When in peoplecode. You actively build programming skills in a PeopleSoft environment. Name("RECNAME", "FIELDNAME"); Note that these must be in the exact case as the item. 3 to an integer and it’s 56. . << Previous | Next >> A. PeopleCode events on the Control Field can be triggered by the Related Edit field. ToString()); Two examples of a simple REST call in PeopleCode. Definition name references, for example, enable you to refer to PeopleTools definitions, such as record definitions or pages, without using hard-coded string literals. To access PeopleCode associated with a page, right-click any part of the page definition and select View Page PeopleCode. I delete one of these rows and then try and traverse the remaining Rowset within the Row Delete event. 4 days ago · MessageBox is one of the most used PeopleCode built-in functions. This will insert a small little square ‘box’: Double click on the box to access the properties for the secondary page control. Select the appropriate menu name on the General tab for this component interface. Any ideas on how I can achieve this. It is the result of those calculations that I need to see in the view on page 2. The logic just needs to figure out the number to multiply by. Dec 11, 2017 · Two “when” lines one after another make for an either/or effect. We use a System Variable called %Mode that returns a character based on the present mode and then, use it in a conditional statement to achieve this. I think this will work. Specify the name of the Secondary Page: Save the page. External PeopleCode functions can be defined in any record PeopleCode program, but typically they are stored in the FieldFormula event in records PeopleCode Statements . Setting the TimeZone to Control Display Times. Record fields on the component are mapped to the keys and properties of the component interface. Save PeopleCode programs (SaveEdit, SavePreChange, SavePostChange) normally process each row of data in the component. In the case of the PSRCCBL dispatcher, there are three standard parameters, listed in the following table: PeopleCode Language Reference. To support processes running on an application server, you can declare and call functions compiled in dynamic link libraries on windows (*. To execute code, based on the selected radio button, you would evaluate the value: RunReport1(); RunReport2(); An external PeopleCode function is a function written in PeopleCode (as opposed to a built-in function or external DLL function) and defined in a program outside the one from which it is called. wow! This easy-to-use function allows you to select a text directly from the message catalog and display it to the user in a message box window. Method 1 for Sleep: Using dbms_lock SQLExec("exec dbms_lock. Mar 20, 2018 · A better option is to use a ‘sleep’ function and pause the code for a specific amount of time. See Also . Certain characters are illegal in file names; other characters in file names are converted during file transfer. Its chapters describe techniques for adding PeopleCode to applications, tips for using PeopleCode, the interaction of PeopleCode and the Component Processor, and a PeopleCode includes a class library for working with XML documents called XMLDoc. There is, however, a limitation on the number of variables that can be passed in PeopleCode, which is limited by the size of the PeopleCode parameter stack, currently 128. External PeopleCode functions can be defined in any record PeopleCode program, but typically they are stored in the FieldFormula event in records Feb 15, 2017 · If your intention is to not show the default blank row, the option left is to hide the grid. It consists of an equal sign with a variablename on the left and an expression on the right: variableName= expression; The expression on the right is evaluated, and theresult is placed in the variable named on the left. GetLevel0(). PeopleCode can be definedon events associated with a record field, a component, a componentrecord, and many other definitions. Assignment Statements. Subarray(start, length) Description. 3. B. Turbo mode is available as an option to the InsertRow, RowScrollSelect, RowScrollSelectNew, ScrollSelect, and ScrollSelectNew PeopleCode built-in functions. 1. Overview of PeopleCode Developer's Guide. Learn How To: Use the PeopleCode development tools to write, edit, and debug PeopleCode programs. Note: Page PeopleCode can only be accessed in this way. GetXmlDoc(); MessageBox(0, "", 0, 0, &Response. Dec 30, 2019 · 0. Arrays were introduced in Tip 013 with its simplest form, the one-dimensional array. Understanding PeopleCodeProgram Triggers. Include External Calls . A sample of the code is below, this is a scaled down version for testing of inserting a carriage control. Defining GenericTemplates. Oct 12, 2017 · The utility can be found by navigating to Main Menu > PSM Projects > Run PeopleCode. With the Name class, you can use a similar construct: new PeopleSoft. When you launch your program and the PeopleCode action runs, enter the PeopleCode debugger. You can use this PeopleCode after saving at last statement. new_text: