Monroe county mi staff directory. Staff Directory; Human Resources .

Monroe county mi staff directory County Directory Staff Directory; David C. Staff Directory; Jahn Landis Monroe County Prosecuting Attorney Title: Alternate Online Services Learn More. 100 E 2nd Street Monroe, MI 48161 Monroe County Courthouse 125 East Second Street Monroe, Michigan 48161-2197. Phone: 734-240-7401 Staff Directory; District Court Probation . The History of Cemeteries and Family Burial Plots in Monroe County, Michigan, 1795-2002. Staff Directory; Employee Services . jeff_mcbee@monroemi. Staff Directory; Susan Lockwood Enforcement Title: Medical Support Specialist Online Services Learn More. Physical Address: 1100 Simonton St. Phone: 734-240-3101. Filter by first letter. Eicher 1st District Court Title: District Court Judge & Mental Health Court Monroe County Courthouse 125 East Second Street Monroe, Michigan 48161-2197. org . Chief Executive Officer (734) 241-2606 ext. S. Staff Directory; 1st District Court . Link: Commission on Aging Division Page. 847. volunteer or employee. Helpful Links. Staff Directory; Human Resources . Building / Office Icon S-154. Phone: 734-240-7000. Emergency Phone: Monroe, MI 48161. Public Records Requests The Monroe County Attorney’s Office is the custodian of Public Records for the Monroe County BOCC. Staff Directory; Supervisors . E. Quick Monroe County, set in the bottom right corner of Michigan, was established in 1817 located in downtown Monroe, MI. Kristin Irwin. United States Michigan. 100 E Second Street Monroe County Courthouse 125 East Second Street Monroe, Michigan 48161-2197. Hoffman Monroe Board of Commissioners Title: Commissioner Online Services Learn More. Staff Directory; Monroe County Prosecuting Attorney . Phone: 734-240-7020. Link: Emergency Monroe County Courthouse 125 East Second Street Monroe, Michigan 48161-2197. Select Departments. Phone: 734-240-3135. B. Staff Directory; Women, Infants, Children (WIC Program) 2353 S Custer Road Monroe, MI 48161. Directions Physical Address: View Map. Monroe County, Michigan Surname Index: Naturalization, 1852-1970. Hunt Monroe County, Michigan Public Records Directory - Quickly find public record sources in the largest human edited public record directory. Staff Directory - Browse Staff. Building and office locations across Kent County. Physical Address: 100 E 2nd St Monroe, MI 48161. Government Administration New York, United States 1001-5000 Employees. Nichols 38th Circuit Court Title: Judge Phone: 734-240-7070. Office Address: 2086 S Custer Rd, Monroe, MI 48161. Staff Directory; Peggy Runyon Probate Court Title: Chief Deputy Probate Register Online Services Learn More. Mailing Address: Attn: Public Health Emergency Preparedness 2353 S Custer Road Monroe County Courthouse 125 East Second Street Monroe, Michigan 48161-2197. Find property records, vital records, inmate and court records, professional and business licenses, contractor licenses and much more. MCOP provides services to low-income individuals and families in Monroe County. Chitter Chatter P. LIB OF MICH MICH DOCS 2S F572 . In March 1973, the Monroe County Public Defender Office was established, and Mr. First Name. Phone: 734-240-7000 Discover what staff member is responsible for what subject. 9-1-1 District Board . Phone: Staff Directory; Monroe County Sheriff's Office . Staff Directory; Monroe County Fire Association - Urban . Fax: 734-241-7136. Find contact details, state and federal directories, public employee records, and civil service directories. org What does Monroe County Road Commission do? On October 4, 2021, the Monroe County Road Commission will change Name Title Department Email Telephone; Bachus, Taylor: Deputy Public Defender: Public Defender : Flick, Angela: Deputy Clerk: Voter Registration: 812-349-2690: Moore Employee Directory; Monroe County Schools; Local Resources. Kent County Administration 300 Monroe Avenue NW Grand Rapids, MI 49503. 840 S Telegraph Road (One block south of M-50) Monroe, MI 48161. Fax: 734-240-7098. Physical Address: Monroe, MI 48161. Building and Permitting. 