This american life finally. When Henry Dee finally got released, Andre was already out.
This american life finally So Andre raced over to the shelter, called some people, and they got Henry Dee an apartment. " Finally, the frontliners yell that they want room to retreat. Act One. Lennard Davis grew up hearing from his parents that he should, at all costs, avoid being like his good-for-nothing Uncle Abie. And finally, I told Lee that it seemed like he was living in a kind of limbo-- not his old life in China, not a real American life. Seth Finally Pledges. The other day, longtime This American Life staffer Seth Lind told Ira Glass something that blew his mind. Kay Frank. And once one came down, they all started just piling down. One night a little while back, I ran into Jiayang at an event. Note: This American Life is produced for the ear and designed to be heard. Newsy stories that try to capture what it’s like This American Life is true stories that unfold like little movies for radio. , to its podcast lineup. Play with Free Trial . Torey Malatia, who, he-- he-- he's coming up behind me. Thanks, as always, to our program's co-founder, Mr. Here's a typical scene in the life of the Jarvis family. unbelievably, salvaged and converted into a cargo barge, which finally sank in the storm near Atlantic City that same year. Ira tells the story of the 1953 U. Dave is a Christian, the leader of a local church's Chinese ministry. Finally, I have met a woman who I am very fond of. Newsy stories that try to capture what it’s like Vote up the most essential 'TAL' episodes. I had written a lot of notes, but I finally sat down at the computer and wrote up the introduction. DA Bob Carney didn't think much William Cimillo. We were so young when we made the deal to start the radio show, and we had that woman lawyer helping us, and we were both so strong Act One: Finally. 2, 1998 Ira talks with Chicago Public Radio reporter Shirley Jahad about white Chicagoans and Arab-American Chicagoans facing off, each side waving American flags and shouting "U. You are physically and spiritually connected to that place. So one of my friends noticed the book at a book fair at our school. Louis (HOST) ZACH ST. It's This American Life, I'm Ira Glass. Abbas Alawieh, a leader in the Uncommitted movement, grapples with In this article, I’ve curated a list of some of the most memorable, impactful, and beloved episodes of “This American Life,” showcasing the show’s ability to inform, entertain, and move its audience. "and how each means very different things when they do it. We bought our house in the mid-'60s, '64. Come on. Thanks, as always, to our show's co-founder, Mr. Finally, the Knicks win and it's time to go home, guys. I think people just tended to watch the show and say, I got it bad, but look at poor Nasubi. On the plane, my dad told us that he had met someone, a woman named Marjorie, a speechwriter and professor. It happened on a trip my brother Fletcher, my dad, and I took to the beach. Two months later, Rabia and Manaal joined him. This American Life is delivered to public radio stations by Roughly 50 years of prosperity has finally come to a close, and people really uncertain about their futures. In this hour-long story, which we reported in 2010, NPR Automotive Correspondent Frank Langfitt tells the story of NUMMI and why GM—and the rest of the American car business—wasn't able to learn from it more quickly. Thanks, as always, to our program's co-founder, Mr I wrote down-- I wrote the introduction up. How to Listen; Episodes; So finally, they agreed they were going to take a break for a few days, think about things, talk to their families, and then come back and figure things out together. and going until 5 a. For some stories just a few paragraphs are fine. Commencement Speech at the Columbia Journalism School. The kids come back into the room from recess. Listen on: This American This American Life is true stories that unfold like little movies for radio. And finally, into this bleakness, comes a book, the book, Little Women. We love you. I was forced to go to school in America and learn English and start a new life. This American Life producer Alex Blumberg visited them in Florida. He's actually on his way to the office Note: This American Life is produced for the ear and designed to be heard. But in all the time I've listened to your show, I've never heard an episode devoted to what goes on inside the walls of a middle school. Up and down, every day, the same people, the same stops, nickels, dimes, transfers, and-- well, this morning, I thought I'd try something different. 8, After I finished my story, he was quiet for a long time. So I took a shower and went to sleep. They're pretty giddy and pretty excited, so finally, I'm like, OK, game on, let's go. Finally, I decide she just wants me to provide her with some easy answer to satisfy her teacher and get her through the semester unscathed Until finally, the culprit actually came through a big hole in the utility closet and they spotted it, a cat. Zach Mack. The vaccinations were supposedly going to start this week, the week that began Monday, January 4th, the fourth week of the vaccine rollout. Well, it's one of those things. The Call. Thanks as always to our show's co-founder, Mr. Thanks, as always, to our In the depths of Google wormholes for end of life, for assisted suicide, for euthanasia, for terminal illness, and for making end-of-life choices, in August, I finally find Dignitas, a Swiss organization to which even a foreigner can apply for an accompanied suicide if you meet their criteria-- be of sound mind, have medical records supporting Zach St. WBEZ management oversight for our show by our boss, Mr. The first one came down. Lee Qi. I went by "Stacey" for two months. Dave gives my dad a bible, the first English language book he studies from cover to cover, and He was dating someone new, before my mom. We hear from the waitress who has worked the graveyard shift for over two decades, the regular customers who come every day, the couples working out their problems, various assorted drunks, and, of course, cops. This American Life. Pandora previously had exclusive streaming rights. All of them made it onto the program. So he took Seth into the studio. [FUNDING CREDITS] Note: This American Life is produced for the ear and designed to be heard. 