Ao orthopedic surgery Free. FAQ; AO Trauma Switzerland is part of AO Foundation (Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Osteosynthesefragen), a worldwide leading network of medical professionals in the field of orthopedic trauma. A knee extension splint or hinged knee brace is then used to protect the knee from flexion beyond this. LinkedIn. Comprehensive reference for the management of periprosthetic fractures in the hip, including diagnosis, treatment options, and surgical techniques. AO PEER; myAO; AO Videos; Course finder; AO Trauma - a leading resource AO Trauma AO E-Learning AO Trauma - a leading resource AO Trauma AO E-Learning AOUK&I A word from AOUK&I; "Your journey towards clinical mastery and making a real difference in patient care begins. AO PEER; As the swelling recedes, the skin begins to wrinkle both on the lateral and medial sides. Comprehensive guide on surgical techniques and management of proximal femur fractures, including fixation methods and hip replacement indications. The decision will depend on the surgeon's preference and the overall injury. iOS Android AO Principles of Fracture Management is an essential resource for orthopedic trauma surgeons and residents in these specialties. New periprosthetic shoulder module published. 1 or later) and Android (2. GSC 2025 preliminary program is now available. AO/OTA Fracture and Dislocation Classification. AO's Clinical training modules for Operating Room Personnel support participants with their learning at the point of care. Our community Note: We will here illustrate the technique using a complete articular, frontal/coronal wedge fracture. Our comprehensive range of courses across CMF, Trauma, ORP, VET, and AO Foundation Surgery Reference provides evidence-based guidelines and recommendations for treating pediatric fractures. AO PEER; myAO; AO Videos; Course finder; AO Surgery Reference now synced with myAO to enrich your cases. Imran Ali Shah is a European trained Orthopaedic Surgeon. When non-self-tapping screws are used, tap the distal hole. Alternatively, the surgeon can exert pressure against the muscle bellies of the proximal forearm to cause passive flexion of the fingers. Generally, draping should always be applied up to the pelvic rim, to find the correct individual location for the skin incision. This scholarship program by the College of Surgeons of East, Central and Southern Africa (COSECSA) and the AO Alliance aims to support trauma and orthopaedic surgeons in sub-Saharan Africa. The AO/OTA Classification of long bone fractures is the standard classification used by orthopedic and trauma surgeons dealing with skeletal trauma worldwide. Who we are; What we do; AO Surgery Reference now synced with myAO to enrich your cases. Fracture reduction to restore anatomical relationships 2. Disclaimer. With this program, AO Trauma provides a gateway to our worldwide network and fosters cross-pollination and networking opportunities across our global community. 60 years AO Technical Commission. Award-winning repository of step-by-step surgical procedures and clinical In a world where learning is increasingly happening on-the go, AO Trauma's competency-based training and assessment programs will certify orthopaedic residents and practicing surgeons in key areas of surgery. com) Read. We have a highly specialized team of Orthopedic Surgeon, Neurosurgeon, Cardiologist, Urologist etc in our team of management. X-rays are taken to check the reduction. O. Manual reduction may be attempted, but radiation of the surgeon‘s hands may be unavoidable. Share. AO Recon is a global network of orthopedic surgeons committed to best-in-class education in joint preservation and replacement. Orthopaedic Surgeon at AO HOSPITAL · Dr. Surgical techniques practice on artificial bones. Maurice Müller, a Swiss orthopedic surgeon, was instrumental in the development of internal fixation techniques to treat bone fractures. The wrinkling of the skin is a good indicator of when surgery can be undertaken. The 4th-5th tarsometatarsal joints should be left functional or "mobile" and are most often stabilized with temporary K-wires if possible. Retrograde nailing approach to the femoral shaft and many more surgical approaches described step AO Surgery Reference now synced with myAO to enrich your cases. Positioning and approach AO Surgery Reference now synced with myAO to enrich your cases. The prior surgical incision should be utilized over the mid patella. Our ACGME-accredited program equips residents to excel in today's fast-changing medical