Zhiyog recruitment system 2024 login 1. Additional Documents required; l. ERRHM/PER-01/2024-2025 Vacancy Announcement Date:25/10/2024 For more details, please login to Zhiyog Recruitment System (ZRS) at https//jobs. This system Dzongkhag Administration, Paro is pleased to announce the vacancy for the post of Caretaker at Pangbisa and Doteng BHU. Filter Condition: The Dzongkhag Administration is pleased to announce the vacancy for the post of a Gardener as detailed in the attachment below. bt Principal# 77104978 Visit our Facebook page Norbugang Pry. 3 of the BCSR 2023, can apply through the Zhiyog Recruitment System (ZRS) using the link https://jobs. 2025. Adm. norbugangps@education. txt) or read online for free. bt The Dzongkhag Administration wangdue is pleased to announce the vacancies for the post of ECCD Facilitators as given below' To this effect, the interested and eligible Bhutanese citizen above the age of 18 and below 40 years can submit the application along with the Mandatory documents on or before 27/10/2024, via online zhiyog Recruitment System (ZRS) News & Events. For details, please contact HRS, ACC at དར་དཀར་རྫོང་ཁག་བདག་སྐྱོང་། དར་དཀར་ན། བརྒྱུད་འཕྲིན་ཨང༔ ༠༦ Dzongkhag Administration , Sarpang is pleased to announce the following vacancies consolidated contract for two years. Report abuse The Royal Civil Service Commission is pleased to announce the following vacancies in the Professional & Management Category to be selected through the Bhutan Civil Service Examination 2023: The Royal Civil Service Commission is pleased to declare the result of the Main Exams (ME) of the Bhutan Civil Service Examination (BCSE) 2023. Preference will be given to applicants with relevant training in the field and Interested eligible candidates as per Sections 4. Interested individuals may apply in Zhiyog Recruitment System from the given link below: Open Bhutan NDI on your phone; Tap the Scan button located on the menu bar and capture code The Dzongkhag Administration, Punakha is pleased to re-announce the vacancies on consolidated contract for various post. bt on or before VACANCY ANNOUNCEMENT October 26, 2024 Leave a comment mrrhwebmaster The Eastern Regional Referral Hospital, Monggar is pleased to announce for the various post on regular/contract appointment as detailed below. You switched accounts on another tab or window. Ed/PGDE/Degree marks sheets (Sl No. Further, in order to provide these services seamlessly, the Zhiyog Recruitment System (https://jobs. Vacancy Detail Information Vacancy Title: Working Agency: Department/Division/Section: Position Title: Terms of Reference Field: Position Level: E-Recruitment | Rwanda Recruitment Portal apply through https://jobs. service (superstructure) may apply through Zhiyog Recruitment System (https://jobs. bt during office hours. bt/ from 18th Therefore, interested applicants fulfilling the eligibility criteria may apply online using "Zhiyog Recruitment System" via link https://jobs. Therefore, interested applicants aged between 18 to 45 years fulfilling the eligibility criteria may apply online using “Zhiyog Recruitment System” via link https://jobs. Comic Strip Competition Result Announcement. HOME; ABOUT US. Copy of Security Clearance. We expect the work to be completed by 22:00 on Tuesday 4th March 2025. Have clean Interested eligible candidates can apply through the RCSC’s Zhiyog Recruitment System by 31 March 2024 (Vacancy Announcement | ZRS (rcsc. Join us in our mission to make a difference! Apply today and be part of a dynamic team dedicated to positive change. bt/ latest by 19th July 2024. Overview of the Ministry. © 2025 - RCSC, Thimphu, Bhutan OK Cancel The Dzongkhag administration Sarpang is please to announce the following vacancies on consolidated contract. gov. rcsc. Therefore, interested candidates may kindly visit Zhiyog Recruitment System(ZRS) for more details via given link and apply for the post latest by 22nd August 2022. CLICK HERE TO APPLY Note*: For Notification on Annual Asset Declaration for the Income Year 2024. 2. Login with Bhutan NDI, and ii. To get a list of available Dzongkhag Administration, Paro is pleased to announce vacancies for Store Asst and Lab Asst. f. bt / ddema@mfa. Make smarter and more effective hiring decisions with Greenhouse. bt/login/LoginCENSUS from All applicants are advised to apply through the Zhiyog Recruitment System (ZRS) with the given link for each post. © 2025 - RCSC, Thimphu, Bhutan OK Cancel. Therefore, interested applicants Launch of the Zhiyog Electronic System (ZESt) Further many lengthy HR processes, like the recruitment which took a minimum of 20 minutes to fill the information and data could be lost if the process was not completed in a sitting, can now be done in 5 minutes. Therefore, interested applicants (18-50 years old) fulfilling the eligibility criteria may apply through the Zhiyog Recruitment https://jobs. several HR functions pertaining to recruitment and selection, to the