A String value that replaces num_chars characters. sleep (10)"); This method only works if your DBA has granted permission to the Oracle ‘dbms_lock’ package. The help provides standard navigation and full-text searching, as well as context-sensitive online help for PeopleSoft users. Jun 15, 2006 · I have SavePostChage peoplecode doing some calculations. was a company that provides human resource management systems (HRMS), financial management solutions (FMS), supply chain management (SCM), customer relationship management (CRM), and enterprise performance management (EPM) software, as well as software for manufacturing, and student administration to large corporations PeopleSoft Component Interface Interview Questions Question eight. Aug 21, 2015 · If you expect a space, then you do not need both ltrim and rtrim. Note the behavior andlimitations discussed in this section when you write PeopleCode fora component interface. If you didn’t specify the Component Interface to run in interactive mode, FieldEdit, FieldChange, and so on, also run at this time for all fields that had values set. Again, the trace comes with a raft of options, such as: 4 – Show Assignments to Variables 8 – Show Fetched Values 512 – Show Parameter Values 1024 – Show Return Parameter Values 2048 – Show Each (Statement) For the most part, errors and warnings display messages to users informing them about invalid data. of Levels (maximum number of levels) PeopleCode Overview. If you didn’t specify the Component Interface to run in interactive mode, FieldEdit, FieldChange, and so on, also run at this time. At first glance, these two functions look similar. Array class: Reverse method. Dec 29, 2006 · Hi, please pardon me for the silly question. On this page you will be greeted with an empty input box, a save button, and a run button. GetRow (&I). Mar 21, 2018 · A. 2. It does not refer to the dynamic this pointer of some object under construction. If you just do the normal publishing PeopleCode, you get as many messages as there are records at that level (because the code fires for each record). PeopleTools Options. Other language features, such as PeopleCode About This Help Social Media PeopleCode events are initiated at particular times, in particular sequences, during the course of the Component Processor’s flow of execution. Button controls are a special case. As this can degrade the performance of the system considerably, this event is hardly used. PeopleCode is fairly limited when it comes to native functions that help you interact with the file server. HideAllRows (); End-If; End-For; How to Hide/Unhide Scroll and Grid, Allrow in Peoplecode - JointLantic - Program Language about Peoplesoft, Peoplecode, People Tool , SQL, Application Engine (AE), XML / BI Publisher Jul 25, 2018 · old_text: A String value, part of which is to be replaced. We now move to the next level, that of two-dimensional arrays. This post considers two ways to temporarily put your PeopleCode to sleep. PeopleCode Eventand Function Behavior. Open the custom permission list, that is assigned to a user’s role, under Peopletools > Security > Permissions and Roles > Permission list. The contents of the message displayed by WinMessage can be passed to the function as a string, but unless you are using the function for testing purposes you should always retrieve the message from the Message Catalog using the MsgGet or MsgGetText Jan 1, 2018 · Place the PeopleCode in a higher scroll level record. round 56. Local Date &hireDate; &hireDate = Date(0); Here’s some more information to explore a little more in depth…. Methods are used to find, create, modify, or delete data. Subarray . May 21, 2018 · A. PeopleCode Trace. The assignment statement is the most basic typeof statement in PeopleCode. Use the FileExists function to determine whether a particular file or directory is present on your PeopleSoft system, so, in the case of a file, you can decide which mode to use when you open the file for writing or whether the file is available to be read, and, in the case of a directory, you can decide whether the directory Oct 9, 2008 · The way to round to various places is simply to multiply by the number of decimal places, use the integer round function, then divide by the same number. The Subarray method creates a new array from an existing one, taking the elements from start for a total of length. Understanding GenericTemplates. The offset is minusthree hours. Mar 20, 2018 · B. SQLEXEC("ROLLBACK") Tracing PeopleCode creates and writes data to a trace file that it shares with SQL tracing; SQL trace and PeopleCode trace information are both output to the file in the order of execution. CRL_YTD_TUITION). Its chapters contain reference material for the PeopleCode language. Comments . body area property check invisible box for insert & delete tab. In addition to the considerations presented in this Any PeopleCode event that executes as a result of a ScrollSelect, ScrollSelectNew, RowScrollSelect, or RowScrollSelectNew function call. Thank you. To make sure the code fires only once, use the following code. 