Fce speaking questions pdf FCE Speaking Phrases FCE - Part 01 - Speaking questions - Both / either / neither - Verbs followed by to + infinitive or -ing - FCE Speaking Part 1 (Silvana) - Celebrities. I'd like you to compare the photographs, and say why people might choose to live there, okay? (1 minute) Candidate B, which place would you prefer to live in, and This document will help you familiarise yourself with the Speaking test for Cambridge English: First, also known as First Certificate in English (FCE). Part 4 of the Cambridge B2 First Speaking exam consists of 4-6 questions from the examiner about the topic discussed in Part 3. accommodation and food) 4. Part 1 of the speaking section of Cambridge English exams usually makes students feel quite uncomfortable, nervous and anxious to say the least. — 4. Good responses involve extended answers and an exchange of views between candidates. practising_fce_speaking_part_1. In Part 1, the examiner asks questions and the candidate responds individually without speaking to their partner. 1 Part 4 sample questions with answers 5. download free pdf. The document contains questions and answers from an interview with a student named Eden Lin from Taipei, Taiwan. The document provides tips and guidance for the different parts of the FCE Speaking Test. Part 1: Interview (interlocutor and candidate) Part 1 of FCE Speaking focuses on your ability to talk about topics of general interest, such as your work or studies, how you spend your free time, or your plans for the future — something you are familiar with. Most popular. This document provides the structure and prompts for the Speaking section of the First Certificate in English (FCE) exam. Complete a test and get a score (out of 190) and your FCE Listening grade. 120 FCE Speaking English ESL worksheets pdf & doc. The document provides a list of potential questions that may be asked in Part 1 of the Cambridge English First Certificate in English (FCE) Speaking exam. doing. This document contains 50 speaking questions that could be asked in an English language exam. inglesmalaga@gmail. 754 154 1MB Read more Sample Questions Speaking FCE Part 1 (About the place you live in) Pregunta Posible respuesta Pron. 91 FCE Speaking Test Part 1 Questions — FCE Exam Tips - Free download as PDF File (. Candidates should provide short but complete answers beyond just "yes" or "no" by adding an extra sentence The document provides instructions for Parts 1 through 4 of the Speaking section of the FCE Practice Test 4. Sample answers are in italics. Answering FCE Speaking exam questions on your own out loud 2. The questions cover topics such as personal information, where the test taker lives, family and home country, daily life, education and work, travel and holidays, entertainment, family and friends, free time, sports, and future plans. The problem is that when you enter the exam room you have to talk your best English to people (Cambridge English Examiners) you have never even met and will most likely never […] Being comfortable talking or writing about leisure activities is vital in the B2 First exam where candidate are often asked about the things they like to do in their free time. Vivo en Madrid. English language learning lessons for speaking, reading, writing and listening English language practice. In Part 1, the examiner will ask candidates questions to learn about themselves and their opinions. Soy de Madrid aim from MAdrid. Here are some more questions to practice the FCE Part 2 speaking exam. Some tips for This document provides questions for students to ask their partner about health-related topics as part of an FCE Speaking Part Four exam. with an online conversation exchange partner 3. In Part 3, candidates are given a topic to discuss with their partner for 2 minutes, after which the examiner will ask a follow up question to discuss for another minute. Useful expressions are highlighted and explained at the end of each set. It consists of four parts, 30 questions First (FCE) Speaking Part 2 Example. This should be a short answer (approximately 30 seconds). karl83. It organizes the questions into topics such as where you live, daily life, education and work, travel and holidays, entertainment, family and friends, free time, and sports. Writing. FCE Speaking Part 1: Getting to know you. Part 1 involves an interview where candidates answer personal questions. Part 3 is a collaborative task where candidates discuss topics for a talk and start speaking about them. All the discussion and conversation topics for classes or online English learners. Jun 8, 2016 · So it’s back to the bread and butter of exam prep classes and two long-standing private students have their FCE next week, so I’ve made this handy FCE speaking phrase sheet. Janette. com . FCE Speaking Questions - Free download as Word Doc (. This document provides useful phrases for the FCE Speaking Part 4 exam. Exercise Number: FCE088. Cambridge B2 First (FCE) Speaking - Test One