landscape. Comminuted fractures Because lag screws are used to achieve compression and absolute stability, they are usually used for the fixation of simple fractures such as a spiral or oblique fracture but they can also be used under specific circumstances to compress large fracture fragments of a multifragmentary fracture in order to secure added stability. Stefan Rammelt, Universitätsklinikum Carl Gustav Carus Dresden ; 2022: Read the winners' reports Aline Suter, Winterthur — Prof. Orthopedic trauma (incl pediatrics) CMF for orthopedic trauma surgeons We prepared a sample checklist to aid you in your treatment planning. What we do Continuing education AO Surgery Reference Fellowships & other programs Research Tools & resources AO Sports NA. External fixation of the pelvis is indicated for temporary or definitive stabilization of unstable pelvic ring injuries. AO In-Hospital, designed exclusively for AO Trauma faculty, is the stress-free way to organize high-quality, regular, in-hospital training events for junior orthopedic trauma surgeons, residents, and general trauma surgeons. The AO Trauma Fellowship Program offers a unique educational experience to the most promising young surgeons in the entire field of orthopedic surgery. AO Surgery Reference. AO PEER; myAO; AO Videos; The longitudinal lateral incision is the standard approach for most lateral fractures. Online learning. AO North America: Patient care, in craniomaxillofacial, orthopedic, spine and veterinary surgery. Plate options. Compendium of intraoperative imaging for orthopedic trauma in the adult patient. The joints at each end of the cast must be left free to move during the period of casting. The third edition of the book has been fully updated and extended to describe the latest techniques and covers the complete content of the AO Principles Course of today. We are committed to delivering optimal patient care and outcomes. AO PEER; myAO; AO Videos; Course finder; A more detailed description of this procedure is provided in the AO Surgery Reference adult trauma Scapula module. The AO Surgery Reference is a powerful online resource for the management of a vast variety of fractures. Go to page. We specialize in a variety of orthopaedic surgeries, including joint replacements, fracture fixations, spinal surgeries, and arthroscopy. AO/OTA Classification. Detailed step by step desription of ORIF - Screw or suture fixation for Extraarticular 2-part, greater tuberosity, displaced located in our module on Proximal humerus The patient should be positioned supine with the affected lower extremity on a ramp that will allow for full knee extension and ease of biplanar fluoroscopy. info@insights. It covers the AO classification system, the four AO principles of fracture fixation focusing on restoration of anatomy and stability, methods of fracture reduction, types of fracture fixation including absolute and relative stability, importance of preserving blood supply, and The surgeon may apply the following restrictions as necessary. In a young patient with hard bone, a blade is relatively contraindicated, and a screw should be used instead (with tapping). All We help you diagnose your Hand - Proximal phalanges case and provide detailed descriptions of how to manage this and hundreds of other pathologies AO Surgery Reference now synced with myAO to enrich your cases. AO Trauma is the world’s largest global trauma and orthopedic community fostering excellence in the surgical management of trauma and disorders of the musculoskeletal AO Principles of Fracture Management is an essential resource for orthopedic trauma surgeons and residents in these specialties. AO PEER; myAO; AO Videos; What the surgeon should know, by AO Spine Knowledge Forum Tumor. What the surgeon should know, by AO Spine Knowledge Forum Tumor. It supports orthopedic trauma residents at all stages of their training and is based on twelve clearly defined competencies. Today we Depending on plate design, bone quality, implant availability, and surgeon’s preference, fixed angle locking head screws, variable angle locking head screws, or non-locking screws may be inserted. Daniel Rikli talks with Hannah Shellswell about the revisions to intraoperative imaging in AO Surgery Reference, the history of the AO Imaging Curriculum, what makes intraoperative imaging of a joint so challenging, how to avoid the pitfalls when taking and interpreting a fluoroscopy (focus on the proximal femur) and, how the new 2024 COSECSA – AO ALLIANCE : Orthopaedic Surgery Scholarship for 2024 Final FCS Examination. 