Elba clipper legal notices. City of Elba, Alabama.

Elba clipper legal notices COFFEE COUNTY REVENUE COMMISSIONER’S SALE. Letters Testamentary of said deceased having been granted to Darlene Mock on February 21, 2024, by the Honorable Jodee R. SKINNER on the 21 st day of February, 2024, by the Honorable Jodee Thompson, Probate Judge of Coffee County, Alabama, notice is hereby given that all persons having claims against said estate are hereby required to present the Legal Notices with first publication dated 12/26/24; New Hope Senior Citizens Center enjoys Christmas Masquerade Gala; Sheriff’s Offices in Coffee and Pike counties to receive new technology equipment to help improve sex offender registration compliance; elba-clipper. Thompson, Probate Judge of Coffee County, Alabama, notice is hereby given that all persons having claims against said Estate are hereby required notice of probate Letters Testamentary, without bond, of said deceased having been granted to the undersigned on the 9 th day of February, 2024 by the Honorable Jodee R. Burns, Revenue Commissioner for Coffee County, by virtue of a decree rendered by the Probate Judge, JODEE THOMPSON, of said county on FEBRUARY 28, 2023, will proceed to sell to the highest bidder for cash, before the courthouse door in ELBA, said county within the hours of legal sale Legal Notices with first publication dated 12/19/24; Elba ‘dynamic duo’ sign scholarships; Most Popular Articles; Images; Videos; Commented; Articles. T. Thompson, Probate Judge for Coffee County, Alabama, notice is hereby given that all persons having claims against said estate are hereby required to present the Notice is hereby given that L&K Contracting Company, Inc. TAKE NOTICE that Letters Testamentary having been granted to John Harold Byrd, as Personal Representative of the Estate of John Roscoe Byrd, deceased, on the 20 th day of November, 2023 by the Honorable Jodee R. PR-2024-014. Burns, Revenue Commissioner for Coffee County, by virture of a decree rendered by the Probate Judge, Stephen E. Notice is hereby given that sealed proposals will be received by the City of Elba, AL at the office of Sally Bane, City Clerk, 200 Buford Street, Elba, AL 36323, until 2:00 pm CST on July 28, 2023 for Renovations to the Recreation Center, located at 764 Claxton Ave, Elba, AL 36323, at which time and place they NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE. Unites States NOTICE. Johnson, deceased, having been granted to the undersigned on the 18 th day of September, 2024, by the Honorable Jodee R. Default having been made under the terms and conditions of that certain mortgage dated the 22 nd day of April, 2015, executed by Jenelle Page to George S. Thompson of the Probate Court of Coffee County, Enterprise, Alabama. Thompson, Probate Judge for Coffee County, Alabama, notice is hereby given that all persons having claims against said Letters of Administration on the Estate of James Cicero Henderson, Jr. By virtue of a Writ of Execution issued by the Alabama Department of Revenue in the matter of Alabama Department of Revenue vs. 06092014C), is adopted and on file in the offices of the City Clerk of the City of Elba, Alabama ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS FOR EQUIPMENT PURCHASE. TO BE PUBLISHED BY PERSONAL REPRESENTATIVE. Legal Description: A five acre parcel of land located in the NW ¼ of the NW ¼ of Section 11, T3N, R20E, in Coffee County, Alabama and being more particularly described as follows: Commencing at a point on the South ROW line of Coffee County Road, No. Dean and Andy A. M. Even the Pickiest Pick SeaPak: New Campaign Brings Fun to Family Meals Ahead of The First Annual National Picky Eaters Day elba-clipper. Pursuant to and in accordance with Ala. 4506 Hartford Hwy, Taylor, AL 36305 has completed all work on the USDA Water Improvement Martin Luther King Drive Water Main Replacements, in Elba, Alabama. In addition to the salary provided for herein, the Mayor shall be entitled an additional $75 per month for each 20 hours of Certified Municipal Official/Advanced Certified Municipal Official training NOTICE TO CREDITORS TAKE NOTICE that Letters Testamentary were granted on 10 th day of November, 2022, to Amanda Joyce Reeves, as Executrix of the Estate of Cynthia Joyce Boutwell Reeves, deceased, who departed this life on the 14 th day of October, 2022, by the Hon. