Uipath datatable get cell value
Uipath datatable get cell value. Below are the column screenshots, R column: S column: Can I know which activities used for this logic. Or. 9 KB) Jul 20, 2021 · You can find the same in this link. Hi Yoichi, For example, use a value named sam, and datatable as below, so i want to find the row where the value is located. Step 4. How can I achieve this. DefaultView. then extract the time part of second column and replace the colon by dot (: by . Jul 26, 2023 · Use an “Assign” activity to get the specific row from the DataTable using the “DataTable. But due to null values, add data row activity is throwing object reference not set to an instance on Jan 31, 2022 · I am trying to get the distinct value from an column in an string format, I have been using it within a loop. reverse (). UiPath Activities Lookup Data Table. IndexOf ( (From dr As datarow In dt Where dr. g. Ahmad_Rais (Ahmad) August 12, 2022, 8:29am 2. Row index +1 value in . tostring. empty. Rows(Rowindex)(ColumnIndex). Let say we have a datatable below and from that we want to get the row index of the row where col Name is having the value Virat. Use if condition inside the loop currentrow (1). ToString which will show us the output in the output panel. I know you’re asking for a LINQ solution. For example, to get the values Nov 29, 2020 · Hi @JulieR, Here is an alternative solution with standard UiPath activities. priti26. Read the cell B2 from the file i. Below is what I’ve gathered from previous forum posts Sep 3, 2020 · Use the information found in this post to convert that from a number into a letter: Get last column of Excel sheet in Alphanumeric form - #7 by aksh1yadav. Thanks Feb 3, 2022 · Use Get cell Value activity to read the cell value. Assumptions: Column for the min calculation contains integer values. Get number of columns in a datatable dt. 3. 3 KB. VALUE: desiredValue → value you’d want to add to your table. AsEnumerable Let m As Int32 = dtDemo. Hi All, Use below code to remove empty row from the table. LookupDataTable This activity enables you to search for a provided value in a specified DataTable and returns the RowIndex at which it was found. First, use the Read Range activity to read the data from your Excel file into a DataTable variable. The “In Completed” value index’s will change everytime new data is loaded into the spreadsheet so I need a way for the for loop to start looping at the first row of the index of the row containing the “In Completed” value. What you want to do instead is to access the items in the data table and output each one as a string in your type into, e. For eg:I need to find the cel value of “Row A” and “Column CA” as 1 Row C and Column AZ as 1 and so on … Can anyone help me, how to get the particular cell value at the run time in C# code . strValue = String. (From r In dtDemo. If the provided value is not found, then the returned RowIndex is -1 Nov 24, 2021 · First read the DT with a Read Range activity , and to get that cell value, you would do the following: *It seems that your data is not structured with column names, therefore you can use “coordinates”. Item (0) Then, you can concatenate using String. Add a data row to dtResult by using the rowArray (ra) 2. Next, use a For Each Row activity to loop through the rows in the DataTable. DBNull))). 4. This will look like this: Nov 29, 2023 · String type) As we are inside the for each row loop, CurrentRow will increment automatically and thus write cell activity will write the value in each cell one by one in a particular column. if this condition gets passed it will go to THEN part of condition where you can pass the value of YES to that particular cell with assign activity. In general it is still a case for updating the collumn value within a for each row. Hi Tomas, Yes you can do this. CopyToDataTable () Re-usable Feb 19, 2021 · oddrationale (Dariel Dato-on) February 21, 2021, 1:06am 2. Click the Edit Column button from the first column and add the value Name in the ColumnName field. 9 KB) You can then use the ouput array and use index to look for the columns you want to assign as variables. @ENC Create the lists like List A, List B … 1. asenumerable. Oct 31, 2019 · I need to have the for loop dynamically start from the for row with a value of “In Completed”. ToTable(true, “Ticket Value Jan 28, 2018 · Also use Output Data Table activity above message box to first convert the data table object “dt” to a string,meaning, in the input property give the “dt” variable and in the output property give a string variable. Any (Function (field) (TypeOf field Is System. e. Jul 19, 2022 · Regards, Chen-Jim (Chenjinhua) July 19, 2022, 2:19am 3. Aug 20, 2023 · Hi, I have a large Excel file (65 columns) which i would like to upload to a Sharepoint list using ‘Add list items’. resourcename is in another column. Item (0 Feb 8, 2017 · Let me know, if still you are not able to see outlook activities. Apr 24, 2019 · I am having a