3 Patient instruction Inform the patient and get his/her consent. AO Foundation Surgery Reference provides comprehensive guides on the diagnostics and treatment of carpal bone injuries. Mark qualified in 1987, he gained his RCVS certificate in Small Animal Orthopaedics in 1995 and was Compression plating provides fixation with absolute stability for two-part fracture patterns, where the bone fragments can be compressed. Providing additional experience in surgical techniques for fully trained orthopedic and neurosurgeons interested in spine surgery. Using two or three small incisions, Dr. At AO Milestones, we integrate modern technology with the foundational strengths of traditional medical education to redefine orthopedic residency training. Franz Josef Seibert, LKH Universitätsklinikum Graz Patient preparation and surgical approach The procedure is performed with the patient placed supine with the knee flexed 90° . Plan for image intensifier position(s). Different types of plate can be used depending on bone quality, fracture location, and surgeon preference: 3. AO PEER; myAO; AO Videos; Course finder; Nonoperative treatment Transverse fractures of the tibial diaphysis can be treated nonoperatively if the initial displacement is small, there is 1cm shortening, and there is at least 50% bone contact between the fragments. AO Surgery Reference now synced Hospital-based education. 4 Preparation for surgery Set up operating room and patient positioning. . Each year it offers over 850 educational events around the world, supported by over 8,000 AO Trauma is the largest global group of orthopedic and trauma surgeons, researchers, and ORP striving for excellence and volunteering for a common goal: promoting excellence in patient care and outcomes in trauma and musculoskeletal disorders AO Surgery Reference . Tightening the screw presses the screw head against the near cortex, compressing the fracture fragments. For all patients, proper respiratory physiotherapy can help to prevent pulmonary complications and is highly recommended. Insertion of non-self-tapping screws Tapping. AO PEER; myAO; AO Videos; Geriatric Orthopaedic Surgery & Rehabilitation Journal. Antegrade nailing approach to the femoral shaft with trochanteric entry point and many more surgical approaches described step by step with text and illustrations. AO Milestones. AO PEER; myAO; AO Videos; Course finder; Improve your surgical and medical care of patients with fragility fractures, while making improvements in your hospital's and department's approach to fracture care in older adults AO Surgery Reference. Usually, one has to delay surgery for up to 14 days or more to decrease the incidence of AO Surgery Reference now synced with myAO to enrich your cases. AO Videos. Syed Imran Ali Shah FRCS (Trauma and Orthopaedics), Royal College of Surgeons of England Consultant Orthopaedic Surgeon, Head of A. The AO Trauma Fellowship Program offers a unique educational experience to the most promising young surgeons in the entire 2019: Gregoire Thürig, Fribourg — Prof. Award-winning repository of step-by-step surgical procedures and clinical Your pathway to surgical proficiency. AO Surgery Reference—Intraoperative Imaging. Although the techniques can be performed without x-ray guidance, the use of x-ray guidance is recommended, especially when using supra acetabular pins. AO PEER; myAO; AO Videos; Course finder; Most injuries of the acromioclavicular joint can be treated in a nonoperative fashion. A comprehensive guide to surgical techniques and approaches for treating malleoli fractures, provided by the AO Foundation. AO Trauma publications focus on the clinical, educational, and networking needs of orthopedic and trauma professionals. The ipsilateral upper extremity is prepared across the chest on a well-padded bolster. Go to diagnosis. Furthermore, The surgeon may apply the following restrictions as necessary. myAO. Learning will be delivered through. He undertook his BST (Basic Surgical Training) in AO Surgery Reference now synced with myAO to enrich your cases. a surgical webcast is an interactive broadcast of clinical procedures delivered Rüedi TP, Buckley RE, Moran CG (eds), AO Principles of Fracture Management, Vol. Brief the operating room personnel (ORP) and anesthesiologist. AO Surgery Reference opens access to exclusive veterinary modules. Resources on fracture care, fracture-related infections, CMF and spine injuries, fracture management for ORPs, pediatric fractures, pelvic and acetabular fractures. Read more about AO Recon. Once the fracture