Activemq consumer limit. But when I connect to an ActiveMQ server running on a azure MQTT uses a compact binary format that can be configured with the following options. If use the following configuration: BrokerService broker = new BrokerService(); broker. : You can also perform these operations from the CLI commands provided by ActiveMQ Artemis in the bin directory, e. Once the prefetch limit is reached, no more messages are dispatched to the consumer until the consumer starts sending back acknowledgements of messages (to indicate that the message has been processed)”. examples. Im relatively new to activemq and one of the first things im trying to do is publish from a server process to 5,000 topics ( one topic per stock ). 268435456. xml set gcInactiveDestinations=true: <destinationPolicy>. <policyMap>. However, by setting prefetch limit to 0, this Mar 7, 2018 · Getting below exception in application startup log, after 5 to 1 week gap. Iam sending the messages received from queue in consumer to a webservice. ACTIVEMQ is a message middleware, there are two ways for consumers to get messages from the message middleware: ①push mode: The message middleware actively pushes the message to the consumer; ②pull mode: The consumer actively pulls messages to the message middleware. Nov 14, 2017 · 1. 14. of records in the file is very less (10 or less), the split records are getting stuck in the intermediate queue. The number of concurrent sessions/consumers to start for each listener. ActiveMQ Classic uses the amqPersistenceAdapter by default for persistent messages. However, this is a heavy-handed measure because other JMS clients could be Apache ActiveMQ Artemis also can limit the amount of data sent from a client to a server to prevent the server being overwhelmed. I am using camel to configure my routes. But when I send a message to the Queue, JMS delivers it to first consumer no matter how long it sleeps after receiving. Find out how resource limits affect the performance and reliability of your messaging system. 7. Compare the differences between anycast and multicast queues and how they affect message Dec 12, 2012 · This maxPageSize limits the number of references for message you can have. SimpleDispatchPolicy does what one would expect and delivers messages to all subscribers. Once the broker has dispatched a prefetch limit number of messages to a consumer it will not dispatch any more messages to that consumer until the consumer has acknowledged at least 50% of the prefetched messages, e. xml: <systemUsage>. Jun 23, 2014 · 1. From 5. We are facing a weird problem in which the activemq consumers for some random queues are decreasing till they become 0 after which they are not able to recover. Flow control can be used to limit the flow of messaging data between a client and server so that messaging participants are not overwhelmed. We are using ActiveMQ 5. You have this reference for faster access from database (like having an index in database which increase the performmance) Prefetch Limit: is related to sending number of message to consumer to improve performance. gcInactiveDestinations: false: Garbage collect Feb 6, 2015 · 1. Duplicates can happen for non-persistent messages during failover. Explore metadata, contributors, the Maven POM file, and more. 4. x flow control was implemented using TCP flow control. maxFrameSize value (in bytes) <transportConnector . Sorted by: 5. The protocol limit is 256 megabytes and his value cannot be set higher. to. Feb 19, 2015 · 2. Topic. properties file to disable all INFO level logging for activemq by adding this line. A quick fix is just to bump ActiveMQ Artemis is a high-performance messaging system for highly scalable microservices or asynchronous messaging between different systems. This is Apr 7, 2016 · The prefetch limit is defined by the ActiveMQ documentation as “how many messages can be streamed to a consumer at any point in time. Once this happens we have to redeploy the consumer application again to start processing. May 24, 2016 · EDIT: With virtual topic you get a new queue for every single consumer, therefore you can apply queue policy to delete it when inactive for a specified period of time. Jun 22, 2016 · Now, the problem is, if the no. Once it is reached, producers will be slowed down / blocked. Amazon MQ and Amazon CloudWatch are integrated so you can use CloudWatch to view and analyze metrics for your ActiveMQ broker and the broker's destinations (queues and topics). However, since the message is not committed (or Acknowledged) by Jan 15, 2021 · 1. Switch to ActiveMQ Artemis which does support JMS 2. 