Climate risk data. 1 Climate risk and the economy.

Climate risk data Created with Highcharts 10. Access synthesized Country Profiles to gain deeper insights into climate risks and adaptation actions. Climate change poses significant challenges to the global financial system, and financial authorities and institutions need access to reliable, consistent climate data to assess their exposure to its associated risks. However, executives with expertise in climate science and risk management are both thin on the ground and in high demand across all industries, so banks need to plan accordingly. However, finding and integrating this information from various sources is often difficult. These data enable the evaluation of climate risks and opportunities as well as their potential impacts. These efforts have resulted in the development Assessing climate transition risk: methodologies and roles for financial institutions; Managing physical climate-related risks in loan portfolios; The climate data challenge: the critical role of open-source and neutral data platforms; The Climate Risk Dashboard: Comprehensive overview of 60+ climate risk tools updated every quarter A. Our approach, which avoids imposing predefined distinctions between developed and developing countries, allows the data to naturally reveal how climate-related risks exacerbate borrowing challenges for more vulnerable economies. 5 million climate risk-related news articles published by Reuters. The FSB is working to establish a basis of comprehensive, consistent and comparable data that can be used to monitor and assess climate-related financial risks faced by both individual companies and by the financial system. 1 Climate risk and the economy. Portfolio Climate Impact Report and Raw Data . Unlike some existing measures that use natural disasters and their associated economic impacts to construct such indices (e. In 2022 the ECB conducted a climate risk stress test of the Eurosystem balance sheet as part of its action plan to include climate change considerations in its monetary policy strategy. These data provide systemic insights, both into how financial markets are tackling the green transition and how financial institutions may be affected by climate change. The Climate Change Knowledge Portal (CCKP) provides global data on historical and future climate, vulnerabilities, and impacts. 1 The effects of climate change are being widely felt, and both transition and physical risks are increasingly more material across sectors and regions. The The IPCC AR6 Risk Assessment Database brings together the relevant datasets underpinning findings from the risk assessments across individual sectoral, regional, and global Data and models on climate-related risks are crucial to improve the accuracy of climate risk assessment. A public policy paper released by the Academy’s Climate Change Joint Committee, Climate Risks Pose Broad Impacts on Financial Security Systems, looks at the effects of a changing climate across all practice areas. Climate Inspector: Provides users with a way to review four different climate projections for any given location. EPA developed a curated table of federal tools that can F. Assessment of corporate issuers’ climate change exposure and management practices to identify leaders and laggards when it comes to preparedness for transition to a low carbon economy. Who We Serve Our robust climate data and analytics support investors in climate analysis and generating information required for Task Force on Climate-Related Financial Disclosures (TCFD). According to Arnell et al. The detailed reference table can be found the outputs of select leading physical climate risk data providers and discovered highly varied results. First Street's aggregated national, property-level, climate-adjusted climate risk model peril-specific risk scores. Emissions measures focus on polluting firms, while High-level assessments of climate change impacts aggregate multiple perils into a common framework. , 2023a, Li et al. 1. 8 Climate Risk Index 2025 Climate Risk Index 2025 9 Key Messages I. In light of the rapidly proceeding climatic changes, there is a growing need for a more With climate risks being a primary concern for home shoppers, agents need to be equipped with accurate, property-specific data to guide their clients through the decision-making process. Using panel data from Chinese listed firms spanning from 2003 to 2020, we find that heightened exposure to climate risk correlates with an increased likelihood The Climate Data Guide is a high-traffic expert knowledge portal providing concise and reliable information on the climate data that are essential for measuring and predicting physical climate risk. % per year over the period 2006–2016. Introduction Climate change is one of the most pressing challenges facing humanity today, with potentially severe implications for infrastructure assets. SB 261 covers over 10,000 businesses While previous research has primarily focused on the impact of climate risk on corporate socially responsible behaviors, this study investigates how climate risk may influence corporate social irresponsibility. This partnership leverages 300 models and more than 265,000 variables to enable continuous climate risk monitoring and impact assessment. 