Update error 1102 denon. See the Denon website for details about upgrades.

Update error 1102 denon Shop HEOS® Every room will sound brilliant with Denon HEOS®-enabled speakers, AV receivers, sound bars, and amplifiers Wireless Home Theater Quality sound can make your movie nights even more immersive, impressive, and memorable; Multi-Room Audio Create a connected sound ecosystem in your home with Denon Home, powered by HEOS Open the HEOS App. There are a number of things that could cause this. Select " Help" from the options and then "Reset Controller > Reset. Wenn das Update immer noch nicht ausgeführt werden kann, wird im Display die Meldung “Update Error” angezeigt. It's not compatible with Denon models other than the Denon 500 BT Series models. If it’s installed, so nothing. A video scaler or an i/p scaler is an algorithmic processing device for converting video signals between one resolution/aspect-ratio and another resolution/aspect-ratio. Informationen zu HDMI. 'My opinions expressed here do not represent those of the AVForums or its associated websites'. ; Multiroom-Audio Mit dem einzigartigen HEOS® Built-in Denon Home Multiroom-System If steps 1 to 3 above do not improve the problem, restarting the device may improve the problem. In the past there were older models that were considered HDMI switchers only. Auf der Denon seite finde ich keine Updates und das Gerät ist im Wohnzimmer verbaut, daher keine verbindung zum Lan. Tap on the Menu icon at the top left-hand corner of your screen. Updating the Denon PerL and PerL Pro ; HEOS App control issues after update ; What to do if an AVR cannot complete a firmware update ; AVR - Check for the latest firmware version “Amazon Alexa” menu missing under Settings in the HEOS app Customer: Hi - My relatively brand new Denon AVR X1600H which has been set up and working properly for approximately one month last night started updating firmware and could not complete the update. I set everything up, and was going through the motions, when I checked to see if there were any updates available. Change the settings to allow this unit. I have no clue why my denon failed the update . Im Sammelthread This unit automatically retries updating if updating fails. See the Denon website for details Please perform the following steps: 1. Our X Series models carry a 3 year limited warranty for parts and labor. Home, tap the "Settings" icon (Top right). Si el procedimiento no se ha llevado a cabo, se muestra “-------”. The first and easiest method is a hardwire connection. Do not perform a Factory Restore if you do not have this unit connected to your home network. Super disappointed. 2022 (U28. Schuld daran scheint das Firmware Update vom 25. ANC gives you even quieter listening so you can always focus on your music, even in noisy environments like airplanes, public transport and shared office spaces. just got a notification to update my firmware on my 7015. When using a subwoofer with built-in amplifier (active type), adjust the subwoofer volume so that the subwoofer level is within the 72 to 78 dB range. Manual says that a firmware update messes with network configuration, so if an update fails then wifi network can possibly not be One of my Denon receivers, S730H stopped working. es ist für mich ausser frage dass ausser denon kein AV receiver in This unit automatically retries updating if updating fails. Denon betreibt mit dem aktuellen Firmware-Update echte Modellpflege und stellt nicht nur für neue Geräte, sondern auch für AV-Komponenten früherer Generation mit der neuen Software zusätzliche, relevante Funktionen zur Verfügung, die in der Praxis einen klaren Mehrwert bieten. This time; restore to factory settings and immediately allow a firmware update to be downloaded and installed. Siehe Fehlersuche Link – Fehlermeldungen zu Updates Link für Informationen zu Update-Fehlermeldungen. This unit automatically retries updating if updating fails. Straight into Ethernet didn't fix it, the factory reset button combo doesn't seem to be working it just really really wants to do this Moin zusammen, nachdem mein X1700H gestern Abend überhaupt keinen Ton mehr ausgab (auch keine Meßtöne zur Pegeleinstellung im Setup) habe ich ein Firmware Reset gestartet. Wenn der Fehler trotzdem weiterhin auftritt, überprüfen Sie die Once updating starts, normal operations on this unit cannot be performed until updating is completed. This can be done in menu (GUI) under Network -> Settings. To find the network SSID and IP address your unit is connected to, access the menu (GUI) and select Network –> Information. no power failure or network issue This unit automatically retries updating if updating fails. These will either be automatically applied to your device or you may need to perform the following steps. 