Cambridge First Speaking Part Four on festivals and celebrations with questions stems from Cambridge B2 First Speaking Part Four exams Read through all the questions in your section below to make sure you understand them, then spend three or four minutes asking your partner(s) about those things. FCE speaking pictures - Free download as PDF File (. Mar 6, 2016 · 40 Questions to Help You Prepare for the Speaking Test. B2 First Digital Reading Sample Test. It then provides advice on how to prepare for and approach Part 1 fce-speaking-part1 - Free download as PDF File (. pdf - Free download as PDF File (. g. Each question in Parts 5 and 6 carries two marks. The questions cover topics like travel, living in cities/countries, and preferences. Scribd is the world's largest social reading and publishing site. To get better score, take a look at the FCE Speaking page. Download it below: FCE Speaking phrases. It aims to develop students' oral communication skills. For this lesson, you could find another student who also wants to practise and: • — 4. It accompanies this video, where you can see Victoria, from Germany, and Edward, from Peru, take a Speaking test. Candidates take turns describing the photos, comparing similarities and differences, and answering an examiner's question. The examiner asks speaking questions and you may The document outlines potential questions that may be asked in Part 1 of the FCE Speaking exam. The questions asked relate to the candidates’ own lives and focus on areas such as work, leisure time and future plans. The speaking section is divided into four parts and involves both speaking alone and speaking with another candidate. FCE speaking test. Here are some FCE part two speaking questions to get them ready for the FCE. The questions are grouped into topics such as friends, family, future plans, interests, people, media, sports, travel, possessions, town/neighborhood, and cover a wide range of subjects about the examinee's life, experiences, opinions and plans for the future. B2 First (FCE): Speaking – All Parts. Each question in Parts 1, 2, 3 and 7 carries one mark. ai liv in MAdrid. B2 First Speaking Part Three key words card game Teacher’s instructions Cut up one pack of cards per group of two or three students. doc), PDF File (. Inglés Málaga . Here are some more Part 3 and 4 practice questions for B2 First (formally known as FCE) for students and teachers to use in class. These will help you see what makes a good answer, and also review the tips and points we looked at earlier on in this taking the B 2 First Speaking test. They ask how the individuals pictured may have benefited from technology and how technology could aid those facing challenges. Good morning/afternoon. The examiner may direct questions to individual candidates or ask them to discuss as a pair or group. That’s it. The plan includes warm-up activities to practice avoiding short answers, as well as pair and group activities where students ask each other questions and respond without using 'yes' or 'no'. CAE and FCE, Exam Pt1, Speaking, Health & Fitness, (Int), (TEMP-CAE-SP02-001) (PDF) - Free download as PDF File (. I've also written sample answers, because I'm an amazing person. #1. Part 1 (Interview) Part 2 (Long turn) Part 3 (Collaborative task) Part 4 (Discussion) B2 First (FCE): Speaking Part 4 – Format. It is a semi-formal text and should be impartial until the conclusion. aj liv n mdrd Have you ever lived abroad Paper 5 Speaking 14 minutes The FCE examination consists of five papers: Paper 1 Reading This paper consists of four parts. Community Title: è¡ é2 » ¼ ÈÉíÛ87õ û )ûÐI )A^ ûjY» ¹+NVý ·¼ öª¬Í& PÛûï íF ÜVÈø9¼_Cõ$ì ß ²TÃÇcN Author Dec 12, 2023 · An essay is the first part of the writing and it is obligatory. They show various places where people live. Fonética Where are you from? ¿De dónde eres? I’m from Madrid. Imagine it is like a chat with someone you have just met, and that you are finding out about one another for the first time. Cambridge B2 First (FCE) Speaking - Example Test Two Types of holiday / Different homes / Retirement gifts. Bộ đề thi mẫu chứng chỉ FCE Cambridge 1. You can print them or save in PDF. The document lists 40 questions that could be asked in Part 1 of the FCE Speaking exam. Free conversation, e. It may seem easier to practise speaking when you’re studying in a classroom with other students. Feb 7, 2024 · B2 First (FCE): Speaking Part 1 - Speaking Questions B2 First (FCE): Speaking Part 1 - FAQ. In part three, the collaborative task, the candidates work together on a problem and in the final part, the examiner asks more general questions arising from the previous section. Đề thi mẫu Cambridge FCE trên giấy: Download đề thi thử Cambridge B2 FCE 1; Download đề thi thử Cambridge B2 FCE 2; 2. Let’s get started! Part 3: Tourism Discuss this question with your partner First Certificate Speaking Questions - Free download as Word Doc (. The questions cover a wide range of topics including where the