8, But I remember the moment that it lifted enough to finally feel like it wasn't crushing us. This first story was the anchor for show #385 Pro Se. Thank you, as always, to our program's co-founder, Mr. Newsy stories that try to capture what it’s like to be alive right now. I decided my grandma was the bad guy. And then as he was leaving, he said, you know, karma will find you. Thanks, as always, to our program's co He keeps berating her, insisting that she stole from him. Thanks, as He finally got out of prison in February 2023, 11 months after his sentence officially ended. Finally, a kind woman at the front desk at social services looked into her case and found some glitch in the system. Boen Wang. Ira Glass. Finally, the guy's wife tells him to just let it go. He's got it worse. who finally got caught when he was conned himself. It The other day, longtime This American Life staffer Seth Lind told Ira Glass something that blew his mind. And so finally, her brother-in-law comes to them, she writes, with a thought about what might be happening. And so we fall way back, a couple blocks. Finally, after 2 and 1/2 years, Hal and Debbie Gray called the district attorney's office in Schenectady. It's about the crack team of scientologists called the Alex Jones spread the idea that Sandy Hook was a hoax, on his radio show and website for years after the shooting. This American Life is delivered to public radio This American Life is distributed by Public Radio International. And when he finally reached the bus stop, he saw that the bus was still there, waiting for him. All the King's Horses. You can't change it. And they do it because they just can not stop themselves. Lenore. Maybe a month and a half into their captivity, not long before the end, one of the guards takes Chen and her kids out of the apartment and onto the street. Ira Glass brings us back to the moment of celebration when the anti-gerrymandering constitutional amendment was passed in Ohio. A. You know, I think people just tended to watch the show and say, you know, I got it bad. m. Special thanks as always to our program's co-founder, Mr. Torey Malatia, who's actually sitting right here. Support the show to get ad-free listening, bonus content, and our new Greatest Hits Archive. (16 minutes) Act Three: Shalom Auslander reads his true story, "The Blessing Bee. The program is run by the State Department. She finally did learn when the state would be vaccinating dentists, but it wasn't from any official source. I hope you'll think about it. It’s the most popular weekly podcast in the 《This American Life》是一档广受欢迎的公共广播电台节目兼播客,由Ira Glass创立并主持。 自1995年首播以来,这档节目以其独特的叙事风格和深刻的情感共鸣,赢得了全球听众的喜爱。 每一集围绕一个特 The other day, longtime This American Life staffer Seth Lind told Ira Glass something that blew his mind. It's about a stolen election theory. "Dear Maggie, the novel proceeds apace, and my agent is happy with it. Daniel is shaking a little. Then, as an adult, that shifted. This American Life is distributed by Public Radio International. It was black and it was feral, and it ran back up the hole. But coming out as fat, doctors and your family and kind of the entire culture is organized to point out how wrong-headed you are. (10 minutes) Michèle Dawson Haber wrote about hearing her father’s voice on tape as a Modern Love column "Hearing His Voice Changed Everything," in The New York Times. Supreme Court case that formed the basis for the controversial state secret privilege—the precedent that allows the United States government to stop lawsuits by claiming that national security secrets might be revealed in court. (5 So finally, a dinner party was arranged by someone who knew them both. Mar. And finally, underlying all this, politics. It references a concept called the "lesbian continuum" in the second paragraph. 8, Finally, they reached an apartment, which she says was still under construction. Thanks, as always, to our program's co The other day, longtime This American Life staffer Seth Lind told Ira Glass something that blew his mind. Thanks, as Finally, Marilu and Daniel walk up, each of them holding a flower. Later, after his father died, that very same uncle told him that his father was not Here are four pitches for stories for our show. This American Life is Over two hundred people wrote in, facing big, life-changing moments, and some smaller ones. Friends and ex-friends finally talk about the one thing between them they've been avoiding. I'm the only one that stayed in the neighborhood because we couldn't afford to move out of here. As she got older, she says, she was also sexually abused by her brother. But for a while, on the right, this movie seemed like it was everywhere. [SPEAKING SPANISH] They're saying, I'm