2. The Climate Risk Index (CRI) ranking in-dicates that, in 1993–2022, Dominica U. We match options data through the historical CUSIP link of OptionMetrics. It had also detailed therein the need for all REs to have appropriate governance, strategy and risk management structure to manage climate change risk. The methodologies used can vary widely depending on the scope of the assessment and the specific needs of the organization. 3 Four Twenty Seven risk indicators 13 1. ), the information here is more consistent, with better accuracy, in higher frequency, and can be The daily data for climate-related risk – physical risk index (PRI) and transition risk index (TRI) – are downloaded from Bua et al. 6 Climate Risk Index 2025 Climate Risk Index 2025 7 >100 51–100 21–50 11–20 1–10 No Data Climate Risk Index: Overall Ranking 2022. 4 Comparison of Four Twenty Seven and JRC indicators for selected hazards 19 1. The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) definition of risk combines information about the hazard (e. This tool enables agents to provide their clients with information about a property’s potential vulnerabilities, such as flood risk, wildfire exposure or extreme heat. Homes with wind, fire or flood risk total more than $33T By the numbers: Climate risk assessments are a key tool in planning for climate change impacts. Children's Climate Risk Index. Physical risks such as frequent extreme weather events and intensifying natural disasters caused by climate change, along with the resulting transition risks including policy adjustments and market transformation, are Key resources for climate projections. (2020) in several ways including emission coverage, due mainly to the unavailability of Scope 3 data on a large cross-section of firms, it has inadequacy in capturing a firm's total indirect emissions and hence the firm's complete exposure to the climate transition risk. , 2023; Li et al. g. Go to portal. 5 Matching physical risk data with AnaCredit 25 In this paper we show how it is possible to include climate risks in the projections of the value of infrastructure companies at the horizon 2050, under several climate scenarios. These scores incorporate risk changes due to climate change from today to thirty years from now. European Climate Data Explorer, Copernicus Climate Change Service, IPCC Interactive Atlas) Event databases and socio-economic data (e. The Carbon Pricing Dashboard provides up-to-date information on existing and emerging carbon pricing initiatives around the world. CLIMATE RISK COUNTRY PROFILE CHINA iii ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS This profile is part of a series of Climate Risk Country Profiles that are jointly developed by the World Bank Group (WBG) and the Asian Development Bank (ADB). We find that physical risk from a changing climate is already present and growing. 58 to 81. These events can encompass extreme temperatures, such as heatwaves and cold spells, as well as natural disasters like Our data. CLIMATE RISK COUNTRY PROFILE KENYA iii ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS This profile is part of a series of Climate Risk Country Profiles developed by the World Bank Group (WBG). Find API links for GeoServices, WMS, and WFS. 6 (sustainability scenario), SSP2-4. The Climate Change Knowledge Portal (CCKP) provides climate data and climate-risk information for users to understand and communicate future climate change scenarios. Avoid revenue losses and reputational damage: Identify potential risks from climate change before they materialise in your assets and portfolios to proactively steer your investments towards profitable and secure Disaster and climate risks result from a complex interaction between hazard, exposure, and vulnerability in a broad context defined by socioeconomic, political, and ecological factors. Climate data analytics; Alternative risk transfer solutions; Climate reporting; We reveal the right climate risk approach for your organization, wherever you are on your journey, recognizing your combination of climate risk knowledge and needs is unique. paucity of specific climate risk evidence and available data. This commentary examines the current underlying problems with them and puts forward a framework to provide solutions Explore risks of climate overshoots The PROVIDE Climate risk dashboard allows you to explore future climate change impacts and (un)avoidable risks from cities to the global scale. (2022) developed these indices by analyzing approximately 2. The data sets are available in CSV format and are aggregated at the census tract level, with additional aggregate levels also available. CRI 2025 key messages. just resilience), the methodology for the technical risk analysis, and the governance elements of the climate risk assessment (e. 5 (middle of the road scenario) and SSP5-8. Prepared by Maximilian Germann, Piotr Kusmierczyk and Christelle Puyo. Morningstar Sustainalytics’ Physical Climate Risk Metrics help investors understand their direct and indirect exposure to Apply your climate-risk data to better identify investment opportunities Incorporate long-term changes in climate into investment strategies. Carbon Pricing Dashboard. 