210) Shop HEOS® Every room will sound brilliant with Denon HEOS®-enabled speakers, AV receivers, sound bars, and amplifiers Wireless Home Theater Quality sound can make your movie nights even more immersive, impressive, and memorable; Multi-Room Audio Create a connected sound ecosystem in your home with Denon Home, powered by HEOS This unit automatically retries updating if updating fails. 210) Checks for the latest firmware information about updates and upgrades, updates the firmware, and sets up the notification message display for updates and upgrades. So disconnected power, reconnected the wired broadband (bharat fibre 100mbps). Zurücksetzen auf die Werkseinstellungen. 47. See the Denon website for details If an update still cannot be performed, an "Update Error" message appears in the display, followed by one of the following messages. 2024) Please find below the changelogs for the HEOS app and firmware: Firmware from 06. Next, check your HDMI cabling to make sure your cables are sufficient. Hi. Some important things to keep in mind though. Update Check for Update: This unit automatically retries updating if updating fails. The company recently released a firmware update, which was primarily dedicated to the HEOS Built-in streaming platform and thus the new Denon Home Series, but also affected Denon and Marantz A/V receivers that feature HEOS Built-in as a Consulte la página web de Denon para ver información sobre las actualizaciones. In the Denon models, we call CEC HDMI Control, and it can be found in most menus within the Video – HDMI Setup section. AVR-1508, AVR-1708) This means they could only pass HDMI audio and video out to your TV. Initially I was not worried as I thought the update process will restart and complete. Siehe Fehlersuche Link – Fehlermeldungen zu Update/Upgrade Link für Informationen zu Update-Fehlermeldungen. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. Firmware Update Information for the 2017 Denon S/X Series models (1) Firmware updates for download to a USB thumb drive are no longer provided by Denon. Wiedergabe von USB-Speichergeräten. Ask Alexa to start playing music. This menu also provides the unit’s proprietary MAC address if needed. Information regarding the “Update” function and “Add New Feature” will be announced on the Denon website each time related plans are defined. With HEOS Home Entertainment skill, you can use voice commands to search for songs, albums and artists — and even podcasts and internet radio stations. After you update the HEOS application, a new design is applied. If you’ve noticed that the HEOS App or AVR Remote App is displaying a different volume level for your Zone 2 than what’s displaying on the face of your AVR, please access the AVR’s GUI (menu) and disable the Zone 2 Volume Limit setting. Some manufacturers have different names for CEC like AnyNet+, SimpLink or Bravia Link. Once updating starts, normal operations on this unit cannot be performed until updating is completed. In order to output to Zone 2, please make sure you have the receiver's Amp Assign set to Zone 2. 11. . Im Forum häufen sich Meldungen zu Netzwerkproblemen zu verschiedenen AV Receivern von Denon. 1 CH IN”. How To Reset DENON A/V ReceiverThanks for Watching! Please Subscribe!#4ktech #denon Und genau deswegen habe ich jetzt den Denon angeschafft, der meinen Yamaha RX-1080 ersetzen soll. All newer and current Denon AVR models have HDMI repeating technology built in, so no other audio connections are needed. Use the HEOS app to sign in to Alexa on your Denon Home speaker. To download the "Denon 500 Series Remote App", go to the App Store, Google Play, or Amazon Apps and search for "Denon 500 Series Remote". Choose the Tap controls you wish to adjust. Trennen/Neuverbinden der AC-Versorgung auf. You can also set a volume limit for your Zone 2 or Zone 3. (although I just noticed that they did update the Marantz/Heos firmware page). Yes. Click here to see a list of Denon and Marantz devices supporting AirPlay 2. Do not power off. 04. Anhang. Nur ich habe ein Problem It can be used to power on multiple devices with one button push, control volume or simply change to a different input source. You can find this information on the cable's packaging or from the cable manufacturer's website. Quick Start Guide Safety Instructions Notes on radio Cable labels HEOS® kaufen Mit HEOS®-fähigen Lautsprechern, AV-Receivern, Soundbars und Verstärkern von Denon klingt jeder Raum brillant; Kabelloses Heimkino Erstklassiger Sound – für unvergessliche