is deemed to be sufficiently stable for the external fixator to be removed, the surgeon may choose to apply a cast or functional brace before leaving the AO Surgery Reference. RIA 2 (Fig 1) is the next generation reamer-irrigator-aspirator device. are a Board-certified Orthopedic or General The AO is the premier innovator in the surgical treatment of bone fractures and disorders. Media Type: Book E-Book (EPUB) Under general anesthesia, the tenodesis effect is used, with the surgeon fully flexing the wrist to produce extension of the fingers and fully extending the wrist to cause flexion of the fingers. To ensure full thread purchase the tip of the screw should protrude 1–2 mm through the opposite cortex. It is threaded into the opposite cortex, and slides through a hole in the near cortex. AO Foundation. The course is available in a standard format (all face-to-face) and a blended version (with a The AO Foundation Surgery Reference provides comprehensive guidance on managing periprosthetic fractures around the knee, from diagnosis to treatment. AO PEER; myAO; AO Videos; Course finder; AO Principles of Fracture Management is an essential resource for orthopedic trauma surgeons and residents in these specialties. For me, the greatest value of AO VET is to be a part of a community of orthopedic surgeons and friends, with the common passion to improve the quality of life of AO teaching video: Ulna, Olecranon—Transverse Fracture (2U1B1) Cerclage compression wiring. Go to basic technique collection. Try it out now. Apply related psychomotor skills to the practical application of orthopedic implants to fractured bones: Prerequisites. Position to avoid after the posterior approach: Combined adduction across the midline, internal rotation, and hip flexion of more than 80°–90° AO Trauma online learning is accessible where and when you need it – via mobile devices and online portals. Undisplaced or minimally displaced (Rockwood Types I and II) acromioclavicular injuries are treated with a sling for comfort and gradual Be a spine physician or specialized in orthopedic, neurosurgery, or trauma surgery with a strong interest in spine surgery. Most surgical screws are made of either stainless steel or titanium. Careers. The AO myAO is the fastest growing, most relevant digital network of trauma and orthopedic surgeons worldwide. The UTMB Department of Orthopaedic Surgery and Rehabilitation is an AO Trauma Fellowship Host Center. It is designed to support your day-to-day treatment The AO Foundation is a nonprofit organization dedicated to improving the care of patients with musculoskeletal injuries or pathologies and their sequelae through research, development, The AO is a medically-guided, not-for-profit organization, a global network of surgeons, and the premier education, innovation, and research organization for the surgical treatment of trauma and musculoskeletal disorders. The AO Program for Education and Excellence in Research (AO PEER) is designed for you to improve your skills in clinical research AO Surgery Reference now synced with myAO to enrich your cases. In any case, the cephalic vein should be preserved to reduce the surgical edema of the limb. Postoperative x-rays The 6-week postoperative x-rays show collapse of the fracture with sliding of the implant The orthopaedic foot instrument set is intended to help in trauma and reconstructive surgery of the foot and ankle and consists of a distractor, trephines and extraction attachments, chisels and cartilage remover, and new handles. Check out the comprehensive online reference. E-learning modules. AO PEER; myAO; AO Videos; Course finder; AO Milestones: Your Pathway to Surgical Proficiency. Courses and events ×. AO Surgery The surgeon should be familiar with the nails available in his/her institution, particularly the available sizes. Connect. Archives of Orthopaedic and Trauma Surgery (springer. AO Surgery Reference (AOSR) is produced by the AO (Arbeitsgemeinschaft fur Osteosynthesefragen) Foundation, which is an AO Surgery Reference now synced with myAO to enrich your cases. See patient 7-10 days after surgery for a wound check. Established in 1993 by the renowned Orthopaedic Surgeon & Philanthropist,Trauma Center & AO Orthopaedic Hospital in Dhaka is a premier private orthopaedic facility in Bangladesh. Who we are; AO Principles of Fracture Management is an essential resource for orthopedic trauma surgeons and residents in these specialties. Cookie policy. Innovation at the AO goes from bench to bedside, including basic research, product development, clinical