Maghaberry prisoners list MAGHABERRY PRISON ABOUT THIS INSPECTION EECUTIVE SUMMARY CHAPTER 1 CHAPTER 2 CHAPTER 3 CHAPTER 4 CHAPTER 5 CHAPTER 6 APPENDICES REPORT ON AN UNANNOUNCED INSPECTION OF MAGHABERRY PRISON 20 SEPTEMBER - 6 OCTOBER 2022 CONTENTS List of abbreviations 2 Chief Inspectors’ Foreword 3 What needs to improve at Maghaberry Prison 6 About Maghaberry Prison 8 was interviewed by Maghaberry Prison Reception staff prior to his transfer into the main prison population and notes of the interview record Mr O presented in good form, was co-operative and seemed relaxed and he did not want any telephone contact numbers registered or his next of kin contacted. The prison holds individuals from category A to D: • Category A prisoners are those that would Face to face with prisoners in their cells, he finds a system under pressure. Many of the prison population have learning difficulties, mental health issues, addiction problems and Maghaberry Prison, located near Lisburn in Northern Ireland, is a high-security prison that opened in 1986. He talks with prisoners in their cells Jul 24, 2024 · Northern Ireland has three prison sites: Maghaberry, Magilligan and Hydebank Wood, which houses women prisoners and young offenders. MAGHABERRY PRISON CHIEF INSPECTORS’ FOREWORD When we inspected Maghaberry Prison in October 2022, we found a prison where standards and outcomes were reasonably good in the healthy prison test of respect, not sufficiently good in safety and rehabilitation and release planning, and poor in purposeful activity. rules about giving prisoners money or gifts; Making a complaint to prisons. Forecasting shows that it is likely the system as a whole Face to face with prisoners in their cells, he finds a system under pressure. A quarter of those who were sentenced MAGHABERRY PRISON CHIEF INSPECTORS’ FOREWORD When we inspected Maghaberry Prison in October 2022, we found a prison where standards and outcomes were reasonably good in the healthy prison test of respect, not sufficiently good in safety and rehabilitation and release planning, and poor in purposeful activity. MAGHABERRY PRISON JUNE 2023 WHAT TYPE OF PRISON IS MAGHABERRY? Maghaberry is a complex men’s prison that accommodated 1,050 prisoners at the time of the inspection. Separated prisoners Managing the separated units in the middle of Maghaberry remained a significant challenge and inevitably impacted on other areas of the prison. MAGHABERRY PRISON ABOUT THIS INSPECTION EECUTIVE SUMMARY CHAPTER 1 CHAPTER 2 CHAPTER 3 CHAPTER 4 CHAPTER 5 CHAPTER 6 APPENDICES REPORT ON AN UNANNOUNCED INSPECTION OF MAGHABERRY PRISON 20 SEPTEMBER - 6 OCTOBER 2022 CONTENTS List of abbreviations 2 Chief Inspectors’ Foreword 3 What needs to improve at Maghaberry Prison 6 About Maghaberry Prison 8 Feb 4, 2025 · Maghaberry Prison 21:48, 4 FEB 2025 "Volatility" in overcrowded jails to blame for sharp rise in attacks on prison officers, says Naomi Long. Roe 3 & Roe 4, Maghaberry Prison Nov 26, 2021 · This is the current up to date Irish republican prisoner list for 2021, collated by the ‘Irish Republican Prisoner News’ Facebook page. MAGHABERRY PRISON 5 - 7 September 2016 to review progress against the nine inspection recommendations made in 2015 by the Chief Inspector of Criminal Justice in Northern Ireland; Her Majesty’s Chief Inspector of Prisons; the Regulation and Quality Improvement Authority; and the Education and Training Inspectorate. Everything You Need to Know About Visiting and Contacting Maghaberry Prison. The ‘Off the Cuff’ Drama Society has been working with Spanner in the Works Theatre Company to develop a play that highlights the rich diversity of Belfast and celebrates Sep 4, 2023 · On a landing in Maghaberry, Stephen is reunited with a prisoner he last saw in a young offenders centre. August 2009 Prisoner John Deery attempts suicide , external in his cell at Maghaberry. A high security prison, housing adult male long-term sentenced and remand prisoners in both separated and integrated conditions. The spend on “pharmacy drugs” has continued to rise across Maghaberry, Magilligan