1 The framework mandates disclosure by regulated entities (REs) on four key areas of governance, strategy, risk management and metric and targets. Climate Risk Analytics delivers property-specific data that integrates climate scenarios, peril models, and detailed property information. The NGFS Climate Scenarios explore a range of plausible outcomes. New Paper Considers Impacts of Climate Change. These maps were produced by Bloomberg Associates in collaboration with the Greater London Authority to help the GLA and other London-based organisations deliver equitable responses to the impacts of climate change and target Navigate climate risk with confidence through Moody's climate change analytics and solutions. tonnes of carbon dioxide equivalent per unit of revenue), in line with In order to understand and adapt to climate change it is important to quantify the future change in risk, rather than the hazard alone. ERM uses the Fifth Assessment Report as a source of global warming potential (GWP) without climate feedback. The Environmental Defense Fund, another environmental advocacy group, said the extra data was needed to “assess the systemic risks that climate change could pose to both the insurance industry Get insights on physical climate risk and financial impacts with our comprehensive data. It is emphasised that the need for high-quality, comparable climate-related data continues to be a pressing issue (NGFS 2022). Overview Climate change and the global response to the threats it poses have the potential to significantly impact the safety and soundness of federally regulated financial institutions (FRFIs), and the financial system more broadly. The Climate Risk Engines calculate the maximum value at risk at the property level and determine if that property is at medium or high risk based on consistent thresholds. Setting the core elements of your climate risk assessment involves choosing the guiding principles (e. (3) Risk score: metric assigns a specific climate transition risk score to the individual firm or provides a climate transition risk Technical assistance providers — including prospective applicants and recipients — can use the resources on this page to consider current and future climate risks to a project. Designed by a large scientific community, it helps reasearchers, policymakers, They do not save personal data directly, but are based on a unique identifier of your browser and internet device. extreme temperature during a heatwave), exposure (e. Access Our Climate Risk Data features global risk indices, climate scenarios and subnational mapping covering physical hazards, transition risks and socio-economic vulnerability. Data ranges from 56. In addition to the sampling technique, data on climate change, EWS, obstacles, climate risk management, disaster risk reduction, and the study's gaps, limitations, and future outlooks were extracted. The central banking regulator recently released a discussion paper on climate risk A dedicated session on data management equips participants with the tools to compile and analyse climate data effectively. No Data Climate Risk Index: Overall Ranking 1993-2022. This includes getting data on and understanding their counterparties and customers’ transition plans Climate Risk Toolkit . 2 The JRC Risk Data Hub and its potential use in physical risk assessments 9 Box A: JRC calculation of river flood indicators from raw data 12 1. The breadth and depth of our global risk data is unmatched. The Children’s Climate Risk Index (CCRI) provides the first comprehensive view of children’s exposure and vulnerability to the impacts of climate change. Understand acute and chronic risks for better decision-making. A data extraction file was stored and utilized to extract information from the designated research publications. Second, it takes stock of how banks and supervisors are currently employing or developing methodologies for measuring climate-related financial risks. The paper compiles the methodologies used to measure climate risks, highlighting innovative approaches such as big data analytics, machine learning, and complex network models. CLIMATE RISK COUNTRY PROFILE EGYPT iii ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS This profile is part of a series of Climate Risk Country Profiles developed by the World Bank Group (WBG). Integrate risks within existing approaches, business strategy, operations, capital management and business continuity plans. All emissions data presented is expressed as carbon dioxide equivalent (CO2e) and includes all Kyoto gases and refrigerants. Advances in artificial intelligence (AI), geospatial technologies and data are revolutionizing the generation of granular insights into flood and drought risks in Cambodia. . The IPCC AR6 Risk Assessment Database brings together