6. FIELD1 ) Then &rs2. FUNCLIB_02 record field. To do so, you must include a Returns statement in the function definition, as described in the preceding section. To set the time zonethat controls the display time: In Application Designer,open the record, and open the Record Field Properties dialog box forthe time field by double-clicking the field that displays the time. Try the following: if RTrim(&header_comments) = “” then &header_comments = MsgGetExplainText(30000, 31, “explain text not available”); Feb 4, 2014 · Javier’s PeopleSoft blog: Setting Date Variables to Null in PeopleCode. For this reason, they are almost always placed in FieldEdit or SaveEdit PeopleCode, or in SearchSave PeopleCode for validation during search processing. Sep 28, 2018 · Refresh Page PeopleCode. To make a row selected in a grid we can use this Peoplecode : &rsGriD. An arbitrary number of parameters can be passed to the service. The maximum depth of a PeopleCode array is 15 dimensions. ) are executed. Aug 8, 2007 · To disable row insert in grid runtime, go to grid property – use tab–> check the no row insert option. May 24, 2010 · From PeopleTools 8. You can optionally return a value from a PeopleCode function. Aug 5, 2023 · PeopleCode | Creating and accessing a two-dimensional array in PeopleCode << Previous | Next >> A. You can add the Workflow PeopleCode to any field in the record definition. However, it’s often convenient to qualifya class of PeopleCode programs triggered by a specific event withthe event name; for example, PeopleCode programs associated with theRowInit events are collectively referred to as RowInit PeopleCode. Declaring Arrays. Blind Dates Even after 20 years of using App Designer, I still need to check PeopleBooks on a regular basis to remind myself of all the various date functions, many of which have very similar sounding names. 4. Here we use a Dynamic View SGK_VCHR_DVW as the main record of the Grid. 48 PeopleBook: PeopleCode API Reference: %This when used in application class constructor code refers to the object currently being constructed. A Mini Temp Table. Non-turbo mode is the default for these functions. ActiveRowCount If ALL (&rs1. Using Java Script The PeopleCode Editor appears, displaying the first event in the event set associated with the underlying record field of that control. PeopleSoft Grid PeopleCode. The extra PeopleCode Command: Associates a record field, so when the user clicks the push button or link, the system runs any FieldChange PeopleCode that is associated with that field. Jan 1, 2018 · Use the Exit statement to immediately terminate a PeopleCode program. Therefore, I’ve […] Jun 8, 2013 · The keyword peoplecode identify the function as an external peoplecode function. Fortunately, a PeopleCode function library exists that provides a wider range of functionality. Hosted PeopleSoft Online Help Sep 1, 2018 · PeopleCode | Opening and accessing the results of a PS Query in PeopleCode. The grid is placed on level 1 of a secondary page and is populated using Peoplecode written in the Activate event of the secondary page. Run the Application Engine program to debug. Firstly, here is an example of declaring an array of strings: 1. The Use tab appears. ~tpt. Select File, Open from the PeopleSoft Application Designer menu to open an existing component interface. The PeopleCode portion of the course teaches you the essential tools to work with object-oriented PeopleCode. I had a look at CS Image 25 the other day and found that it was being used close to 7000 times. For example, the following function returns a Number value: Function calc_something (&parm1 as number, &parm2 as number) Returns number. PeopleSoft, Inc. When this happens, there can be different behavior than with other types of fields: If the events are called from FieldEdit of the Control Field, and that FieldEdit is triggered by a change in the Related Edit field, the functions return the previous value. The field must have PeopleCode in the FieldChange event. For example, in PeopleCode you can refer to a record field using the following: recname. PeopleCode is the proprietary language used in the development of Oracle's PeopleSoft applications. Exploring the syntax, I found that the “=” sign is not required. IBException. TS_INFO_FILE. 57; Suitable for students using PeopleTools 8. Click OK and Save. A cursory glance at PeopleBooks show that they both expand binds in strings. Even more fortunately, you are not limited to PeopleCode functions alone. The short version is: use the Date (0) function: 1. Open the page in Application Designer and check the properties of the radio button fields. Refresh (); This gives me a blank page 2. Note: Exit(1) does not rollback iScript transactions. PeopleCode is the proprietary language used by PeopleSoft applications. You can associate a PeopleCode program with a button only if its destination is defined as PeopleCode Command. Any PeopleCode event that executes as a result of a Select or SelectNew rowset method. The ‘lpad’ function works by adding extra characters on the left-hand side of the string, while ‘rpad’ works on the right-hand side. The first is undocumented, but provides the response code unlike the second: The second is documented in PeopleBooks: Local XmlDoc &XMLResponse = &Response. GetRowset (Scroll. The %DateIn meta-SQL variable expands into platform-specific SQL syntax for the date. This five-day PeopleSoft PeopleCode training course gives you the essential tools to work with object-oriented PeopleCodeUpdated for PeopleTools 8. This PeopleBook covers the language elements of PeopleCode, such as the built-in functions, meta-SQL, system variables, and so on. PeopleCode. The following is an example of putting the Incremental Publish PeopleCode on a Record at Level 1 (or 2, 3). This is necessary because the rows are renumbered after they are deleted (if you delete row one, row two Jan 1, 2018 · Description. 56 / 10 = 5. If the Exit statement is executed within a PeopleCode function, the main program terminates. Thanks…. If you selected any of the check boxes, the system starts writing to the trace file. The row I have just deleted is still included in the ActiveRowCount of the Rowset, and it is not flagged as IsDeleted until the Save processing is performed The traditional search pages for PeopleSoft application components provided these options: Find an Existing Value. Save the page. The Date () function is designed to convert a numeric date into a date value. Then, you must specify the document type when you create the root node. I have a Rowset on a page which has multiple rows. PS Query: Making Life Easier. As noted in Tip 013, arrays can go up to fifteen dimensions in PeopleCode. In its fundamentals, PeopleCode syntax resembles other programming languages. Jun 13, 2007 · PeopleCode can be associated with a PeopleCode record field, a component record, and many other items. 63 * 10 = 56. How to Refresh Page PeopleCode after save or equal to F5. /* Send an email to HRIS to update the Position Data table for Position Changes / / If To enable/disable PeopleCode tracing while online: Select PeopleTools, Utilities, Debug, Trace PeopleCode. But, if you put a semicolon afterward, PeopleCode interprets that as a statement and breaks the either/or. This works just as well: An external PeopleCode function is a function written in PeopleCode (as opposed to a built-in function or external DLL function) and defined in a program outside the one from which it is called. See Considerations When Attaching Text Files . File attachments are supported by using PeopleCode built-in functions that implement the transfer of a file to or from a storage location. The PeopleCode file attachment functions do not provide text file conversions when files are attached or viewed. You create component interfaces in PeopleSoft Application Designer. Feb 26, 2023 · PeopleCode has two little gem functions that expand binds: ExpandBindVar and ExpandSqlBinds. Workflow. A program is defined in Application Designer to perform a business process. It works. The SQL object uses dedicated cursors and, if Jan 1, 2018 · Additional information that is important to the use of GetAttachment can be found in the PeopleTools: PeopleCode Developer's Guide : PeopleTools supports multiple types of storage locations. Mar 12, 2019 · 3. You cannot access Page PeopleCode from the component definition Structure tab, from a project, or any other way. As all PeopleTools items are named in uppercase, that means you must use uppercase. I need to wait until SavePostChange processes before Jul 24, 2017 · For &I = 1 to &rs1. They will look something like this: All the related radio buttons will have the same record and field, but a different value. Two examples of a simple REST call in PeopleCode. The term PeopleCode event should now be used instead. Feb 27, 2013 · Asked by: Interviewer 16060 views PeopleCode. Feb 28, 2023 · Solution 2. num_chars: A Number, specifying how many characters to replace in old_text. start: A Number designating the position in old_text from which to start replacing characters. A component interface maps to one, and only one, PeopleSoft component. During the course of the componentprocessor’s flow of execution, these PeopleCode events (or exit points)are encountered in a specific sequence. getRow(&i). Max No. When DeleteRow is used in a loop, you have to process rows from high to low to achieve the correct results, that is, you must delete from the bottom up rather than from the top down. Sep 26, 2007 · I am having some problems within the Peoplecode of the Row Delete Record event. Violation of this rule can result in application failure. Understanding the PeopleSoft Online Help and PeopleBooks The PeopleSoft Online Help is a website that enables you to view all help content for PeopleSoft applications and PeopleTools. These topics provide information to consider before you begin to use PeopleCode. Tracing PeopleCode creates and writes data to a trace file that it shares with SQL tracing; SQL trace and PeopleCode trace information are both output to the file in the order of execution. It’s common to write PeopleCode that fires only when a Component is accessed in a particular mode. Select to print the text of the PeopleCode statements for every PeopleCode action. For clarity, you can add it to a field that the program itself references. You can call generictemplates from any PeopleCode program. 