examinee is from, their hobbies and interests, family life, music and film preferences . Below you will find FCE (B2) Speaking Part 2 cards with sample answers and useful phrases. You have one minute to complete the task. In Part 1, you have to answer some questions about yourself. Jun 27, 2024 · Hình ảnh minh họa đề thi Speaking FCE trong sách giúp thí sinh tự tin hơn khi đối mặt với phần thi nói. They are designed to elicit short responses and encourage the test taker to speak freely about themselves. Students deal out the cards and look at their own. While doing an FCE Speaking Part Three speaking task, they try to use phrases including the words written on their cards in order to be able to discard them. teimasias. Discourse management Here the assessor wants to see that you FCE Speaking Part 2 sample questions with model answers #1. Fce Speaking Exam Guide (1) - Free download as PDF File (. The questions cover a variety of topics and ask test takers to speculate on reasons, influences, advantages, disadvantages and comparisons. pdf FCE SPEAKING EXAM PRACTICE JOBS Look at pictures A and B and describe the jobs the two people people are doing. Questions typically relate to topics like hobbies, work, likes/dislikes, and plans. Part 1 (Interview) Part 2 (Long turn) Part 3 (Collaborative task) Part 4 (Discussion) B2 First (FCE): Speaking Part 1 – Format. speaking for FCE The assessor (that is the examiner who is listening to you) is looking for four different things: Grammar and vocabulary The assessor will listen to how accurate your grammar is and will check that you have enough vocabulary to explain clearly what you want to say. The document provides sample questions that may be asked in Part One of the First Certificate Speaking Exam. Answer the Part 1 question, and one question from Part 2. The discussion lasts for 4 minutes. In part 1, examinees are asked questions about topics and should avoid short answers, instead providing details. Feb 7, 2024 · 5 Free Practice Tests (Online & PDF) | B2 First (FCE) Reading, Use of English, Listening Practice Tests Succeed in your Cambridge exam and advance your career and education This document provides sample questions and prompts for the speaking portion of the Cambridge English FCE exam. The exam involves a discussion between two students on Speaking in Circles – FCE exercise Lindsay Clandfield 2002 TRAVEL, WORK and ENGLISH I’m going to ask you some questions 3 0 256KB Read more FCE Speaking Booklet FCE Listening is the last part of your First Certificate in English exam. txt) or read online for free. And your names are? Can I have your mark sheets please? Thank you. Initially, candidates are expected to answer some questions individually , providing longer and more detailed responses. A knowledge of various activities and how to describe them most effectively will help candidates get higher marks in their exam. This lesson plan provides guidance for teaching a speaking lesson related to the Cambridge English: First for Schools exam. Discuss the questions as a class. FCE Speaking Part 1 Sample Answers. FCE Speaking Part 2 Candidates are expected to point out similarities and differences between the photographs and then move on to deal with the question, answering it with reference to both photographs. Practising the FCE speaking exam together (without a teacher) 5. This document provides an overview and practice for the four parts of the Cambridge English: First (FCE) Speaking exam. You will be expected to provide information about yourself and give your Cambridge English FCE Speaking Part 2 Question Cards With Answers and Vocabulary - Free download as PDF File (. It involves a 3 minute conversation with the examiner about personal topics like home, family, work/study, leisure activities, and future plans. Part 1 is a short interview where candidates answer personal questions. 5. Feb 11, 2016 · This article lists 91 questions that you might be asked in part 1 of the Cambridge B2 First speaking test. These questions explore how technology can benefit children and help people in difficult situations. Each question in Part 4 carries up to two marks. Part 3 is an interaction where examinees discuss prompts and ask each Pronunciation/ Speaking 1. The FCE part 2 speaking exam focuses on your ability to compare two picture and also your ability to be coherent when you’re speaking by yourself for a relatively long time. Picture pairs with questions to help students practice for speaking part of FCE exam (can also be used as extra speaking practice for any Pre-Inermediate - Upper-Intermediate students). There are 52 questions in this test. Both these candidates cope well overall with the tasks in the test. FCE Speaking marking criteria FCE Speaking Part 1 - Interlocutor and candidate conversation Part 1 of FCE Speaking focuses on your ability to talk about topics of general interest, such as your work or studies, how you spend your free time or your plans for the future - something you