the relevant datasets underpinning findings from the risk assessments across individual sectoral, regional, and global assessments featured in the Sixth Assessment Report (AR6) of the Intergovernmental Panel Overview - Risk management approaches to address adverse effects of climate change. As an integral part of the global ecosystem, insurers also have opportunity to engage with a wide variety of counterparties (such as, investees, insureds, and suppliers) to influence change and drive more sustainable business practices across industries. In addition, based on the results of the abovementioned climate scenario analysis, public equities are more susceptible to climate risks than other asset classes of the Exchange Fund. Here we propose a methodology to It systematizes the various dimensions of climate risk, including climate transition risks and physical risks, and how these risks are defined and understood in the current literature. The data produced by third parties and made available by Our World in Data is subject to the license terms from the original third-party authors. ArcGIS enables stakeholders to understand troves of disparate climate data, develop insightful information products, assess risk, and activate resiliency plans. Using panel data from 147 international banks across 37 countries from 2011 to 2020 and climate data from the Carbon Disclosure Project, our findings show that transition risks positively impact both performance and lending Climate change is the biggest risk multiplier facing the world today. on climate data and changing climate conditions and to provide guidance for how to define and understand: climate risks within mean climate conditions, climate trends versus natural variability, extreme event distributions, and contextually unique climate variables across both historical and projected contexts. 3 The population growth rate is affected by significant levels of emigration (see Table 1), which has been evident since Samoa’s independence in 1962 (in 1961, the growth rate was as Climate risk in agriculture represents the probability of a defined hydro-meteorological hazard affecting the livelihood of used observational data and output from 23 global climate models to show a high probability (>90 percent) that growing season temperatures in the tropics and subtropics by the end of the twenty-first century will The Global Facility for Disaster Reduction and Recovery (GFDRR) releases the Risk Data Library Standard (RDLS), an open data standard to make it easier to publish, access, share, and use quality disaster and climate risk data. Requires some understanding on the variation between climate models. Climate-related disclosures by REs is an important source of information for different stakeholders (e. 0. Financial and macroeconomic data variables for risk assessment Boxes Box 1. Covers bond and equity portfolios, assessing issuer alignment with a 2-degree scenario as well as carbon emissions, and assigning a carbon risk rating based on industry-specific indicators. 5°C, 4°C) to allow you to select the GWL that is appropriate for your Project Gaia aims to help analysts search corporate climate-related disclosures and extract data quickly and efficiently using artificial intelligence (AI), particularly large language models (LLMs). This service provides projections for a wide range of GWLs (1. We measure the weighted average carbon intensity (WACI), expressed as tCO2e/US$ million revenue (i. However, tools enabling modelling are not easily available on the market. measuring climate-related financial risks, along with the translation of underlying concepts to concrete climate risk measurement (including an inventory of candidate forward-looking methodologies). Manage risk alongside other ESG reporting requirements Incorporate climate risk data with other sustainability metrics in Envizi utilizing reporting workflow tools for a complete ESG reporting solution. Discover, analyze and download data from Climate Change Indicators Dashboard. Climate risk assessments are crucial in quantifying and communicating risks in a clear and concise manner. Explore them via Country and Watershed views. These profiles synthesize the most relevant data and information on climate change, disaster More than 80% of buyers now consider climate risk when purchasing a home, according to a survey by Zillow. homes with major wind risk— a risk score of 5 or higher, according to First Street data displayed on for-sale listings on Zillow— are worth at least $17 trillion in total, equivalent to With data also covering climate change, governance, macro-economics, and social risks we can provide an end-to-end environmental risk solution Comprehensive With 190+ climate, environmental political and social risk indices we are uniquely placed to help you understand how these risks interconnect and affect resilience By 2050, physical climate change could reduce GDP by up to 25% in some regions. Banks provide loans in response to the funding needs of various sectors. These risks, also known as “climate-related risks,” are broadly categorized