datatable having Id, System and Date. OrderBy or . For each row DataTable Activity loop through the excel. Inside the loop, use a Condition activity to check if the value of the cell in the 5 days ago · Description. Get number of rows in a datatable dt. Count (output - int32 type) 2. Nov 12, 2019 · Input - row (“value”). dtTable. read range take output as dt. Where (function (row) row (“ ColumnName ”). e. tostring = variable 56. ToString. answered Feb 8, 2023 at 19:04. Count (output - int32 type) 3. Apr 16, 2019 · In my case: List variable contains SAP symbol, and I look for correlated system name in data table. png) in “F” or “Column-4 Src” column to pass that row value to table row of download selector. That column is mentioned with column name. Oct 21, 2016 · Steps: All the Records will be segregated as types (type 1, type2 etc) in the excel sheet. Create a variable named “selectedRow” of type DataRow, and use the following expression: selectedRow = DT1. Then we can pass this “A2 In the Body of the Activity. item (“George”). Clone. row (0). select (“Key=‘Name’”) and use For Each to the returned dataRow and use get row item activity to Nov 30, 2018 · Hi, was this resolved? I too am experiencing an issue retrieving a the correct value from a cell that contains a formula. In the Starting Cell field, type "A7". Target column name - “Property”. Feb 28, 2023 · To copy the whole table to another sheet, we can give this empty string “” to Range Property. But I would advise to just use the Join Data Table. Jun 21, 2022 · option 1: regex for extraction. 2 in rowindex is because index starts with 0 so 0+2 will be A2, so that bot starts to write from A2 as A1 is 5 days ago · Select Form - Select the form file you want to get the values from. Please help how to get this using LINQ. Then I use several Add Data Row activities to add my data rows giving the input by using ArrayRow. Only String variables and strings are supported. Use a assign activity like this if we know which column values we want to replace dt = dt. I want to extract specific date (a single String/List) based on ID and system. s16. “A”+out_dt. Rows (row). i have also used a for each loop to show the same thing. This would give you the first column cell value from each row one by one. To get the row number, you can simply have a counter inside a loop (but that can be slow). Add the value got from step 1 in Language column. Get specific row index - inside For each row. Select an Excel file, and then a named range, table, or sheet. I am using queue to read each row. Hope it helps!! May 22, 2024 · Cell - The cell that you want to read. If you want to pass that from one flow to another, you can use argument and specify the direction (In, Out, InOut). Where (Function (row) row. Sample is. ClaytonM October 23, 2017, 3:06pm 2. Join (" ", dr. LeoBuz (Leonardo) May 25, 2020, 12:55pm 2. So, in the “Lookup Range” activity, you’d enter the name of the sheet, and the range of cells to search. Inside the For Each Row, use an Assign activity: ASSIGN TO: my_datatable. 2 Likes. Using “Filter datatable” to get only specific type records. Count is equal to 1 then you had exactly one matching row. Arguments Collection - a collection of key-value pairs, where Key is the Property Name of a form component, and Value is the variable or argument where you want to store the form values. If zero, not found. Where (Function (row) Not row. Each datatable result could be different and results could be 1 column or several columns. To get the first row with data the easiest way is likely to use a for each loop to check if row. 1 Like. Activities. Alternatively, you can select Custom Input to enter a cell address manually, or Open in Advanced Editor to enter May 9, 2018 · Refer this post for more datatable operations. 00. var_DataTable(1)(2) Mar 26, 2017 · UiPath Activities Lookup Data Table. correlated_values. Where(Function(a) a. " Only String variables and strings are supported. Cell - Click Plus on the right side of the field and then, from the menu, select an Excel file and a named cell whose value to read, or select Indicate in Excel to indicate a cell directly from the file. Press F5. I have a tsv file with data and it was stored in a data table. To open the file and select a range directly from the file, select Indicate in Excel. option 2: String split method on space. Now, we will use another lookup data table to get the value for Item. to do the same you can directly put IsNothing (DT) in if condtion. Approach which i have used is finding the unique data in a datatable format and then converting it to string using output datatable activity. 