Skyrim character as follower
Skyrim character as follower. She resides in the Hall of Attainment, where she has her quarters. Hi guys, today I come to show you a mod that contains what some of you are looking for, an exact mod that adds the anime race and some followers (of the same obviously race). Sapphire is the only Thieves Guild member who seems to do jobs outside the Guild's radar. It adheres better to the rules of roleplay and makes more Jan 11, 2014 · I would like to use one of my previously played characters as a follower for my new hunter gatherer character, could you please advise on a tutorial that will help me achieve this aim. This is for who, l All Female NPC Followers. It’s very simple. •. Main Characters: For the Dragons, Heroes of Skyrim, Greybeards, and the Blades. Skyrim has a variety of followers with different skills and personalities to accompany players on their adventures. esp\xxxxxxxx. It provides a wealth of additional features, including immersion and quality-of-life functions to allow you to adventure with a small team of characters. Then type in the console: “player. The steps on getting it into CK (Only thing useful) 2. Expands Aela the Huntress with 200 lines, all voiced by high quality AI (see the video for reference) 2. setrelationshiprank player 4. Celann – A Breton male associate of Isran and seasoned veteran. 2:Requires Serana Dialogue Add on. 28K subscribers. 1: Inigo has a patch that lets him reference your marriage to M'rissi. Feb 5, 2022 · Skyrim: The Worst Possible Choices Players Can Make. dds file is your character's head texture. {Interesting NPCs} has a few--Cassock, for example, is an orc Looking for a follower who won't judge me poorly for my various misdeeds. Jul 21, 2021 · This character would benefit most from a follower with many capabilities, able to support your tanking with ranged force, and also able to take the forefront of the battle if you need to recover Nov 20, 2022 · Another great follower option, as well as a strong female character in Skyrim, is Jenassa. Kaidan. Skills of Alik'r Archers: Archery Light Armor One-Handed Sneak Block Heavy Armor Skills of Alik'r Warriors: One-Handed Two-Handed Block Light Armor Heavy Armor Illia is an Imperial Ice Mage in The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim who resides in Darklight Tower. The most famous College of Winterhold follower in Skyrim is, of course, J'zargo, the arrogant Khajiit Sorcerer with an attitude. Bosmer (or, more commonly, Wood Elves) are the elven people of Valenwood . The following is a list of all the residents of Morthal. You can get these initiates at the end of the Dark Brotherhood missions. - Find and select the ‘actors’ folder. A subreddit about the massively popular videogame The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim, by Bethesda studios. Dec 7, 2017 · STANDALONE Essential and Marriagable follower with In-Game Body Changer, and Single ESP download. Another Argonian from the vanilla game that could use some help from mods is Veezara, the Dark Brotherhood acolyte that helps you escape Solitude after murdering Imperial noble Vittoria Vici. I dont remember mods name. 2. Image credit: HephaestusHD/YouTube. . Derkeethus at Darkwater Pass. It lets you take characters from other files on your Skyrim into another file. Jul 17, 2020 · Usage: Open the console, select the NPC you want to copy, and enter "cca" to copy the appearance of that NPC to the player. For fans of Khajiits: this mod features them exclusively and helps make Skyrim more diverse. She wears blue mage robes and boots. Dec 31, 2022 · Teldryn Sero – Simply one of the coolest looking characters an Elder Scrolls game has ever had, and a hell of a combatant to boot. Bethesda Softworks / Cody D. This will save a file by the name of Filename. Additionally, make permanent or temporary edits to weapons, armors, spells, NPCs, weather, and more in-game. If it's a custom NPC, the facegen files are located in the (name of mod) folders. 8 Body Options: CBBE, UNP, CBBE BBP, SeveNBase BBP, UNP Blessed BBP, ADEC BBP, Dream Girl, Dream Girl BBP, CB Oct 8, 2015 · By popular demand, I'm releasing my OC Tannick as a preset for Racemenu and Enhanced Character Edit ECE. ResetAI 2. Other than Rumarin he's a top choice for romance when it comes to males. Following sequence of commands worked: Console ` Click on the NPC in question - their code will show up. She is an AI interpreting a character from Skyrim. For other uses, see Character Classes. Oct 1, 2012 · Basically I am playing with a Imperial Male - and I would like to find a way to make that character a NPC and then a follower (I guess I could use the Creation kit once I find out how to my Character a NPC) and then Use my second character and use my first character ( Now a NPC ) as a follower. Kaidan 2: With the Kaidan 2 Extended Add-on mod he has many lines. For example, you can tell a follower to follow you Jan 21, 2022 · About this mod. Commands in sequence (don't have to put the ID if object selected) 1. nif file is your character's head mesh and the . In addition to a single follower, you can buy a wardog in Markarth Side for 500 gold, which acts as another member of your team. He’s proficient at alchemy, enchanting, and smithing, but he also has a low level cap of 20. Rumarin from 3DNPC: He's funny, sassy and very charming. Available once you become Thane of Riften and buy Honeyside. Features: 1. May 2, 2022 · Finally, not all followers in Skyrim will be included, only focusing on the unique characters and most memorable companions. Check Out This Mod. Lydia Lydia is a Nord housecarl obtained upon completion of the quest "Dragon Rising. A spell would transport you to this circular room where your characters would be displayed like mannequins in little shrines. One of my favorite romance mods and my top female romance character. 