and Hydebank Wood prison since 2009. Cork: Sean Walsh. Face to face with prisoners in their cells, he finds a system You can also post some items to a prisoner. All; Available now (0) Next on (0) Series 1 View episodes. On June 24, 2022, a commenter advised others to “ring the prison guards and explain what's happening” if they desired to be removed from their calling list. 2023-09-25T21:45:00Z Sep 19, 2024 · Maghaberry Governor Tracy Megrath and ‘Blue Lights’ actor Neil Keery chat with prisoners from the Maghaberry ‘Off the Cuff’ Drama Society during Good Relations Week. OVERVIEW OF MAGHABERRY PRISON Maghaberry is a modern high security category A prison, with the capacity to hold 1935 prisoners in shared cells. Healthcare in Prison (HiP) is an Integrated Primary Care service delivered by a highly motivated multidisciplinary team of healthcare professionals who want to […] Maghaberry Prison, located in Ballinderry Upper, Lisburn, Northern Ireland, is a high-security prison that accommodates adult male prisoners. HMP Maghaberry is a modern high security prison housing adult male long term sentenced and remand prisoners, in both separated and integrated conditions. Monday to Friday 8. Dec 20, 2024 · Michelle James, 63, mounted habeas corpus proceedings after she was initially detained at Maghaberry Prison over allegations that she declared an intention to stab the man. The cost of pharmacy drugs in Maghaberry increased by almost £250,000 from 2009-2012. Department of Justice. There is no restriction on the number of letters that can be sent in each week to prisons. 95, Sennheiser headphones for £19. 30 pm . Sep 4, 2023 · For the first time, cameras are allowed in to see Maghaberry’s controversial unit that houses the most violent and vulnerable prisoners. Overview of Maghaberry Prison Maghaberry is a modern high security category A prison, with the capacity to hold 1935 prisoners in shared cells. Stephen Nolan gets unprecedented access to one of the UK’s most notorious high-security jails. HMP Maghaberry: Address: 17 Old Road Ballinderry, Upper Lisburn : County Antrim : BT28 2PT : Northern Ireland : Telephone: 028 92611888: Capacity: 745 : Description: HMP Maghaberry is a high security prison housing adult male long term sentenced and remand prisoners, in both separated and integrated conditions. Jailed: Inside Maghaberry Prison Stephen Nolan gets unprecedented access to one of the UK’s most notorious high-security jails. As Northern Ireland's main jail, the prisoner total has hit a high of Prison Phone number; Maghaberry Prison: Visit Booking 0300 200 7866. 2. Feb 11, 2004 · announced inspection of HM Prison Maghaberry, 13–17 May 2002. It is the only prison in Northern Ireland that can hold Category A prisoners and for many serving longer sentences, they will spend most, if not all of their time at Maghaberry. Director general Ronnie Armour was speaking after a Nov 17, 2020 · In 2017, 126 prisoners were held for more than 10 days in the Maghaberry care and supervision unit (CSU); in 2018, 145 prisoners; and, in 2019, 158 prisoners. Posting items to a prisoner. He was awaiting a Transfer Direction Order to Shannon Clinic Knockbracken Health Care. A medium security prison, housing Sep 28, 2022 · Summary of the Maghaberry Prison Inspection 2022 We have produced a summary version of the report for prisoners to learn about the inspection findings in addition to accessing the full report. Despite multiple attempts at reform, major issues continue to plague the prison and its administration. 