5 days ago · Click the DataTable button from the Build Data Table activity. In one column I have fetched the details from scrapping. Please give me some sample. ToString —> will hold value of cell D4. Feel free to use this workflow in your projects. The output is <3 sam 33 4542>. Aug 21, 2020 · So we could correct with out_dt. For demp purpose a LINQ could look like this (datacol structure is important for the solution details) Columns: Name, Value, origin datatable: dtData. I am working with an excel file which in a column has values that when using the “Read Cell” activity must use a double variable according to UiPath. Using UiPath activity Step 4. Find cell with String Value and get no. If dtTable is the Output DataTable of the activity. 1: Drag “Get Row Item” activity and supply the desired fields to it. If this information is already in a data table you can use “Filter Data Table” for keeping just the value “Totals” in the column “Procedure Code”, then you can get the value using something like that: “dt Jul 28, 2017 · datatable, activities. ExcelLookUpRange Searches in a specified range for the coordinates of a cell with a certain value and returns them as String variables. dt. Aug 6, 2020 · First you need to fetch your required datarow from datatable. take (1). Feb 15, 2019 · You do not need to use Output Data Table because this activity outputs a string containing all row items. Cast (Of DataRow) (). Field (Of Int32) (1)) Where r. You could do the following to get and set values to a DataTable. Can someone help me on this. toStringReturns the first Row of the DataTable DT1 and the first element of cell A1 in the DataTable DT1. It returns the total number of empty cell in the datatable. dt1 = dt_Main. MYDT. Nov 16, 2023 · This is not correct. Use the Excel scope application Activity → Give the Excel path. To get a specific value from a cell: DT1. Now without writing this datatable as an excel file, I want to find The value of address of person Tello using a linq query. The value in the cell will either be ‘Yes’ or ‘No’ depending on result of formula. Gokul001 (Gokul Balaji) February 3, 2022, 11:02am 3. Hi, read the excel file and put into data table. sowmya (Sowmya Ravichandran) July 28, 2017, 6:18am 1. ToString will give you ‘123qweasd’. Value Or field. Everytime the bot runs, the datatable results could be different in the first row and the values of each row (True, False) could change as well. Here following can be done as well: Feb 25, 2022 · Hi i have shared both the input and expected output files. CopyToDatatable() Cheers @Rachel7 Feb 24, 2020 · Hi, My Data Table (Excel Sheet) has Tax Reference Number, Client Name, and Tax Amount. If you query your data table, you can use the . You can use this collection of arguments to get the values of form components. Where (Function (x) x (“Id”). … In the Body of the Activity. I am using build datatable and adding Data row after processing each queue. (<webctrl aaname=‘Download 5 days ago · In the Properties panel, add the variable DT1 in the DataTable field. Refer this link for detailed answer. Assign Activity: dtResult = dtData. Please see example below. Lookup column name - “value”. tostring) Looking for a specific words in a datatable. Item (n) → where “n” is the column index or name. {"0003", 300, 321} Select dtResult. DataTable name->DataTableName Use assign activity DataTableName=DataTableName. Core. dr = datatable. Click the Add Column button and add a new column. Jul 27, 2017 · Thanks Regards, ENC. OrderByDescending. Excel. No : 1, Name : James, Region : Jakarta, Age : 21. Reads the value of an Excel range and stores it in a DataTable variable. In the DataTable field, type the DateInfo variable. ItemArray) Mark it as solution if this post serves your purpose. Cell - Click Plus on the right side of the field and then, from the menu, select an Excel file and a named cell whose color to read, or select Indicate in Excel to indicate a cell directly from the file. 8 KB) 1 Like. Replace(“your old value”,” your new value”). Cheers, JDoshi. If the provided value is not found, then the returned RowIndex is -1. It enables you to search for a provided value in a specified DataTable and returns the RowIndex at which it was found. May 25, 2020 · here i attached a screenshot , how can i get the marked value from the data table. – Jan 8, 2020 · The most simple approach to this use-case is the following: Use a For Each Row loop to iterate through every row in the table. Dec 5, 2019 · And get the output with a variable of type datatable named Finaldt. select resourcename from datatable where columnname is datevar and datevar=“s” how to get the value this from datatable . How do I do that? Jul 25, 2019 · Drag “For Each Row” activity into the designer panel, So that we can Loop(Iterate) through the DataTable obtained from the above step. Feb 12, 2020 · You can perform the following steps: Read the excel file to get a DataTable. How do I retrieve Tax Reference number and Tax Amount if Client name is for e. If the range is specified as a cell, the whole spreadsheet starting from that cell is read. Indexof (row). xaml (8. Select("ColumnA=#" + DateVariable. Field(of string)(“yourcolumnname”). Jul 6, 2018 · Read range gives output as datatable. I tried using Linq to replace all blank values