15. However, we're now introducing message topics, and finding that - because of the concurrent consumers - messages received in the topic are consumed mulltiple times. <policyEntries>. prefetchSize=10. After a message has been acknowledged by a consumer, ActiveMQ Classic deletes it during a periodic cleanup task. Setting the message listener to null is the equivalent RSS. log4j. Parameter Name. rootLogger=INFO, stdout, out. When set to true, the consumer acknowledges receipt of messages in batches, where the batch size is set to 65% of the prefetch limit. Jul 27, 2020 · 1. You can add as many consumers as you want for a given Queue or Topic. consumer. Assume if i don do message. The audit can be disabled using enableAudit="false" The Discarding DLQ Plugin. So the effect is a heterogeneous As of ActiveMQ Classic 5. To request an increase for a limit, see AWS Service Quotas in the Amazon Web Services General Reference. bar”. broker namespace. . In your activemq. maxFrameSize=32768. 0 and KahaDB but am open to upgrading if necessary. within ~ 761 seconds - topic gets full before it starts dropping events. My application calls MessageConsumer. If use the following configuration: BrokerService Producer Flow Control. stop method or just kill the process. " ref: Configure transport wireformat settings. You can view and analyze your Amazon MQ metrics from the CloudWatch console, the AWS CLI, or the CloudWatch CLI. logger. Resource Limits - Apache ActiveMQHow to configure the resource limits for each user, queue, topic, or address in ActiveMQ Artemis? Learn the concepts and parameters of resource limits, such as max-size-bytes, max-consumers, and max-disk-usage. Depending on your requirements this could have a severe negative performance impact. Default Value. All options can be configured on a Brokers transport bind URI. Note for readers from the future: Radovan (OP) mentioned ActiveMQ 5. optimizeAcknowledge option. OutOfMemoryError: GC overhead limit exceeded at Sep 30, 2021 · ActiveMQ will default values if you do not specify them. mqtest has recovered 150000 messages. apache. The relationship between consumers and queues is n <-> m. 0. Oct 10, 2017 · The application. advisoryWhenFull: false: Send an advisory message when a limit (memory, store, temp disk) is full. 缓存消息得数量由prefetch limit来控制。. Jan 14, 2024 · This is your guide to Spring Boot and Apache ActiveMQ — JMS Messaging. QueueA which is a non persistent and automatically created topic. Features > Consumer Features > Selectors. Read the explanation of the push method on the official Beginning with ActiveMQ Classic 5. Sep 4, 2017 · 1000 connections should be the default limit configured in the Apache distribution of ActiveMQ. 9 - a destination policyEntry supports a deadLetterStrategy of discarding: Feb 26, 2017 · all messages was dispatched to the first connected consumer and when another one connects he don't receive messages, so to change this behavior if you have concurrent consumer for a queue you need to set prefetchPolicy to a lower value than default. When creating large numbers of queues, you’ll quickly run into the limit for your OS. QUEUE?consumer. activemq=WARN. Paging Mode. 67% complete INFO | cursor for queue://test. answered Nov 1, 2011 at 15:48. broker. A Red Hat training course is available for Red Hat JBoss Enterprise Application Platform. 6). createConsumer(queue); The range of priority values is: 0 to 127. We have several consumers(exe) trying to recieving massgaes from the same queue(not topic). If that consumer fails, the broker will auto failover and choose another consumer. Handling advisory messages allows for a proactive approach Apr 17, 2015 · 7. Every so often, it hangs up and will not consume new messages, even if I restart the consumers, even though there are messages pending in the queues. (v5. For our example it will be “ActiveMQ. Read the link recommended by @Tim Bish -- the quotes I offer are from that page. If you set prefetch limit as 0, means consumer would Sep 8, 2021 · I am new to Apache ActiveMQ. >" ) everything keeps up fine. CloudWatch metrics for Amazon MQ are automatically Starting with version 5. To avoid a backlog of messages at each consumer, I use the setting queue?consumer. ActiveMQ uses a prefetch limit on how many messages can be streamed to a consumer at any point in time. If I subscribe to all 5k topics with a single wildcard consumer ( "mytopic. 0, there is a new memory model that allows messages to be paged in from storage when space is available (using Store cursors for persistent messages). createConsumer(queue); Because of the limitation of OpenWire, the range of priority values is: 0 to 127. I use an embedded broker and am experienced creating plugins and controlling the broker configuration programmatically. I found this message: INFO | cursor for queue://test. Jun 2, 2014 · I created a simple embedded ActiveMQ application with two consumers of one Queue, consumers are working in separate threads. Dec 31, 2013 · event producing speed - 100 rps. Selectors are defined using SQL 92 syntax and typically apply to message headers; whether the standard properties available on a JMS message or custom headers you can add via the JMS code. We have been struggling with this issue for some time but could not figure out the root Feb 28, 2019 · To set the max message size (32k in the example below) for all messages on a specific transport connector, set the wireformat. Tim Bish. However its your call on how many connections you have. 0, the limits of the audit can configured via the. Exception in thread "ActiveMQ Broker[localhost] Scheduler" java. <systemUsage>. Mar 12, 2024 · Optimizing ActiveMQ Producers. 