so happy to see you. They arrested 31 people at several schools, almost all of them students who had sold small amounts of marijuana. How to Listen; Episodes; Recommended; OK, so we're finally getting to the reason that I'm telling you all this. 26, 2024. The things we break and the ones we can't fix. Alex Blumberg. He told me to sleep in this room. Somebody she knew just texted her. We pull on our coats, pay the bartender, and as we leave, the If you hear about something in the news or in your community that you think might make a good documentary for us to do on the radio, drop us an email. They've been our And then finally, it was like magic. If you're pitching a story you're hoping to tell on the air yourself, let us know what happened in a page or two. Transcripts are generated using a combination of speech recognition software and human transcribers, and may contain errors. And on the evening of the party, the Penguin walked into the drawing room, saw Mary Poppins on the divan, doffed his top hat, and bowed low, as was his style in those days. As the conversation wound down, I let go of any notion that I could convince him of anything. Justin was one of them. Kay's five sisters and her parents all moved away from the neighborhood. I couldn't help him. During this hour, a special edition of our show: Stories about Niagara Falls, half of them from This isn’t the first time Spotify has worked with the “This American Life” team; it bought Brooklyn-based podcast network Gimlet Media in February 2019 for roughly $230 million, and Gimlet Note: This American Life is produced for the ear and designed to be heard. And then walks us through how the subsequent maps were struck down over and over This American Life senior producer Julie Snyder found herself in a ten-month battle with her phone company, MCI Worldcom, which had overcharged her $946. 112: Ladies and Germs Oct. Thanks also to Jerry Fabris, Audio Curator at the Thomas Edison National Historical Park of West Orange, New This American Life. He's probably the country's most famous conspiracy theorist. Torey And finally, he said, the only friends you're going to be left with are the parents of whatever kid your little toddler or whatever randomly sidles up to because they both like the same part of the playground. Rachel. And, well, guess what. From WBEZ Chicago, it's This American Life, distributed Thirteen parole board members decide whether or not one man should be released from prison. Mr. You don't need to be formal Note: This American Life is produced for the ear and designed to be heard. 827. At about Hi. 15, 2024. In fact, as we stood there outside the zoo, an animal ran by us on the grass, and the family Aric talks to host Ira Glass about what it was like to finally ask his dad why. You know, he'll never forget his first If you'd like to buy a cassette of this program, call us here at WBEZ in Chicago, 312-832-3380. This American Life is produced in collaboration with WBEZ Chicago and delivered to stations by PRX The Public Radio Exchange. Some wondered if the drug companies had delayed releasing the vaccine results until after the election. This American Life is delivered to public radio stations by PRX, the Public Radio Note: This American Life is produced for the ear and designed to be heard. And so we need to retreat. Producer Nancy Updike talks about the case with Dale Sekovich, Federal Trade Commission investigator. Hosted by Ira Glass, this thoughtful, deep-diving series Personal stories with funny moments, big feelings, and surprising plot twists. Make Him Say Uncle. This American Life is distributed by Public Radio International-- this week for the last week. You know, I was just thinking about this the other day, how young he and I both were. Ablao. Many said they felt like Democrats had exaggerated COVID so they could use it to defeat President Trump. His attorneys met him in Belize, helped him set up his new house. " It's about the time when, as a third-grader at an Orthodox Finally, the president's envoy is helicoptered into New York City to save the day and, frankly, to save the movie. 809. Each week we choose a theme and put together different kinds of stories on that theme. And he went home to his parents, and I went to my parents. Here is a brief catalogue of spines recently grown across the country. the version where the hopes and dreams of the foreign spouse were finally center stage. It's awful. Download. Anonymous. From: Jon Ronson Date: Wed, 10 Jun 2009 16:11:53 +0100 This story is about the Scientologists. The kids are gathered around a shallow well She wasn't just physically abused. 22, 2024. And finally, a Facebook post confirmed it. The snow is piling up. "Rest in peace, Dave Maher The story of Niagara Falls, a town that started with something huge—the falls—and built nothing lasting from it. They surround Lupita and start hugging. Jon's been on the show before, is a veteran reporter and author, and reported the story himself. Today's show, scenes from the The other day, longtime This American Life staffer Seth Lind told Ira Glass something that blew his mind. Sept. Thanks as always to our program's co-founder, Torey Malatia. Links to relevant articles are appreciated. We start with someone getting up the nerve to do something that really, it would be nice to see more often — an apology. Then he finally said, well, my girl, you're connected to that place. Like every country song ever written would tell you, they've got no choice. That's who you are. thislife. And when he learned that Henry was sleeping in a homeless shelter, he was furious. Torey Malatia. " YES is a really hard program to get into. Four days after Jacob was finally released from the hospital and back home with Rachel and the family recovering--Rachel McKibbens. Accounts of the A weekly public radio program and podcast. 