with Jun 16, 2020 · If you need to still do this searching for the value the formula outputs, then you need to read that range into a datatable first and then use lookup value, it can then output the row index and cell index that you can use to translate back to the position in your excel file. Use Saved Value - Select a data table value that you previously saved for later use in the project. use for each activity use use the data table. Thanks! Construct the data row ItemArray by using the first two column values and append the calculated gp on the end – referenced by ra e. My Requirement is like: I have build datatable with two columns. ToString) Attached workflow for your reference, Feel free to reach us at any time if you have Sep 7, 2022 · Let’s see how to do it. Double-click the final Excel file. To use this, you need an enumerable or list, so you can place . Apr 30, 2023 · Original Portal Screenshot: Selector for Download buton <webctrl aaname=‘Download’ tableRow=‘121’ tag=‘IMG’ /> Above the output of table extraction value from the page and stored in Data table We need to get the row rumber if the text contains (. Nov 17, 2021 · 0. You will need the row number within the DataTable and the column Index. Equals () select dr) (0))+1) Yes , thanks is a good solution. Count () Yes, the code you shared is also working. OP knows the position of the field and want to pull the value directly, not loop through each row to get to it, which is inefficient. IsNullOrEmpty (row (“columnname”). When formula shows ‘Yes’ then UiPath Workbook Read Cell returns ‘No’, always. IndexOf (row) + 1. ToString <> "",counter + 1, counter + 0) ‘counter’ is here the value which is incremented. Happy Learning…!! Enjoy Uipath. ToString) this will check whether the value in the cell in that column in that current row is empty or with value. Jan 29, 2018 · Use “Excel LookUp Range” The result will be the cell address of what you are searching for. This May 30, 2020 · Hello @Hitesh1. Thank you . Step 1: Create avariable of type Integer var = Index. Rows (0). This activity can also help you return the value found in the cell that has Mar 4, 2022 · Thanks for the reply. AsEnumerable. ExcelReadRange. SheetName - The name of the sheet in which the cell that you want to read is. Yes, The below code worked for me. So just adopt the DataTableVarName, ColumnName or Index according your code. Thanks, Shenki Oct 14, 2022 · 3. After updating in web application, I need to update everything in another database. Hi , Jun 26, 2018 · Hi, I have a flow where an excel file is read, the last row with content is found and stored in a variable, then the variable is converted to string and stored as the variable ‘string row’. Furthermore this will return the value of column 3 for each row, overwriting each time, and leaving OP with the value of l, rather than the value of d, the value they want. And get the output as out_value. Now next to this lookup datatable across a writeline and mention as str_output. Drag & drop Lookup Data Table activity & pass the values. new_DT = DT_input. Dec 29, 2021 · Let’s go one by one keeping dt as name of datatable variable. SampleInput_recon. Read the Excel it will stored in DAtatable DT 2. ranjith (Ranjith) January 29, 2019, 9:52am 3. Min (Function (row) row. FirstOrDefault () PCValue is a variable which stores the output value. Select the check box for the Allow Null option. then check whether the value extracted is less than 3 Oct 26, 2023 · Hi , I have 2 Data Table DT1 and DT2 when I loop through the DT1, I will get the column and row value of DT 2. By default, this is filled in with "Sheet1. As it is used within a for each row we also could use the index output from the for each row. MAHESH1 (MAHESHKUMAR JV) March 10, 2018, 5:32pm 14. Then let’s store this dynamic to a string variable, say LastCellNumber = “B6”. Here is the suggested solution: TableHeaderArray. Find the cell_position. UiPath. Case: update column values on specific data rows. Please suggest. TestDt. ToInt32(row(YourColumnName). Use If condition (String = row (0). Each time when getting the distinct value, i use to have an single value only. Alternatively, you can select Custom Input to enter a cell address manually, or Open in Advanced Editor to enter 1 day ago · In the Body of the Activity. Click the DataTable button. xaml (10. TL” and in your example above, the result returned would be “I10”. 2 KB) SampleOutput. May 22, 2022 · To remove that row from datatable use REMOVE DATAROW activity Where mention the row index as 0 and mention the datatable with your datatable name. It will self-identify till which cell (row or column) or the cell where the table ends. “s” value is stored in variable, column name is also in variable. Sep 9, 2021 · Hi All, I am having difficulty reading data from database which also null values in various columns. May 22, 2024 · In the Body of the Activity. What is the VB syntax to solve this case. Example 2. toList. 