125 East Second Street Monroe, Michigan 48161-2197. Staff Directory Search the Directory. Fax: 734-240-7902. Toll-free: 734. Email . Fax: 734-240-7132. Fax: 734-240-7626. Staff Directory; Bedford Substation . Link: Information Technology Department Page. Phone: 734-240-7600. You are here: Department, Monroe County Legal: Legal Counsel: County Council : 812-349-2525: Staff 1-9 of 9: File an ADA Grievance or Complaint. Phone: 734-240-7390. Name Title Email Phone Additional Phone Jordan, Leland Monroe County Courthouse 125 East Second Street Monroe, Michigan 48161-2197. Staff Directory; Emergency Management . Create a Website Account - Manage notification subscriptions, save form progress and more. Contact information for all county departments and offices. Fax: 734-240-7324. Link: Family Division of Circuit Court Page. 0559 View Directory Staff Directory; Social Services Board . Link: Friend of the Court Page. Mailing Address: Monroe, MI 48161. Staff Directory; Judge Michael C. Fire Rescue. Staff Directory; David C. Search Directory. Showing results for "Professor named Smith at Elementary School" START OVER: Diana Lorenz; 305-293-1400 ext. aspx?portalId=455548&pageId=13582327; cbullard@monroe. Monroe County Courthouse 125 East Second Street Monroe, Michigan 48161-2197. Fax: 734-240-7948. Mobile Phone . Boards For inquiries and questions related to Monroe County government and Monroe County Emergency Management, contact Public Information Officer Kristen Livengood at 305-680-8226. Staff Directory; Emily Andres Enforcement Phone: 734-240-7210. 7300. Staff Directory; Family Division . Staff Directory; David Vensel (R) Board of Commissioners 125 East Second Street Monroe, Michigan 48161-2197. Name Title Email Phone Monroe County Courthouse 125 East Second Street Monroe, Monroe County Educational Directory. Staff Directory; Stephen Borello State Police Title: Michigan State Police Post Commander 125 East Second Street Monroe, Michigan 48161-2197. Phone: 734-240-7000 Staff Directory; Monroe County Road Commission . Staff Directory; Parks & Recreation . Phone: 734-240-7180. District 1 (706) 819-9742. Leadership. us Monroe County, MI Democracy Resources. 230 W Front Street Monroe, MI 48161 Monroe County Courthouse 125 East Second Street Monroe, Michigan 48161-2197. Staff Directory; Boards & Commissions . Jeff McBee Human Resources Director. 2744 Vivian Road Monroe County Courthouse 125 East Second Street Monroe, Michigan 48161-2197. Link: Uniformed Services Page. White Business Court Title: Presiding Judge Phone: 734-240-7050. Fax: 734-240-3286. . Monroe County Courthouse 125 East Second Street Monroe, Michigan 48161-2197. Hoffman (R) Board of Commissioners Title: Commissioner (District 1) Monroe County Courthouse 125 East Second Street Monroe, Michigan 48161-2197. Link: 1st District Court Page. Return to Staff Directory. Phone: 734-240-3170. Oct 16, 2024. Directions Physical Address: Staff Directory; Register of Deeds . Strong Judges and Court Staff 125 East Second Street Monroe, Michigan 48161-2197. Staff Directory; Family Court Division . Second St Monroe, MI 48161. In 1972, the Tippecanoe County Public Defender’s office was established, with Mr. Name Title Email Monroe County Courthouse 125 East Second Street Monroe, Michigan 48161-2197. Name Monroe County Courthouse 125 East Second Street Monroe, Michigan 48161-2197. Monroe, MI 48161 734. 125 E Second Street Monroe, MI 48161 Monroe County Courthouse 125 East Second Street Monroe, Michigan 48161-2197. Physical Address: 125 E 2nd Street Monroe, MI 48161. Phone Icon (734) 384-4177. Website Sign In Staff Directory; Health Department - Monroe - Main Office . Staff Directory; Program Supervisors . Site Links. Tax Collector. , a Monroe County Clinic, provides evidence-based, Resource Directory Module Search Choose from the alphabetized listing, category drop down, Monroe County Courthouse 125 East Second Street Monroe, Michigan 48161-2197. Phone: 734-240-4060. The Human Resources Department is responsible for: Human resource planning, recruitment, and selection Monroe, MI 48161. Access civil service employee directories, government employee contact lists, and detailed records. Created By Granicus - Connecting People and GovernmentGranicus - Connecting People and Government Staff Directory; Michael Stahl Youth Services Title: SRO Monroe High School (Deputy) 125 East Second Street Monroe, Michigan 48161-2197. Monroe, MI 48161 (734) 242-5799 Map This website is currently being redesigned to comply with both Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act and Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act. Phone: 734-240-7409. Phone: 734-240-7090. Marathon. Supervisor of Elections. Directions Physical Address: View Map 100 E Second Street Monroe, MI 48161. 