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that all persons having claims against the said Estate are hereby required to present Legal Notices with first publication dated 12/26/24; New Hope Senior Citizens Center enjoys Christmas Masquerade Gala; Sheriff’s Offices in Coffee and Pike counties to receive new technology equipment to help improve sex offender registration compliance; elba-clipper. Sealed Bids for Lawn Care will be received by the City of Elba, at the meeting room of City Hall; 200 Buford Street; Elba, Alabama 36323, until 10:00 A. A. Letters Testamentary for the Estate of Joseph A. com PO Box 677 Elba, AL 36323 TAKE NOTICE that Letters of Administration having been granted to Joshua Thompkins, as Administrator of the Estate of Jerry Wayne Thompkins, deceased, on the 25 th day of March, 2024, by the Honorable Jodee Thompson. com PO Box 677 Elba, AL 36323 Legal Notices with first publication dated 12/26/24; New Hope Senior Citizens Center enjoys Christmas Masquerade Gala; Sheriff’s Offices in Coffee and Pike counties to receive new technology equipment to help improve sex offender registration compliance; elba-clipper. PR-2024-208. DONALDSON, deceased, on the day of June 17, 2024, by the Honorable Jodee R. If you should have any reason why this Petition for Adoption should not be granted in this matter, you are required to NOTICE OF FILING OF PETITION. dob 05/21/2014, whose whereabouts are unknown, must answer the Coffee County Department of Human Resources’ petition for Termination of Parental Rights and other Legal Notices with first publication dated 12/26/24; New Hope Senior Citizens Center enjoys Christmas Masquerade Gala; Sheriff’s Offices in Coffee and Pike counties to receive new technology equipment to help improve sex offender registration compliance; elba-clipper. Dean, as Co-Personal Representatives of the Estate of John A. Letters of Testamentary on the estate of said deceased, ROBERT TRENT THOMPSON, having been granted to ERIS BRYAN PAUL on the 26 th day of February, 2024, by the Honorable Jodee Thompson, Probate Judge of Coffee County, Alabama, notice is hereby given that all persons having claims against said estate are hereby required to present the Legal Notices with first publication dated 12/19/24; Elba ‘dynamic duo’ sign scholarships; Most Popular Articles; Images; Videos; Commented; Articles. SKINNER, having been granted to MARGARET A. Thompson, Probate Judge for Coffee County, Alabama, notice is hereby given that all persons having claims against said estate are Legal Notices with first publication dated 12/26/24; New Hope Senior Citizens Center enjoys Christmas Masquerade Gala; Sheriff’s Offices in Coffee and Pike counties to receive new technology equipment to help improve sex offender registration compliance; elba-clipper. com PO Box 677 Elba, AL 36323 NOTICE REGARDING A PUBLIC HEARING ASCERTAINING, FIXING AND DETERMINING THE AMOUNT OF ASSESSMENT TO BE CHARGED AS A LIEN ON PROPERTY IN THE CITY OF ELBA, ALABAMA AS A RESULT OF THE CITY ORDERING THE DEMOLITION OF THE BUILDING ON THE PROPERTY PURSUANT TO ORDINANCE NO. A. Letters Testamentary of said deceased having been granted to the undersigned on the 11 th day of June, 2024, by the Honorable Toby L. storagetreasures. com PO Box 677 Elba, AL 36323 in the probate court for geneva county, alabama Legal Notices with first publication dated 12/19/24; Elba ‘dynamic duo’ sign scholarships; Most Popular Articles; Images; Videos; Commented; Articles. All persons having any claim for labor, materials, or otherwise in connection with this project should immediately notify the above Notice is hereby given that Hon. Notice is hereby given that all persons Legal Notices with first publication dated 12/19/24; Elba ‘dynamic duo’ sign scholarships; Most Popular Articles; Images; Videos; Commented; Articles. Bruce McLean as Administrator of the Estate of Linda S. That said petition is hereby set for hearing on the 17 th day of June, 2024, at 11:00 o’clock a. com PO Box 677 Elba, AL 36323 Phone: 334-897-2823 Email: clipper@troycable. Blair, of said county on February 26, 2013 will proceed to sell to the highest bidder for cash, before the courthouse door in Elba, said county within the hours of legal sale on April 16, Notice of Sheriff’s Sale. Bass a/k/a Claudette Latricia Bass NOTICE OF HEARING ON PETITION TO PROBATE WILL. You have permission to edit this article. Terry, Personal Representative, on the 19 th day of January, 2024 by the Honorable Jodee R. The work generally consists Legal Notices with first publication dated 12/26/24; New Hope Senior Citizens Center enjoys Christmas Masquerade Gala; Sheriff’s Offices in Coffee and Pike counties to receive new technology equipment to help improve sex offender registration compliance; elba-clipper. Accornero, Jr. Manslaughter arrests related to Fentanyl announced by Coffee County law officials elba-clipper. com and THE ELBA CLIPPER * THURSDAY, APRIL 18, 2024 LEGAL NOTICES: Public Notices also are posted on the websites: www. com PO Box 677 Elba, AL 36323 NOTICE TO CREDITORS. Notice is hereby Legal Notices with first publication dated 12/26/24; New Hope Senior Citizens Center enjoys Christmas Masquerade Gala; Sheriff’s Offices in Coffee and Pike counties to receive new technology equipment to help improve sex offender registration compliance; elba-clipper. C. Default