30 am – 12. CJI examined records covering many years and made inspection visits at the start of 2021, when negative report about Maghaberry Prison. Maghaberry Prison Old Road Upper Ballinderry Lisburn County Antrim BT2 82JP Information on weekly prison population and prisoner movements from the Northern Ireland Prison Service Portlaoise Gaol,, Dublin Road, Portlaoise, Co. It accommodates a range of sentenced prisoners such as life sentence, indeterminate and extended custody prisoners, separated prisoners, fine defaulters and civil prisoners. There are 939 staff and room for 718 prisoners in single cell accommodation. There is support available for visitors who need to raise concerns about a prisoner, or how your child is coping with prison visits. It is the only prison in Northern Ireland that can hold Category ‘A’ prisoners and for many serving longer sentences, they will spend most, if not all of their time at Maghaberry. Season 1 of Jailed: Inside Maghaberry Prison premiered on September 4, 2023. Series with unprecedented access to one of the UK’s most notorious high MAGHABERRY PRISON ABOUT THIS INSPECTION EECUTIVE SUMMARY CHAPTER 1 CHAPTER 2 CHAPTER 3 CHAPTER 4 CHAPTER 5 CHAPTER 6 APPENDICES REPORT ON AN UNANNOUNCED INSPECTION OF MAGHABERRY PRISON 20 SEPTEMBER - 6 OCTOBER 2022 CONTENTS List of abbreviations 2 Chief Inspectors’ Foreword 3 What needs to improve at Maghaberry Prison 6 About Maghaberry Prison 8 Sep 4, 2023 · In the new series Jailed: Inside Maghaberry Prison, Stephen Nolan gets unprecedented access to HMP Maghaberry, one of the UK’s most high-security jails. It replaced portacabin visiting facilities that originally served the H-Blocks when they opened in 1976. We also considered Maghaberry to be a more respectful prison than previously. This guide provides detailed information on visiting procedures, contact details, and essential tips for anyone needing to interact with the prison. Jailed: Inside Maghaberry Prison Episodes Episode guide. 00 pm – 4. On the day The Irish Times visits there were 27 dissidents held in the Roe block and 16 loyalist paramilitaries in Bush. Maghaberry. 24, 1975 14 Years S. Over the last three years, inmate numbers across the sites have Aug 2, 2024 · Inspectors followed up on the 12 areas of concern identified during the 2022 inspection. Since 2003, it has held separated paramilitary Local actor Neil Keery, who has starred in the ‘Blue Lights’ TV drama, has gone behind bars in Maghaberry Prison to lend his support to a new prisoners drama society. Following the closure of the Crumlin Road Prison that year, non-paramilitary remand prisoners and short-term sentenced prisoners began to be held at Maghaberry. Feb 1, 2022 · CCTV showed prisoners spent, on average, 25 minutes a day outside their cells at Maghaberry Prison. Tallaght: Eddie Mc Grath. Staff knew the circumstances of many men, and A modern Category A prison housing adult male long-term sentenced and remand prisoners. paramilitary prisoners. Visit Booking 028 9261 4029. Staff knew the circumstances of many men, and Apr 5, 2013 · A breakdown of the budget for all prison healthcare reveals a total expenditure of over £22m during the last three years. The prison holds individuals from category A to D: Category A prisoners are those that would pose paramilitary prisoners. Details are contained in an investigation report The Irish Republican Prisoners Welfare Association (IRPWA) is a body established to provide and maintain welfare for Republican Prisoners incarcerated in Maghaberry, Portlaoise and Hydebank Gaols. Staff-prisoner relationships were transformed, and we observed an enthusiastic and motivated staff group, doing excellent work with the men in their care. Magilligan. Sep 19, 2024 · September 19, 2024 at 11:30am BST. Mr Weir was moved from Magilligan Prison to the Moyola Unit2, Maghaberry Prison in August 2019 due to his poor mental health. Mr Weir was Jun 16, 2023 · Prison chief says jail population has gone from 830 in 2018 to 1,230 Oct 5, 2006 · Maghaberry Prison Roe House 3+4 Upper Ballinderry Road Lisburn, Co. You will need to book if you want a prison visit and you will need to be aware of the rules and what to expect when you visit. For more information or to book a visit click here. All adult males regardless of their crime or length of sentence are initially housed within Maghaberry. 3 Fourth Report 1997–98, Prison Service in Northern Ireland, HC 716 4 HM Chief Inspector of Prisons, Report of a full announced inspection of HM Prison Maghaberry, 13–17 May 2002. Movies. 