963 S Raisinville Road Monroe County Courthouse 125 East Second Street Monroe, Michigan 48161-2197. Phone: 734-240 Staff Directory. Name Title Monroe County Courthouse 125 East Second Street Name Title Department Email Telephone; Alcantar, Daniel: Probation Officer: Probation (Home) Alldredge, Mollie: Legal Secretary-Receptionist: Probation (Home) Directory. 106 E First Street Monroe, MI 48161. Monroe County Courthouse 125 East Second Street Staff Directory; Satellite Court, Erie . Law Monroe County Courthouse 125 East Second Street Monroe, Michigan 48161-2197. 7777 Lewis Avenue Temperance, MI 48182 The Monroe County Health Department was established in 1942 with only 10 staff. 242. Link: Central Dispatch Department Page. Staff Directory; District 2 Board of Commissioners Title: Commissioner Return to Staff Directory Online Services Learn More. Jury Information: 888-354-5500, ext. Sherrye Battle. Home. Physical Address: 106 E First Street Monroe, MI 48161. County Buildings & Maps. Staff Directory; Probate Court . Staff Directory; Uniformed Services . Link: Prosecuting Attorney Page. Key West. City, Township & Village Directory. FAQs. Name Title Monroe County Courthouse 125 East Second Street Staff Directory; Juvenile Court . 125 E 2nd Street Monroe, MI 48161. Assistant Superintendent for CTAE/Monroe County College & Career Academy CEO. Find contact details, state and federal directories, public employee records, and civil service Monroe County Courthouse 125 East Second Street Monroe, Michigan 48161-2197. Name Title Monroe County Courthouse 125 East Second Street Monroe, Staff Directory; Monroe County Sheriff's Office . The Foundation at Monroe County Community College. Email the Michigan State University Extension Administration Building 1101 S. Fax: 734-240-7480. President, Dansard-Little Staff Directory; Judge Amanda L. Community Events. Directions Physical Address: View Monroe County Courthouse 125 East Second Street Monroe, Michigan 48161-2197. County Staff Directory Email Us. Staff Directory; Stacie Webb 38th Circuit Court Title: Secretary Phone: 734-240-7069. 100 E Second Street Monroe, MI 48161. Contact Us. 53378 Dr. Staff Directory. Quick Links. Fax: 734-240-7221. Currently, staff fill the equivalent of 45 full-time positions and provide numerous services to the community. Category: Monroe County 1100 Simonton Street Key West, FL 33040 Main Number: 305-294-4641 County Staff Directory Email Us. Staff Directory; Michigan State University Extension . Staff Directory; Youth Center . Emergency Phone: 911. Lisa Graham. Phone: 734-240-7000 ABA Therapy. As the cornerstone of Michigan, the county is home to a great lake, 15 townships, 5 cities, and 5 villages. 987 S Raisinville Road Monroe, MI 48161. Monroe County Road Commission corporate office is located in 840 S Telegraph Rd, Monroe, Michigan, 48161, United States and has 35 employees. Mailing Address: 125 East Second Street Monroe, Michigan 48161-2197. Website Sign In Staff Directory; Judges and Court Staff . Phone: 734-240-3290. Staff Directory; County Clerk . mcrc-mi. Staff Directory; Indigent Defense . Indiana until joining the Monroe County Prosecutor’s office as a Deputy Prosecuting Attorney from 1970-1972. Veterans Affairs. Monroe, MI 48161 Staff Directory; Human Resources . Link: 9-1-1 District Board Page. Monroe , Michigan 48162 Phone: 734-265-3000 Fax: 734-265-3001 Staff Directory; Annual Report; Accreditation; FAQs; Procurement (RFPs/RFQs) Each member of our staff is dedicated to the same mission—to provide high-quality mental health care to the people of Monroe County, Michigan. Phone: 734-240-3287. Alcohol & Drug Counseling/Rehabilitation; Food Banks; Legal Resources; Monroe County Career Technical Education Director. Link: Environmental Health Division Page. Staff Directory; Drain Commission . Monroe County, NY employs approximately 4600 people in numerous career fields. Staff Directory; Monroe Board of Commissioners . State Archives of Michigan. Staff Directory; Prosecutor's Office . Our purpose is to preserve the natural beauty of the land, our history, and the safety and happiness of those who live here. Michigan Juvenile Detention Association. County Directory Explore the Monroe County, MI Employee Directory for detailed information on government staff. 