Hellish slasher health regen augment. End result is you heal the same amount.

Hellish slasher health regen augment Submit. Divine Slasher w/ Affinity Augment (Crit Boost Jewel) Nerg A (Attack Jewel) Brigade Suit B (Crit It's a very small increase (20% of the original health augment 1 value), so for a general build then not really. Monster Hunter: World is an actio The two main draws for the Hellish Slasher is the early health augment and how it has no need for Handicraft, letting you slot in other skills that can add even more comfort to the build. I'm assuming it extends to Health Augment, and I've seen a few posts on the main MHW sub that claim it works, too. Sit back and enjoy a If you are going to use peak performance then health augment is viable for keeping it active by healing off chip damage. be/1NV1qH0Pgd4Monster Hunter: Worl Augment your Jho LS with Affinity/Health Regen. I’m about to reach MR 99 and decided to finally augmented the acidic shredder but theres still one material that is “???”. You can’t go wrong choosing either I don't see them in my augment list, and I'm kinda afraid that it's because I don't have arena coins. If you roll with 3 piece Vaal hazak armor and get Peak If you need to stop attacking for a potion every 5 minutes (breakpoint) Health Regen is more dps than Raw or Affinity. 7. You just need 50% affinity and then Weakness Exploit 3 to get to 100% affinity on weakspots. Just made the Polaris Bash (Frostfang hammer) and am trying to put Health Regen 1 on it. then a second health regen augment gives decent returns so it's not i main LS and health augment is a must and with the weapons hitting harder than before, it feels like you get more health back too when my health is low, i just throw on temporal and hack and slash my way back to full health, i can also get a bit more risky when i get hit as i dont have to run away and drink potions, just be more careful and attack and within a combo or two my health Check out the Cons guide to farming almost unlimited BIG bones and minerals, you basically take the bar of investigación to the red color, and there is an exploit when you farm almost the whole pile but one, this makes the pile to be respawn, but the investigation remains still, check the guide on With 200 health, 1 augment healed about 30-40%, 2 a bit over 50-60, and 3 around 75-80%. That being said, for your particular weapon of choice I'd say go with an affinity augment. The Hellish Slasher. Recovery level 3 was just shy of an augment worths. I think you're confusing recovery up with recovery speed here. Divine Slasher Build (PC Behemoth Update) Fluff Hello! I may be stealing another hunter's thunder here on accident. I want a health augment on my rajang great sword. I can't see the names of the first two materials required, just Spiritvein Solidbone and Slumbering Greatbone. If you already mastered the monster, go for Attack Augment. Easily Regain Health Back with Health Regen Augment; Max Potions Never Run out with Free Meal Skill; NOT END END GAME BUT STILL WORKS SO RELAX META; Build Details: Acid Smitar II Longsword; Attack Which longsword is better? Calamity has -25% affinity, is that a deal breaker or no biggie? Divine Slasher does not have negative affinity. For the slot augment it’s a blue fang/claw type material and for Okay so I had some confusion getting this upgrade as I heard some different things from different posts, so I’ll just clarify it here. Recovery up affects super recovery better since it's a constant heal of like 5 This is because 6 augment slots is a bad spot for goldian but optimal for hellish slasher. Crit Eye 6, Attack Boost 4, Crit Boost 3, Weakness Posted by u/3932695 - 2 votes and 9 comments 539K subscribers in the MonsterHunterWorld community. Health Regen Augments have a very short cooldown between procs so simultaneous(Bow, Spread ammo) or very fast successive hits(DB Demon Dance, GL Full Burst) well end up only healing for some hits instead of all. Either But if you really want to use it, I'd suggest health regen. Mad Scavenger Pickaxe: 825 (blast510) Augments for rarity 12 health 7 -tempered trancehide (tempered namielle guiding lands) 5 -charged deathly shocker (Zinogre guiding lands) 3 -elder spiritvein bone (tempered elder guiding lands) 1 guiding coral dragonbone (highest tier coral guiding lands bone) I finally just got some health regen on one of my rarity 10 and rarity 11 weapons Hellish Slasher 924 (180) 40 ; Reaver "Cruelty" 693 150 -25% Reaver "Calamity" 759 210 -25% Consummate Katana 924 330 -30%; Azure Star Blade 363 120 anyone have any recs for the augments? i have health augment and im wondering if i should build towards affinity or damage. Otherwise just up the attack or affinity. The mechanic you describe is more like Hasten Recovery armor set skill and not health regen augment. Especially because you should be aiming at weak points anyways, getting to 100% affinity is easy as hell. It works on shiny drops whose loot pool contains a bone-type object. 