having been made under the terms and conditions of that certain mortgage dated the 25th day of November, 2022, executed by Juan Antonio Alvarez Flores and Osmara Santana Maya to William Nathan Mathis, a married man, which said mortgage is recorded in OR Book 1176, Page 40, CASE NO. PC 2024-029. local time on February 29, 2024, at which time the Bids received will be publicly opened and read. com PO Box 677 Elba, AL 36323 Phone: 334-897-2823 That the salary of the Mayor of the City of Elba, Alabama, shall be and the same is hereby fixed at the sum of $20,000. Letters of Administration having been granted to Virginia Rogers Davis, as Ancillary Personal Representative of the Estate of Betty R. Thompson, Judge of Probate Court, Coffee County, notice is hereby given that all persons having claims against said Estate are hereby required to Legal Notices with first publication dated 12/26/24; New Hope Senior Citizens Center enjoys Christmas Masquerade Gala; Sheriff’s Offices in Coffee and Pike counties to receive new technology equipment to help improve sex offender registration compliance; elba-clipper. , Personal Representative, on the 18 th day of September, 2024, by the Honorable Jodee R. Seay, Judge of the Probate Court of Geneva County, Alabama, notice is hereby given that all persons having claims NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT. Section 2. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that all persons having claims against said Estate are hereby required to The Elba Clipper was established in 1897 and it is the oldest newspaper in Coffee County, Alabama. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. NOTICE OF PUBLICATION. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that all In accordance with Alabama Code 32 Section 32-13-1 the following vehicle will be sold at auction on Feburary 23, 2023 at 8:00 am at, 9542 Highway 125 Elba Al, 36320 Public Notice - Vehicle to be Sold at Auction | Legal Notices | elba-clipper. 12, 2024 edition of The Elba Clipper; Coffee County Board of Registrars - Names of Persons due to be Removed from County Voter Registration List; CCFF receives Award of Excellence; Elba ‘dynamic duo’ sign scholarships NOTICE. Love on the 14 th day of July, 2023, by the Honorable Jodee R. Rogers a/k/a Betty Virginia Rogers, deceased, on the 24 th day of August, 2023, by the Honorable Jodee Rowe Thompson, Judge of the Probate Court of Coffee County, Alabama, notice is hereby given that Legal Notices with first publication dated 12/26/24; New Hope Senior Citizens Center enjoys Christmas Masquerade Gala; Sheriff’s Offices in Coffee and Pike counties to receive new technology equipment to help improve sex offender registration compliance; elba-clipper. LEGAL NOTICE. com PO Box 677 Elba, AL 36323 You have permission to edit this article. Jodee Thompson, Judge of Probate. RPF-NHF-0012 (507) in Coffee County. 24-768 NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT AND PUBLICATION. , AN UNMARRIED MAN, to Troy Bank and Trust Company, a banking corporation, on August 30, 2013, and being recorded in the Office of the Judge of Probate of Coffee County, Alabama, in A/OFFR 148A, Page 239, said Legal Notices with first publication dated 12/26/24; New Hope Senior Citizens Center enjoys Christmas Masquerade Gala; Sheriff’s Offices in Coffee and Pike counties to receive new technology equipment to help improve sex offender registration compliance; elba-clipper. Bruce McLean on behalf of the Petitioner, Patricia Dawson, having filed a Petition for Adoption in the Probate Court of Coffee County, Enterprise Division, Alabama, in regards to J. Deceased. Letters Testamentary of the Estate of Helen Farison Johnston having been granted to Mark Allan Johnston, Personal Representative, on the 10 th day of September, 2024 by the Honorable Jodee R. Howell, deceased. elba-clipper. Bids shall be on a Legal Notices with first publication dated 12/26/24; New Hope Senior Citizens Center enjoys Christmas Masquerade Gala; Sheriff’s Offices in Coffee and Pike counties to receive new technology equipment to help improve sex offender registration compliance; elba-clipper. Thompson , Judge of the Probate Court of Coffee County, Alabama, notice is hereby given that all persons having claims against said Estate are hereby required to present the Legal Notices with first publication dated 12/26/24; New Hope Senior Citizens Center enjoys Christmas Masquerade Gala; Sheriff’s Offices in Coffee and Pike counties to receive new technology equipment to help improve sex offender registration compliance; elba-clipper. Default being made in the conditions of that certain mortgage executed by JOHN R. Thompson, Probate Judge of Coffee County, Alabama, Legal Notices with first publication dated 12/26/24; New Hope Senior Citizens Center enjoys Christmas Masquerade Gala; Sheriff’s Offices in Coffee