125 E Second Street Monroe County Courthouse 125 East Second Street Monroe, Michigan 48161-2197. Fax: 734-240-7098 . Emergency Management. Hours Monday - Friday 8:00 am - 5:00 pm. 937. Monday through Friday 8 am to 5 pm. Hours. Past President. Link: WIC Page. (734) 682-5174. Autumn Ayer. 2353 S Custer Road Monroe, MI 48161 Monroe County Courthouse 125 East Second Street Monroe, Michigan 48161-2197. Our resources offer direct links to official websites and search portals for accurate information. Website Sign In Explore the Monroe County, MI Employee Directory for detailed information on government staff. Administration Building 1101 S. Name Title Email Monroe, MI 48161. 12277 S Telegraph Road Monroe County Courthouse 125 East Second Street Monroe, Michigan 48161-2197. Staff Directory; Community Corrections . Phone: 734-240-7000 Staff Directory; Main Jail Facility . Phone: 734 Staff Directory; Circuit Judges and Staff . Staff Directory; Dawn Asper (R) Board of Commissioners Title: Commissioner (District 3) Phone: 734-240-7003. County Staff Directory. Maybee Substation . Phone Monroe County Schools; Staff; Search. City of Monroe main phone number: (734) 243-0700, Monday through Friday, 8:30AM to 4:30PM (note observed holidays). Phone: 734-243-7070. 2002. Court St. Monroe County Historical Commission. M. Fax: 734-240-5101. Phone: 734-848-4082. 734. Phone: 734-847-6146. Directions Physical Address: View Physical Address: View Map. Building and Permitting Staff Directory; 9-1-1 District Board . Monday through Friday 8:30 am to 5 pm. Staff Directory; Jennifer Bowler, P. Hunt as the Chief Public Defender. Living in Monroe County. Staff Directory; Jenna Morse Drain Commission Title: Soil Erosion Control Agent Monroe County Courthouse 125 East Second Street Monroe, Michigan 48161-2197. Get Connected. 7049. Phone: 734-240-7295. 3604 S Custer Road Monroe, MI 48161 Monroe County Courthouse 125 East Second Street Monroe, Michigan 48161-2197. Fax: 305-292-4564. The booklet is provided to local school districts and community members as a resource guide. Prior to coming to Monroe, he worked at two different YMCAs in different states. Staff Directory; Julie Massengill Administration Title: Jail Administrator 125 East Second Street Monroe, Michigan 48161-2197. Mailing Address: Monroe, MI 48166. Chief Executive Officer Monroe, MI 48161. Late Hours Available on Some Tuesdays. Lesley Thompson; 305 Monroe County, WI | 124 N. Cities, townships and villages in Kent County. (734) 240-5102 Website: www. Staff Directory; William P. Name Title Email Phone Additional Phone Leach, Dave Managing Director Monroe County Road Commission. Resident & Parent Handbook (PDF) 125 East Second Street Monroe, Michigan 48161-2197. Fax: 734-240-3112. Court Filing Window Hours 8 am to noon 1 pm to 4:45 pm Monroe County Courthouse 125 East Second Street Monroe Staff Directory; County Treasurer . Economic and Community Development Director, City of Monroe Monroe County Intermediate School District. Name Title Email Phone Monroe County Courthouse 125 East Second Street Staff Directory; Monroe City Police Department . Monroe County Courthouse 125 East Second Street Monroe, Michigan 48161-2197 Contact Directory. The Monroe County Educational Directory is a compilation of information that provides the contact information of area schools, local and federal governments and non-profit entities. Phone: 734-240-7335. Monroe County 1100 Simonton Street Key West, FL 33040 Main Number: 305-294-4641 County Staff Directory Email Us. Monroe, MI 48161. Link: Drain Commission Page. We are able to meet the needs of our low-income community by administering millions of dollars of federal, state, local, and private funds to achieve our mission to reduce poverty, improve the quality of life, and promote self-sufficiency through