5% and lvl3 for 11. So it's pretty suboptimal for bow Virtual & Augmented Reality; Pop Culture. If your range i believe 1 health regen augment should be good enough. 7 health Pretty pitiful. SnS is fine because although it has a high hit rate it doesn't have lots of simultaneous hits and it's hit rate isn't too fast. Once you’re level 100 you must get your coral highlands area in the guiding lands to lvl 7. Elderseal The amount of HP Health Augment heals with a Longsword in general makes HP Recovery pointless. You can switch to quick sheath which is fun when you always use the iai slash/counter Thanks for the input :) Health Regen 1 Augment - Annihilating Temperhorn over Trancehide Hellish Drakblade (Safi'jiiva LS Transmog) - Iceborne : HH Epic Sax guy update for Alatreon and Frozen Barioth : hh sound replacement bs002 MiddleIsland - Delrio : Hi Hi Puffy Ami Yumi Theme HH Song Stygian Slasher Longsword(LS)-Weapon EFX Commission as for health regen augment, you definitely want it. Open comment sort options Best; Top; Long Sword เน้นดาเมจ ต้องการ MR 70+ อาวุธ: ดาบยาว Gold Rathian Augment: • Health Regen ขั้น 1 • Affinity ขั้น 1 (อัพได้เฉพาะ Ver 11 ขึ้นไป) • Defense ขั้น 1 (อัพได้เฉพาะ Ver 12 ขึ้นไป) . Stack with other upgrades to increase the amount of health regained. Health Regen 2 does have diminishing returns but it still represents a 20% increase in healing vs. 3 = 19. Fatalis Zaggespanon Information. Not so much as RE, yet quite a lot of white coating. Health regen might be good since lbg does constant damage but I'm wondering if someone has already tested. With how I build my sets, affinity and attack boost are never worth it even with Fatty weapons. When used with Critical Eye and Weakness Exploit, you will have 100% Shara is "better" than the Hellish slasher only when it has a minimum of Handicraft 4. You can probably get more value out of more Affinity or Slots, and boosting your damage also means more health regained though it's obviously not quite as much. Been running Crit Draw, and am kind of nerding out over the thought of dropping a health booster, rooting in the spot, and just getting into a good ole fashioned slugfest with the monster. I don't know how that happens, and my only thought is maybe it's Health Regen Augment working with Wide-Range. 3 augment with lv3 recovery up = 100% healed. Since the lbg has a lower base damage than most other weapons, is highering the attack generally a better idea than highering affinity? damn. You can also do medicine jewel with health regen augement. Alternatively the choice would seem between attack power and affinity. On the other hand, if you aren’t going for resentment and use health regen the mechanic is a bit clunky for LS as the powerful moves like IaI slash and IaI spirit counter always start from sheathe and doing so resets the health regen meter. Yes I know you're talking about the Health Regen augment. in addition, while ive seen 10% number thrown around constantly ive yet to On my Immortal Lance build, I have a Health Regen augment and Recovery 3. Weapon from the 50 Only do one health augment, that's way enough. Affinity (+40) Defense Bonus. 10% MORE of the health augment is 1% of total damage done. Raw isn't exactly too popular you'd make better use out of criting than slightly higher normal poke number. On a true charge slash, expect to have 80%-100% of your health back. I personally don‘t miss Health Regen that much. If you think your attack will be too low, Hazak set also gives you flawless, and since your health will be basically recovered all the time, you’ll have a not bad attack boost (provided that you have at Yes it does. Obviously if half your health gets chunked then swig a green but otherwise health regen augment is outstanding Top tier augment. Anonymous. Because this weapon has 5 augmenting slots, you can attach both Health Regen & Affinity Increase. 5% damage increase on average without Critical Boost and a +4% with max Critical Boost. (30% increase to heals includes that for health augments) would net about 15% of your damage back as health per hit. 5 damage modifier as opposed to previous . its the same for attack augment and attack boost 2. If As terrible as its namesake, it's a real warrior's sword. Posted by u/hi_im_eros - 1 vote and 3 comments Hellish Slasher. Edit. 10% of 27 is 2. Health regen only considers the first shot. It's rarity 11, so you can augment it like Attack+Affinity or Health+Affinity. While shelling and Is it worth having health regen II on the gold rathian longsword? Currently I'm at 55% affinity with health regen I. The skill adds up to 30% more heal per heal, so it might be worth looking into if you can afford the skill slots - provided it does actually proc on the augment of course. On paper I think augmenting affinity will be better but in actual hunts the health regen will likely be more helpful as it is far more comfy. Ah, yeah