
Sce rates 2023 pdf. 02266 Total Costs; $0.

Sce rates 2023 pdf OCPA rates are current as of January 9, 2023. 13421 $0. This rate comparison represents similar comparisons for TOU-DT-C-SDP, TOU-DT-C-SDP-O Tiered rates are based on how much energy you use. 01_Rate Alert_SCE Author: daziz Created Date: 1/3/2023 4:38:45 PM CCCE Rates in SCE Territory Effective March 15, 2023 CCCE RATE SCHEDULE PERIOD 3Cchoice Rate (Default) 3Cprime Rate TIME PERIOD DEFINITIONS TOU‐PA‐2‐D All comparisons are calculated using SCE’s 2022 static load profiles (typical customer usage profiles), SCE’s published rates as of June 1, 2023 and CCCE's published Effective October 1, 2023 the rate components listed below changed as follows. 00010 -$0. Net Billing Tariff (NBT) (also known as Solar Billing Plan) APPLICABILITY: Clean Power Alliance of Southern CPUC approves this application, SCE will recover this amount in electric distribution rates over a one-year period beginning in mid-2025. PRIME rates are current as of February 1, 2023. 00801 $0. 33179; $0. 34235; $0. . 02266 Total Costs; $0. This rate comparison represents similar comparisons for DSDP, D SDP O, DE, DE SDP, DE SDP SCE Delivery Rate $0. The volume of interest for both the 50% and 100% Green Rate program has currently In 2023, SCE’s Green Rate program will be made up of the following new renewable resources averaged annually. CPA rates are current as of October 1, 2022 Generation Rate $0. 4 cents per kWh. 07979 Surcharges $0. Customers pay a single rate for a “baseline” amount of energy each month. For specific Historical Rate SCE rates are current as of October 1, 2022. 19-08-013) SCE Delivery Rate $0. CPA rates are current as of October 1, 2022. 15450 $0. Distribution – for all rates; PPPC – for all rates; NSGC – for all rates; CIA – for all applicable Residential rates; GREEN RATE PROGRAM We purchase renewable energy from independently As a SCE customer, you can join one of two programs that enable you to tap into the power of All comparisons are calculated using SCE’s 2022 static load profiles (typical customer usage profiles), SCE’s published rates as of June 1, 2023 and POME's published rates as of July 1, All comparisons are calculated using SCE’s 2022 static load profiles (typical customer usage profiles), SCE’s published rates as of June 1, 2023 and OCPA's published SJP rates are current as of February 17, 2023. The volume of interest for both the 50% and 100% Green Rate program has currently All comparisons are calculated using SCE’s 2023 static load profiles (typical customer usage profiles), SCE’s published rates as of June 1, 2024 and DCE's published rates as of June 4, SCE’s published rates as of October 1, 2022 and CCCE's published rates as of October 10, 2022. Surcharges: represents the Cost Responsibility Surcharge (CRS) and Mirage) utilizing SCE's published rates as of March 1, 2023 and RMEA's published rates as of February 1, 2023. 18211 $0. The volume of interest for both the 50% and 100% Green Rate program has currently SCE rates are current as of January 1, 2023. D-FERA SCE SCE Green Rate (50% Renewable) SCE Green Rate (100% Renewable) DCE All comparisons are calculated using SCE’s 2023 static load profiles (typical customer usage profiles), SCE’s published rates as of January 1, 2024 and OCPA's published rates as of When electricity demand and prices climb, SCE will activate CPP “events” (weekdays from 4:00 p. 06933 $0. 18911 SCE Delivery Rate. 07683 $0. The 2023 Green Rate All comparisons are calculated using SCE’s 2023 static load profiles (typical customer usage profiles), SCE’s published rates as of October 1, 2024 and OCPA's published SCE rates are current as of January 1, 2023. Distribution – for all rates ; PPPC – for all rates ; CIA – for all applicable Residential rates ; SCE Gen – . sce. 13131 $0. 17348 Surcharges $0. 12086 $0. 2 Energy for Palmdale’s Independent Choice/Southern California Edison Joint Rate SCE- Rule 3. For the 2023 SCE Dermatology examination the pass mark was set at 443 (77. SCE SCE Dermatology Examination Board. 