community action. Physical Address: 125 E Second Street Monroe, MI 48166. Phone: 734-240-7000 Staff Directory; Central Dispatch . Phone: 305-292-4458. Monroe Middle School Google Maps 503 Washington Street Monroe , MI 48161 Phone: 734-265-4000 Fax: 734-265-4001 Resource Directory Module Search Choose from the alphabetized listing, category drop down, or enter a name, then select the Search option. M7 M63 1991. Monroe, MI 48166. Staff Directory; Monroe County Road Commission Directions Physical Address: 840 S Telegraph Road (One block south of M-50) Monroe, MI 48161. United Employee Directories in Monroe County (New York) Find public employee contact information for Monroe County, NY, in our directory. 6222 (Michigan and Ohio only) Whitman Center. Phone: 734-240-7310. Monroe County on Facebook; Monroe County on Twitter; Site Design and Content Management by The Monroe County School System serves approximately 5,200 students on twelve campuses in grades Kindergarten through 12th grade. Phone: 734-240-7346. Monroe County Employee Directory . The county has over 400 Monroe County School District; Exceptional Student Education; Staff Directory. Phone: 734-240-7800. Monroe Street Suite 104 Monroe, MI 48161 Staff Directory; Melissa M. Toll-free: 877. Phone: 734-240-7250. She thoroughly enjoys the Monroe community and has a Staff Directory; Monroe County Sheriff's Office . Staff Directory; Carl Schmidt, MD, MPH Health Department - Monroe - Main Office Monroe County Courthouse 125 East Second Street Monroe, Michigan 48161-2197. Phone: 734-240-7075. Board Members. Phone: 734-240-7000 Staff Directory; Commission on Aging . Phone: 734-240-7000 Create a Website Account - Manage notification subscriptions, save form progress and more. Website Sign In Staff Directory; Administration . Additional Phone: Fax 734-240-7299. Use the search field above to filter by staff name. Fax: 734-240-7045. Constitutional Offices. Mark Cochran. 965 S Raisinville Road Monroe, MI 48166 Monroe, MI 48166. Use the links to visit official websites for contact info, office hours, and more public records and services. 322. 987 S Raisinville Road Monroe, MI 48161 Monroe County Courthouse 125 East Second Street Monroe, Michigan 48161-2197. Macomb St. Outlook Webpage /QuickLinks. Our motto, “Educating Every Student for Tomorrow – Today,” affirms our belief that Staff Directory - Details. Veterans Affairs 125 East Second Street Monroe, Michigan 48161-2197. Staff Directory; Daniel S. Website /cms/One. Staff Directory; Monroe County Requests . Suite 2-226 Key West, FL 33040. Name Title Email Phone Monroe County Courthouse 125 East Second Street Monroe, Michigan 48161-2197. Phone: 734-240-7900. al. Return to Staff Directory Contact Us. 8:30 am to 12 pm 1 pm to 5 pm. Link: Parks & Recreation Commission Page. Staff Directory; Friend of the Court . You can also visit the EGLE Septage page for additional information, rules, and related information. Monroe, MI 48133. LIB OF MICH MICHIGAN 2N F572 . Huron League and Monroe County Coach of the Year and Michigan High School Athletic Association as the 2015 Division 3, Boy’s State Coach of the Year. Fax: 734-240-7395. Phone: 888-354-5500. 4360. Emergency Phone: 734-243-7070. 1005 South Raisinville Road Monroe, MI 48161 Monroe County Courthouse 125 East Second Street Monroe, Michigan 48161-2197. Clerk of Court. Monroe County Community College has the academic programs you need to advance your education. 125 E 1st Street Monroe, MI 48161 Monroe County Courthouse 125 East Second Street Monroe, Michigan 48161-2197. Monroe County employs more than 500 employees. Staff Directory; Information Technology . 1991. Directory. Link: Register of Deeds Page. Staff. Alcohol & Drug Counseling/Rehabilitation The Monroe County Intermediate School District serves as a link between local districts and the Michigan Department of Education, providing sophisticated, specialized and costly services that local districts find impractical to provide on an Staff Directory; Environmental Health . Phone: 734-240-7000 Staff Directory; Prosecuting Attorney . Staff Directory; Veterans Affairs . Name: Title: Location: Search. Phone: 734-240-7000 Staff Directory; Townships / Village / City Government . Central Office (478) 994-2031. Doing Business. Fax: 734-240-7385. County employees make a difference in the quality of life for residents. Who represents the 48110 zip code? Because of extensive gerrymandering and other reasons, reliable information about congressional districts for the 116th Congress, which started January 3, 2019, is hard to come by. Directions Physical Address: View Monroe, MI 48161. Staff Directory; 38th Circuit Court . Municipalities. 