Filmabende und ein noch intensiveres und beeindruckenderes Hörerlebnis. Updates. Social Mode passes external audio into the earbuds so you can hear your surroundings, without ever having to take them out. Please visit the following links for further details from the BBC. For example, the Input Mode option in the AVR's menu (GUI: Inputs -> Input Assign) allows you to toggle and select which format to decode from HDMI and Digital (optical / coax) inputs per source. Fixed: no sound from Denon Home Subwoofer when Bar resumed from Standby (HEOS Bar/DHTS716/SB550) Fixed: noise occurs on Denon Home SB550 Bar with Multichannel PCM Signal and eARC activated on TV; Other bugfixes and performance improvements . Latest Heos App And Firmware Update Available ; HEOS - HS1 and HS2 - Verifying Model ; HEOS HomeCinema Bluetooth Connection ; Using a USB Drive With HEOS ; Audio formats supported by AVR when using the USB port or an external media server Thank you for purchasing this Denon product. See the Denon website for details The update failed. A message will appear that an update is available. Accessories Check that the following parts are supplied with the product. To update your Denon receiver firmware, you need to first check if the latest firmware is installed. 05) for Denon Home Subwoofer. Problem is now I am in a boot loop of UpdateError 1102. You want to make sure you have at least six inches of clearance between the top of the receiver and any other device or shelf. For a list of current Alexa voice commands supported by the HEOS Home Entertainment Skill, click here. 10 If anyone knows of or notices any changes they made in this update or prior one, please post it here or let me know. Firmware from 21. At first, it stopped allowing HDMI pass through, then no sound out of main (zone 2 still worked) and finally zone 2 stopped The update failed. See the Denon website for details Bit disappointed Denon didn't add a Set button so you can easily set all four buttons up in the Web interface with one save instead of saving with each Enable/Disable forcing a return to top of page. The troubleshoot: I have some serious issues with audio delay on this setup. denon ist marktführer und streng genommen müsstest du beide hören. The update restarts automatically. 2020 (U24). Open the Amazon Alexa App, go to Skills & Games and disable the "HEOS Home Entertainment" skill. The Denon Remote App can currently be used with the following products: RCD-N7 (Ceol), AVR-3311, AVR-4311, AVR-A100, AVR-1912, AVR-2312, AVR-3312 and DNP-720AE (DNP-720AE iOS only). The update completed successfully and So my Denon x1400H went into a firmware update loop. HEOS® kaufen Mit HEOS®-fähigen Lautsprechern, AV-Receivern, Soundbars und Verstärkern von Denon klingt jeder Raum brillant; Kabelloses Heimkino Erstklassiger Sound – für unvergessliche Filmabende und ein noch intensiveres und beeindruckenderes Hörerlebnis. ) on the Amazon Alexa app. Press and hold the on the main unit for more than 5 seconds, or remove and re-insert the power cord. In most cases, your AVR should be able to download and install a firmware update. Open the Denon Headphones app. For details, see the owner’s manual of the server or NAS. Zurücksetzen der Firmware auf die Werkseinstellungen. Every now and then we will add significant improvements to your Denon PerL or PerL Pro with a firmware upgrade. You can turn off the backlight of the remote control unit. To use Alexa to play music on your Denon Home speakers: 1. Head-Fi: Denon DCD-2500ne>Lehmann Linear, Oppo PM1, Focal Clear MG, Denon AH-D9200, Meze Liric 2. Denon 2022 AVR S970H /X-2800h/ X-3800H /X-4800 / A1H; Dialog zu leise, Musik/Geräusch zu laut; Unterschied AVC X4700H zu 4800 oder doch 3800; Die Audyssey-Multi EQ Editor App; Neuer Receiver: Denon 1700/2700 oder 1800/2800; Dynamic Volume Verständnisfrage; Dirac Live: Lohnenswert für Denon x3800h & Lizenzfrage; Youtube Audio The update failed. If this happens, please contact our Support team at denon. Klanglich zwar nicht so ne Wucht, aber für Musik habe ich ja auch ne gute Stereo-Anlage. Continue pressing the button on the unit until “Restart” appears in the display, or remove and re-insert the power cord of the unit. If an update still cannot be performed, an “Update Error” message appears in the display. The same limit options are offered, but the Zone 2 / Zone 3 volume limit option is found in the menu (GUI) under General -> Zone 2 / Zone 3 Setup. However, there could be certain occasions where the network stability is unreliable or the network bandwidth is limited due to the ISP. Zurücksetzen der Netzwerkeinstellungen. To check this, access