31. For other uses, see Characters. Teldryn Sero or Duraak are both great. Enable. Move the . The character will show up at their default position. Easily switch between all options/bodies in game, with UNP and CBBE based bodies (including BBP versions) in an each All-in-One package. Category: Jan 6, 2024 · Skyrim: The 15 Best Followers, Ranked. 9 quest-related or dungeon-related followers. Civil War: For the Jarls, Empire of Tamriel, Stormcloaks, and Thalmor. 13 followers you can recruit if you've done them a favor. They are known to be the best archers in all of Tamriel and are known for their ability to command wild creatures. I have managed set up a build where my damage and AC scale reasonably well with the mobs, bears with 2000+hp, Draugrs with 2500ish+ and so on, so that part is working out not too badly. Import your . type in the name of the custom follower after help. As Housecarl, she is sworn to protect the Dragonborn with her life, and to carry their burdens. - Create a new folder here, named after your follower. 3 members of the College of Winterhold. Agmaer – A young Nord male recruit. Upon entering the tower, the Dragonborn will be confronted by her after she kills a witch. Sep 21, 2019 · 3) Barbas. 3. Just type “help [follower name]” into the console. Followers lie somewhat in this category, whereas they can only be killed if the Dragonborn is the one to deliver the final blow or if I am your sword, and your shield. Below is a list of Character classes in The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim. You can’t force them to use it, but most of the time, Skyrim companions use the best items in their inventory. Classes determine skills in which the character is most proficient. Serana is the daughter of Harkon and Valerica. Cicero is one of the best companions you can get in Skyrim - he’s an assassin with incredibly high stats, and he’s got one of the most well Feb 24, 2019 · 1. While there are dozens of potential followers in the game, there are a few that stand out from the rest in terms of the benefits they can provide the player in combat. If you want to give them better equipment, just ask them to carry it. 8. bsa file (s) (if present) to your 'x:\Skyrim Special Edition\Data' folder. Jun 6, 2020 · 2. Mar 8, 2021 · About this mod. Daedra of the Coldhourbor pure evil permanent summons. You can also use them as a mule, as it were (“I am sworn to carry Dave-C. " She receives the title of Housecarl from Balgruuf the Greater in Dragonsreach,[1] immediately after the Dragonborn is promoted to the title of Thane. The Altmer are the tallest race in The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim, standing at a scale of 1. He's a very charming and gentle lover. I've been searching unsuccessfully for a mod that lets you use player characters you've created as followers. PROJECT PROTEUS will completely change how you play Skyrim. Kazuma’s adventure in KonoSuba: God’s Blessing on This Wonderful World! is every Skyrim player’s dream: waking up in a fantasy world ruled by RPG tropes and full of attractive people. Quest awareness for the Companions questline, vanilla main quest and DLC main quest. esm folders. I’m going to start my list of Skyrim best followers ranked with kind of a strange one. A video tutorial would be great but if there are no videos then a text tutorial would also be great. Campbell. Dovahkiin / The Dragonborn: For the Dovahkiin / The Dragonborn. After installation don't forget to enable the plugin file (s) in your prefered Mod organization tool. Coverage for all factions, main quest and DLC. He is also one Essential characters are NPCs that, at some point during in The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim, cannot be killed in any way whatsoever. Aranea Ienith is a Dunmer priestess of Azura in The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim who protects the Shrine of Azura outside of Winterhold. This will export that face as facegen data, you need to replace the facegen data of the npc you create with these new files. 2 members of the Dark Brotherhood. 5, but significantly better. 1. Ah sorry about. As a follower, she typically wields magic and prefers her own robes over items placed I set out to make Daegon as a companion that felt real, not just tagging along because you told her to, but a follower that had her own mind and unique interests. Using no number removes the corpse and creates a fresh copy of the NPC. npc. I was having a problem with the stuck Adrianne Avenicci. This should give you an exact copy until something happens in the game that modifies the look of the npc like changing race. - Open this new folder. Rescuing him will increase his disposition towards you. Megumin – Konosuba Follower. Share. 