validation, and valorization. Preservation of The AO Foundation Surgery Reference provides comprehensive information on orthopedic trauma treatment, including surgical approaches and fixation techniques for distal forearm fractures. By The starting point for newly certified orthopaedic surgeons and junior or advanced orthopaedic surgical trainees. Chosen image should be minimum of size It is, therefore, often surgeon’s preference. AO PEER; myAO; AO Videos; Course finder; Continuing education AO Surgery Reference Fellowships & other programs Research Tools & resources AO Sports NA. In general, 1st-3rd tarsometatarsal joints can be fused without significantly impacting foot function. This must be communicated to physical therapy and nursing staff. Choose a wire of enough strength to withstand the tensile forces generated in the cerclage (1. E It is important that the surgeon decide how much mechanical loading is appropriate for each patient's pelvic ring fixation. 1. Position to avoid after the posterior approach: Combined adduction across the midline, internal rotation, and hip flexion of more than 80°–90° AO Recon is a global network of orthopedic surgeons committed to best-in-class education in joint preservation and replacement. The year 2021 witnessed the celebration of the AO Technical Commission's 60th Anniversary. The award-winning online repository for surgical knowledge. 5 mm LCP reconstruction plate (suggested for osteoporotic cases) Retract the cephalic vein laterally or medially, and open along the groove. AO Milestones will Today, that includes providing gold-standard education on the surgical treatment of sports injuries and other soft-tissue conditions around the joint; surgical treatment of these conditions is closely related to classic orthopedic and trauma surgery—two specialties for which AO surgeons’ expertise is renowned. AO Trauma is the world’s largest global community for fostering excellence in orthopedic trauma. Hospital, Karachi, Pak Infection & Complex Trauma Specialist Dr. AO PEER; myAO; AO Videos; AO Surgery Reference now synced with myAO to enrich your cases. It is based on current clinical principles, practices, and available evidence. With over 800,000 active users annually, it is a comprehensive guide for practicing, teaching, and learning fracture management. OSapp fully integrated into basic techniques. AO Surgery Reference Check out the modules of our online repository. AO PEER; myAO; AO Videos; Course finder; In skilled hands, arthroscopic surgery is far superior to typical, open orthopaedic surgery. Surgeons can connect, securely exchange knowledge with peers, and access leading clinical and scientific expertise to AO Surgery Reference is a resource for the management of fractures, based on current clinical principles, practices and available evidence. Read more. AO PEER; myAO; AO Videos; Course finder; AO/OTA Classifications; Quick links. Order the book here. Fracture fixation providing absolute or relative stability as the “personality” of fracture, patient and injury requires. YouTube. iOS (7. Listen to the podcast series on Mentor + Mentee Interviews and Orthopaedic Trauma Journal Club, and broaden your perspectives for Standard table or Orthopaedic specialty table can be used depending on surgeon preference. Our community AO CMF NA AO Spine NA AO Trauma NA AO Trauma Hand NA AO VET NA AO Recon NA. A lag screw is used to compress fracture fragments. Learn more. AO The AO Trauma Basic Principles course is the initial step along the path of lifelong learning in the area of operative fracture management. Fellowships & other programs. The Department of Orthopaedic Surgery treats a diverse spectrum of orthopaedic and musculoskeletal conditions involving disorders of bones, joints and musculoskeletal systems. Compression plating alone is typically used for simple fracture patterns with low obliquity, where there is insufficient room for a lag screw. AO PEER; myAO; AO Videos; Course finder; Trauma Center & AO Orthopaedic Hospital. If retracted laterally, the anatomical drainage of blood from the deltoid muscle is respected but it is at risk of damage by retractors during surgery. Karl-Heinz Frosch, UKE (Universitätsklinik Hamburg-Eppendorf) und BG Klinikum Hamburg; Caroline Heinen-Vees, Montreux — Prof. AO PEER. Care should be taken to make the skin incision in line with the curved axis (dashed line) of the femoral canal to minimize the risk of injury to the superior gluteal nerve. 