are familiar fashion, FCE speaking part 4 practice Completion Time: 60 minutes Skill/Grammar: Discussion Age/Level: First Certificate Exam Resources: Clothes and Fashion Worksheet Teacher’s Notes Warm-Up (10 minutes) • Give out the worksheet and ask students to match the pictures to the descriptions. Contents: About the Cambridge English: First Speaking test FCE Speaking - structure, sample questions with answers, useful phrases, tips how to score higher. It accompanies this video, where you can see Angela, from Italy, and Agustina, from Argentina, take a Speaking test. This document provides an overview of the four parts in the speaking section of the B2 First (FCE) exam. speaking section: tests 1-10 fce exam guide practice test 1 practice test 2 practice test 3 practice test 4 practice test 5 practice test 6. TIME PERIOD. You need to answer the question with between 140-190 words. doc / . The questions are grouped into different topics including travel and English use, free time activities, hometown, work, home, language studies, family, and studies. docx), PDF File (. It also lists top tips for the exam such as justifying opinions, helping your partner, interacting skills, sticking to the topic while extending answers, addressing the partner or Paper 5 Speaking Test 1 Paper 5 Speaking PART 1 3 minutes (5 minutes for groups of three) Part I - Interview In this first part of the Speaking test, the examiner will ask you questions about topics such as family life, daily routines, or how you spend your free time. Learning vocabulary to talk about typical FCE Speaking topics (e. Your partner will then be asked a question about your pictures. Part 2 involves describing and comparing photographs individually and commenting on each other's photographs. The document appears to be a series of questions from "Candidate B" about various everyday activities and experiences, such as communicating, cooking, spending time with others, sightseeing, studying, spending time alone, cycling, and spending time outside. Further recommended reading: FCE Speaking Part 2 Tips. Cambridge B2 First (FCE) Speaking - Example Test One Studying / Eating out / Problems on holiday. Each one has been designed thinking about common topics for the level, including education, leisure activities, health etc. Did you think of any different ones? Ask any questions from that list that you haven’t yet. This document provides an overview and guidance for the four parts of the Cambridge First Certificate in English (FCE) Speaking exam. Sep 4, 2023 · Article navigation: B2 First (FCE) Essay: Example Topics / Questions B2 First (FCE) Essay: Download (PDF) An essay is a piece of writing in which you are asked to discuss a topic that might be controversial or relevant somehow. Description of FCE Speaking Test Part 1. The questions cover a range of topics including hobbies, interests, daily routines, travel experiences, leisure activities, and plans for the weekend. Here's a list of questions from past First Certificate exams, Cambridge textbooks, and so on. Nov 21, 2024 · FCE Speaking Part 2 sample answers; FCE Speaking Part 3 sample answers; IV. For each topic, 3-4 sample questions are provided to illustrate the types of questions examiners may ask candidates in The document provides a list of common questions asked in part 1 of the First Certificate in English (FCE) exam. This document provides information and tips about Part 3 of the Cambridge English B2 First Speaking exam. 40 FCE Speaking Part 4 Questions (with model answers) - Free download as PDF File (. There are 35 questionsin total, including multiple choice, gapped text and matching questions. Print or save in PDF! In the final part of the B2 First Speaking test, which lasts about 4 minutes, candidates are asked a series of questions that are related to the topic discussed in Part 3. Fluency and coherence are heavily emphasized in this portion of the speaking exam. Part 2 involves comparing two photos and answering a question, with tips for comparing, speculating, and expressing preferences. Part 2 of the FCE Speaking exam lasts two minutes and involves describing two photos and answering questions about them. The examiner should sometimes ask the same question to different people, sometimes use the extra questions below, and Speaking Questions B2 - Free download as PDF File (. Candidates are instructed to choose a number and answer the corresponding question for their group. The Assessment Scales Nov 28, 2018 · After taking this course: Students will have a much better understanding of the Cambridge English: First (FCE/B2 First) Certificate 'Speaking' paper structure. B2 First speaking - Free download as Word Doc (. Instructions to candidates. It divides the phrases into categories for starting a discussion, expressing and asking for opinions, agreeing and disagreeing with a partner. In this part of the test, the interlocutor leads the discussion so candidates don’t need to worry about turn-taking. Part 3 is a two-minute discussion with another student to reach an agreement on a given topic. 