4 Bring up the console, click on the NPC in question and use these commands: player. On certain occasions, Vipir the Fleet will make advances towards Sapphire, which she declines rather vehemently. (The other file is your character's head texture in a different image format and is not used by the game. This hunky companion has over 1200 dialogue lines, a custom home, and unique mini-quests. 08. Once this quest has been completed, Mjoll will become your loyal follower and friend. The following is a list of characters that appear in The Elder Scrolls V: Dawnguard. Veezara Alive – Male Dark Brotherhood Follower. Load the preset into Racemenu and use the sculpt tab, there is a export option there. Kunreev follower good-looking daedra follower. placeatme [cusotm follower ID] 1”. Jenassa, waiting for a contract. Dec 15, 2012 · As for taking your Player Character and turning it into any type of NPC. Load the CK, create a character and go to facegenparts. For NOT writing an essay I would not read because: a. Complete “Repentance”. Like Grelod, Jenassa has a questionable moral compass, but her cunning personality and proficiency in May 2, 2022 · Sven – Similar to Farkas, Sven’s specializations don’t help much in combat. Dec 17, 2020 · Whats up everyone its Onglor. Select the player to return to its original appearance. Aela the Huntress is a Nord werewolf, thief and member of The Companions. Even worse, he’s The mod Project Proteus allows you to import your characters from one save file to another and have them be a follower. They prefer a simple existence, living in harmony with the land and wild animals. He is one of only two Khajiit characters in the game who can become your follower. 9. Complete “The Black Star” and choose to help her. This involves the hunting for, finding, and returning of her beloved sword from the ruins of a Dwemer city called Mzinchaleft. She grew up very close to her Jan 3, 2024 · Vilja is a custom follower inspired by another Elder Scrolls character who comes with a ton of personality and backstory. If that happens, just remind her not to do it. Durak – An Orc male A cute follower based on my character; clothes, jewelry, wigs, all included. Though Delvin and Vex have private jobs, they are no secret, and Sapphire seems to be keeping cuts for herself. addfac 5c84d 1. 139. Character preset included. Talk to them afterwards and look for the "follow me" dialog option. Many people love the idea of a canine companion à la Dogmeat in Fallout 4, but it turns Looking for a mod that allows your character to become a follower. 1. Disable 3. There's Familiar Faces for Special Edition that I use. Create the follower's meshes folder. High Elves are well known for their noble countenance, and are arrogant or disdainful more often than not when addressing humans. Skyrim Special Edition Mod Showcase in 4K This Mod let you save your character and recall as a follower!! ↓ [MOD LIST] ↓ more Oct 7, 2019 · A Skyrim Follower is best described as humanoid or animal NPC (non-player character) who will follow you and obey specific primitive commands. Subscribed. npc file and there you go! Aug 11, 2020 · For me the folder in which my default body is 'BodySlide and Outfit Studio\meshes\actors\character\character assets', because I'm using Bodyslide Step 5 - Copy all files selected in the pic below an paste them into my follower's body folder (mentioned in Step 3) 6 days ago · It’s time for Skyrim’s best followers ranked! 25. Mar 7, 2023 · At the beginning of the video I was just looking closely at my character's chin to make sure the high poly head was active before starting. Swap between player characters in the same game world or spawn them as followers. Before you even ask Skyrim: Characters by Race Category page. There's one for Ildari Sarothril, another Dragonborn DLC villain, too, but there are other priorities that went into it. Alea from the companions is a ranged fighter and will mostly stay out of your way in a fight. 4. Jul 12, 2014 · Problem:Most of Skyrims auto-level followers are insanely OP. Factions: For the Companions, College of Winterhold, Thieves' Guild, and Dark Brotherhood. Notes: Some NPCs cannot be copied correctly. If those followers don't have custom bodies, then you'd have to open those mods up in the creation kit and create custom bodies for them. I never got this far, but I'm sure it's probably not too difficult (based on Sep 16, 2021 · About this mod. esp and . Download and unzip the file anywhere. She can be recruited as a follower after completing her quest. /se version. - Find and select the ‘character’ folder. setrelationshiprank player 4. You can trade items with your follower by simply talking to them. With the Hearthfire add-on, she can also become a steward. I've also made a few superboss rival characters this way too hahah. Most mage followers like Marcurio are good as well but the only problem is that they WILL engage in melee