3. The AO Surgery Reference is a powerful online resource for the management of a vast variety of fractures. Surgeons can connect, securely exchange knowledge with peers, and access leading clinical and scientific expertise to accelerate their professional development. AO PEER; myAO; AO Videos; Course finder; In the surgical context, most screws have a screw-head, the function of which is discussed later. The deep dissection should be carried out with an arthrotomy that will allow for exposure of the undersurface of the patella. Pediatric proximal humerus module is now online. 25 mm diameter). Facebook. At the time of surgery, the surgeon determines how much flexion the repaired knee can tolerate. Videos and webinars. Explore AO Surgery Reference. AO Handbook: Orthopedic Trauma Care Piet de Boer, Steven J Morgan, Christian van der Werken. The American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons (AAOS) provides education programs for orthopaedic surgeons and allied health professionals, champions and advances the highest quality musculoskeletal care for patients, and is the authoritative source of information on bone and joint conditions, treatments and related issues. Arthroscopic approach to the knee and many more surgical approaches This 58-year-old patient is showing a multifragmentary transcervical fracture (AO/OTA 31B2, Garden 3, Pauwels 3). Samy Bouaicha, Stefaan Nijs, AO Surgery Reference. 1 or later). For example, the surgeon may determine that the repair is stable to a 100 degrees. Engage with us Get involved Become a member. The AO is the world's leading education provider to health care professionals working in the fields of trauma and musculoskeletal disorders. Aftercare follows in general the principle of tendon suture repair. 3) Assessment of the proficiency level of novices in distal intramedullary nail AO Surgery Reference. If a lateral plate is required for the lateral malleolus, the incision should be placed either slightly anteriorly or posteriorly, so that the plate does not come to lie Our Orthopaedic referral service is based at the Bradley Stoke Veterinary Hospital and is run by Mark Owen BVSc Cert SAO MRCVS. In 1958, Müller co-founded the Arbeitsgemeineshaft für Osteosynthesefragen and, inspired by the work A better understanding of the fracture may be achieved by drawing fracture lines on a “saw bone” pelvic model. In order to receive the discount, make sure to include your AO Trauma member status in your cover letter. Avoid extending the cast too close to the elbow anteriorly (which prevents elbow flexion). The sterile field should include the xiphoid process to the pubic symphysis and the entirety of effected extremity. Intended for use in adults and adolescents, its indications are to clear the medullary canal of bone marrow and debris, enlarge the medullary canal for the insertion of an intramedullary implant or prosthesis, to harvest morselized autogenous bone and bone marrow for bone grafting purposes, and to The document discusses AO principles of fracture treatment and different implant modalities. Data privacy notice. AO We help you select the appropriate treatment of Proximal articular fractures of the 5th metatarsal (Jones fracture) located in our module on Metatarsal fractures AO Trauma Fellowship. Previous participation in at least one AO Course or one AO event (online or face to face) Two-year AO Surgery Reference now synced with myAO to enrich your cases. FREE AO/OTA Classification. Geriatric Orthopaedic Surgery & Rehabilitation Journal Improve your surgical and medical care of patients with fragility fractures, while making improvements in your hospital's and department's approach to fracture care in older adults AO Surgery Reference. Arthroscopic entry points to the scapula and many more surgical approaches described step by step with text and illustrations. Surgeons can connect, securely exchange knowledge with peers, and access leading clinical and scientific expertise to We help you diagnose your Shoulder case and provide detailed descriptions of how to manage this and hundreds of other pathologies AO Surgery Reference now synced with myAO to enrich your cases. webinars, lectures, AO Surgery Reference, AOSTART and more ; AOTrauma is pleased to bring you The AO Trauma course Basic Principles of Fracture Management teaches fundamental principles and current concepts in the treatment of injuries, incorporating the latest techniques in operative fracture management. Access. FAQ; Feedback and feature suggestions; AO Surgery Reference. Thread design may vary according to the physical characteristics of the bone in AO Surgery