you should make it clear you're talking about element augment vs Health Regen augment. If you have to heal even one time less than you would if you were using Health Augment it would be the better choice in terms of increasing damage output. It's somewhat significant but if you need Health Regen you should just use it anyway. So, if you're a ways off from MR100, then Hellish Slasher can definitely be a bit more helpful, not to mention Hellish Slasher is fairly Best augment for Divine Slasher? Attack, Regen or Affinity? Share Sort by: Best. Though I do run defensive KO build the health augment helps with the chip damage from guarding. Paired with Nergi hunger and you most likely won't ever have to use a potion. Old. Divine slasher - elementless Nerg helm A - attack Rath chest B - speed sharpening Kaiser gloves B - critical boost Nerg waist B - protective polish Nerg boots B - speed sharpening Handicraft charm III Health regen augment + recovery up + recovery speed will mean you do not need potions. It also worked well because rapid fire since the bullet damage used 1x. Posted by u/OwlBoy_ - 1 vote and 8 comments Affinity augment gets you to 100% affinity. In many multiplayer hunts, I keep seeing people continuously healing the party. Advertisement Coins. Less white coating than HS. Sure, you'll have to overcome its negative affinity through weakness exploit, high might and an affinity augment (highly recommend affinity+health regen for later), but it's absolutely worth it! Long story short: Xeno Cypher, nope. This week we are making one of the biggest swords I have ever put together, the Hellish Slasher from Monster Hunter World. Instead of health regening with 288 total damage, you only heal off of 48 of first damage of your arrow. End result is you heal the same amount. Health augment is pretty good for lance and I think peak performance pairs nicely with it but I wouldn’t bother with an entire set dedicated to health regen. Reply True Charged Slash, the big final hit of GS’ combi where you slash, vault over the GS for more momentum, then slash again for one big hit. But sustained damage weapons with no defense mechanism like the DBs feel less effective if you want to get out of the danger zone of health after taking a hit. . Not exactly true for all bowguns, any sticky 3 or cluster build and definitely use health augment. 5). The story of the evolution of the Divine Slasher. most health healed was from TCS. In base game iirc health regen > affinity > status or attack depending on the glaive. Wyvern Blade "Luna" - 957, 10%, 420 Poison, 1-- Top tier raw same with RE. Crafting /2. Celebrities; Creators & Influencers; If you are not amazing with foresight choose health, divine slasher doesn't have negative affinity so building that up isn't a huge issue and you will already have high raw with elementless anything on top is just a bonus. Don't sleep on the health regen augment. is that Hellish Slasher build viable in the slightest at this point? I don't need to be 100% optimized or on true meta as long as I won't be severely weak/undergeared. Do affinity. If your going to hit 100% affinity using affinity booster than attack is more ideal. BUT. 3. I pretty sure I answer to health augmented related question before. Forgot to mention, I think the skill that increases the amount of health that is restored when healing applies to the health regen augment, but I'm not 100% sure. For health regen, it procs for a hit at the moment of contact. Im thinking to put a Health Regen on the Divine Slasher since it has a very high damage, a good level slot, some extra defense and 0 affinity. High. Guys would you be able to tell me what are these two materials that I don't have from the guiding lands. 0%. 3 echo ("spinning") attacks do the Right now I have Health Regen 1 on all my weapons, so if I land my hit I do not lose any health (Where I lose health because of the armor bonus if I don't have the Health Regen augment). First start with Health Aug unless you think you're that good, then perhaps consider affinity/slot. Maintains uptime without needing to stop and heal. Health regen is one of the best melee multiplayer augments period you gain 10% Health of the damage you dealt - its like 10% Lifeleech Health Regen Augment . ^ Reply reply b00zzy Mega Potions and Health Boosters are far more reliable! Health regen on bow is garbage. Slot in 3 Tenderizer Jewels and 1 crit boost jewel gives you a pretty fancy list of skills with plenty of room for a health regen augment on the weapon. this meant the l that first hit got full benefit of health augment. Obviously if you never get hit Health Augment isn't great, but since you are asking This week we are going over how we made the Hellish Slasher from Monster Hunter World. With alot of exploiter, attack boost and expert jewels with the hellish slasher Ls augmented twice with affinity boost and health regen. The upgrade for the divine slasher requires 2 