combat once their magic runs out plus you can get hit with their spells. Illia will ask for help in defeating her mother, Silvia, who has been corrupted by the Jan 11, 2017 · Well thanks for: 1. Jan 27, 2024 · These characters have well-thought-out backstories and questlines, making them excellent choices for player companions. Jan 4, 2021 · Love is love in the land of Skyrim. (Note: If it's a vanilla NPC being replaced, the facegen files are located in Skyrim. Depending on who you highjack, you may have to set their aggression and confidence up a couple of notches so that they Mar 23, 2024 · This mod is part of my series to renovate vanilla characters with additional depth and interaction, similar to the other Dialogue Expansion mods. 3: Aurlyn doesnt actually talk to any of them, she just has a comment buried in her dialogue tree about each of them regardless of whether they are in your game or not. Serana is an ancient, pure-blood vampire and the daughter of Lord Harkon and Valerica. 7K views 3 years ago. There's two separate skeleton follower mods one flame skeleton and other is necromancer,both are evil and can interact to each other. I'm playing as a stealthy conjurer/illusionist. They make great scouts or thieves, due to their natural stealth and light Well, if you want directly evil, there's of course {Miraak - Dragonborn Follower} that lets you recruit the first dragonborn himself instead of killing him. Version 3. VORTEX. Never did it for a custom follower before, but I'd probably try that first. net so I can use it on Xbox. You can create your own followers this way. ) Jun 24, 2023 · Danariel is one of the best archers you can find in a follower mod, and if you want someone with a range covering you on your adventures, she isn’t someone you’ll want to overlook. Thanks for the help but I want to make a mod using my character's face and custom hair, and then put it on Bethesda. You must complete “The Taste of Death” quest to get her as a permanent follower. Beleval – A Bosmer female vampire hunter. Bran – A husky war dog and potential follower. SavePCFace FileName (obviously, file name means you have to give it a name XD). Thanks friendo, will try the one from the video first and then this one, if that doesnt work. - Find and select the ‘meshes’ folder. She is known as one of the "Daughters of Coldharbour," and because of this, she is central to the main questline in Dawnguard. Instantly change the weather and more! Apr 18, 2022 · - Changed the plugin's encoding format to UFT 8 to solve special characters issue in xEdit; - Fixed fomod issue with sculpting file for the low poly head version. Don't know how this would interact with modded head parts. This mod is dedicated to my friend, Eden "Solaria" Knight. Opening the Daedric quest, "The Black Star," Aranea becomes a possible follower if the Azura's Star artifact is selected over the Black Star. But as soon as the follower joins in, that bear, Draugr, wolf whatever, are dead in seconds. Derkeethus is an Argonian ranger and a miner of Darkwater Crossing in Eastmarch. Nether's Follower Framework is a multi-follower system that is light on game resources and allows for up to 10 companions at one time. Permanently edit the appearance and stats of NPCs. [2] She is a follower, as well Apr 26, 2023 · 2. Permanently edit the stats of weapons, armors, and spells. The GPT-4 model is more expensive and slower than GPT-3. If their health is depleted, they fall to one knee, shortly recovering completely. Herika is not a character from Skyrim. Complete “The Taste of Death”. May 22, 2024 · Command: Effect: Resurrect <#> Brings a dead NPC back to life. Male Orcs can marry female Dark Elves, female Bretons can marry female Redguards, male Imperials can marry Mjoll The Lioness. Recorder. Feb 19, 2023 · Gore is a fully voiced, lore-friendly, standalone follower I have spent the last year writing, voicing and implementing. 3,700 lines including the Vigilant add-on voiced using high-quality studio equipment. Several residents of Darkwater Crossing may tell you he has gone missing before you find him in Darkwater Pass, being held captive by Falmer. Additionally, she is an expert level Archery trainer, as well as a candidate for marriage and a follower after The Companions' main Brelyna Maryon is a Dunmer mystic in The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim who is an apprentice at the College of Winterhold, in Winterhold. The powerful open-source mod manager from Nexus Mods. - Go to steamlibrary\steamapps\common\Skyrim Special Edition\data. You basically build the bodies like you would normally, then copy and overwrite those files into the custom follower's body folder. View source View history Talk (0) The following is a list Followers (Skyrim) Stones of Barenziah; Houses (Skyrim) Nov 13, 2013 · Textures\Actor\character\facegendata\facetint\YourMod. This shape-shifter can be intensely frustrating as a follower, but the payoff is well worth it. The 200-year-old Teldyrn Sero is versatile in combat and also has an interesting backstory to dig into. Like the rest of the Companions, he lives in Jorrvaskr in the Wind District of Whiterun. ¶. UPDATE: And VRDaphni