3. Identify when PeopleCode events occur in InsertImage is a “think-time” function, which means it shouldn’t be used in any of the following PeopleCode events: SavePreChange. When inserting rows using PeopleCode, you can either use the Insert method with a record object or create a SQL Insert statement using the SQL object. Use %DateIn whenever a date literal or Date bind variable is used in a comparison in the Where clause of a Select or Update statement, or when a Date value is passed in an Insert statement. I have tried adding the following to SavePostChange: GetLevel0 () (1). For example, you might add the Workflow PeopleCode that triggers an Oct 28, 2018 · To do this, open the main page in App Designer. PeopleCode File Functions. Because AddAttachment is interactive, it is known as a “think-time” function, and is restricted from use in certain PeopleCode events. RecordChanged. You must include the CallAppEngine PeopleCode function within events that allow database updates because generally, if you’re calling Application Engine, you’re intending to perform database updates. SavePostChange. Keep in mind there is always at least one row in every rowset. However, you can create multiple component interfaces for the same component. The Virtual_Router PeopleCode library function is located in the FieldFormula event of the APPR_VA0_WRK. What is the best whay to write this logic, including the syntax in peoplecode: IF PD IN(1000,2000) AND IF AP = 100 THEN Z=B IF PD IN(1000,2000) AND IF AP <>100 THEN Z=P IF PD NOT IN (1000,2000) THEN Z=A I would appreciate any help. %DateIn(dt) Description. Use generic templates whena component template does not meet your requirements. Any PeopleCode event that fires as a result of a ScrollSelect (or one of its relatives) function calls, or a Select (or one of its relatives) Rowset class method. This event was used to perform basic calculations. Local array of string &gradeCodes = CreateArray(""); Unlike other programming languages, there is no requirement in PeopleCode to define the number of array elements in advance. PeopleCode events are initiated at particular times, in particular sequences, during the course of the Component Processor’s flow of execution. Because MAddAttachment is interactive, it is known as a “think-time” function, and is restricted from use in certain PeopleCode events. Can you list the different modes available in If you do specify this type of node when creating an XmlDoc in PeopleCode, you must specify it immediately following the creation statement. RecordNew The standard PeopleSoft save business rules (that is, any PeopleCode programs associated with SaveEdit, SavePreChange, WorkFlow, and so on. fieldname. ) is executed after you execute this method. Activate Event. These functions typically appear in programming languages to allow a string to be padded out to a certain number of characters. ) The PeopleCode declaration and function call syntax is the same regardless of platform, but UNIX libraries must be compiled with an interface function. Jan 1, 2001 · PeopleCode Event Considerations. PeopleCode Overview. selected =True; But how we can trigger peoplecode if a row in a grid is selected ? There is any field in a grid that represent the CheckBock Select, it is added just by making in Grid properties Multiple Row ( check box) in Row selection Indicator. The PeopleCode Editor appears. A Missing Piece Somewhat surprisingly, PeopleCode does not provide a native ‘lpad’ or ‘rpad’ function. Select to print the section detail of all external calls. RowSelect. The following are think-time functions: Calls to an external DLL. This user then makes a request for the query logic to be included as part of a report or process. If it’s just deleting, you can follow the steps mentioned above. & on label tab. For fluid-enabled components, you can use search pages that are specific to the fluid user interface. This works in a similar way to SQL tracing, except that it produces a trace of PeopleCode-related commands. DLL files) and shared libraries on UNIX (lib*. Understanding PeopleCodeBehavior and Limitations. One of your system users may have set up a relatively complex PS Query. RecordDeleted. Select File, Definition Properties from the PeopleSoft Application Designer menu. This code refreshes the whole your page. What Is An Array In People Code? Answer : An array is a group of facts garage places, each of which holds the equal sort of information. Syntax. In conjunction with edits, errors stop processing, while warnings allow processing to continue. In Application Engine, a program is a set of SQL statements, PeopleCode, and program control actions that enable looping and conditional logic. In The standard PeopleSoft save business rules (that is, any PeopleCode programs associated with SaveEdit, SavePreChange, WorkFlow, and so on. Some aspects of the PeopleCode