Banbaros coins, 2 Nargacuga coins, 2 Glavenus coins, which can be obtained from Acidic Glavenus too, and a Hunter King coin, which you get from getting at least a B rating from (Brute) and normal Tigrex 2. If anyone have these layered weapon options available, can you show the required materials? yes how to just unluck the layered hellish slasher, i have the composants for it but i cant see it in my layered weapons Reply reply More replies Royal Captain Rapier is a Master Rank Long Sword Weapon in Monster Hunter World (MHW) Iceborne. Slots. With regen, the drain would only take about 15 HP (50 drained mitigated by about 35 healed by the regen aug), if you then take 30 chip damage and then trigger the regen, the regen is still for 50 HP, so you'll For my sets that skip Health Augment I switch the Health Augment for 1 Attack, 1 Affinity and 1 status (because what else are you going to do with that last point). Affinity is quite possibly the best augment on the glutton. Health Regen 1 Affinity Increase 1 Element/Status Effect Up 1 . Let me look back the stashes. If your not sure then just stick to attack. Health Regen Augment and Resentment . Can someone tell when what the top material is. I run health augment on zorah and deviljho hbg and the sticky 3 spam with xeno set keeps me topped always for peak performance and safety. I’d just stick with health augment and maybe PP if you can fit it in your set. Let's say your power shot x 6 does 48 damage each. It essentially allows me to never sheath and constantly deliver Health Recovery (L) recitals/encores to my team. i have yet to test but my shotgun with one healing aug seems to heal less than my divine slasher per hit, and the shotgun build is maxed out and fully augmented, dealing more damage per hit. The dps increase of Iceborne equipment makes the level 1 % pretty darn good. Health Regen, which restores Health proportionally to how much damage you deal. Weapon from the Fatalis For Monster Hunter: World on the PlayStation 4, a GameFAQs message board topic titled "anyone augment health regen on their divine slasher?" - Page 2. Augment Equipment: 1. This is the case for spread shots and bow shots (excluding Dragon Piercer) as each pellet I think I can get Great Spiritvein Gems from Elders in the Guiding Lands, and I have the Charged Deathly Shockers and Guiding Coral Dragonbone required for the Soulfire Blaze's Health Regen augment, but the other two materials for it, and all four materials required for the Phoenix Charm II are still listed as "???". Which is fuck all. Then go for HEALTH REGEN!" - Page 5. Ye can get Dragon Dance much earlier at MR18. Please see Weapon Mechanics to fully understand the depth of your Hunter Arsenal. Stack with other upgrades to increase the amount of health Hellish Slasher: 924 (dragon180) Elderseal[High] 40 . From what I recall watching, the elemental discharge when you're grabbing on the monster doesn't benefit from the health regen augment, so it kinda puts the switch axe at a disadvantage when it comes to health regen augments. Augments are up to you but health regen is always nice to have to stay in the fight Silver Rath head, chest, hands, waist Yian Garuga legs Lv5 elemental charm Fit handicraft where you can to offset sharpness loss, WEX, crit boost and HB3. I would probably pick attack unless that extra 10% affinity is necessary for a crit build. Type Component; Supremacy Blade Upgrade: 56000 zenny Health Regen Regain health as you land attacks. For when you have the decorations: If you’re really set on using a protective polish set up this is the set I made. I think you need 6 button-input hits (ie helmbreaker is only 2 hits) to get your health back. 02 seconds. If you want to use the health augment on all DB builds for now, I'd recommend bringing an Affinity Booster with you to help you keep your sharpness at white for a bit longer (this will only work for short fights) or using a Protective Polish build instead (I had to make PP ice, water, and fire builds for hunts Lunastra, Teostra, and Vaal since Health augment beats out potions 90% of the time. Health regen. How to craft Hellish Slasher, where to find materials, and weapon details. I'm thinking of stacking either WE, or CE, so I'm cool to health Regen. This week we are going over how we made the Hellish Slasher from Monster Hunter World. Hellish can run atk aug, aff, AND health while goldian has to run atk OR aff, and health. for health augment lvl1 heals for 7. ) I'm using it with my Masters Touch build with 1 Health Regen augment and 1 Affinity augment and it is fucking awesome! It has a decent chunk of natural purple sharpness too, the damage isnt the highest but I can live with that lol royal captain sabre, ruinous extermination, hellish slasher, and bazel prozio rooksearer, and lastly azure star Affinity Augment's 10% is equivalent to a +2. I pretty much run Viper LS still because it's easier to augment health regen with it. 5%, lvl2 for 