72% complete INFO | cursor for Sets the message consumer's MessageListener. Some of the time the same messages gets dequeued from the Queue by two consumers. This cheat sheet includes the most common commands to install, deploy, administrate or operate a messaging system based in ActiveMQ Artemis. Features > Consumer Features. In ActiveMQ Classic 4. However often Spring’s XML can be kinda verbose at times, so we have implemented an ActiveMQ Classic extension to the Spring XML which knows about the common, standard ActiveMQ Classic things you’re likely to do (e. This chapter will explain how to configure such limits. Consumer. You want your page size to be much higher than 1 or 2 for ActiveMQ to perform (200 to 1000 to start). policy. Releases prior to 5. lang. prefetchPolicy. If you have a slow consumer, to avoid exausting the JVM memory and getting an out of memory error, ActiveMQ Classic has a configurable limit of how many in transit messages it will hold. 0, you can use selectors when consuming using REST protocol. In short, (message size x maxPageSize <= memoryLimit) so that you do not hit producer flow control. Let's say I have one ActiveMQ Broker and an undefined numbers of consumers. Apache ActiveMQ Artemis also can limit the amount of data sent from a client to a server to prevent the server being overwhelmed. In the new child threads, we'd start a separate JMS session on the existing connection (sessions can't be shared), wait for work, process the queries, and finally send any results to the requestor's temporary queue so that he gets Send an advisory message if a consumer is deemed slow. When using non-durable topics, you can specify the number of messages that a destination will hold for a consumer. To resolve this error/warning you should limit the broker's temporary store limit to a value that is available on disk. By default selector header name is selector, so the following example The JMS contract is that only 1 session is used by one thread at once - which if you’re using consumers means that only 1 consumer can receive messages at once if using the same session. Every consumer is assigned to multiple queues. The ActiveMQMessageConsumer has no operations exposed via JMX to stop the process. The broker will pick a single MessageConsumer to get all the messages for a queue to ensure ordering. So if you want concurrent consumption of messages, you need to use different sessions for each consumer. There is no exception found in any of the logs and the Consumer Route is also up and running. answered Mar 4, 2019 at 21:11. As soon as messages delivered to an address exceed the configured size, that address alone goes into page mode. These messages can be used to trigger application logic that handles slow consumers, such as by redistributing the load or scaling up resources. Sep 13, 2021 · ActiveMQ uses disk space to store persistent messages, as well as non-persistent messages that get paged to disk when memory fills up. org. Flow Control. Queue Attributes ActiveMQ Artemis DocumentationThis webpage explains the various attributes that can be configured for queues in ActiveMQ Artemis, such as name, address, filter, durable, max-consumers, purge-on-no-consumers, and exclusive. receive() in a loop (until the connection is closed) to process messages as they arrive in an ActiveMQ topic: message = this. default prefetch limit: 32000. For example, limiting how many connections a user can create or how many queues a user can create. This allows you to manage 'noisy neighbor' problems and supports multi-tenancy in the broker. You can manage the flow of data from both the consumer side and the producer side. g. pub-sub-domain is set to false. Increasing the number of consumers will allow you to do more parallel processing but you will face memory issues. The broker orders a queue’s consumers according to their priorities, dispatching messages to the highest priority consumers first. So at most 20 "DATA1" and 20 "DATA2" messages must be dispatched at any time. The consumer is transferring data to another service (not ActiveMQ). I have about 10 consumers that are using the broker. We are running using competing consumers and some of our consumers have long processing times. So ActiveMQ uses a prefetch limit on how many messages can be streamed to a consumer at any point in time. maxFrameSize. The memoryLimit indicates how much memory to allocate to keep messages in memory. In enterprise integration, this scenario is known as the competing consumers pattern. We would like to be able to lower the limit for the slower consumers. jms. Paging is done individually per address. Obviously, this message is copied to Mirror. <memoryUsage>. region. From ActiveMQ Classic 5. or to disable stdout logging all together change this line. Jan 29, 2024 · Diagnosing Stuck Messages. 