helped me turn him into a Standalone Follower - if you want the fullly supported follower version, go to this page! Yes, I know he is the most handsome Skyrim character you've ever laid eyes on. The cause is unknown. Today we will be taking a look at a very cool mod that allows you to make your own custom follower ingame. Brelyna becomes a candidate for marriage and a possible follower after the Dragonborn assists her with an experiment. Vilja has her own extensive dialogue tree that the player is free to adjust, featuring over 5000 lines of custom voice acting, making her one of the most immersive and engaging follower mods around. Jun 12, 2012 · 0. You cannot edit the character while the appearance is being copied. You will always be loved. Veezara has been an assassin all of his life. I did not ask for or need help with that part of it. Sometimes, she may misinterpret and break certain rules. After being encountered, she can be recruited as a follower, unlocking a multitude of interactions. This follower can be met in Riften and be recruited via the completion of her quest. -1. As a ranger, Jenassa favors the use of bows, but will enter melee should the situation necessitate, and is also one of the few Mar 8, 2022 · Cicero. Thank you a thousand time in advance! Mar 3, 2023 · Each follower starts at level 5 and levels with your character indefinitely All followers are marked essential, potential spouses, and have the lightfoot perk so they don’t trigger pressure plates; Get the mod here. The 21 best Skyrim follower mods to install to take your gameplay to the next level. 9M subscribers in the skyrim community. Sometimes, they can also represent a character's occupation. Jenassa is a Dark Elf ranger who can be found at a table at the Drunken Huntsman shop in Whiterun. I won't be ready to join the Dark Brotherhood for a while with this character so an Initiate is out for the time-being. Should you choose to pay her fee, Jenassa is available as a follower for 500 gold. 11. Khajiit Will Follow. Save characters, switch characters, spawn characters, and start new characters all within the same game world, on the same save game file. Choose the patch file (s) (if present) you wish to use and copy to your Data folder. 3DNPC have some really grim npc that you can recruit. Requirements. Nobody has made a mod capable of physically sending you to Skyrim yet. You're free to marry anyone of any gender or race. He is a Master-level trainer in Heavy Armor and serves as the Dragonborn's shield-brother in several of the Companions' quests. Some followers, like Mjoll the Lioness and Ingjard, have strong moral compasses and unique abilities. I wanted someone that enjoyed the darker sides and quests of Skyrim as much as I do, and would add some new immersion and excitement to them. Apr 15, 2024 · A follower who can be recruited in Whiterun, Jenassa is a mysterious and bloodthirsty character. LazyFollowers along Derkeethus. Check the bottom of the character's own pages for most changes. tga; The 'xxxxxxxx' is a unique, 8 digit identifier. The Dragonborn is almost compelled to have one eye on her at all times if they choose to take her Notes[ edit] Quite a few of the followers have their weapon and/or armor preferences, and in at least one case, max level changed by the Unofficial Skyrim Patch. Good luck though. Characters /. She is involved in two of the first quests for the college. Eola. PC SSE - Request. The . His constant banter helps make missions feel less lonely, and his having your back in combat is a great way I use this method to make any Skyrim character into presets. Potential follower. Apr 17, 2024 · Skyrim followers equipment. The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim. After that it should tell you the ID of the custom follower. Retrieved from " ". J'zargo might injure the Dragonborn's ego with his sharp tongue, but he does far more damage to enemies using a range of Destruction spells. Skills of Alik'r Archers: Archery Light Armor One-Handed Sneak Block Heavy Armor Skills of Alik'r Warriors: One-Handed Two-Handed Block Light Armor Heavy Armor Sapphire is the only Thieves Guild member who seems to do jobs outside the Guild's radar. Everyone needs a companion to go questing with! Kharjo: A caravan guard acting as Ahkari's security guard who travels between Riften and Dawnstar. One follower in Skyrim is often considered the best due to her advanced interactions and Farkas is a lycanthropic Nord in The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim who is a member of The Circle, one of the most formidable and experienced warriors in the Companions. For other uses, see Aela the Huntress. Complete “Rise in the East”. Project Proteus will redefine how you play Skyrim. Altmer are among the most intelligent and magically-inclined races on Nirn, surpassing even the Bretons in magical aptitude. Complete “Glory of the Dead”. Residing in Jorrvaskr with the other Companions, Aela offers lycanthropy deep into the faction's questline. Using <1> resurrects them with all items restored. You can find Eola in the Hall of the Dead in Markarth. She is one of five members of The Circle. jo lr br tr ke tr jn du un cf