language, however, are specifically related to the PeopleTools environment. At the Application Engine Debugger prompt, enter a command to enable a debugging option. You can use Application Engine for straight, row-by-row processing, but the most efficient Application Engine programs are Mar 21, 2018 · PeopleCode | A ‘cheat sheet’ of all the date-related functions << Previous | Next >> A. Jan 16, 2020 · PeopleCode, REST. The values are always sorted in alphabetical order: A dropdown field is normally […] Feb 9, 2010 · I am using the sendmail function in PeopleCode, when constructing the email body, I would like to insert a new line or carriage control so that the text is formatted. In this article we would see how to populate a Grid dynamically using PeopleCode. The tools and skills learned in this course help you understand the structure of PeopleCode, while preparing you to move on to more advanced applications. This object can be used anywhere you have PeopleCode, that is, in Application Engine PeopleCode, record field PeopleCode, and so on. To execute any of these functions in turbo mode, pass a value of True in the optional turbo parameter. &A expanded in PeopleCode debugger &A. so files. Even the parameter list is the same (not). The Definition Properties dialog box appears. The above statement defines an empty array without specifying an initial length. Refresh(); 2. Add PeopleCode—probably at the component record field level—to invoke the underlying functions in the application-specific derived/work record when the user clicks on one of the buttons. The following items have events that are part of the Component Processor flow: Items. As an example, round 5. One will do. Select to print the long description comments for the selected node and its children. jorgeruiz-vbbcyhw5 (jorgeruiz-vbbcyhw5) August 8, 2007, 3:18pm 5. But how they are used is two very different situations and are not interchangeable. Sep 1, 2018 · PeopleCode | Creating a specific list of values for a dropdown field. Go to the ‘Insert’ menu and select ‘Secondary Page’: Click on any blank space in the page. The derived/work record has fields with FieldChange PeopleCode that you can use for Add, Delete, Detach, and View buttons. Click Edit link beside PTGP_MENU and give Full Access to all Components. Add a New Value. This PeopleBook covers the concepts of PeopleCode, the programming language used in the development of Oracle's PeopleSoft applications. See . The usage of the utility is simple: Paste in some PeopleCode, click the save button to compile the PeopleCode, and then click the run button to execute the PeopleCode. How to use MessageBox in PeopleCode? If you have PeopleCode in your Application Engine program, enable the PeopleCode debugger. In fluid user interface, fluid search pages are rendered differently than the classic search pages. The trace file uses a file name and location specified in the Trace page of PeopleSoft Configuration Manager. Select or deselect the desired Options. 63 to 5. This section providesan overview of generic templates. 54 or later. On the Pages tab, add the PTGP_MENU. Dropdown Lists for Validation The dropdown field presents you with a full list of valid values upon clicking the down-arrow next to the field. Once an external people code function is declared in a program it can then be called multiple times. Using the PeopleCode functions, files can be transferred back and forth from the end user machine to the storage location (by way of the web server and application server) or transferred back and forth from the application server file system to the storage Jan 1, 2018 · This makes it a "user think-time" function, restricting its use in certain PeopleCode events. I am novice. Sort("A"); &A expanded in PeopleCode debugger, showing code results. 6: 5. The Trace PeopleCode page appears. This chapter provides an overview of PeopleCode and discusses how to create PeopleCode programs. To rollback in an iScript, you can use the SqlExec built-in function with the parameter of ROLLBACK (. To define generic templates,use the Generic Templates (WL_TEMPLATE_GEN) component. There are a nu Mar 21, 2018 · F. PeopleCode events andfunctions that relate exclusively to the graphical user interfaceand online processing cannot be used by component interfaces. If you delete the only remaining row, PS automatically inserts a new “blank” (unchanged) row. The following four functions enable you to control more precisely when the Component Processor should perform save PeopleCode: FieldChanged. If you are in a loop and,therefore, calling the insert more than once, use the SQL object. substitute and replace peoplecode - JointLantic - Program Language about Peoplesoft, Peoplecode, People 2 days ago · The PeopleCode Event FieldFormula can get triggered in many different contexts and can execute the PeopleCode on every field on each row in the Component Buffer. When an event is initiated, it triggers PeopleCode programs on specific objects. Enter the record and field names. If you do a single insert, use the Record Insert method. wqcgugmdwtonmxyzmngh