6 with the following configuration: - Flow control on - Memory limit for topics 1MB - Mirror Queues enabled (no explicit Virtual Topics defined) There are persistent messages being sent to a queue QueueA. The highest priority is 127. Queue. Apr 16, 2013 · 1,561 4 29 51. mqtest has recovered 140000 messages. Consumer processing times. The optimizeAcknowledge option is exposed on the ActiveMQConnectionFactory class and must be used in conjunction with the Session. enableAudit: true: When true the broker will track duplicate messages. If max-size-bytes == 0 or max-size-messages == 0, an address will always use paging to route messages. Note that by doing a Thread. The Producer Route is running but no message consumption. 2. Producer optimization involves configuring the producer's settings to maximize throughput while minimizing resource consumption and latency. Oct 26, 2015 · When I googled for that I found there is a concurrency attribute. prefetchSize=1 ( ActiveMQ docs ). ) Jan 3, 2018 · 4) Configure the Prefetch limit (Consumer Performance) ActiveMQ in order to be able to achieve high performance needs to stream messages to consumers as fast as possible so that the consumer always has a buffer of messages, in RAM, ready to process. Another test running the broker on a Intel Celeron CPU 2. For more information on viewing current connection limits in Amazon CloudWatch, see Monitoring Amazon MQ brokers using Amazon CloudWatch. /activemq console. As to guarantees: best that distributed message queues can guarantee is either at-least-once (with possible duplicates), or at-most-once (no duplicates, can lose Mar 27, 2012 · We have an ActiveMQ / Camel configuration that has previously been using exclusively message queues, with concurrent consumers. The default org. I want to set the number of messages allowed in a topic and the time to live (ttl) of the messages depending on the choice the user makes from the UI. xml or set Feb 26, 2014 · I was currently using NMS to develop application based ActiveMQ(5. It is the core job of the broker to manage computer resources (memory, disk, etc) to preserve quality of service for message delivery. AUTO_ACKNOWLEDGE mode. The broker splits producers and consumers 60/40, so you get the 25 mb is split. Consumer Dispatch Async; Consumer Priority; Exclusive Consumer; Manage Durable Subscribers; Message Groups; Redelivery Policy; Retroactive Consumer; Selectors; Slow Consumer Handling; Subscription Recovery Policy set the optimizedDispatch="true" in activemq. Description. Find out how to set attributes such as name, address, routing type, filter, durable, max consumers, and purge on no consumers. The broker is not aware of the redelivery in this setup since it's handled by the client, and the message is actually on the client waiting for redelivery. This behavior can be seen in the ActiveMQ console with a symptom most people describe as "stuck" messages, even though some of the consumers Jul 26, 2019 · Use setConcurrency("1") which will limit the number of subscribers/consumers to 1. You can either choose another persistence option. 0\conf\activemq. Use the ActiveMQ web console or JMX to monitor queue depths and message flow. Window based flow control. maxProducersToAudit and maxAuditDepth attributes. The default priority is 0. 40GHz we got 2000 messages/second on a durable queue with 1 producer and 1 consumer thread on JBoss A-MQ provides two ways of limiting the impact of slow consumers: limiting the number of messages retained for a consumer. If enabled the compaction runs regardless of the store still having room or 2. "3-5"). Oct 14, 2016 · Iam working on ActiveMQ application where iam using a consumer which uses Session. This can dramatically improve behavior of the network Resource Limits. Advisory. Enabling asynchronous sends by setting the useAsyncSend property can Queue Attributes ActiveMQ Artemis Documentation Queue AttributesLearn how to configure and manage the queues in Apache ActiveMQ Artemis, a high-performance messaging broker. : $ . Feb 21, 2017 · Set a BackOff on the listener container factory. The priority for a consumer is set using Destination Options as follows: queue = new ActiveMQQueue("TEST. May 23, 2023 · This means that the broker will limit the amount of memory used for messages in the queue to 25mb. xml. Read more >. This tutorial will show you how to set up and use JMS Messaging with Spring Boot, focusing on the use of Apache ActiveMQ. To define a selector for the consumer, you have to provide it in an appropriate HTTP header. Depending on your use case, a larger broker instance type might not necessarily improve system throughput. The following figure illustrates the concept: This solution receives the messages sent by the producers, enqueues them and distributes them between all Dec 4, 2014 · I'm using Spring JMS and ActiveMQ where I have a client that pushes messages to a Queue and I have multiple consumer threads that are listening and removing messages from the Queue. Chapter 19. While all the messages just all go to one consumer though I have make the consumer to sleep for seconds after