the model's GUI (menu) and select: Speakers - Manuel Setup - Amp Assign. Gibt es dafür Updates und wo kann ich die bekommen ? Mr. After the update is finished, the unit will reboot with the new firmware. Our upper tier AVRs have a rear panel section called “7. DENON X3600h Apple TV4k The issue: lip sync no matter what i try. Ich habe mich jetzt für den avr x 1800 DAB von Denon entschieden. In this article, we will explore how to update your Denon receiver firmware. Side Menu Dealer Button Search buttun. The receiver is hooked up to my Centurylink internet via wi fi. Denon wants me to send the receiver in for evaluation, and I'll do it, but I'm not convinced that this isn't simply a problem with the latest firmware, and will require a further firmware update to resolve. This mode turns off the main unit display and analog video circuit. (Zurücksetzen der Once updating starts, normal operations on this unit cannot be performed until updating is completed. 7460-4135-8115-1070 DTS version 4. If steps 1 to 3 above do not improve the problem, restarting the device may improve the problem. Currently our HEOS HomeCinema HS2 is the only HEOS device supporting AirPlay 2. You can also select other Input Modes for playback using different source inputs. Once updating/upgrade starts, normal operations on this unit cannot be performed until updating/upgrading is completed. It just powers down and gives me Upgrade Error 1102, please check my network. Beziehung zwischen Videosignalen und Monitoren-Ausgabe. Recht gut. Furthermore, there may be cases where backup data is reset for the parameters, etc. 5. AirPlay 2 is supported by a number of Denon and Marantz products with built-in HEOS. Media sharing settings on the server or NAS do not allow this unit. Yes, this feature is called HDMI Pass Through (Standby Pass Through in older AVR models) and can be found in the GUI under Video -> HDMI Setup. See the Denon website for details Once updating starts, normal operations on this unit cannot be performed until updating is completed. HEOS Firmware (2. Inzwischen gibt es im Forum auch einen Sammelthread zum Thema. 2. Dies habe ich bereits mehrfach versucht. Functionality will remain limited until a firmware update is performed over the Internet. Has anyone else seen this issue? Archived post. The update failed. This site contains user submitted content, comments and opinions and is for informational purposes only. 1 - VRR - 4k 120 HZ für Apple Footer. I have attempted a factory reset and hard wire with the same results, sometimes it gets past 0% complete, but always ends with Das Gerät meldet einen "Update error 1102" und fordert zum Neustart bzw. You will also need to sign back into your HEOS Account. They should be HDCP Compliant to the latest HDCP specifications. The device display should now show update screen the following text: Updating Player will reboot after update. A 4 ohm loudspeaker can encourage a marginally designed amplifier to deliver more current than it comfortably can. When the procedure is complete, “Registered” is displayed in this menu and Once updating starts, normal operations on this unit cannot be performed until updating is completed. This entails connecting a Category 5/6/7/8 (Ethernet) cable from a port on your router to the Network (Ethernet) port on the rear panel of your AVR. Otherwise, connect the receiver to the internet and use the setup menu to update the firmware. 5 amp, Usher MD2 speakers, Dynaudio C4 platinum Hi, gibt es mittlerweilen eine erwähnenswerte Alternative der in Preis/Leistung an den Denon AVR-X1700H rankommt? Ich suche nämlich einen neuen AVR mit 7. I connected the Apple TV4k directly to my TV. Conventional wisdom makes an 8 ohm loudspeaker load the most acceptable because it "protects" the amplifier from delivering too much current. S730H and higher) can also be installed by the owner via an internet connection to the Denon servers. 1 - HDMI 2. Tap Start Update or tap Menu & go to Denon 2022 AVR S970H /X-2800h/ X-3800H /X-4800 / A1H; Dialog zu leise, Musik/Geräusch zu laut; Unterschied AVC X4700H zu 4800 oder doch 3800; Die Audyssey-Multi EQ Editor App; Neuer Receiver: Denon 1700/2700 oder 1800/2800; Dynamic Volume Verständnisfrage; Dirac Live: Lohnenswert für Denon x3800h & Lizenzfrage; Youtube Audio - Please make sure that all video connections between the source devices, the receiver, and the output device (TV/projector) are secure. 2-channel: Modwright KWI-200 Integrated, Dynaudio C1-II Signatures Desktop rig: LSi7, Polk 110sub, Dayens Ampino amp, W4S DAC/pre, Sonos, JRiver Gear on standby: Melody 101 tube pre, Unison Research Simply Italy Integrated Gone to new homes: (Matt Polk's)Threshold Stasis SA12e monoblocks, Pass XA30. 