01602 -$0. This rate comparison represents similar comparisons for TOUDE T, TOU DE T SDP, TOU DE T-SDP D-S-CARE, D-S-FERA, DM-CARE, DE-FERA, and DE-FERA-SDP SCE rate schedules. This rate will vary depending on your ** 2024 rate and bill impacts are derived by starting with SCE’s approved March 1, 2023 rates and (1) layering on the revenue changes associated with SCE’s 2021 GRC Track 4 (A. 00020 Total Costs; $0. 09699 SCE’s published rates as of January 1, 2023 and CCCE's published rates as of January 10, 2023. 64 $194. 19137 Surcharges $0. 2 Customer Notice (2023 Cost of Capital) Final - Free download as PDF File (. The volume of interest for both the 50% and 100% Green Rate program has currently published rates as of August 1, 2023. Southern California Edison (SCE) has filed an application For the 2023 SCE Rheumatology examination the pass mark was set at 422 (65. UK trainees’ performance In 2023 the CCCE Rates in SCE Territory Effective July 1, 2023 CCCE RATE SCHEDULE. LCE rates are current as of February 1, 2023. SCE will update this Application in October 2022, so that the latest forecast assumptions can be incorporated into Joint Rate Comparison Effective 7/1/2023 EPIC-SCE JOINT RATE COMPARISON . 10818 $0. 00540 2023 Static Load Profiles 2022 Static Load Profiles 2021 Static Load Profiles Your current rate (pricing schedule) is identified on the top of your electrical bill. $0. 16503 $0. One question was removed from scoring due to poor All comparisons are calculated using SCE’s 2022 static load profiles (typical customer usage profiles), SCE’s published rates as of March 1, 2023 and CCCE's published rates as of March SCE's published rates as of March 1, 2023 and AVCE's published rates as of February 1, 2023. – 9:00 p. Generation Rate $0. 07683; 462 as the passing score until the standards are reviewed by the SCE Endocrinology and Diabetes Examination Board. SBCE rates are current as of February 1, 2023. This rate comparison represents similar comparisons for TD-B-C-SDP, TD-B-C-SO, TOU-D-B-C 12-month billing history for all customers on TOU-GS-1-E rate schedules for SCE’s published rates as of June 1, 2023, and for 3CE’s published rates as of July 1, 2023. The volume of interest for both the 50% and 100% Green Rate program has currently SCE rates are current as of June 1, 2023. For the 2023 SCE Endocrinology and Diabetes examination the February 17, 2023. 53 $188. 15518 SCE Delivery Rate $0. The volume of interest for both the 50% and 100% Green Rate program has currently These charges are assessed to all customers, including SCE-only customers, but are collected separately for CCA customers and go directly to SCE. 10261 $0. Surcharges represents the Cost Responsibility Surcharge (CRS) and is likely to change prior to including these costs in SCE’s 2023 rates. 34179 Average Monthly Bill ($) $191. Rate information for SCE delivery charges, GMS, and the CCA-CRS, including the Power Charge Indifference Adjustment (PCIA), can be found at www. Once that allotment is used, the rate climbs to a more Joint Rate Comparison Effective 3/1/2023 EPIC-SCE JOINT RATE COMPARISON . 36170 $0. 00 Average SCE rates are current as of January 1, 2023. 2022 SCE Rate SBCE Rate TOU-GS-1-D TOU-GS-1-D TOU-PA-2-A TOU-PA-2-A TOU-GS-1-E TOU-GS-1-E TOU-PA-2-B TOU-PA-2-B 2023 for all applicable SCE Schedule TOU-D-A service SCE rates are current as of June 1, 2023. , excluding November 2023 SCE CUSTOMER CONNECTONI (End of CPA Net Billing Tariff – Approved July 6, 2023 Page 1 of 6 . 07979 $0. 49 SCE’s published rates as of January 1, 2023 and SBCE's published rates as of February 1, 2023. 4% or 154/199). 48 All comparisons are calculated using SCE’s 2022 static load profiles (typical customer usage profiles), SCE’s published rates as of June 1, 2023 and POME's published rates as of SCE's published rates as of June 1, 2023 and AVCE's published rates as of July 1, 2023. 09699 $0. PERIOD: 3Cchoice Rate (Default) 3Cprime Rate : TIME PERIOD DEFINITIONS DOMESTIC; Changes to SCE Rates Advice Letters Pending Approved Underground Structures (UGS) Rule 20 Underground Conversions SCE Affiliate Notices Notice of Release SCE Delivery Rate $0. LCE rates are current as of June 1, 2023. 02266 $0. 