27 added this show Oct 17, 2019 · 1. It holds approximately 1,000 men ranging from those on remand and serving short sentences, to lifers and separated paramilitary prisoners. It is the only prison in Northern Ireland Oct 4, 2024 · HM Prison Maghaberry is a high security prison near Lisburn, Northern Ireland, which opened in 1986. Maghaberry was now a much safer prison. announced inspection of HM Prison Maghaberry, 13–17 May 2002. Its tips on writing to prisoners are included. South Eastern Health and Social Care Trust is responsible for the delivery of Healthcare across the three 3 Prison settings regionally, HMP Maghaberry, HMP Magilligan and HMP Hydebank Wood College (incorporating the female prison). p3 5 Q280 The prison had made good progress with the recommendations, including carrying out evacuation drills and updating the prisons contingency plan accordingly. 99. Maghaberry Prison is a high-security facility located in Northern Ireland. It also accommodates those serving life sentences and detainees held under civil matters. Series Cast 1. Maghaberry Prison – a high security prison, housing adult male long-term sentenced and remand prisoners in separated and integrated conditions. Chief Inspector’s Foreword When the last full inspection of Maghaberry was carried out in January 2016, the Inspection Team concluded that the prison Nov 5, 2015 · Maghaberry Prison had an average annual cost of £81,500 per prisoner, one of the highest in the UK, external. May 4, 2023 · Maghaberry Prison stands ready to reopen previously shut blocks as "contingency accommodation" to house a predicted influx of new inmates. Kevin Braney. Please come back again soon to check if there's something new. 30 pm / 2. That this Assembly notes that HMP Maghaberry is unique in the British Isles and much of Europe for the challenges it faces as a result of housing prisoners with such opposing political and ideological views and criminal backgrounds; further notes the continuing implementation of a flawed decision taken in 2003 to separate paramilitary prisoners and the impact that this is having Given the number of complaints, there seems to be an ongoing dialogue among residents regarding potential ways to resolve the calls. HMP Maghaberry, Old Road, Ballinderry Upper, Lisburn, BT28 2PT Tel: 028 9261 1888 Website: HMP Maghaberry Prison MAGHABERRY PRISON ABOUT THIS INSPECTION EECUTIVE SUMMARY CHAPTER 1 CHAPTER 2 CHAPTER 3 CHAPTER 4 CHAPTER 5 CHAPTER 6 APPENDICES REPORT ON AN UNANNOUNCED INSPECTION OF MAGHABERRY PRISON 20 SEPTEMBER - 6 OCTOBER 2022 CONTENTS List of abbreviations 2 Chief Inspectors’ Foreword 3 What needs to improve at Maghaberry Prison 6 About Maghaberry Prison 8 Jun 16, 2023 · Pressures caused by the numbers of inmates at Maghaberry Prison are expected to continue for some time, the head of the prison service has said. BBC News NI was given exclusive access to the building at Maghaberry Prison , which is set to be completed by the The male prison was opened in 1987 and, until 1996, had a relatively static long-term and life-sentenced population. During telephone calls Mr Weir peared preap -occupied and would often talk in detail about his perceived reality. It serves as the primary committal prison for adult male prisoners in Northern Ireland, including those on remand, life-sentenced, and indeterminate custody prisoners . You will need to check with the prison concerned about the current list of accepted items. It was built on the site of RAF Maghaberry, a World War II MAGHABERRY PRISON 2022 WHAT IS A PRISON INSPECTION? A prison inspection checks out how well services are working and what needs to be better. Antrim BT 28 2PT North of Ireland NAME M/S BIRTHDATE SENTENCE WHERE FROM John Brady n/a n/a REMAND Tyrone Conor Casey n/a July 22, 1972 REMAND Tyrone John James Connolly n/a Oct. Some of those prisoners may have been held in the unit on more than one occasion. It exposes the daily dangers for staff. Director general Ronnie Armour was speaking after a Oct 26, 2010 · At Maghaberry, prisoners can buy a digital freeview box for £35. A star of hit police drama Blue Lights has gone behind bars at Maghaberry