recieving a message. stop method. If you want to learn more Dec 4, 2013 · I send about 200,000 message into MQ,per message about 8k. then I stop MQ server,then start it,but is not work well. 4,251 1 10 19. I try to configure ActiveMQ for the following behavior: when broker exceeds its memory limit, it should store message in persistence storage. Apr 10, 2014 · I am currently using ActiveMQ 5. I started trying to isolate where this was Discover consumer-rate-limit in the org. $ . PriorityNetworkDispatchPolicy which will only dispatch to the highest priority network consumer. However on the consumer side its very odd. Documentation for ActiveMQ prefecth limit Feb 20, 2024 · Advisory Messages. yml file is located in the src/main/resources/ folder. We have a new feature in 4. Whether you're new to the world of Spring Boot and JMS Messaging or want to solidify your understanding, this guide is your one-stop resource. 当某个consumer的prefetch buffer已经达到上限,那么broker不会再向consumer分发消息,知道consumer像broker发送 Apr 2, 2011 · Pre-fetch mostly helps with access latency; but given that they are slow to process, you probably don't need any prefetching; so yes, either set it to 1 or 2 or disable altogether. Network connectivity and broker logs. ActiveMQ Artemis automatically deletes queues that have no queued messages and no subscribers. Aug 2, 2022 · So it is unreasonable that a consumer handles more than 1 job at a time. Examine the following: Queue sizes and consumer counts. x. Sometimes it's helpful to set particular limits on what certain users can do beyond the normal security settings related to authorization and authentication. Message enqueue and dequeue counts. /artemis queue delete --name myQueue. sleep(60000); in the MessageListener#onMessage() when using a single consumer the dispatcher of the consumer cannot send another messages. "5") or a range indicating the lower as well as the upper limit (e. foo,ActiveMQ. queue = new ActiveMQQueue("TEST. Dec 10, 2020 · The most common causes of seeing producer flow control engage are having too few or slow consumers (not processing messages as fast as they are sent to the broker), or (less often) needing to increase resources available to the broker (memory, faster disk for persistence stores, etc. 0 kept references in memory for all the messages that could be dispatched to an active Durable Topic Consumer or a Queue. 0: when the acknowledgement compaction feature is enabled this value controls whether compaction is run when the store is still growing or if it should only occur when the store has stopped growing (either due to idle or store limits reached). Jan 29, 2021 · There would only be a single consumer, so it would just continue to be in a message receive loop, just like today. In my application I am creating a consumer on a transacted session. 1. I have an activeMQ broker using an SSL transport. 0:61616?wireformat. 0 and invoke setSubscriptionShared(true). To do this on a per-consumer basis you add the option to the destination. The question is how many consumers you really need. The available options are: Stop the consumer via the ActiveMQMessageConsumer. uri="tcp://0. Updated limits will not be visible even after the limit increase has been applied. tags like connector, wireFormat, serverTransport, persistence) - but at any time you can fall back to the normal Spring way Jan 4, 2023 · 4. But when I connect to an ActiveMQ server running on a azure ActiveMQ Artemis is a high-performance messaging system for highly scalable microservices or asynchronous messaging between different systems. 12. Mar 7, 2016 · So ActiveMQ uses a prefetch limit on how many messages can be streamed to a consumer at any point in time. To do that, just specify the appropriate header with selector. Problem: To process a message, consumers need an external service which is either "DATA1" or "DATA2" (specified in the message) Each server, "DATA1" and "DATA2", can only handle 20 connections. NOTE: ActiveMQ Artemis is the upstream project of Red Hat AMQ Slow Consumer Handling: Prefetch机制:ActiveMQ通过Prefetch机制来提供性能,方式是在客户端得内存里可能缓存一定数量得消息。. 15mb for producers 10mb for consumers. Apr 7, 2016 · A low prefetch limit prevents messages from "backing up" in the dispatch queue, earmarked for a consumer that is busy: Dispatch queue with a prefetch limit of 5 and transactions enabled in the consumer. x, all in transit messages are held in memory. exec: . It also provides examples of how to create, update, and delete queues using the management API or the command line interface. Use Asynchronous Sends: By default, a producer waits for a broker's acknowledgment before continuing. Unfortunately, this persistence adapter (as well as the kahaPersistenceAdapter) opens a file descriptor for each queue. 19. This strategy is very efficient but can lead to deadlocks if there are multiple producers and consumers sharing the same connection. There are two types of redelivery. . You can disable the ActiveMQ Classic logging by editing the conf/log4j. queuePrefetch=1 to the uri config in activemq. As per the ActiveMQ manual:. Identifying the root cause of stuck messages is the first step to resolving the issue. 