Agencies. Background; Foreign Policy of the Kingdom of Bhutan This will ensure the HR services across the agencies to compile the correct list of civil servants eligible for the January 2021 Promotion. Eligible candidates can apply through the Zhiyog Recruitment System: https://jobs. 3. Therefore, interested applicants (aged between 18 and 50 years ) fulfilling the eligibility criteria may apply online using "Zhiyog Recruitment System" via link 𝘨𝘪𝘷𝘦𝘯 𝘣𝘦𝘭𝘰𝘸 from 20th April 2023 till 4th May 2023. However, registering your CV and/or receipt and acknowledgement of any kind by the City of Tshwane, shall not be an indication that your Document Management System(DMS) Zhiyog Recruitment System(ZRS) Google Apps Mail; HR Online Forum; Links to other website; Governing Acts & Rules. Vacancy Detail Information Vacancy Title: Working Agency: Department/Division/Section: Position Title: Terms of Reference Field: Position Level: Interested in-service civil servants who meet the eligibility as per Chapter 14 of the BCSR 2018 can apply through the Zhiyog Recruitment System (jobs. bt Login; Vacancy Announcement Detail. rscs. Open Bhutan NDI on your phone; Tap the Scan button located on the menu bar and capture code The -applicants shall submit following documents specified in Zhiyog Recruitment System. Eligible Bhutanese candidates (aged between 18 to 45 years) fulfilling the criteria may apply using “Zhiyog Recruitment System” via link https://jobs. April 2018 (6) May 2018 (8) June 2018 (29) July 2018 (21) August Interested eligible candidates can apply through the Zhiyog Recruitment System (jobs. Asst. Namgyel says Act East Policy and GMC will boost Bhutan-India connectivity and trade February 27, 2025 Tshering Zam; Thimphu District Court convicts 16 individuals for operating mule accounts February 27, 2025 Tshering Zam; The Dzongkhag Administration, Dagana is pleased to invite interested candidates to apply for the following vacant posts to be appointed on consolidated contract. bt/) latest by May 20, 2023. Maintain up-to-date information in Zhiyog Electronic System (ZESt), Personal File and Service Book. Cleaner - 2 click The Royal Civil Service Commission is pleased to announce the day-wise schedule for the viva voce. It lists 8 steps to follow, including creating an account, verifying your email, reviewing eligibility requirements, filling out an online application form, and attaching In exercise of the powers conferred by Chapter XI, Section 87 of the Civil Service Act of Bhutan 2010, the Royal Civil. The Dzongkhag Administration is pleased to announce #Household Number:- Check behind your CID card or Get from Bhutan NDI App or get from census via: https://www. Contact us via st. Any documents in hard copy within or after DZONGKHAG ADMINISTRATION, MONGAR. * The Share button should be tapped. bt fromApril 17-May 01,2023: 1. You signed out in another tab or window. Interested candidates with an age limit of 18-45 may apply through the following links (Zhiyog Recruitment System) on or before April 21, 2023: The RCSC is pleased to announce that SCP Training Schedule for 2015-16 is now available on SCP website at www. Page updated. Copy of Medical Fitness. bt. ChiefHRO . To. (One year/Six months) Copy of Academic Transcript/ Bachelor mark sheet (Teachers) Copy of Academic Transcript / Class-VIII Passed (Ward Girl/Driver) Dzongkhag Administration, Paro is pleased to announce the Vacancy for ECCDF. bt and apply NDI App verification failed. Criteria for shortlisting and selection will be announced via ZRS. 27th February 2024 to 8th March 2024. Recruitment in Engineering and Geoscience Disciplines at E1 level through Computer Based Test (CBT)-Advt. bt), an IT based system, has also been developed. School . For more details, please login to Zhiyog Recruitment System(ZRS) at https://jobs. sg. Postal code: 43001. Therefore, the interested and eligible candidates as per the BCSR 2012 are asked to refer and apply accordingly. bt available on RCSC website. All applicants are advised to apply through the Zhiyog Recruitment System (ZRS) with the given link for each post. Civil Service Reform Act of Bhutan 2022; BCSR 2018(Dzongkha) BCSR 2018(English) Civil Service Act of Bhutan Great hiring at every step. Store Assistant 2. Trashi Yangtse PABX:(+975) 04781109 FAX:(+975) 04781109 Hr Office:(+975) 04781102 Dzongdag PA:(+975) 04781219 Open Bhutan NDI on your phone; Tap the Scan button located on the menu bar and capture code With the commencement of 2024/2025 NCS recruitment exercise, applications are invited from qualified candidates for the various vacant positions in the Superintendent, Inspector, and Customs Assistant Cadres. Selected applicants will be eligible for a Professional Allowance of 45% of the basic pay. Interested candidates with an age limit of 18-45 may apply through the following links (Zhiyog Recruitment System) on or before April 21, 2023: The Dzongkhag Administration, Monggar is pleased to announce vacancies for various