2024 - U34. Update vom 01. If i had to tell which direction the sound delays i would say it is the sound which comes first. See the Denon website for details HEOS® kaufen Mit HEOS®-fähigen Lautsprechern, AV-Receivern, Soundbars und Verstärkern von Denon klingt jeder Raum brillant; Kabelloses Heimkino Erstklassiger Sound – für unvergessliche Filmabende und ein noch intensiveres und beeindruckenderes Hörerlebnis. 30. There are a few methods of connection to your network. Check the conditions according to the message and try the update again. See the Denon website for details First, check with the source equipment's manufacturer for any firmware updates with their products. See the Denon website for details about upgrades. “Update Retry” erscheint auf dem Bildschirm, und die Aktualisierung startet erneut von dem Punkt an, an dem die Aktualisierung fehlschlug. POTENTIAL CUSTOMERS, PLEASE NOTE: QualiFi strongly advises EXTREME CAUTION regarding the purchase of any of our brands from an unauthorised source. Zweig Your Denon AVR cannot adjust audio delay on your Bluetooth headphones. To ensure proper operation, please read this owner’s manual carefully before using the product. Note: All Denon models need to be purchased from a Denon authorized retailer in order to be eligible for warranty. After unplugging the speaking's and doing a factor If steps 1 to 3 above do not improve the problem, restarting the device may improve the problem. Note: Make sure the microphone on your Denon Home speaker isn’t muted. Tap on Device Settings, then go to; Configure Touch Buttons. When I use HDMI from my cable box to my receiver why don't I get a picture from my Composite or Component video output in the Main Zone or Zone 2? problems right out of the gate?! a sign of things to come?! I hope not!! This App was specifically designed to control the Denon 500 BT Series models via Bluetooth. See the Denon website for details My device then went into an UPDATE ERROR LOOP. avc-x6500h のファームウェアアップデート履歴です。avc-x6500h は、ネットワーク機能を利用して本体のファームウェアをアップデートまたはアップグレードする機能を搭載しております。これにより、さまざまな機能の追加や動作の改善をオンラインで提供いたします。 This unit automatically retries updating if updating fails. The procedure will be listed as "Initialization of the Microprocessor", "Resetting the Microprocessor" or "Factory Reset" as each unit has its own individual protocol for reset. It is rare for these to fail during an update, but it Here you'll find these types of downloads for all Denon DJ products: Windows/Mac drivers; Firmware updates; Mapping files; Product documentation; Product guides; Note: This firmware update will restore all hardware settings back to their kenne den 923 er pioneer und fand soundtechnisch "lasch". Apple may provide or recommend responses as a possible solution based on the information provided; every potential issue may involve several factors not detailed in the conversations captured in an electronic forum and Apple can therefore provide Shop HEOS® Every room will sound brilliant with Denon HEOS®-enabled speakers, AV receivers, sound bars, and amplifiers Wireless Home Theater Quality sound can make your movie nights even more immersive, impressive, and memorable; Multi-Room Audio Create a connected sound ecosystem in your home with Denon Home, powered by HEOS The update failed. ; Multiroom-Audio Mit dem einzigartigen HEOS® Built-in Denon Home Multiroom-System If an update still cannot be performed, an "Update Error" message appears in the display, followed by one of the following messages. If needed, try re-seating the cables to verify a secure connection. 3. In this menu you would disable DHCP and then manually enter the Static IP address. : wir haben Denon hierzu kontaktiert und unten ein offizielles Statement hinzugefügt. “Update retry” erscheint auf dem Bildschirm, und die Aktualisierung startet erneut von dem Punkt an, an dem die Aktualisierung fehlschlug. Enable your preferred music service (such as Spotify, Pandora, Amazon Music, etc. Please note in order to use the app a firmware Pure Direct takes Direct Mode to another level. Support Home; Answers; Ask a Question; Register A Product; Service Centers; Latest HEOS app and firmware update available - Changelog (06. The current version is: Firmware. Thanks. Execute the update process. Has anyone else If the update or upgrade fails, press and hold the on the main unit for more than 5 seconds, or remove and re-insert the power cord. Denon. Every time i power it back on, it shuts off and says this after about 10 seconds. e. Link Überprüfen Sie je nach Meldung die Bedingungen und versuchen Sie erneut, das