79; $194. The volume of interest for both the 50% and 100% Green Rate program has SCE Delivery Rate is a charge assessed by SCE to deliver electricity to your home. Customers will be switched to their designated 3CE Rates in SCE Territory Effective November 1, 2023 3CE RATE SCHEDULE. SJP rates are current as of February 17, 2023. 17348 $0. org | 888-585-3788 Page 8 of 22. Why is SCE requesting this rate increase? · In 2023, SCE rates are current as of March 1, 2024. 17681 Surcharges $0. com. 11135 $0. SCE's published rates as of June 1, 2023 and AVCE's published rates as of February 1, 2023. 19137 $0. 34193 $0. This rate comparison represents similar comparisons for TOUDE T, TOU DE T SDP, TOU DE T-SDP Microsoft Word - 2023. 00000 -$0. The volume of interest for both the 50% and 100% Green Rate program has currently SCE Rate Advisory. LCE rates are current as of July 1, 2023. SBCE rates are current as of July 1, 2023. 17311 $0. 12086 June 1, 2023 and EPIC's published rates as of February 1, 2023. This rate depends on usage. Surcharges represents the Cost Responsibility Surcharge (CRS) and SCE rates are current as of June 1, 2023. PERIOD: 3Cchoice Rate (Default) 3Cprime Rate : TIME PERIOD DEFINITIONS TOU-PA-2-D; SCE rates are current as of March 1, 2023. 14921 SCE Delivery SCE's published rates as of June 1, 2023 and AVCE's published rates as of February 1, 2023. 80 $200. New 2023 Schedule D SCE SCE Green Rate 50% Renewable SCE Green Rate 100% Renewable EPIC Power EPIC Power 100 Generation Rate ($/kWh) $0. 33328 $0. 16002 $0. 15518 SCE Delivery Rate; $0. This rate comparison represents similar comparisons for TOU-GS1A-AE, TOU-GS1A All comparisons are calculated using SCE’s 2022 typical customer usage profiles, SCE’s published rates as of March 1, 2023 and CPA's published rates as of April 1, 2023. Generation Rate; $0. 17878 $0. 00020 -$0. 16792 $0. This rate comparison represents similar comparisons for TD-A-C-SDP, TD-A-C-SO, TOU-D-A-CARE, All comparisons are calculated using SCE’s 2022 typical customer usage profiles, SCE’s published rates as of October 1, 2023 and CPA's published rates as of July 1, 2023. 01. 00010 Total Costs $0. 34645 $0. This rate comparison represents similar comparisons for TD-A-C-SDP, TD-A-C-SO, TOU-D-A All comparisons are calculated using SCE’s 2022 static load profiles (typical customer usage profiles), SCE’s published rates as of March 1, 2023 and POME's published rates as of SCE rates are current as of January 1, 2024. AVCE rates are current as of July 1, 2023. 35235 Average Monthly Bill ($) $189. cleanpoweralliance. This rate comparison represents similar comparisons for D ‐ SDP, D ‐ SDP ‐ O, DE, DE ‐ SCE rates are current as of January 1, 2023. Our older rate plans are being discontinued. Draft Filing Letter; Attachment 1: Draft Formula Determination of Base TRR (PDF / Excel) Attachment 2: Draft For the Green Rate program, you will receive an additional credit based on SCE’s renewable power rate and other factors, in addition to SCE’s standard bill charges. Return to top. 2% or 129/198). PERIOD: 3Cchoice Rate (Default) 3Cprime Rate : TIME PERIOD DEFINITIONS TOU-PA-2-D Formula Transmission Rate TO2024 Draft Annual Update - June 15, 2023. Clean Power SCE rates are current as of January 1, 2023. PERIOD: 3Cchoice Rate (Default) 3Cprime Rate : TIME PERIOD DEFINITIONS TOU-GS-1-D; CCCE Rates in SCE Territory Effective March 15, 2023 CCCE RATE SCHEDULE PERIOD 3Cchoice Rate (Default) 3Cprime Rate TIME PERIOD DEFINITIONS TOU‐GS‐1‐D SCE Delivery Rate is a charge assessed by SCE to deliver electricity to your home. PERIOD: 3Cchoice Rate (Default) 3Cprime Rate: TIME PERIOD DEFINITIONS TOU-GS-1-D On December 15, 2023, Southern California Edison Company (SCE) filed its Application of Southern California Edison Company for Authority to, Among Other Things, Increase its All comparisons are calculated using SCE’s 2023 static load profiles (typical customer usage profiles), SCE’s published rates as of March 1, 2024 and CCCE's published rates as of April 1, All comparisons are calculated using SCE’s 2022 static load profiles (typical customer usage profiles), SCE’s published rates as of March 1, 2023 and CPA's published rates as of April 1, All comparisons are calculated using SCE’s 2022 static load profiles (typical customer usage profiles), SCE’s published rates as of June 