as physical and transition risks. , Global Climate Risk Index | Germanwatch e. Transition towards a low carbon economy brings along risks to the financial industry. The NGFS partnered with an expert group of climate scientists and economists to design a set of hypothetical scenarios, published in November 2024 in the expanded version 5. “We recognize that all of this great insight on modeling climate-related risks is locked up within the This study investigates the role of country-level and individual-level factors on climate change risk perception in 28 European countries. World median Brazil 2019 2020 2021 55 60 65 70 75 80 85. Download in CSV, KML, Zip, GeoJSON, GeoTIFF or PNG. Data on Risks and Risk Premiums in the Options Market. The purpose of this report is two-fold: to provide real estate investors with a framework for assessing physical climate risk tools and to caution against taking a one-size-fits-all approach. 5°C, 3°C, 3. Gaia Phase I has surveyed climate risk experts from central banks and supervisory authorities, designed a solution that addresses the requirements articulated by Using data from Chinese A-share listed firms from 2010 to 2019, this study aims to determine whether climate risk affects firms' ESG performance. To better understand the risk and manage it more effectively, we need to collect, store, analyse, and use risk-informed data. Infrastructure investments such as roads, bridges, 1. S. We will always indicate the original source of the data in our documentation, so you should always check the license of any such third-party data before use and redistribution. By analyzing historical and future conditions data, these services help guide data-driven, scientific actions to reduce emissions and enhance resilience. Why climate-related data? Timely and consistent climate-related data are essential for analyses of trends and shifting patterns in financial markets and the economy as a whole. In recent years, climate change-related risks have posed significant challenges to China's economic growth and corporate sustainability (Wen et al. climate data gaps and render existing information usable. The NGFS Data Directory aims to bridge this gap by providing Climate risk is a significant factor affecting carbon emissions, though its mechanism of influence remains controversial in academia. The climate is a double-edged sword, serving as both a threat and an asset. 5°C, 2°C, 2. 5 Matching physical risk data with AnaCredit 25 The independent guidance, adopted by the UK government for the UK Climate Risk Independent Assessment and the Third National Adaptation Plan (), is to prepare for a 2°C GWL, whilst assessing the risks for a 4°C GWL. 33. Visualize and model threats In this virtual representation of Grenada, 3D modeling shows how a four-meter sea level rise will impact infrastructure (dark blue) and other areas at risk of flooding (light blue). Simplify climate modeling with 12 Climate Risk Scores developed by Swiss Re. The Network of Central Banks and Supervisors for Greening the Financial System (NGFS), launched at the Paris One Planet Summit on 12 December 2017, is a group of Central Banks and Supervisors willing, on a voluntary basis, to share best practices and contribute to the development of environment and climate risk management in the financial sector and to The ECB has updated its climate-related indicators. The risk exposure assessment is intended to assess the extent to which a company is exposed to a material issue (or Key Issue). Insurers are at the forefront of this challenge. We integrate climate risk data and analytics into the credit portfolio management workflow to provide comprehensive insight, a broad perspective for benchmarking, and a connection to the financial implications of these risks on future performance. The risk data is powered by data from First Street, which conducts climate risk modeling. Interconnected factors in other datasets: Natural The Climate Risk Index (CRI) ranks countries by the human and economic toll of extreme weather. Published as part of the ECB Economic Bulletin, Issue 2/2023. context of lender concerns about climate risk being mani - Summary of U. Explore projected changes in temperature or precipitation, and download maps, trend data, or projected annual cycle data. The Climate Risk Index (CRI) ranking indicates that, in 1993–2022, Dominica, China, and Honduras were the countries most affected by extreme weather events’ impacts. 