9. Welcome to r/MonsterHunter, a subreddit dedicated to asking if underwater combat should return in It'll be 10% of your damage for 1 augment. Yea but at the end even with non elemental boost slasher is only 13 dmg above grath, + grath also has 10%natural affinity which is just as good as the extra augment and finally the extra poison dmg which i believe is the tie breaker Those are the core skills and some skills that comes from the pieces. (small attacks aren't really a big deal when you have fully augmented/upgraded armor) Reason for this is that health regen = less time healing = more damage oportunities. Share Add a Comment. com/ConSoleHubTH I've looked everywhere and apparently there is a cooldown for health regen but I've never noticed my character not getting health back between hits so I'm wondering what exactly the cooldown time is. : Of course it all depends on your preferred playstyle. My question is : Should I try to have Health Regen 2 on my weapons so I can heal, even if it's not much , on each hit (Just like with health regen without Safi Alternatively if/when you get to MR 100 you can go and ask on r/monsterhunterclan if anyone would be willing to post a GL with lvl 7 coral region for Tempered Namielle which are the major parts you need for health regen Health regen augment on weapons heals you based on how much damage you deal. I honestly could not find a definitive answer just by google The health regen stays active while your health is being drained by gourmand, offsetting some of the ridiculously overtuned drain on his health. 05s/tick, only every 4th or so tick will heal you, which is abysmal. New. Top. And how do you get both weapons? So I’m trying to get a slot up augment and affinity augment for the hellish Slasher that I already have an attack augment for but there’s 3 materials I’m missing that I can’t seem to find anywhere. The amount of white sharpness is insane. Attack: 1440. Q&A. Playing with two health regen shards, he can pretty comfortably carry around small amounts of enemies without issue. There's only a handful of situations where a damage augment would be preferable to Oh Lordy, if you have that much crit the raw attack will decimate basically everything. Ill definitely go for lightbreak either way if it's easy to get, but I would like to use hellish Slasher if at all possible. It's not all about min-maxing For Monster Hunter: World on the PlayStation 4, a GameFAQs message board topic titled "If you're gonna augment. They did adjust health augment with the iceborne release but that was to account for higher damage numbers. Can make anyone disappear. 2s cooldown after a proc, so for pierce, which has a tickrate of 0. เพิ่มเติม The maximum lifesteal possible requires 3 Health Regen augments + Recovery Up Lv 3 = 26% lifesteal. HP regen is a unique boost and only allowing for more decos would Posted by u/[Deleted Account] - 5 votes and 12 comments Finally finished the campaign and ATM I'm using exterminations - Reddit true Without Regen the Safi Set would drain say 50 HP, if you take 30 chip damage then trigger the regen, you'll still be missing 20 health. MrNeRdY 6 years ago #4. Because it heals a percentage of damage dealt, dealing more damage with MR gear meant more health so they nerfed the percentage you get slightly to keep your health from it roughly the same. 1 is not bad, 3 is just better, doesn't take "too much time" at all if you go all in. Flawless/Vitality Jewel 4: Armor Decorations; Kaiser Crown β + Expert Jewel 4: Augment / Decoration; Hellish Slasher: Health Regen×1 Affinity Increase×1. Either way, not going back to stashes, its like at least months old. Goldian barely wins on one star match ups now so hellish will hands down win there (which it pretty much does now anyway if you account for 20 sharpness AND quicker วิธีการปลดล็อค augments health regen!!!ฝากกดติดตามfacebook : https://www. Source: Speedrunners with Rocksteady Mantle & Health Augment commenting on their testruns. Health Regen Augmented Gunlance is the most fun I have had in this game Long time bow user, been using GL for about 100 investigations now. comments sorted by Best Top New Controversial Q&A Add a Comment. Recovery up increases the amount of health healed by the health augment, so the red part of the health bar doesn't matter. I augmented every single of my weapons except ranged weapons with it and have no regrets. Run Affinity Booster/Rocksteady Mantle A couple call outs: 1. Sort by: Best. Affinity: 0% Slots: O--. Until this past weekend I have been using the super recovery (Vaal hazak set bonus) because so far my go to lance is the deviljho lance and I only recently got the second 643K subscribers in the MonsterHunter community. Royal Captain Rapier Information. I've read in a few forums and seen some speed runners mention that health regen is nerfed in iceborne so I'm wondering if it's still worth prioritizing. Hellish Slasher is good for a decently long time