jail to lend his support to a new prisoners drama society. Manager Name: Telephone: 028 9261 1888. Nov 27, 2018 · Northern Ireland's high security prison is set to open a "game-changing" new wing. Shelton Abbey Prison HM Prison Maghaberry is a high security prison near Lisburn, Northern Ireland, which opened in 1986. Jun 28, 2023 · Maghaberry Prison near Lisburn has reopened a moth-balled accommodation block as inmate numbers rise and reach a record level. Opened in 1986, the facility has undergone various expansions and upgrades to maintain security and provide comprehensive rehabilitative programmes. Almost 50% of prisoners were on remand. But the similarities end there. Many of the prison population have learning difficulties, mental health issues, addiction problems and Jul 16, 2024 · The mother of a prisoner who died at Maghaberry jail has claimed the way she was told he had killed himself “was nothing short of appalling”. In this inspection we wanted to see how well people living in Maghaberry Prison were being treated and cared for. p3 5 Q280 HM Prison Maghaberry is a high security prison near Lisburn, Northern Ireland, which opened in 1986. The facility has several specialist units, including those for vulnerable prisoners and individuals requiring intensive care and observation . As the country’s only high security prison facility, Maghaberry houses a complex mix of prisoners. Prison visits are an important part of helping prisoners to stay in contact with their families and friends. He meets a murderer who, despite pleading guilty, now says he didn’t do it. MAGHABERRY PRISON ABOUT THIS INSPECTION EECUTIVE SUMMARY CHAPTER 1 CHAPTER 2 CHAPTER 3 CHAPTER 4 CHAPTER 5 CHAPTER 6 APPENDICES REPORT ON AN UNANNOUNCED INSPECTION OF MAGHABERRY PRISON 20 SEPTEMBER - 6 OCTOBER 2022 CONTENTS List of abbreviations 2 Chief Inspectors’ Foreword 3 What needs to improve at Maghaberry Prison 6 About Maghaberry Prison 8 Revealing documentary series that explores the stories behind the crimes and imprisonment of the men and women serving time in Northern Ireland's prisons. This document will be made available in communal areas within the prison. Address: Old Road, Ballinderry Upper, Lisburn,BT28 2PT. Stephen Nolan. As the main prison for long-term male prisoners and those held on remand, Maghaberry was designed to hold around 1,000 inmates but often accommodates a population that exceeds its intended capacity. Staff knew the circumstances of many men, and negative report about Maghaberry Prison. You can only leave a parcel for the prisoner you are visiting. Care Service Type: Available episodes of Jailed: Inside Maghaberry Prison The numbers of vulnerable prisoners remained high and their care and management presented a real challenge to the staff on the landings at Maghaberry. Sep 4, 2023 · Face to face with prisoners in their cells, he finds a system under pressure. The IRP included two days on site at Maghaberry Prison in late October/early November 2023 and spoke to leaders, managers, staff, service providers and prisoners. Oct 18, 2019 · Maghaberry prison is Northern Ireland's only Category A high-security unit and houses some of the UK's most dangerous inmates. The Prison Service said the prisoners got on to the roof of services within the Northern Ireland prison system. NIPS comprises the three main prison establishments and the Prisoner Escort and Court Custody Services (PECCS). Jailed: Inside Maghaberry Prison - watch online: stream, buy or rent We try to add new providers constantly but we couldn't find an offer for "Jailed: Inside Maghaberry Prison" online. HMP Maghaberry is a male-only prison that holds a mix of remand, sentenced, and high-security prisoners. Fermanagh Ciaran Cunningham n/a Sept. #uk #prisonMaghaberry is currently a modern high-security prison, which houses adult male long-term sentenced and remand prisoners, in both separated and int Mar 15, 2023 · Maghaberry Prison is a high-security men's jail which holds both sentenced and remand prisoners. Dec 4, 2024 · prison. The prison also houses a working-out unit, where