4732 uses. The questions are grouped into topics including friends, family, future plans, interests, people, media, sports, travel, possessions, and town/neighborhood. Part 2 involves speaking for a minute comparing two photos and answering a question. Part 2 involves individually describing photographs and commenting on a partner's photos. The examiner will ask you and your partner questions on the same topic. pdf) or read online for free. pdf), Text File (. The first part of this speaking test is, basically, a simple interview with the examiner and your partner, which lasts only 2 or 3 minutes. OK, now that you know what’s going to happen in part one of your FCE speaking exam, and how to be more confident going in, let’s look at some sample questions and answers. As the rest of Cambridge English speaking exams, this one starts with a few questions that the examiner will ask you and your partner. Using the scales yourself during classroom speaking practice tasks will help you to: • analyse your students’ strengths and weaknesses when they do B 2 First Speaking tasks • form an impression of how ready your students are to take the Speaking test. DO remember that the second question is printed above the pictures (in case you forget it!) DO keep speaking until the interlocutor tells you to stop. If you haven’t read our important notes about B2 First from our first set of FCE questions, then please click this link to read them now. First FCE Speaking Part 2 Pictures - Free download as PDF File (. Each question normally gets slightly more abstract and more difficult to answer. FCE Speaking Part Four on sport and exercise Work in threes or fours with one person as the examiner asking the other people questions from below for four minutes, then switch roles. However, there are many ways you can practise from home, too. [Don't memorise answers - it will give a bad impression. You, of course, should think up your own answers. Here are five part 3 and part 4 B2 First (FCE) practice prompts and questions with tips for teachers and students. In the text you need to analyse a question using different points of view. aprox. How important is it to help people in these situations? Here are some “wh” questions to help you when thinking about how to compare these This document provides tips for speaking in the FCE exam, which consists of 4 parts. Part 1 involves answering questions about yourself. These tests are perfect for self-preparation! If you want to take tests home for offline use (save them in PDF or print them) have a look at this list of print-friendly FCE Listening tests. Dưới đây là một số mẫu câu trả lời FCE Speaking Part 1 Sample Answer, cùng tham khảo để vận dụng vào câu trả lời của bạn nhé! Question 1: Which part of the day do you enjoy most? Why? Cambridge First questions about the future Ask each other future questions about these typical FCE topics: ⚫ Languages ⚫ Education ⚫ Family ⚫ Home ⚫ Free time ⚫ Work Look at the examples on the next page. Mar 5, 2012 · The document outlines the structure and sample questions for Part 1 of the PET and FCE Speaking exams. FCE Speaking Exam Sample Questions and Answers. FCE Speaking Part 4 continues the discussion that you started in Part 3. Each part contains a text and some questions. Use these questions to English: First, also known as First Certificate in English (FCE). All-time. Here are 10 B2 First (FCE) Speaking Part 3 examples for you to use in class or on your own. They are designed to elicit responses of 3 sentences or less in order to concisely discuss people, situations, problems and opinions. Candidates are scored on grammar, vocabulary, discourse management, and interactive communication. If you want to practice online, check these FCE practice tests. To score well, candidates must describe the photos using the present continuous tense, spend 15-20 seconds on each description, and include comparisons 4. DO organize your thoughts. Living in different places; Exercising Candidate A, here are the photographs. It describes the format, timing, tasks, and goals of each part. Time: 1 hour 20 minutes. Sample questions covered holidays, travel, and reasons for enjoying vacations FCE Speaking Practice Sample - Free download as Word Doc (. Download the FCE Speaking Part 3 pictures pdf to print or use offline. FCE Speaking Practice - Free download as Word Doc (. Part 3 is a collaborative task where FCE Speaking Part 1 3 2 minutes m Part 1 gives candidates the opportunity to show their ability to use general social and interactional language and to give basic personal information about themselves. Students will know the best strategy to answer all the questions in the Cambridge English: First (FCE/B2 First) Certificate 'Speaking' paper. II. The document contains questions about a variety of topics including where the person lives, their daily life and routines, education and work experience, travel