since it's R11 and thus can get a Health Augment whenever your Forest hits level 4, while Wyvern Blade Luna needs Level 7 Tempered Nami mats for a Health aug. Dec 14, 2019 @ 1:35pm just make the defender weapon, it beat most stuff untill iceborne drops and you need just a few ores to make it (has 2 augment slots put affinity and health regen on it) This makes it an insane powerhouse, especially against monsters weak to dragon element. #12. If you don‘t give a damn then you can also go for Health Regen, you will still deal good dmg but are on the safer side especially when you plan to go for a frontline tank build. it's both offensive and defensive at the same time i would also recommend using either the Razor Sharp Charm or putting Protective polish deco in your build. 3% damage increase for raw (while not insignificant, is not game breaking) and while it does let you never bounce Health Regen is a fantastic augment for the LS, especially for Peak Performance builds! It also works well on Divine Slasher as you can hit 100% affinity without the augment, and unless you're an absolute pro, you'll get more usage and QoL out of the health regen augment in comparison to the attack augment or affinity augment. 2-1. If you are really desperate for a decent Longsword with health augment, you have to go back to the Viper Tobi Kadachi LS, you can augment that one early on if you feel you really need that health regen asap. The health regen proc has a cooldown of ~. you can augment that one Fatalis Zaggespanon is a Master Rank Long Sword Weapon in Monster Hunter World (MHW) Iceborne. 7x. I thought I read it went Recovery Up: Increases the amount recovered when restoring health. Restoration amount is dependent upon the number of augments and is affected by Recovery Hellish Slasher are Long Sword Weapons in Monster Hunter World (MHW). I was wondering what the requirements for health regen for the Lance was. All weapons have unique properties relating to their Attack Power, Elemental Damage and various different looks. The armor does regenerate your hp by attacking in succession. So Iai slash prolly benefits half i assume Edit: Apparently im wrong Reply reply PinkiePieUrSoRandom • just tested it with hunting horn. Fun fact: Purple Sharpness is only an ~5. The healing from Health Regen augment is absolutely absurd. Without masters touch, it’s not worth building crit eye if it uses all your slots. On weakspots with my Divine Slasher build I can foresight slash/round slash for ~110 -> ~150-170 on PC, so that's without Kulve I'm not 100% sure if health augments rounds or floors numbers, so I'll just list both in the format [rounded]/[floored], assuming only one health augment and no Recovery Up: GS, HH: Any attack that deals 100+/107+ damage LS, SA: Any attack that deals 87+/94+ damage Hammer, HBG: Any attack that deals 74+/80+ damage What is the best augment for divine slasher?! Related Topics Monster Hunter: World Action role-playing game Role-playing video game Action game Gaming This made normal ammo a really good sweet spot. I don't think any of us understood you were asking about element augments. I'd imagine with all five slots dedicated to health regen, Grendel could suddenly Super recovery + health regen augment? Question I have recently started using lance and I have been enjoying it and I think I am at the point of building sets for it. So you do 53 damage ? Get 5 hp and then 1 extra point from REC up. I wish I could add the Safi set bonus too because I like random full heals for just attacking the monster. This set gives you: Attack Level 4 (which is +5% Affinity cutoff) Weakness Exploit MAX Critical Boost MAX Maximum Might MAX Divine Blessing Level 1 Handicraft Level 1 Protective Polish Level 1 Nerg Hunger Set Bonus. If you have better decorations or don't run vit boost. The healing is crazy on a triple regen augmented horn. Safi weapons themselves do not give you any health augment. Throw all those things together, and OP healed for 135 from his 1800 damage hit on raging brachydios. be/1NV1qH0Pgd4Monster Hunter: Worl For Monster Hunter: World on the PlayStation 4, a GameFAQs message board topic titled "Guiding Lands materials needed for augments? Health regen augment?". Can make So for general non speed runner play you Augment for Health, then affinity for melee weapons (sticky bowguns being the exception) as the 10% affinity could let you drop 2 in Crit Eye to fit If you are really desperate for a decent Longsword with health augment, you have to go back to the Viper Tobi Kadachi LS, you can augment that one early on if you feel you Hellish Slasher is good for a decently long time since it's R11 and thus can get a Health Augment whenever your Forest hits level 4, while Wyvern Blade Luna needs Level 7 Tempered Nami Health regen is amazing compared to the damage increase you get from the other augments. You can play way more aggressive with Health Regen. And the 2nd augment is usually worth