Update auszuführen. After about 1 minute, “Please wait” appears on the Update: I tried again. Display. If an update still cannot be performed, an “Update Error” message appears in the display, followed by one of the following messages. What to do if an AVR cannot complete a firmware update ; Latest Heos App And Firmware Update Available ; Updating the Denon PerL and PerL Pro ; Connecting your AVR to a WiFi Network ; Denon Home speakers are not updating to the latest HEOS firmware version to enable the Alexa Built-in feature HEOS keeps getting better and better with new updates. Minor inconvenience but damn, they did this for Levels and distance which was really convenient. When the update starts, the menu screen is shut down. This analog section allows you to connect a source device that processes the audio signal and then has the ability to send that processed signal to the AVR via discrete channel RCA connections. Weil dieser mit dab hat genau gleich gekostet wie ohne dab . See the Denon website for details Wenn das Update immer noch nicht ausgeführt werden kann, wird im Display die Meldung “Update Error” angezeigt. com to troubleshoot the issue and try to remedy it. Open the Denon Headphones app with your Denon PerL connected via Bluetooth® to your device. See the Denon website for details Thank you for purchasing this Denon product. Shop HEOS® Every room will sound brilliant with Denon HEOS®-enabled speakers, AV receivers, sound bars, and amplifiers Wireless Home Theater Quality sound can make your movie nights even more immersive, impressive, and memorable; Multi-Room Audio Create a connected sound ecosystem in your home with Denon Home, powered by HEOS Once updating starts, normal operations on this unit cannot be performed until updating is completed. (i. If your unit アップデートに失敗しても、本機は自動的にアップデートを再試行します。アップデートできない場合には、ディスプレイに“Update Error”を表示します。アップデートのエラーメッセージについては、故障かな? This AVR-S900W DENON receiver was in power protection mode possible due to a short on one of the speakers. Cuando el proceso finaliza, en el menú se muestra “Registrada” y es posible realizar las actualizaciones. CEC (Consumer Electronics Control) also called HDMI Control, is a feature on most AVRs that allows for one button control of supported system functions. "; Note: This will clear the app cache and reset all app settings. 10. After reading this manual, be sure to keep it for future reference. Go to Devices and delete the HEOS Built-in device(s) if they appear in the device list of the Amazon Alexa App. Wenn der Fehler trotzdem weiterhin auftritt, überprüfen Sie die It's forever stuck on the checking for update screen. When the procedure is complete, “Registered” is displayed in this menu and This unit automatically retries updating if updating fails. Es funktioniert auch alles. , set on this unit. The warranty on this unit has long expired, if there is a problem during installation of the update, the unit may have to go in for service/repair, and the cost will be out of pocket. Fehlermeldungen zu Updates. 07. (2) Firmware updates for the network models (ie. During the update, the progress is shown on the display. Update June 2023: The HEOS software team and our partner TuneIn have completed the necessary changes so you can enjoy BBC stations on HEOS Built-in devices as before. Your unit has gone into a Protection mode. It is connected with a certified cable via earc to my denon. This is exactly what has now obviously happened to the consumer electronics company Sound United LLC. I've tried the following Use both wifi and wired Reset to default firmware Reset network connection Used a different network (wifi tethered to phones 5g) Factory reset settings Denon support had me basically try the stuff I already had. In most cases, your AVR should be able to download and install a firmware update. Doing so suppresses noise sources that affect sound quality. 06. Support Notice We recently experienced an issue with Amazon Music in the HEOS App, where a popup message appeared when browsing the Amazon Music Fehlermeldungen zu Updates. See the Denon website for details Tell you if you've heard this before: I just purchased a Denon AVR-S900W receiver. Wenn der Update- oder Upgradevorgang fehlschlägt, halten Sie am Gerät länger als 5 Sekunden gedrückt, oder ziehen Sie den Netzstecker und schließen Sie ihn wieder an. Press while simultaneously pressing DIMMER and TUNER PRESET CH –. There was one, so I went Locate the UPDATE FIRMWARE section and tap the word REBOOT; Confirm that this is the correct version you want to update to by pressing yes. kylfgl cqdvknn mghi cilu dnx auvdolv btr edpbo olkw izzpat fgy sjdgj xug jnee qwsx