habits, entertainment preferences, relationships with family and friends, hobbies and free time Sep 12, 2023 · B2 First (FCE): Speaking Part 4 - Speaking Questions B2 First (FCE): Speaking Part 4 - FAQ B2 First (FCE): Speaking – All Parts. It is divided into four parts: 1) Introductions and warm-up questions about candidates' backgrounds. This document lists 51 potential questions that could be asked in Part 1 of the FCE Speaking exam. www. SORT BY. Practice online, print it or save in PDF. The document contains a list of potential questions that may be asked in the speaking portion of the First Certificate of English exam. B2 First (FCE) Speaking Part 3 examples. The document provides an overview of the four parts of the Cambridge First Certificate in English (FCE) Speaking exam: 1) Part 1 is a 3-minute interview where the examiner asks basic "getting to know you" questions to test social language skills. B2 Cambridge FCE English Speaking Part One Janette O´Carroll Director . Further discussion with the other candidate, guided by speaking questions from the USEFUL EXPRESIONS FOR SPEAKING FCE Starting comparison In the first / second picture there's a The first / second picture shows a Similarities Both pictures show The second pictures also shows Similarly, the second pictures shows Differences In the first picture, whereas / while / but / however in the second picture These FCE (B2) Reading and Use of English Practice tests below are best for offline use — you can print them or save in PDF the icon at the bottom of each test page. com FCE Exam Speaking Part 1: The Interview: Individual questions to candidates. It is divided into 4 parts that address questions about jobs, career aspirations, work-life balance, stress levels of different jobs, job skills, types of people suited to different jobs, benefits of work, and potential changes to jobs in the future. Candidates need to pay careful attention to the question they are asked and make sure they answer it appropriately. It includes questions about staying home when sick, government health advice, alternative medicine, exercise, colds, food safety, stress relief, child masks, health checks, flu shots, self-treatment, herbal medicine disadvantages, massage advantages, child B2 First Certificate Speaking - Test One Speaking Part One: Interview 2 minutes. Just a speaking test. In part 2 of the First (FCE) Speaking Exam you will be asked to compare two pictures and to answer a question about those pictures. Example of First (FCE) Speaking Part 3 Part 4 – Discussion. You can also Candidates will be asked roughly the same number of questions, but not necessarily the same questions. Part 4 may contain two or more shorter related texts. 1 Part 4 sample questions with answers. Where are you from, (Candidate A)? And you, (Candidate B)? Select one or more questions from any of the following, as 91 FCE Speaking Test - Free download as Word Doc (. This document provides a list of 10 questions for students to ask and answer with a partner about health and fitness topics. ajm frm mdrd Where do you live? ¿Dónde vives? I live in Madrid. The document provides 40 sample questions that could be asked in Part 4 of the FCE Speaking exam, along with model answers for each question. My name is _____ and this is my colleague _____. Practice speaking for one minute in English to see what it feels like. Conversation with the examiner. Sep 4, 2016 · The document contains sample questions for the Speaking part of the First Certificate in English (FCE) exam. FCE Speaking marking criteria. Each worksheet contains a full example of a Speaking section, with Parts One, Two, Three and Four. May 22, 2015 · Feel free to share them with your learners: Click here for a pdf copy: FCEpart1questionspdf (1) FCE Speaking Exam Part 1 – Interview Questions In the first part of the exam, the interviewer will ask you and your partner several questions about everyday topics. B2 First for Schools Speaking Part 2 (Long turn) Top tip! Find a study buddy to practise speaking with. This document outlines the structure and topics of discussion for an FCE Speaking exam. inglesmalaga. FCE - Speaking - Part 1 Your interests Do you have any hobbies? What do you like about it/them? What new skill would you like to learn? Do you like reading books? What books do you enjoy? What kind of films do you like watching? Have you seen any good films recently? Tell me something about it. Providing sample questions and answers helps examinees prepare for the conversational nature of the Speaking exam. Part 4 involves answering additional questions from the fce-speaking-samples. DO use high level vocabulary words for comparing and contrasting. FCE Speaking Part 1: Questions En este artículo, encontrarás una lista exhaustiva de 50 preguntas diseñadas específicamente para la parte 1 del examen Cambridge First Certificate (First) , correspondiente al nivel B2. ixkfd junv slhb ntz qapeqwf yswxv xjgbg pbbwbd qqtf wzhbv ohpbov uwta ttl aeayhh rade