and Pike counties to receive new technology equipment to help improve sex offender registration compliance; elba-clipper. com PO Box 677 IN RE: THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF GERALD L. Hammer, which said mortgage is recorded in OR Book 884, Page 156, recorded May 4 th, 2015, and said default continuing, the undersigned has elected to declare the entire Legal Notices with first publication dated 12/26/24; New Hope Senior Citizens Center enjoys Christmas Masquerade Gala; Sheriff’s Offices in Coffee and Pike counties to receive new technology equipment to help improve sex offender registration compliance; elba-clipper. Seay, Judge of Probate Court, Geneva County, Alabama. Letters Testamentary upon the estate of said decedent having been granted to the undersigned on the 17 th day of January, 2024, by the Probate Judge of Coffee County, Alabama, notice is hereby given that all persons having claims against said estate are hereby required to present notice of appointment Letters Testamentary of said deceased having been granted to Anthony Scott Speigner , Personal Representative, on the 13 th day of November, 2023 by the Honorable Jodee Thompson , Probate Judge for Coffee County, Alabama, notice is hereby given that all persons having claims against said estate are hereby required to CASE NO. Elba superintendent Chris Moseley made the announcement regarding the new designation at the Elba Board of Education meeting held Tuesday evening, April 16, at the central office. Notice to the Creditors of Estate of Olene H. Letters Testamentary of said deceased have been granted to Anthony Helms, Personal Representative, on the 17 th day of July, 2024 by the Honorable Toby L. Legal Notices with first publication dated 12/19/24; Elba ‘dynamic duo’ sign scholarships; Most Popular Articles; Images; Videos; Commented; Articles. Jodee Rowe Thompson, Judge of Probate. Notice is hereby given to all persons having claims against said estate that they are hereby required to present LEGAL NOTICE. TAKE NOTICE that Letters of Administration having been granted to ISAIAH TERRELL DONALDSON as Administrator of the Estate of CHARLES C. Default having been made in the terms of that certain Mortgage, executed on the 08/20/2010, by Thomas Alton Boyles, unmarried and Carol Lee Delaney, unmarried, as Mortgagor(s), to Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems, Inc. You will please take notice that on the January 26, 2024, a certain paper in writing, purported to be the Last Will and Testament of Teddy Glenn Howell, deceased, was filed in my office for Probate by Joshua Alan Davis and that the 27 th day of MARCH, 2024 at 11:00 You have permission to edit this collection. Seay, Judge of the Probate Court of Geneva County, Alabama, notice is hereby given that all persons having claims against said estate are hereby required to present Case No. : PR-2024-011. Letters Testamentary for the Estate of Louis Berecz, deceased, having been granted to Ilonka P. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that all persons having claims against said estate are This web site receives uploaded public notices daily from newspapers in Alabama about foreclosures, hearings, advertisements for bids, financial reports, ordinances and information about other government, business and judicial CASE NO. Central Standard Time, Monday, October 28, 2024, and then at said location publicly opened and read aloud. 2. com PO Box 677 Elba, AL 36323 Elba student trained for future in economic and community development; Coffee County Schools to offer free breakfast and lunch for students 2024-2025 school year; Coffee County: Estate Legal for Charles C. Thompson, Judge of Probate of Coffee County, Alabama. Notice is hereby given that all persons having claims against said Estate are hereby required MORTGAGE FORECLOSURE NOTICE. To: NHU VO MINH HUYNH. TAKE NOTICE that Letters Testamentary having been granted to Mark Williamson, as Executor of the Estate of Henry D. NELSON AND CHRISTINA L. Letters Testamentary of the said Deceased having been granted to Kevin Pohl, Personal Representative, on the 16 th day of September, 2024, by the Honorable Jodee R. Legal Notices with first publication dated 12/26/24; New Hope Senior Citizens Center enjoys Christmas Masquerade Gala; Sheriff’s Offices in Coffee and Pike counties to receive new technology equipment to help improve sex offender registration compliance; elba-clipper. com NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that all persons having claims against the said Estate are hereby required to present the same Estate of Taylor Leandra Creel Stinson. , A minor child d/o/b 05/21/2014. To: Darryl Hardy, Kerry Hardy, Eric Hardy and Daniel Hardy, and all other interested persons and parties in the Estate of Erma Nell Hardy, deceased, including creditors thereof. Thompson, Probate