any filing About the Assessor-County Clerk-Recorder. Auditor-Controller; Clerk of the Board; RIVERSIDE COUNTY CLERK PO BOX 751 RIVERSIDE CA 92502-0751 -OR-RIVERSIDE COUNTY CLERK 38-686 EL CERRITO ROAD PALM DESERT CA 92211 Enclose $1. Learn the difference Public Records Services / Assessor Services - ALL / Public Records The Assessor's office provides a public information service to assist taxpayers with questions about their property. Office Hours & Locations Phone: (951) Riverside County Assessor – County Clerk–Recorder Birth, Death and Marriage certificates available 90 days after the event. Official Website for Riverside County California Clerk Recorders Office . Riverside County Make checks payable to the Riverside County Recorder (we do not accept temporary checks or altered money orders). Auditor-Controller; Clerk of the Board; Official Website for Riverside County California Clerk Recorders Office . Office Hours & Locations Phone: (951) 955 To provide instruction and advice to County of Riverside Departments regarding records management policy and procedure. RMAP Retention Schedules. The official records are open for public inspection and copies may be purchased from any recorder's office location. Riverside County Superior Courts | Palm Springs Courthouse | Civil - Real Property | 01/24/2025 . These forms DO NOT allow for online submission and must be delivered, by mail or in person, to your local Assessor-County Clerk-Recorder office. The intent of the parties with regard to the priority of recorded documents shall be controlling regardless of the sequence of recording by a Official Website for Riverside County California Clerk Recorders Office . Tell Us How We're Doing. To that end, we crafted a plan that is centered on our vision and contemplates the challenges and opportunities that will shape us over the next four years. Office Hours & Locations Assessor-County Clerk-Recorder Peter Aldana announced today that the taxable value of all property in Riverside County for the current year grew to $320 billion, an $18 billion increase. 3 billion for local government services. Book an Appointment. Do not send cash by mail. Auditor-Controller; Clerk of the Board; The Recorder is responsible for providing the public with constructive notice of private acts and creating and maintaining custody of permanent records for all documents filed and recorded in Riverside County. Our strategy continues to focus on re-imagining how government can simplify the business of life for our communities. Please check out our Website for current office updates: https://www Official Website for Riverside County California Clerk Recorders Office . Schedule Title: Schedule No. Self Service Transaction Search NOTE: TO OBTAIN SEARCH RESULTS, PLEASE ENTER ACCURATE INFORMATION IN THE REQUESTED FIELD. The descriptions are general and are not intended to be complete legal definitions. 2 billion for local government services. Here at the ACR, our team of dedicated professionals aspire to make the "business of life" easier for you. Assessor-County Clerk-Recorder Prepare a check or money order made payable to Riverside County Clerk. Learn about the Riverside County Assessor-County Clerk-Recorder office, who we are and what we do. Peter Aldana Assessor-County Clerk-Recorder.
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