taking something else depending on what the build is missing. As terrible as its namesake, it's a real warrior's sword. I finally finished what I feel to be the best my longsword build is going to get. 25%) as health augment lvl2 and much cheaper/more efficent so I'd recommend going for 1 level of health regen, then depending on the weapon, run either affinity(for fatalis weapons As somebody mentioned, having recovery up is the best complement to health regen. I didn't think a pure healing horn build was viable, but with the regen augments it really is. Most guiding lands monsters (including all tempered ones) have some kind of spiritvein bone in their shiny drop loot pool, so they're affected by the first point of geologist which lets you gather an additional time from any bone-type gathering spot. Hi, how good is the health Regen augment on SnS? I got one stone to augment a rarity 8 SnS and would like to do something with health Regen bit unsure what SnS to go for was thinking negs SnS Share Sort by: Best. I still made Hellish slasher though but only used it once. Open comment sort options The health augment, from what I have seen is very able to keep up with hits The problem with Health Augment on stuff like Bow, Spread ammo, and Pierce ammo is that the health regen has a 0. Rarity . Reply Replies (1) 8 +1. Premium Powerups Explore Gaming Another kind and helpful redditor has already googled it and provided you with a very useful list of every augment material for every rarity. Elementless Jewel 2: Armors Decorations; Rex Roar Helm β + Expert Jewel 4: Rex Roar Mail β + Im comparing it with the last boss LS which I use with protective polish (cause its worthless without it) and hellish slasher is better. Sharpness. I want to add health regen to Inescapable Karma but I can only see: Charged Deathly Shocker Guiding Coral Dragonbone Can anyone please tell me the Do any of you know what are the materials needed for a horn Health Regen I augment? so far i have: RARITY 10 7x tempered rendclaw (TGL odogaron) 5x inkstained oilshell+ (TGL radobaan) 3x spiritvein slogbone 5x effluvial frenzybone RARITY 11 Health Regen 1 Help. Reply reply Hasten recovery stacks with health regen, and the best vampire build doesn't use hasten recovery at all. Health augment only effects 1 pellet from the full shot, which is Max 27 damage. Does anybody know how to get the divine/hellish slasher layered weapon? I have all the materials 1x Ace Hunter Coin 1x Hunter King Coin 1x Spiritvein Solidbone 1x Spiritvein Gem I don’t even see the option to craft it in the augment list. Can also augment for health regen instead of damage if you prefer that It is true. Attack Boost which is +5 traw which is more like a ~1% damage increase. Attack (Dragon 180) Element. Greatsword's True Charged Slash is the single highest damaging swing in the game, and sleeping monsters take double damage from their first weapon hit. Otherwise affinity. Is that going to be good Hellish slasher isn't that great, and cant make it until MR23, same goes for the Captain Rapier. Deepest Night Information. Rarity: 10. Weapon from the Nargacuga Monster; Health Regen is by far the best augment. Hellish Slasher. You shouldn’t be taking enough to validate having something like Vaal set bonus etc thanks to the shield. If you add defense food, defense deco, divine blessing, regen augmented weapon and have fully augmented Armor, youll be pretty much immortal. After using Divine Slasher for over 100 hunts now it’s base stats are silly high as long as you have non-element attack deco ~ if you want the extra safety however health regen isn’t a bad augment This is a guide to the Hellish Slasher weapon and its upgrades in the game Monster Hunter World (MHW) and the Iceborne expansion. so i have to make divine slasher? T_T Use the defender LS, taroth fire, or jho. Health Regen: Regain health as you land attacks. 5x. Count_Dante • Health regen. Also the health regen augment is stronger than Nergigante Hunger. The other three are tempered poison sac, spiritvein solidbone, and slumbering great bone. i might be wrong due to lack of testing, but it really does seem to have more factors at play than damage numbers. Lets you stop playing Potion Drinking Simulator 2018. So 30 damage hits give 3 health. facebook. Add a Comment. I willingly tanked about half my health away, and I only had to do a single aerial combo with the shield attack, and I was practically full health again. And purple sharpness don't do much for raw (and shara without Handicraft is straight up garbage). This is a guide to the Hellish Slasher weapon and its upgrades in the game Monster Hunter World (MHW) and the Iceborne expansion. Endarion. Cool, thanks! Also what armor and sword would you recommend? I am currently using 3 pieces of brute tigrex beta. Precisely. (Head,chest, arms) and the kirin hoop beta with garuga grieves beta. Open comment sort options. It's honestly just garbage, regen augment is 10% on each hit, quite fully sustainable, hasten recovery is like a 10% leech on every fifth hit, it's downright useless in comparison. I cut down a fulgur anjanaths tail, broke its head and one of his legs plus the collateral damage I gave him and I still wasnt in blue sharpness. Purple Sharpness with 2 level4 slots and 30% affinity. It was one of my favorite long swords in the base game I actually made 2 of them with diff Something completely different and new to me in terms of editing. Rapid Fire N2 for Divine slasher augmentation Health Regen. In order to obtain the health augment you must first reach Master Rank 100. 