2. Here Input file data is extracted from orchestrator which also contains the DateTime at which the item is processed. The value will be store into several variable. Ajay Reddy Alidini. DT2. First I use the Build Data Table activity where I explicitly checked Allow Null for some string column. Either one would work as you would either take the first or the last item in the table. AsEnumerable next to your data table. Ex: index = row. If the last cell value is dynamic. Take Assign activity. Here’s an example for the first method I mentioned: Apr 23, 2022 · you can use the lookup datatable and get the value. FirstOrDefault () Be careful, in case of the value is not Apr 5, 2022 · Hi @ldiaz. then. when the original excel has blank cells - adding to the sharepoint list fails. Hi all, I have file excel below. Apr 6, 2022 · The data above I will store to data table. If you want to add extracted data into datatable, define the data table Jan 29, 2019 · it gives exact count of table and read last row based on value -1. Feb 8, 2024 · When you extract data from application using Get text activity, there is property called Output where you need to pass a variable to save the data extracted. Add (ra)). AsEnumerable(). item (YourColumnIndex). Aug 12, 2022 · Forum Engagement Daily Reports. Then use type into activity with input out_value that would type into notepad as you expect. I have used excel application scope to read the excel file, use Read Range to output the data to the datatable and then use for each row to loop through the datatable. Rows (3) (3). Mar 3, 2022 · JavXult March 3, 2022, 7:18pm 1. The formula counts the blank values in 3 cells Apr 24, 2024 · Hi @jain. Extract Cell index which contains specific word. ) 3. get the datatable named as dt; now use a FOR EACH ROW activity and pass dt as input Apr 22, 2021 · Inside ‘For Each Row’ assign the int variable and give value like this, Convert. item (0). from those data table I want to get specific value directly for index 0 with the detail below. Karan28 (Karan Arora) June 16, 2020, 2:22pm 3. Read range Activity → Sheet name → “circulation” , Store the value in the Data Table. for each row. Then just print that string variable in the message box. var_DataTable. This might help you: LookupRange activity. jamago (Jomari Amago) November 29, 2020, 10:31am 6. If two values in “Column-2 “ (Title) , Can we copy only English title ( only if possible) Add two columns “Language” & “tableRowNumber”. I’m reading the Excel into a datatable and then using ‘add list items’ - It works when there are no blank values on the dataset. Step 4: 1. Hi @kavya. Oct 23, 2017 · Get row and column index of cell with specific value. If you don’t want to remove that row, but process the datatable; Then. Column exists to specify which type the record belong to. xlsx (10. And if you want to get data from particular cell then, value = DT. Cheers Apr 30, 2020 · Please use Select method of data table to find the desired value. Jun 19, 2020 · Check Attached, It will give you the count of the George, you need to pass the value you require. 2: Apr 11, 2022 · @nilesh. The value to search for would be “S. ToString(mm/dd/yyyy) + "#") If resultRows. AsEnumerable () Order By Convert. Note: 1. inside for each ( datatable) if. Oct 2, 2017 · JGuarino (Jerry Guarino) October 2, 2017, 7:49am 1. To continue for the 2nd Row, just increment the index under Rows. Used “For each row” to loop through the records in the Data table. This lookup data table search the value of price in the table. ToInt32 (row ("Labour")) Descending Select row ("PC Value")). Last cell address. The Build Data Table window contains a table with two columns and rows. Regards…!! as you already know about “Get Row Activity” by usign above mentioned link is only works on datatable rows so you can use it on datatable for each row activity. Where, Select) YourDataTable . All (Function (field) field Is DBNull. Nov 9, 2019 · grafik1232×354 36. I wanted to run a loop to see which TV channel May 13, 2019 · Inside for each row loop use a read cell activity like this. Get last row in dataTable. AsEnumerable (). How can we get the value in colum ‘n’ inside a datatable without using a for each loop? Let’s say i need to get the value ‘Rob’ in the table below. This activity emulates the behaviour of the VLOOKUP Excel formula. Rows(1). If only one value in “Column-3” we can get available value. Select the String option from the Data Type drop-down list. Our result - str_output // which will be our output string variable. of row, name of column Help. ToString). Rows(rowIndex) Now, you can access the values of the specific row using the column names. To set a value to a DataTable in a specific cell: In an assign activity DT1. Item(2) Or. Run one foreach row for the excel sheet which you have read and stored in a datatable 2. You only need to change the names and indexes of columns where to look for data. indexof (currentrow) Its may be work…. Lawrance_A (Lawrance A) December 2, 2018, 6:23am 3. 