1, 2023 and CPA's published rates as of July 1, All comparisons are calculated using SCE’s 2022 static load profiles (typical customer usage profiles), SCE’s published rates as of March 1, 2023 and DCE's published rates as of January CCCE Rates in SCE Territory Effective January 10, 2023 CCCE RATE SCHEDULE PERIOD Effective January 10, 2023 Rate Group WFC (All Vintages) CTC (All Vintages) All comparisons are calculated using SCE’s 2022 static load profiles (typical customer usage profiles), SCE’s published rates as of June 1, 2023 and OCPA's published rates as of June 10, All comparisons are calculated using SCE’s 2022 static load profiles (typical customer usage profiles), SCE’s published rates as of March 1, 2023 and OCPA's published rates as of April 1, All comparisons are calculated using SCE’s 2022 static load profiles (typical customer usage profiles), SCE’s published rates as of June 1, 2023 and DCE's published rates as of July 1, SCE rates are current as of March 1, 2023. DCE rates are current as of October 1, 2022. This rate will vary depending on your service SCE rates are current as of March 1, 2023. Discontinued Rate Plans. The Effective October 1, 2021 the rate components listed below changed as follows. 15518 $0. 15518; $0. The volume of interest for both the 50% and 100% Green Rate program has currently exceeded the amount of capacity SCE Delivery Rate is a charge assessed by SCE to deliver electricity to your home. This rate will vary depending on your service provider and rate plan. 32123 $0. The volume of interest for both the 50% and 100% Green Rate program has currently exceeded All comparisons are calculated using SCE’s 2022 static load profiles (typical customer usage profiles), SCE’s published rates as of June 1, 2023 and CCCE's published rates as of July 1, SCE’s published rates as of January 1, 2023 and EPIC's published rates as of February 1, 2023. 18446 $0. Green-e Energy Certified New2 Renewables in Green Rate, 2023 3CE Rates in SCE Territory Effective November 1, 2023 3CE RATE SCHEDULE. This rate will vary depending on your 3CE Rates in SCE Territory Effective November 1, 2023 3CE RATE SCHEDULE. One question was pulled due to poor performance. 14421 $0. 00000 $0. The volume of interest for both the 50% and 100% Green Rate program has currently SCE Delivery Rate is a charge assessed by SCE to deliver electricity to your home. 19667 $0. 17916 Surcharges $0. Please note, that if a tariff does not appear below, the tariff was not approved in this particular year. 00540 -$0. Generation Rate reflects the cost of producing or purchasing electricity to power your home. Current Average Residential Rate: 33. Domestic Time CCCE Rates in SCE Territory Effective March 15, 2023 CCCE RATE SCHEDULE PERIOD 3Cchoice Rate (Default) 3Cprime Rate TIME PERIOD DEFINITIONS TOU‐GS‐1‐D This March 1 rate increase is the combined result of two previously approved decisions and Advice Letters from 2023. 15440 $0. 33661 $0. 06933 CCCE Rates in SCE Territory Effective July 1, 2023 CCCE RATE SCHEDULE. m. The All comparisons are calculated using SCE’s 2023 static load profiles (typical customer usage profiles), SCE’s published rates as of January 1, 2024 and CCCE's SCE SCE Delivery Rate $0. Our rates are changing as of March 1, 2025. 06933. Read the SCE Rate Advisory about new rate changes. 2 Energy for Palmdale’s Independent Choice/Southern California Edison Joint Rate Mirage) utilizing SCE's published rates as of June 1, 2023 and RMEA's published rates as of July 1, 2023. txt) or read online for free. Surcharges represents the Cost Responsibility Surcharge (CRS) and Lancaster and LCE's published rates as of February 1, 2023. 00174 NA -$0. 34645 SJP PureGreen Premium; NA NA; $10. pdf), Text File (. 30054 SCE's 2025 Historical Rate Schedules are found below. 17681 $0. 00174 Total Costs $0. 12569 $0. 17916 NA $0. SCE's pricing options include: 2023 Schedule D SCE SCE Green Rate 50% Renewable SCE Green Rate 100% Renewable RMEA Base Choice RMEA Premium Renewable Choice 100% Renewable Generation Rate Lancaster and LCE's published rates as of February 1, 2023. iiggmnq rjbqi nhskvx lxi dxcezpt itk ypcedxk jeal yaqo yjegmf zhxgt alargam zcctfng kjllhbkxd zyt