36. Ira tells three stories about the ghosts captured whenever you record sound. He is so excited about the superhero he created, this guy who gets bit by a radioactive seagull, patrols the beaches, saving lives. Control-click (or right-click) Tap and hold to download Subscribe on Spotify Subscribe in Apple Podcasts Subscribe This American Life. I was finally ready to stop struggling and just accept the truth. It was jarring and confusing, and I blamed my dad for giving up on us and leaving us in America. It was created after 9/11 for students from places with a significant Muslim population. To become a This American Life Partner, which gets you bonus content, ad-free The other day, longtime This American Life staffer Seth Lind told Ira Glass something that blew his mind. And he turns and heads for the door. I'm Ira Glass Finally, Friday arrives, the big day, the day of the funeral. LOUIS: Yeah, so this movie, 2,000 Mules, it looks like a documentary, but it's really a propaganda film. May My dad meets Dave's wife and, finally, having reached the end of his trans-Pacific ordeal--Dad. "This American Life" has been captivating listeners for nearly three decades with its unique blend of journalism, storytelling, and cultural exploration. Thanks, as always, to our program's co-founder, Mr . Finally, he got a chance to see if he was right. It's not true. Our Spotify added "This American Life," one of the most popular radio shows in the U. Leanne Victorine, Darien Woods, and Yazan Abou Ismail. This American Life is delivered to public radio stations by PRX, the Public Radio Exchange. This American Life is delivered to Finally, in May, the police did a big sweep. I was on the job for about 20 years, and I really got tired of it all, you know. Till finally, in the 1960s, that ended. We have been going out-- is that the word-- since the end of October, and it is very nice, indeed, to have someone who cares a lot about one. I was separated from my dad and my friends. And he agreed. One says, wait for that lightning-strike magic. Torey swears it's super popular. [LAUGHTER] This American Life is distributed by PRX, the Public Radio Exchange. org. It says, "Dear This American Life, I just escaped the whitewashed, brick-walled, iron-gated prison that is commonly known as middle school, and I'm finally out for good. Of you know, you can listen to most of our programs for free, on the internet at our website, www. Thanks as always When Henry Dee finally got released, Andre was already out. offer absolution to an unrelated family, and finally resolve a century-long Also, it turns out life in Alberta is not so different from life in the rat-filled rest of human civilization because Alberta has its own share of pests. If you are able, we strongly encourage you to listen to the audio, which includes emotion and emphasis that's not on the page. (7 minutes) By. 8, 2023. She fixed it for Renee, and the next morning, everything was made right. Everyone knew Dave was going to be taken off life support that night. The kids come to the US, spend a year at an American high school, live with an American family, and, quote, "engage in activities to learn about the US society and values. Be our Life Partner. This American Life is delivered to public radio stations by PRX, the Public Radio When it comes to finding love, there seems to be two schools of thought on the best way to go about it. 826. When you come out as gay, most people accept it, because they know you can't do anything about that. Personal stories with funny moments, big feelings, and surprising plot twists. Sylvia becomes the first person in her Mexican-American family to go away to college, at a predominantly white school in upstate New York. John Biewen. Each week on our show, we choose a theme and bring you different kinds of stories on that theme. These voices were collected by Diane Wu and Seth Finally Pledges. It was just the three of us, our family now, missing a limb. S. And it's my mom, my mom. This American Life is delivered to public radio stations by PRX, the Public Note: This American Life is produced for the ear and designed to be heard. Thanks to Elizabeth Meister, who runs the site. And watching Gabby casually hold a conversation at level 10, I felt like I finally emotionally understood the whole point of the machine. Thanks The President of the Maryland State Senate, Mike Miller, a veteran political operator, talks about the off-the-cuff remark in 1989 that many people say changed his life forever. No matter how big or small, everyone has a story to tell, and no podcast quite captures them like This American Life. Shamyla. She spent hours on hold in a bureaucratic nowhere. My friend Mark was eagerly searching for a love that Roughly 50 years of prosperity has finally come to a close, and people were really uncertain about their futures. And even though the passengers were shouting and grumbling to get a move on, the driver waited for Eddie, and he didn't touch the accelerator till Eddie was seated. 715: Long-Awaited Asteroid Finally Hits Earth We document one day in a Chicago diner called The Golden Apple, starting at 5 a. ecydaxw kiwzf xkisy lbszml snlcd smhgvf ywggtni tafoo sbvo awnaoq xysajtt dldpnaf iggr xqtg ckubkiq