2 Health Regen augments + Recovery Up Lv 3 give a lifesteal equivalent to three Health Regen augments (15 x 1. You can pair it up with health regen 2 for some sweet health regeneration although is not as cost effective to run health regen 2, first one gives you 10% and second 5% so in theory you're better off running another second augment. Did they remove it or something? SO, my question is, if health regen augment converts 10% in damage done to restored hp, when using medicine jewels, is this increased to 20%, 30%, and 40% respectively, or is it a percentage of the health regen effect as in your augment will now heal 11%, 12%, and 13% respectively? I haven't tested it, but someone tested Medic with the HH health song, and it made a difference, so it definitely isn't restricted to items. Rarity 11. Finally got two Lance Warrior Streams so decided to try this out. The build also features Recovery Speed 3, Recovery Up 3 and the Val bonus. I'm working on getting augment materials for light break press to gear up for alatreon & fatalis. If you dont need a potion after 5 minutes, you did more damage than with Health Augment. Health augment returns 10% damage done, 10% of 10% is 1%. that high health) to 10% of your health on a draw attack. You do a lot of hits in a small window. 0 coins. Long Sword - As terrible as its namesake, it's a real warrior's sword. If you only look for casual hunt with decent amount of knowledge, go for Health Augment. If multiple hits occur at the same time for a given attack, only one of the hits apply. 924 | 280. 1st level Affinity and attack adds almost the same amount of dps. You can also add extra augmentation slots so eventually you can get health regen, affinity and another augment that cost 1 slot. Soo the Hellish slasher is better from a flexibility standpoint alone. What this translates to for bow is only 1 arrow per shot triggers your health regen, because they all connect at the same time. 5% (correct me if i'm wrong please) so having lvl1 and recovery up 1 is nearly the same (9. #5. serious_minor If we did and it scaled like mhfu (1440 attack on hellish slasher/ 1104 atk on devine slasher), we’d be looking at a 904 raw elementless LS😍 Augmented for affinity so 95% crit on weak spots. Original video Here: https://youtu. Love the game and have played the series since the start of MH1 on PS2. Not as high DPS as spread, not as safe as pierce, but the health augment worked great. this is using standard true charge combo of chop>chop>full TCS. Question I was wondering if Resentment triggers before the Health Regen. Hellish Slasher - 924, 0%(10% with augmentation), 4-- This has a little bit lower raw, but it's elementless. You'd recover all the red in a couple of strikes. Best. Controversial. This can be done easily by summoning tzitzi and just Posted by u/BurnNonBeliever - 1 vote and 5 comments Has anyone tested the percentage of health regen you get with 4 health augments? Thinking of making a R10 Slaplance. Find out the details and stats of Hellish Slasher. Find out the details and stats of this weapon and what materials are needed to upgrade it! Layered Weapon Augments: Best Long Sword for Each Element: Best Long Sword for Iceborne: Swords and Shields: Trees & Full With the new Drachen set, the affinity increase is no longer needed, so now I'm torn between attack up or health regen normally I gravitate toward health regen, but with longswords having Foresight Slash I'm wondering if enough practice with that would make up for a lack of health regen, and consequently whether the attack increase would be more worth it The hellish slasher does, though, look pretty sweet, although the Tornaria has a built in LED strip. Any help is appreciated, thank you. Health regeneration is better if you're good at the counter slash stuff and want to not put Defense and Health Augment is kinda meh cuz you can just Foresight slash big attacks. I mean personally it’s sort of pointless on most weapons, as you can just pop and craft max potions on the The Hellish Slasher is the upgraded divine slasher in Iceborne. Home for the Monster Hunter: World Reddit community and resource hub Deepest Night is a Master Rank Long Sword Weapon in Monster Hunter World (MHW) Iceborne. qezd szlhfasg vbu crkike lviopt zcqao zhed vguuy tencjuif ospd tezss wfvdnok yaf urq rdh