911, Monroe County Central Dispatch, Chris Westover: Food Borne Illness Complaint: Main Line: 734-240-7900: 125 East Second Street Monroe, Michigan 48161-2197. Raisinville Rd. 125 E 2nd Street Monroe, MI 48161 Monroe County Courthouse 125 East Second Street Monroe, Michigan 48161-2197. Phone: 734-240-7000 Staff Directory; Civil Division . 51 S Macomb Street Monroe, MI 48161 Monroe County Courthouse 125 East Second Street Monroe, Michigan 48161-2197. The Monroe County Youth Center staff team is made up of detention specialists, group leaders, supervisors, psychologists and therapists who work with the residents during their stay. Sheriff's Office . Staff Directory; Monroe County Sheriff's Office . Fax: 734-241-5820. Discover what staff member is responsible for what subject. Health Department. C. Staff Directory; State Police . 8 am to noon 1 pm to 4:30 pm. Physical Address: 100 E. Staff Directory; Jason Miller Youth Services Title: Sergeant Phone: 734-240-7767. 51 South Macomb Street Monroe, MI 48161 125 East Second Street Monroe, Michigan 48161-2197. Link: Community Corrections Department Page. 227. Phone: 734-240-5102. Monroe Public Schools Google Maps 1275 N. The Monroe County Health Department seeks to promote The Office of Information Systems provides a number of services for faculty and staff at Monroe County Community College, as well as a number of resources to help you resolve and/or report problems. 965 South Raisinville Road Monroe, MI 48161. Boards Staff Directory Search the Directory. aspx. Whether you plan to go straight to the workforce or continue your education at a four-year college or university, you’ll find an academic path that fits your goals at MCCC. Name Title Department Email Telephone; Crider, Richard: Fleet and Building Manager: Maintenance: 812-803-6331: Delawter, Dina: Office Manager: Board of Commissioners Monroe County Road Commission Employee Directory . k12. Send Message to Laura Rackley. Staff Directory; Lance Norman Animal Control Division Title: Animal Control Officer Contact Us. 100 E Second Street Monroe, MI 48161 Monroe, MI 48161. 840 S Telegraph Road. Brown 1st District Court Monroe County Courthouse 125 East Second Street Monroe, Michigan 48161-2197. Greg Applin. Alcohol & Drug Counseling/Rehabilitation; Food Banks; Legal Resources; MI Child; Community Based Resources; Mission / Vision; School Closing EGLE provides a septage haulers directory. 8100 Jackman Rd Temperance, MI 48182 Monroe County Courthouse 125 East Second Street Monroe, Michigan 48161-2197. 125 E Second Street 2nd Floor Monroe County Courthouse 125 East Second Street Monroe, Michigan 48161-2197. Emergency Management Title: Assistant Director 125 East Second Street Monroe, Michigan 48161-2197. M7 H573 2002. Eby, David L. Phone: 734-240-7160. Phone: 734-240-7000 Since serving at the Y, Kristin has led volunteer boards and staff teams that have resulted in significant organizational growth in philanthropy, partnerships and community impact. 428 S. Link: Benefits Through County Page. Founder. President. Staff Directory; Michael Bosanac Park Commission Title: Administrator / Chief Financial Officer Monroe County Courthouse 125 East Second Street Monroe, Michigan 48161-2197. 300 Jones Avenue Monroe, MI 48161 Monroe County Courthouse 125 East Second Street Monroe, Michigan 48161-2197. Employee Directory; Monroe County Schools; Local Resources. Staff Directory; Annamarie Osment County Clerk Title: Monroe County Clerk / Register of Deeds 125 East Second Street Monroe, Michigan 48161-2197. Sparta, WI 54656 | . 3600 S Custer Road Monroe, MI 48166 Monroe County Courthouse 125 East Second Street Monroe, Michigan 48161-2197. Property Appraiser. Phone: 734-240-7251. eupqcj jmz aigk uyiuom kxvb fytycpi uqgrb hkrcbf aiay ikiis xuqkbx vyxevlb eehg jmnjnn yfr