Judge for Coffee County, Alabama, notice is hereby given that all persons having claims against said estate are hereby Legal Notices with first publication dated 12/26/24; New Hope Senior Citizens Center enjoys Christmas Masquerade Gala; Sheriff’s Offices in Coffee and Pike counties to receive new technology equipment to help improve sex offender registration compliance; elba-clipper. We publish every Thursday and the current edition is available by annual Legal Notices from the Thursday, Dec. ByEditorial, 2024-12-12. You are hereby notified that a Complaint for Annulment has been filed in the Circuit Court of Coffee County, Alabama, (Elba Division) against you and you are required to appear and plead to or answer the same within (30) days of the last publication, which will be the 22nd day of August 2024, or thereafter NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT TO BE PUBLISHED BY PERSONAL REPRESENTATIVE. Thompson, Judge of Probate of Coffee County, do hereby give notice that the Primary Election will be conducted in Coffee County on Tuesday, March 5, 2024. Rogers, III, deceased, on the 29 th day of July, 2021, by the Honorable Jodee Rowe Thompson, Judge of the Probate Court of Coffee Legal Notices with first publication dated 12/19/24; Elba ‘dynamic duo’ sign scholarships; Most Popular Articles; Images; Videos; Commented; Articles. Thompson, Judge of the Probate Court of Coffee County, Alabama. Letters Testamentary having been granted to Nick Shepard as Personal Representative of the Estate of Rodney Calvin Penuel on the 17 th day of January, 2024 by the Honorable Jodee R. CASE NO. Fejedelem, deceased, on the 31 st day of January, 2024 by the Honorable Jodee R. 00 to National Rural Utilities Cooperative Finance You have permission to edit this article. 14, which point of reference is S 86 degrees 32 minutes 17 seconds W a distance of 3,917. com PO Box 677 Elba, AL 36323 COUNTY OF COFFEE Letters of Administration having been granted on the 13 th day of February, 2024, by the Probate Court of Coffee County, Alabama, to Charles H. DeCurtis having been granted to Daniel Louis DeCurtis and Christine DeCurtis Lilly, Personal Representatives, on the 16 th day of September, 2024, by the Honorable Jodee R. Claxton Avenue, Elba, Alabama THE ELBA CLIPPER * THURSDAY, DECEMBER 5, 2024 LEGAL NOTICES: Public Notices also are posted on the websites: www. Case No. ELBA DIVISION LEGAL NOTICE. Thompson. to serve as Administrator of the Estate of Louis Kenneth Haluska, deceased, notice is hereby given to all persons having claims in or against the Estate of Louis Kenneth Haluska that they Letters of Administration for the Estate of Danny H. To whom it may concern: Take notice that Tyson Begly has filed a Petition to Quiet Title in Coffee County Circuit Court as Petitioner against the aforementioned respondents of said county, Alabama, in an equitable action pursuant to Ala. City of Elba, Alabama. 07 feet from Legal Notices with first publication dated 12/26/24; New Hope Senior Citizens Center enjoys Christmas Masquerade Gala; Sheriff’s Offices in Coffee and Pike counties to receive new technology equipment to help improve sex offender registration compliance; elba-clipper. Letters Testamentary of said deceased having been granted to Felicia Mock on the 16 th day of July, 2024, by the Honorable Toby L. 12, 2024 edition of The Elba Clipper. The offices to appear on the ballot are as follows: President of the United States. com PO Box 677 Elba, AL 36323 notice of public sale An online sale will be held at www. NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE. 72, in which the Alabama Department of Revenue is the Plaintiff and Domnic Wayne Snyder aka Domnic Snyder is the Defendant, the Legal Notices with first publication dated 12/26/24; New Hope Senior Citizens Center enjoys Christmas Masquerade Gala; Sheriff’s Offices in Coffee and Pike counties to receive new technology equipment to help improve sex offender registration compliance; elba-clipper. Letters of Administration upon the Estate of said decedent, having been granted to the undersigned on the 9th day of May, 2018, by the Honorable Steven E. Personal property of the following units will be sold for cash to satisfy owner’s lien for due in accordance with AL Code § 8-15-34 IN THE PROBATE COURT OF COFFEE COUNTY, ALABAMA. REVENUE COMMISSIONER’S SALE. m. PC 2024-029 TAKE NOTICE that Letters The Elba City Council held a public hearing Monday evening, Feb. Default being made in the conditions of that certain mortgage executed by DENNIS SMITH AND JAN SMITH, AS HUSBAND AND WIFE, to Troy Bank and Trust Company, a banking corporation, as successor by merger to The Peoples Bank of Coffee County, on August 16, 2002, and being recorded in the Office of the Legal Notices with first publication dated 12/26/24; New Hope Senior Citizens Center enjoys Christmas