2 Answers. The underlying network connection of throttled consumers was suspended to enforce flow control limits. acknowledge() all the messages sent to webservice are back on the queue in enqueued state. An example of a more advanced implementation is the org. /** * Specify the {@link BackOff} instance to use to compute the interval * between recovery attempts. case 1: when prefetch limit is equal for both listeners. x called Exclusive Consumer or Exclusive Queues which avoids the end user having to pin anything. /artemis queue purge --name myQueue. You can delete and/or purge a queue from the ActiveMQ Artemis web admin console. Once the limit is reached, older messages are discarded when new messages arrive. include. optimizedDispatch : Default Value: false. 9. receive(); Here's the mystery: When I connect to an ActiveMQ server running on localhost, this works as expected. This value is set in the broker's system usage configuration by the tempUsage limit in apache-activemq-5. myQueue?consumer. My problem is the following: It is possible that a Feb 19, 2015 · I try to configure ActiveMQ for the following behavior: when broker exceeds its memory limit, it should store message in persistence storage. Just select the queue and use the "Delete Queue" tab, e. Can either be a simple number indicating the maximum number (e. case 2: when prefetch limit of slow consumer is less than prefetch limit of fast consumer listener2 prefetch limit: 64K Above solution works well. For store usage, that value is 100GB. Numbers that low will have higher latency. Once the prefetch limit is reached, no more messages are dispatched to the consumer until the consumer starts sending back acknowledgements of messages (to May 27, 2020 · ActiveMQ supports setting the prefetch limit per connection or per consumer. The typical one is the redelivery policy you bind to the ConnectionFactory client side. activemq. 0) Maximum frame size that can be sent. JMS Selectors. Note: we are creating a point-to-point queue communication between the sender and receiver, make sure the spring. The server and broker manage to keep up fine. The JMS specification does not state any limit on the number of consumers. ActiveMQ can send advisory messages to inform clients when certain events occur, such as when a slow consumer is detected. The default of 1,000 is too high for some of our consumers. UPDATE When running the server on one box and a single producer and consumer thread in separate VMs on the other box, using a single topic we got around 21-22,000 messages/second using 1-2K messages. 0-bin\apache-activemq-5. test. the database) reject delivery and the implement a delay between your next receive() call and track a retry limit to provide an escape hatch. Once the prefetch limit is reached, no more messages are dispatched to the consumer until the consumer starts sending back acknowledgements of messages (to indicate that the message has been processed). for example add this jms. 当某个consumer的prefetch buffer已经达到上限,那么broker不会再向consumer分发消息,知道consumer像broker发送 My application calls MessageConsumer. Unless you have an unexpectedly low limit you are probably leaking connections in your client application, which should be easy to verify using commands like netstat. Selectors are a way of attaching a filter to a subscription to perform content based routing. 6, the broker will automatically create an appropriate advisory filter and express interest only in dynamically included destinations. Oct 14, 2010 · 1. Stop the ActiveMQ connection via the ActiveMQConnection. Description: Don't use a separate thread for dispatching from a Queue. , prefetch/2, that it received. Oct 31, 2011 · 3. This configuration file creates and configures an embedded ActiveMQ broker. priority=10"); consumer = session. Mar 26, 2021 · If the 'next step' in processing is down (ie. In a similar way to consumer window based flow control, Apache ActiveMQ Artemis producers, by default, can only send messages to an address as long as they have sufficient credits to do so. setBrokerName("activemq"); KahaDBPersistenceAdapter persistence = new KahaDBPersistenceAdapter(); In ActiveMQ Classic 4. This also has the benefit of allowing other consumers on the queue to attempt processing the message and eliminates the problem where one consumer has a dead ActiveMQ Classic supports reliable high performance load balancing of messages on a queue across consumers. ActiveMQ needs system usage values set. When ActiveMQ writes messages to durable storage, the size of your messages determines your system's limiting factor: If your messages are smaller than 100 KB, persistent storage latency is the limiting factor. Matt Pavlovich. CLIENT_ACKNOWLEDGE. According to Spring JMS doc concurrency attribute specifies. If the {@link BackOffExecution} implementation * returns {@link BackOffExecution#STOP}, this listener container will not further * attempt to recover. Nov 20, 2014 · 11. gu vt ql qm vj gt sx ls hn hv