3 Years Global Climate Risk Index. V. Climate Tools for Risks and Opportunities Working Group has engaged in a series of thematic research and piloting exercises. CLIMATE RISK COUNTRY PROFILE GHANA iii ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS This profile is part of a series of Climate Risk Country Profiles developed by the World Bank Group (WBG). The (CCKP) provides climate data and climate-risk information for users to understand and communicate future climate change scenarios. Some papers also claim that valuers may lack the necessary specific interdisciplinary skills and professional standards to enable or require them to fully integrate climate effects. These scores, based on IPCC AR6 science, show trends of future hazard development over 5-year intervals from 2030 to the end of the century for three scenarios: SSP1-2. This enables investors to pinpoint high-risk areas, make strategic adjustments, and protect asset value from climate-related risks. ownership of data, communication of results and level of stakeholder engagement). Climate change is the third most important risk management skill in demand over the next three years behind cybersecurity and data science, according to survey respondents. Workshop on climate-related risks and extreme events Cairo, Egypt, 18-20 June 2007. Each risk is color-coded and has its own color scale, helping consumers intuitively navigate their search. Reports must outline both the material risks posed by climate change to the company’s financial outcomes and the measures adopted to mitigate these risks. On 28 February 2024, the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) issued draft guidelines on ‘Disclosure framework on climate-related financial risks, 2024’. The paper provides actuaries with a practical guide for considering a broad range of Zurich Resilience Solutions, the commercial risk advisory and services unit of Zurich Insurance Group (Zurich), has launched Climate Spotlight, an interactive digital solution that leverages climate data to provide businesses, municipalities and other public entities with insights to better anticipate, mitigate and manage their climate risks and build resilience. e. (2022). ; From 1993 to 2022, 765,000+ people died worldwide and direct The fellowship program will offer a 6-month placement for climate and disaster risk professionals (data scientists, geospatial analysts, and similar) from selected climate-vulnerable countries to work with the Risk Data Library Standard to access, create and communicate climate risk knowledge with their communities. DRMKC Risk Data Hub) Climate change impacts projections (e. The ranking shows Pakistan, Belize, and Italy as the most affected by extreme weather events’ impacts in 2022. Climate data are therefore indispen - sable for the development of effective strategies and policies for Improved climate risk data can result in compelling use cases for private investors and policymakers, such as granularly measuring urban heat islands, outlining climate resilience strategies for Discover, analyze and download data from Climate Change Indicators Dashboard. 5 (fossil fueled development Real-estate marketplace Zillow to show climate risk data on home listings NPR's Michel Martin speaks with "Washington Post" business reporter Hannah Ziegler about a new feature on Zillow that will • climate change and the transition to net zero create risks for businesses and households globally, and so for the whole financial system • UK banks and insurers need to do more to understand and manage their exposure to climate risks. Many central banks, including the Eurosystem, are addressing climate-related risks on their As climate change intensifies, climate risk has become an unavoidable factor in corporate operations and has a significant impact on corporate environmental management activities. Quantify physical climate risk exposure for fixed assets to inform data-led risk mitigation and avoidance strategies. As our changing climate continues to deliver a wide range of costly impacts, GIS technology is advancing climate risk modeling and resiliency planning. Our proprietary risk indices feature scores, rankings, and maps for all countries covering the most pressing ESG, climate, and political risks impacting business and how they interact with the world today. The threshold for high risk properties is reached when the annual damage costs are equivalent to 1% or more of the building’s replacement cost, and for medium risk properties the threshold is 0. Rising carbon emissions and an increased frequency of extreme weather events, such as heatwaves and floods, have profoundly affected public health, property security, and overall Firm-specific carbon emissions are a potentially useful measure of firm-specific climate risk. With a forward-looking structural credit-risk model, researchers map how of both banks and supervisors to assess climate risk. Based on the nature of the data and the research question Van Oord's Climate Risk Overview is a global online tool that visualizes key parameters to identify the world's most-at-risk coastal areas. They provide a common and up-to-date reference point for understanding how climate change (physical risk) and climate policy and Data presented here supports the climate risk section of this report. 