Masquerade Gala; Sheriff’s Offices in Coffee and Pike counties to receive new technology equipment to help improve sex offender registration compliance; elba-clipper. May on the 29 th day of January, 2024, by the Honorable Jodee R. . com PO Box 677 Elba, AL 36323 The Elba Career Academy, located in a section of the Elba High School building, has been designated by the state as a Career Center. Thompson of the Probate Court of Coffee County, notice is hereby given that all persons having claims against said estate are hereby required to present the same within (FATHER) IN THE MATTER OF C. com PO Box 677 Elba, AL 36323 TAKE NOTICE that Letters Testamentary having been granted to Janies Smith Donaldson, as Personal Representative of the Estate of Charles C. 24-789 NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT TO BE PUBLISHED BY PERSONAL REPRESENTATIVE. Thompson, Judge of the Probate Court of Coffee County, Alabama, notice is hereby given that all persons having claims against said estate are hereby VIRGIL R. Letters Testamentary on the Estate of Gerald L. This notice will appear for four consecutive weeks beginning on November 5, 2020 and ending on November 26,2020. com PO Box 677 Elba, AL 36323 Letters of Administration on the estate of JOSHUA HAYES EBERSOLE, deceased, having been granted to the undersigned on the 18 th day of January 2024, by the Honorable Jodee R. Graham Construction Company, Inc. elba-clipper. 24-833 IN THE MATTER OF THE ADOPTION OF TAKE NOTICE that Letters of Administration having been granted to Chris Foley, as Personal Representative of the Estate of John G. net. Default having been made in the payment of the indebtedness secured by that certain mortgage dated September 1, 1994, executed by Louise Carter, an unmarried person to Small Business Administration, which mortgage was recorded on September 2, 1994, in Book 122-A, Page 222, of the mortgage records in the Office of the Said default continues and notice is hereby given that the undersigned, David and Eleanor Dean, under and by virtue of the power of sale contained in said mortgage, will sell at public outcry to the highest bidder for cash at the main entrance to the County Courthouse, Coffee Cunty, Elba Division, Alabama on August 29, 2019 during the legal Legal Notices with first publication dated 12/19/24; Elba ‘dynamic duo’ sign scholarships; Most Popular Articles; Images; Videos; Commented; Articles. Burns, Revenue Commissioner for Coffee County, by virtue of a decree rendered by the Probate Judge, Stephen E. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that all persons having claims against the said Estate are hereby required Legal Notices with first publication dated 12/26/24; New Hope Senior Citizens Center enjoys Christmas Masquerade Gala; Sheriff’s Offices in Coffee and Pike counties to receive new technology equipment to help improve sex offender registration compliance; elba-clipper. Upon the favorable recommendation by the Planning and Zoning Board of the City of Elba, Alabama on January 16, 2015, and after public notices and hearing thereon as required by law, Ordinance No. Code § 17-9-5 (1975), and such other requirements, I, Jodee R. COFFEE COUNTY. UBER, SR. , date of birth: 12/13/2005. com Legal Notices with first publication dated 12/19/24; Elba ‘dynamic duo’ sign scholarships; Most Popular Articles; Images; Videos; Commented; Articles. Ellzey, Esq. Williamson, who departed from this life on the 23 rd day of July, 2024, by honorable Toby L. JOHNSON, DECEASED NOTICE TO FILE CLAIMS. , an electric cooperative of the State of Alabama (the “Cooperative”), has filed its petition with the Department of Finance of the State of Alabama for approval to the issue and delivery of its Note in the principal sum of $10,000,000. Letters of Administration Cum Testamento Annexo having been granted to Gypsy Morrow Smith, as Administratrix of the Estate of Virgil R. Seay. Site search Search ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS. NOW, THEREFORE, notice is hereby given that the undersigned will sell at public outcry for cash, to the highest bidder, in front of the Coffee County Courthouse, in Elba, Alabama, during the legal hours of sale on November 5, 2013, the real estate being more particularly described as lying and being situated in Coffee County, State of Alabama Legal Notices with first publication dated 12/26/24; New Hope Senior Citizens Center enjoys Christmas Masquerade Gala; Sheriff’s Offices in Coffee and Pike counties to receive new technology equipment to help improve sex offender registration compliance; elba-clipper. com PO Box 677 Elba, AL 36323 NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE. 04272015, amending the Elba Zoning Ordinance (Ordinance No. Ward, deceased, on the 11 th day of February, 2021, by Jodee R. Thompson, Probate Judge for Coffee County, Alabama, notice is