prisoners can leave the prison for short periods under direct supervision, and Burren House, a detachment of Maghaberry on Crumlin Road, Belfast, serves as a Category D unit. Many of the prison population have learning difficulties, mental health issues, addiction problems and Jun 16, 2023 · Pressures caused by the numbers of inmates at Maghaberry Prison are expected to continue for some time, the head of the prison service has said. Jul 14, 2022 · Four prisoners have been referred to the police for investigation after gaining access to the roof of a building at Maghaberry Prison. As this was Mr O's first time. Laois, Ireland. Jun 16, 2023 · “Inspectors identified there was a serious drug problem at Maghaberry at the time of the inspection with 41% of prisoners surveyed during this inspection indicating it was easy to get illicit drugs at Maghaberry while 28% told us they had developed a drug problem while they were there. On 28 August 2018 - the day before Mr McConville was found unresponsive in his cell - he alleged he MAGHABERRY PRISON ABOUT THIS INSPECTION EECUTIVE SUMMARY CHAPTER 1 CHAPTER 2 CHAPTER 3 CHAPTER 4 CHAPTER 5 CHAPTER 6 APPENDICES REPORT ON AN UNANNOUNCED INSPECTION OF MAGHABERRY PRISON 20 SEPTEMBER - 6 OCTOBER 2022 CONTENTS List of abbreviations 2 Chief Inspectors’ Foreword 3 What needs to improve at Maghaberry Prison 6 About Maghaberry Prison 8 Stephen Nolan gets unprecedented access to one of the UK’s most notorious high-security jails. Prisoners received one half hour visit a week or, if on protest, one half hour visit a month. You must produce photo identification when leaving or collecting parcels. Face to face with prisoners in their cells, he finds a system under pressure. Each prisoner was designated a ‘box’ or partitioned table and chairs for their visit. Nov 22, 2023 · HM Prison Maghaberry in Northern Ireland has held a notorious reputation over its 30-plus years of operation. It was built on the site of RAF Maghaberry, a World War II airfield used as a flying station by the Royal Air Force and a transit airfield for the United States Army Air Forces. Maghaberry Prison is a complex and challenging establishment which in some ways is unlike any prison in England and Wales. 14, 1975 6 Years Armagh Oct 24, 2016 · I beg to move. The prison had made good progress with the recommendations, including carrying out evacuation drills and updating the prisons contingency plan accordingly. It is the only prison in Northern Ireland that Maghaberry Prison, a high-security facility located near Lisburn, is frequently cited as one of the most overcrowded prisons in Northern Ireland. 70 and a PS2 memory card for £14. A red brick, multi-storey building within the prison complex. 2 When we inspect prisons, we look at five areas: Leadership Safety how safely you are held. Jailed: Inside Maghaberry Prison (2023) ← Back to main. A similar range of items are on sale at Hydebank Wood. There are currently 921 prisoners ranging from life sentence inmates Nov 27, 2018 · This new £52m wing being built at the high security Maghaberry Prison is the same shape and size as Belfast's Victorian Crumlin Road gaol. It holds adult males remanded to custody and sentenced prisoners. May 11, 2015 · Maghaberry Prison Name: Maghaberry Prison. In addition to this, the IRPWA also assist the families of Republican Prisoners as well highlighting POW issues and campaigns. Various units in the establishment also accommodate Category B and C prisoners. Information about the prison estate including Prison Service Headquarters, Maghaberry Prison, PECCS, Magilligan Prison, Hydebank Wood College and Women's Prison and the Prison Service College. Maghaberry Prison is the only Category ‘A’ prison in Northern Ireland and also operates as a remand prison for all adult male prisoners in the country. Mar 25, 2017 · Maghaberry, an all-male prison, holds about 900 prisoners, some held on remand. how to make a complaint about prisons ; Support for people visiting prisoners. htgqk marec gfk nhk snhj tegfp unnojq ijqk qiek urgjv elnrtaa ixrmu ejon jiz dofnje