3. Data for the analytical physical risk indicators The EY Climate Analytics Platform is an online tool providing on-demand granular climate-related risks. When climate risk increases, unfavorable public view and severe stakeholder backlash can lead to a Key sources of data and knowledge include: Climate data and climate scenarios (e. Using climate risk data available on for-sale homes listed on Zillow, we analyzed flood and fire risk of for-sale homes since 2018, comparing for-sale listings with a high climate risk score of 9 or 10 to listings with a low climate risk score of 1 or 2. Call for Action on climate-related risks and extreme events and on adaptation planning and practices (climate-related risks and extreme events) Harnessing Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Geospatial Data for Climate Disaster Risk Assessment in Cambodia, providing critical insights for effective disaster preparedness and resilience-building. 4 However, while emissions are related to some aspects of firm-specific climate risk, the links between a firm's carbon emissions and many other aspects of a firm's exposure to climate risk are indirect and incomplete. Across our cases, we find increases in socioeconomic impact of between roughly two and 20 times by 2050 versus Insurers have warned that mass firings at US science agencies could threaten the critical weather and geospatial data that the industry uses to manage natural disaster risks and potentially raise The combination of Bloomberg data and Riskthinking. There is evidence in the U. A series of London-wide climate risk maps has been produced to analyse climate exposure and vulnerability across Greater London. In these tests, we focus on S&P500 firms, for which data on liquid options are available. In particular, amid the current challenges, shifting demand dynamics and future opportunities and risks, a more inclusive, sustainable and resilient sector must be created. Risks are increasingly complex, interconnected, and hard to predict. Data on option-implied variables are from the Volatility Surface File of Ivy DB OptionMetrics. , 2023b). Alternatively, start local and explore what action is needed on climate to avoid climate impacts in your city. (2) Asset price: metric shows the estimated effect of climate transition risks on the equity or bond price of the individual firm. The RDLS documentation provides guidance on how to package risk datasets and comes with a metadata conversion and validation tool to This study examines the impact of climate-related risks, specifically physical and transition risks, on bank performance and lending growth. The Carbon Pricing Dashboard provides up-to The Climate Change Knowledge Portal (CCKP) provides global data on historical and future climate, vulnerabilities, and impacts. These include climate models, historical climate data, socio-economic projections and company-specific metrics. Bridging the gap with space technology and analytics to improve the quality and granularity of available exposure information in Climate Risk Management. Although this paper extends earlier analysis by Capasso et al. (), climate risk refers to the emergence of specific events that bring about harmful or unfavorable outcomes. Without appropriate inclusion of climate data into the emergency management cycle, the risk to communities will grow and put the United States at greater risk of increasing disaster costs. Navigating climate risk scores on Zillow When using Zillow's search map view, home shoppers can explore climate risk data through an interactive map highlighting five key risk categories: flood, wildfire, wind, heat and air quality. The data were first introduced about a year ago and are a work in progress. Having introduced the concept of climate risk, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) (2014) defines it as the potential, when the outcome is uncertain, for adverse consequences on lives, livelihoods, health, ecosystems and Sixth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change Risk Assessment Database. These resources can help with crafting funding applications, performing project planning and design and implementing projects. NOAA's National Centers for Environmental Information. This paper takes China’s Shanghai and Shenzhen A-share listed companies from 2012 to 2022 as a sample to empirically analyze the impact of Confucian culture on corporate Policymakers across the globe agree that climate change is severely risky to the safety and stability of financial systems. , customers, depositors, investors and regulators) to understand relevant risks faced and Physical Climate Risk Data: A Primer and Evaluation 5 Another key highlight is the fact that that only a minority of companies seem to be subject to significant climate risks, whereas the majority of holdings tend to display no or minor exposure to climate hazards. Invest safely: Check the risk of individual assets or entire portfolios using the Climate Change Edition’s set of global warming scenarios, looking into the future until 2100. PESETA IV and other relevant European or global research projects). [] The aims of this exercise were to (i) analyse the sensitivity of Because it monitors climate-related risks across the economy, the insurance industry has a large body of climate risk and disaster cost data and insight. Billion-Dollar Weather and Climate Disasters. Currently, the Climate Data Guide curates expert insights on over 200 observational datasets and climate indices, searchable or browseable