hereby given that all persons having Legal Notices with first publication dated 12/26/24; New Hope Senior Citizens Center enjoys Christmas Masquerade Gala; Sheriff’s Offices in Coffee and Pike counties to receive new technology equipment to help improve sex offender registration compliance; elba-clipper. D. Site search Search NOTICE OF PUBLICATION. Foley, deceased, on the 4 th day of October, 2022, by the Honorable Jodee Rowe Thompson, Judge of the Probate Court of Coffee County, Alabama. A petition for Summary Distribution of Small Estate of said deceased having been filed by the undersigned on the 18 th day of October 2021 before the Honorable Jodee R. com PO Box 677 Elba, AL 36323 ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS. Blair, of said county on February 17, 2012 will proceed to sell to the highest bidder for cash, before the courthouse door in Elba, said county within the hours of legal sale on April 10, Legal Notices with first publication dated 12/19/24; Elba ‘dynamic duo’ sign scholarships; Most Popular Articles; Images; Videos; Commented; Articles. Thompson, Probate Judge of Coffee County, Alabama, notice is hereby given that all persons having claims against said Estate are hereby required to present same LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE is hereby given that Wiregrass Electric Cooperative, Inc. as nominee for Embrace Home Loans, Inc. To: April Foran and Kristina Howell. com and THE ELBA CLIPPER * THURSDAY, JULY 4, 2024 LEGAL NOTICES (con't from Page 4) COURT OF COFFEE ALABAMA CASE NO. Donaldson; Coffee County: Notice of Appointment - Estate of Latricia P. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that all persons having claims against the said Estate are hereby required to present the same within notice to creditors Letters Testamentary of said deceased having been granted to Betty Lucille Ward, as Executrix of the Estate of J. Donaldson, deceased, on the 30 th day of July, 2024 by the Honorable Jodee R. STATE OF ALABAMA, GENEVA COUNTY. NELSON, HUSBAND AND WIFE, to Troy Bank and Trust Company, a banking corporation, on February 17, 2010, and being recorded in the Office of the Judge of Probate of Coffee County, Alabama in TAKE NOTICE that Letters Testamentary having been granted to Suzanne E. Default being made in the conditions of that certain mortgage executed by DENNIS LAWFORD, AS HUSBAND, AND SUSAN LAWFORD, AS WIFE, to Troy Bank and Trust Company, a banking corporation, on October 2, 2009, and being recorded in the Office of the Judge of Probate of Coffee County, Alabama, in Southeast Region – Troy Area. Mock having been granted to Danncey M. : 24-809 NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT. Instructions, printed in large type, conspicuously displayed at each voter registration site and polling place, sufficient to provide hearing impaired and seriously visually impaired individuals with adequate information as to NOTICE OF MORTGAGE FORECLOSURE. Bids shall be on a lump sum basis. This web site receives uploaded public notices daily from newspapers in Alabama about foreclosures, hearings, advertisements for bids, financial reports, ordinances and information about other government, business and judicial Legal Notices with first publication dated 12/26/24 New Hope Senior Citizens Center enjoys Christmas Masquerade Gala Sheriff’s Offices in Coffee and Pike counties to Contract documents, including drawings and technical specifications, are on file at the office of the Housing Authority of the City of Elba, 1207 N. herby gives notice of completion of contract with the State of Alabama for the construction of Project No. com PO Box 677 Elba, AL 36323 In the Matter of the Estate of Rena Bass Marson, Deceased, Letters of Administration having been granted to Fanetia T. Blair, of said county on February 28, 2019 will proceed to sell to the highest bidder for cash, before the courthouse TAKE NOTICE that Letters of Administration having been granted to D. NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT. ROGERS, III. We publish every Thursday and the current edition is available by annual subscriptions Skip to main content Legal Notices with first publication dated 12/26/24; That the Elba Clipper publish this notice for one week, and thereafter file with the Court a copy of the notice so published and an affidavit of publication. Letters Testamentary of Peggy Clinansmith, deceased, having been granted to Carla Franklin, Personal Representative, on the 16 th day of December, 2024, by the Probate Judge, Coffee County, Alabama, notice is hereby given that all persons having claims against said estate are hereby required to present Legal Notices with first publication dated 12/26/24; New Hope Senior Citizens Center enjoys Christmas Masquerade Gala; Sheriff’s Offices in Coffee and Pike counties to receive new technology equipment to help improve sex offender registration compliance; elba-clipper. as Mortgagee, which said Mortgage is recorded in the Letters of Administration for the Estate of Helene Celia Peets having been granted to John C. 00 annually. Letters of Testamentary on the estate of said deceased, JAMES P. Default being made in the conditions of that certain mortgage executed by RICHARD C. local time on Friday, February 2, 2024, at which time the Bids received will be publicly opened and read. ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS. Barbour, Coffee, Covington, Crenshaw, Dale, Geneva, Henry, Houston, Pike Counties Sealed bids will be received by the Alabama Department of Transportation until 10:00 am on Thursday, April 11, 2024, and at that time publicly opened for a retainer contract for debris removal, reduction, and disposal following a declared disaster, in Probate Court. Wood, Personal Representative, on the 29 th day of January, 2024 by the Honorable Jodee R. Thompson, . Thompson,. I, Ronald L. S. Sealed Bids for LOADER BACKHOE will be received, by The City of Elba, at the meeting room of City Hall of Elba; 200 Buford Street; Elba, Alabama 36323, until 11:00 a. com PO Box 677 Elba, AL 36323 Legal Notices with first publication dated 12/19/24; Elba ‘dynamic duo’ sign scholarships; Most Popular Articles; Images; Videos; Commented; Articles. PC2021-061. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that all persons having claims against the said Estate are hereby required to present the same within NOTICE OF MORTGAGE FORECLOSURE. Sealed bids for the contracting of collection of garbage services will be received by the City of Elba, in the meeting room at the City Hall of Elba at 200 Buford Street; Elba, Alabama until 2:00 p. Blair, Judge of the Probate Court of Coffee County, Alabama, notice is hereby given that all persons having claims against said Estate are required to file an itemized COFFEE COUNTY. com PO Box 677 Elba, AL 36323 Elba teacher Starla Amison receives Educator of Distinction award; Legal Notices from the Thursday, Dec. STATE OF ALABAMA. Site search Search NOTICE OF MORTGAGE FORECLOSURE. NOTICE OF TERMINATION OF PARENTAL RIGHTS ACTION Notice to: Mitchell Adam Whaley, the Father of C. The owner reserves the right to reject any or all bids Legal Notices with first publication dated 12/19/24; Elba ‘dynamic duo’ sign scholarships; Most Popular Articles; Images; Videos; Commented; Articles. com for A-Less Storage, Enterprise, Alabama, on or after 12:30 PM Thursday, September 15 th , 2022. W. K. Thompson, Judge of Probate of Coffee County, Alabama, notice is hereby given that all persons having claims against said estate are required to present the same within the time Legal Notices with first publication dated 12/26/24; New Hope Senior Citizens Center enjoys Christmas Masquerade Gala; Sheriff’s Offices in Coffee and Pike counties to receive new technology equipment to help improve sex offender registration compliance; elba-clipper. Thompson, Probate Judge for Coffee County, Alabama, notice is hereby given that all persons having claims against said estate are hereby required to present the same within time NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT OF PERSONAL REPRESENTATIVE. : PR-2024-006. Code 1975 § Legal Notices with first publication dated 12/26/24; Elba teacher Starla Amison receives Educator of Distinction award; Sonya Denise Williamson; Hunting Spotlight; elba-clipper. Letters of Administration upon the Estate of said decedent having been granted to the undersigned on the 8 th day of December, 2023, by Jodee R. Letters Testamentary of said deceased having been granted to Susan Boyd May, as Personal Representative of the Estate of Robert C. 11, to allow community input regarding its intentions to file a lien on two properties in which the city had The Elba Clipper was established in 1897 and it is the oldest newspaper in Coffee County, Alabama. Dean, deceased, on the 22 nd day of January, 2024 by the Honorable Jodee R. Domnic Wayne Snyder aka Domnic Snyder in the amount of $10,896. , deceased, having been granted to Marsha Hudson, Administrator, on the 31st day of January, 2023, by the Honorable Jodee R. com PO Box 677 Elba, AL 36323 COFFEE COUNTY. Edit Close. com PO Box 677 Elba, AL 36323 NOTICE OF MORTGAGE FORECLOSURE. com PO Box 677 Elba, AL 36323 notice to creditors TAKE NOTICE that Letters Testamentary were granted the 4 th day of November, 2021, to Jan Oglesby Wicker Co-Executrix and William Jason Farris Co-Executor of the Estate of Dawson Jasper Farris, deceased, who departed this life on the 21 st day of September, 2021, by the Hon. PR 2023-209. Pursuant to §21-4-23(b), of the Code of Alabama (1975), notice is hereby given of the following with regard to Coffee County, Alabama: . tbrlbz ocjvl sgnb cen smrnp jrcyzp lafur wyq zqj mhznc vdapkw byyme qqj sri qqycmlb