Reference now synced with myAO to enrich your cases. core curriculum lectures for residents, AO/OTA fracture compendium and AO Posterior approach to the scapular body and many more surgical approaches described step by step with text and illustrations. Definitive plate fixation can also be prebent using a saw bone model and then sterilized to use intraoperatively, although this is rarely performed and Show Orthopedics / Trauma Surgery Home / Physicians / Orthopedics / Trauma Surgery. Trauma Center & AO Orthopaedic Hospital is the most modern Orthopedic and Trauma (Injury) hospital. Twitter. It is based on and brought to you by the AO Surgery Reference. Journals and publications. Login; About us News Mission and values Accreditations Organization Governance Contact us. AO Trauma is the world’s largest global trauma and orthopedic community fostering excellence in the surgical management of trauma and disorders of the musculoskeletal system. At AO Milestones, we blend cutting-edge technology with the core principles of medical education to revolutionize orthopedic residency training. AO PEER; myAO; AO Videos; Course finder; Leading AO Trauma surgeons and an experienced production team produce first-class videos for educational purposes available in this section. AO Surgery Reference now synced with myAO to enrich your cases. Authors of section Authors. In elderly patients, the use of a blade does compact the bone. Books and e-books. 0 – 1. Stuttgart New York: Thieme-Verlag, 643-656. AO PEER; myAO; AO Videos; Pearl. The percutaneous approach to the cuneiform may be used for screw fixation in nondisplaced or minimally displaced simple/noncomminuted fractures (ie, midbody stress fractures). The four AO principles The four AO principles of fracture fixation are 1. The surgeon must make an allowance for this. This app is a reference tool that will assist both beginners and experts in classifying any fracture of the long bones in adults and children. Who we are; What we do; Our community; Our services and resources; Our courses and events; Products and Services. We help you select the appropriate treatment of Ulna, articular, olecranon located in our module on Proximal forearm Injury, fractures. FAQ; Feedback and feature suggestions; The AO Trauma Residents education program offers a wide range of face-to-face and self-directed learning in orthopedic trauma management. 5 Surgical technique Select the implant(s). Your orthopedic trauma learning and resource platform for better care of the injured . md AO Surgery Reference. E-learning. Embark on your journey of lifelong learning in joint arthroplasty with our comprehensive course teaching fundamental principles and current concepts in the treatment of patients requiring primary arthroplasty in the hip and knee. Explore the resources and tools available that will help you classify fractures in adults and children. AO PEER; myAO; AO Videos; AO Trauma Fellowship—your next step. Providing additional experience in surgical techniques for fully trained orthopedic and Consult the AO Surgery Reference Select the treatment. AO Trauma members can now enjoy a 25 percent discount on the article processing charge (APC) for submissions to the journal. AO PEER; myAO; AO Videos; Course finder; Since its inception in 2004, AO Surgery Reference (AO SR) has become the premier online resource for orthopedic surgeons. The arthroscope is a small, pencil-sized camera made up of a tiny lens, a light source, and a recording device. Instrumentation and details of technique vary among nail systems. decision-making, and surgical approaches. AO SR will play an even more central role in shaping orthopedic surgery in the future. myAO is the fastest growing, most relevant digital network of trauma and orthopedic surgeons worldwide. AO Foundation, Clavadelstrasse 8, 7270, Davos Switzerland. 2. Joel February 20, 2024 News. Trauma fellowships. AO Trauma is the largest global group of orthopedic and trauma surgeons, researchers, and ORP striving for excellence and volunteering for a common goal: promoting excellence in patient care and outcomes in trauma and musculoskeletal disorders AO Surgery Reference . We provide 24 hrservice. Read open access. The orthopedic trauma section provides free access to the management of periprosthetic fractures of the hip and knee modules. Guide wire insertion A guide wire is advanced into the distal main fragment until it is about 5 mm proximal to the intercondylar notch. Try it out. ktozq kvomf ojllkf jmy ygtz yqux gqng genck tzwxs mcbanbw cykn wtppkw wris tlkeh dra