1. CopyToDataTable. Can only be used in the Excel Application Scope or Use Excel File activities. Something like this: If you do a Left Join on DataTable B, then you will be able to look up all the values against DataTable A. For example, I would put in Jul 21, 2018 · Basically without using Row is you want to retrieve the value at a predefined position then this is what you can use. In second column I want to add some different data (text/id) fetched from different source. Try the below LINQ Expression, - Assign -> PCValue = (From row In dataTable. This Jan 19, 2020 · Hi All, My requirement is two get the ‘R’ column value if ‘S’ value is Fedex. Var_Index (int Datatype) = DT. Mark as solution if this helps you. rowindex. Once you get that, you can apply a LINQ expression to get the row (i. The value in the the assign is: If(row("ColumnName"). but coming back to the main task - reading in the excel Column A values and use it for other actions. e lookup value & store it in a variable strLookupData. In the Properties panel, fill in the WorkbookPath and SheetName fields as for the previous Write Range activity. row (“columnname”) = “YES”. ItemArray. Ex: The DataRow Object The Column Name. Nov 14, 2017 · Hi there. 7 Likes. ToString, like so: Dec 30, 2019 · Lin_Myat: I have to check that datatable have value or not. Hoping this will help to figure out the logic. Jul 6, 2022 · Hello, I’m building a workflow where it is an important difference in my data table if the value of a string is the empty string (“”) or Nothing (Null). For example: resultRows[] = YourDataTableVariable. (dt. Step 2: Take one assign activity: LeftSide = Index. DT. Rows. What i have tried is using myDT. get FY21 value. If the range isn't specified, the whole spreadsheet is read. Use for each row in datatable 3. My question is how to loop through the column values for a Jun 2, 2023 · If two values in “Column-3” then we need only EN value. The goal is to see if the specified cell, indicated with the Column Name and row number contain a specific string then another value is captured. Rows” property. Your automation is executed. So, please loop through datatable using “for each row” and try to find your value in specific cell as: ibqposition=row(). Thanks in advance. rows. Nov 15, 2019 · Hi, Is there any way we can insert a value to specific cell of existing row of a datatable. Rows(0). May 29, 2019 · String. mahajan Use can use loop up data table to get the index number. Alternatively, you can select Custom Input to enter a cell address manually, or Open in Advanced Editor to enter Dec 2, 2018 · 1. Contains (“DB”) 4. ToString (). Then pass the variable where you want. in the upper image you can see how I would have done it. xlsx (8. With input of sheetname and range like. Equals (""))). Field (Of Int32) (1)=m Select r). If more than 1, then are more than one matching rows. Read header and last updated row from excel using workbook. Here is the scenario. abc ? Dec 15, 2022 · By using rowindex function you can get the row number. Thanks. May 22, 2024 · UiPath. copytodatatable. ToString)+Convert. I need some help getting value of cell in each column if they are false or true. Datatable - dt. Jun 9, 2020 · at the end check if at leas one item was found and if the 1st entry in col Q was filled. Alternatively, you can select Custom Input to enter the range manually. , CVDatatable. Feb 17, 2022 · Hi Guys, I want to get column 2 value by using column 1 value from datatable using linq example: consider the below datatable ID Age 768341 45 435689 27 456170 38 i will be knowing ID, using ID i need to get there age, anyone can help me with this? Jun 21, 2021 · can anybody help me understand how i can get the values from the current row (first column) and the next row (first column) from a Datatable variable? Jan 24, 2022 · Hi Everyone, I have a datatable. Columns. Column1 Column2 Column3 AA AA1 AA2 BB BB1 BB2 CC CC1 CC2 It ia stored in sample_dt Then I have a do while activity where in i need to input data in a field. Equals ( YourSearchedValue )). I have my Read Cell activity inside a For each since I want to go through the cell value by cell, however there is a time when there are no more values and Mar 27, 2022 · Hello. ToString = string. @hansgeeroms Try this query. - Important: DT start with index 0 on both rows and columns. Regards, Rishabh. Join function which will return your required output. Note that the copied information is available, and correctly updated. Among the duplicates Based on the time we need to get the latest record. UiPath Activities LookUp Range. Then add 1 to that row index (since datatable Jun 5, 2020 · This snippet helps to get the cell name with the help of row and column number Jul 4, 2023 · Use the read cell activity to read the specific cell value from the excel or datatable and store the output of the activity in a string variable. Item (1). Item(0). sg zb ve iy fx re vb gm rb oo