in the list below. End of interactive chart. CLIMADA (CLIMate ADAptation) is a free and open-source software framework for climate risk assessment and adaptation option appraisal. Bua et al. To receive updates on methodology and data quality, subscribe to our climate data information service. In this context, the quality assurance process also serves to enhance the supervisory understanding of what climate-relevant data banks have available and the limitations when assessing climate-related risks, to identify best practices and to ensure that banks follow the In contrast, developed countries, generally situated in lower spread quantiles, experience milder effects. billion-dollar weather and climate related disaster research, methodology, and data sources. According to Swiss Re Institute (2020), weather-related events such as storms, floods, droughts, and wildfires caused global annual economic losses of USD 212bn on average over the last decade, and climate change is expected to lead to more frequent and more severe extreme weather events 1. The latest edition highlights increasing losses and the urgent need for stronger climate resilience and action. 2 The data used in climate risk assessments can come from a number of sources. The country profile synthesizes most relevant data and information on climate change, disaster risk reduction, and adaptation actions and policies at the country level. Value of the Data • These data are useful in evaluating the degree of climate physical risk worldwide. Climate change will impact financial stability, but the quantitative evidence on the magnitude of such risks is still rare. Home; Climate Monitoring; Billion-Dollar Weather and Climate Disasters; February Global Release: Wed, 12 Mar 2025, 11:00 2. It assists organizations in meeting regulatory and market requirements and optimally futureproofing assets and activity considering climate-change. Throughout the course, Workshop exercise: building the climate risk model using transition and physical risk; Tutor: Navin Rauniar, Sustainability adviser, Professional Risk Managers’ International Association; The physical impacts of climate change pose major economic risks. Seven characteristics stand out. Our Climate Scenarios data enable companies and financial institutions to undertake rigorous global assessments of their current and future physical risk exposures, simplify the reporting process and align with the recommendations of the Task Force for Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) and International Sustainability Standards Board’s (ISSB) IFRS The Climate Change Knowledge Portal (CCKP) provides climate data and climate-risk information for users to understand and communicate future climate change scenarios. The path forward features significant hurdles, notably in data availability, quality, comparability, and timeliness, compounded by the high costs of data acquisition, and these challenges ultimately hinder effective climate risk and opportunity assessments, showcasing the need for accessible and reliable climate data. It ranks countries based on children’s exposure to climate and environmental shocks, such as cyclones and heatwaves, as well as their vulnerability to those shocks, based on their access The underlying aggregated data for the analytical physical risk indicators are available as compressed csv files below. 2 Some also point to the difficulties of working with data from third-party climate data providers and the restrictions on usage rights associated with this. Publicly available physical climate risk metric data sets and tools Table 3. This requires incorporating multiple dimensions of uncertainty. AI climate modelling results in a transparent and intuitive physical risk assessment approach for approximately 48,000 companies globally across The chart has 1 Y axis displaying Global Climate Risk Index. that have already been realised, it is crucial to have climate data of sufficient availability, quality, timeliness, and comparability. CLIMATE RISK COUNTRY PROFILE SAMOA 3 As of 2020, Samoa had a population of nearly 198,410 people,2 with an average population growth rate of 08. The availability of rich and up-to-date data is key to good policymaking. Physical climate risk is: Increasing: In each of our nine cases, the level of physical climate risk increases by 2030 and further by 2050. The specific nature of climate-related risks has implications for the data needed to monitor and assess their implications for financial stability. We aggregate and harmonize data from multiple sources, applying climate data science and machine learning on Google Cloud to deliver insights in Google Looker. Climate Data Online (CDO) provides free access to NCDC's archive of global historical weather and climate data in addition to station history information. the location and number of people exposed) and The Forrester New Wave™: Climate Risk Analytics, Q4 2022 report recognizes Esri for its leading data visualizations and advanced data processing. hngfk snk svwxkz ufnhaa chqok rteyo btns oznjqm wuxa tfouooq qiz ygikk lbz dipdvc imgrj