posts to be appointed from 15th September 2024. To apply, please submit application through the Zhiyog recruitment system. bt) on or before 20 February 2024. Receive Credential). This vacancy is as per the approval of 12th HRMC held on 17th October, 2024. Selection Result Announcement. For more information please visit the online portal at https://jobs. bt/ 6 Customs Inspector 1 01/03/2024 The interested candidates fulfilling the eligibility criteria given below may submit their application through Zhiyog Recruitment System (ZRS) via linkwww. of staff` : Information Systems Zhiyog Electronic System(ZESt) Managing for Excellence System(MAX) Document Management System(DMS) Zhiyog Recruitment System(ZRS) Google Apps Mail; HR Online Forum; Links to other website; Governing Acts & Rules. It is a web-based system to enhance human Annul Framework Contract 2024-2025. 3 and 4. 3 of the BCSR 2023 can apply through the Zhiyog Recruitment System (ZRS) using the link: 2024. Commemorating the 40th Birthday of His Majesty The King, the Royal Civil Service Commission (RCSC) launched Zhiyog Electronic System (ZESt) for the Civil Service. Interested candidates can apply for the post through the Zhiyog Recruitment System (ZRS). Office Equipments(FY 2024-25) Stationaries(FY 2024-2025) Vehicle Tyre ( FY2024-2025) Hiring Vehicle(FY 2024-2025) Interested Bhutanese citizen aged between 18-50 years may apply through Zhiyog Recruitment System along with the following documents: The Dzongkhag Administration, Sarpang is pleases to announce vacancies for the following posts. This document provides instructions for applying for jobs with the Uganda National Population and Housing Census 2024. The Royal Civil Service Commission is pleased to announce the following vacancies in the Professional & Management Category to be selected through the Bhutan Civil Service Examination 2024: Administration Service, Finance Service & Technical Service (Legal Service) Zhiyog Recruitment System | ZRS; Managing for Excellence (Max) Education-EMIS Portal Policy Discipline Guidelines Revised School Policy . We are pleased to announce the results of the selection interview held on 19 November 2024 for the post of Surveyor I (S2A) at the National Land Commission Secretariat. Therefore, interested applicants (aged between 18 and 50 years ) fulfilling the eligibility criteria may apply online using "Zhiyog Recruitment System" via link 𝘨𝘪𝘷𝘦𝘯 𝘣𝘦𝘭𝘰𝘸 from 10th October till 21st October 2022. 011 689 5000 E-Recruitment@gauteng. For any quarries, please contact HRS at 17603852 / 17925151 or email schoki@mfa. Selected applicants will be eligible for a Professional Allowance of 45% of the basic pay and contract allowance as The Dzongkhag Administration, Punakha is pleased to announce vacancies on consolidated contract for various posts to be appointed from 15th October 2022. Therefore, interested applicants (aged between 18 and 50 years ) fulfilling the eligibility criteria may apply online using "Zhiyog Recruitment System" via link 𝘨𝘪𝘷𝘦𝘯 𝘣𝘦𝘭𝘰𝘸 from 26th December 2022 till 9th January 2023. System maintenance. bt) For clarifications, please contact HR Services, Support Services & International Relations Division, RAA at 02-322111 (Ext-7045/7046/7047) during office hours. Pagination Page 1 Advertisement for engaging Mentors for Interns of Prime Minister Internship Scheme (PMIS) 2024-25. bt/ from 18th June 2024. 1/2025 (R&P) 10 Jan, 2025 Automating most of our placement processes through Superset has made our office very productive. User name. bt; Registered candidates shall be provided with information on the venue, date and time of the Preliminary Examination. Selected applicants will be either placed in the Head Office (Thimphu Coinciding with the 40th Birth Anniversary of His Majesty the Fifth Druk Gyalpo, a new web-based online human resource management system for the civil service – the Zhiyog Electronic System (ZESt) is being launched. . Read more Dzongkhag Administration, Paro is pleased to announce the Vacancy for ECCDF. Selection Result Announcement Interested eligible candidates as per Section 4. If you are shortlisted, please report to the Dzongkhag zes | Search Results | Royal Civil Service Commission You signed in with another tab or window. 27 February 2024. Selected applicants for the Department of Investigation will be eligible for a Professional Allowance of 45% of the basic pay and selected applicant for the Department of Prevention and Education shall be eligible for a © 2025 - RCSC, Thimphu, Bhutan OK Cancel. Service Commission during its 210 th Commission Meeting held on 12 December 2023 approved the Bhutan Civil Service Rules Dzongkhag Administration, Paro would like to announce vacancies for various posts on consolidated contracts. Caretaker - 5 click here and click here for details 2. jobs. bt/ System on or before 9th September 2024. For details visit Zhiyog Recruitment System via following links. citizenservices. ICT Teacher on Consolidated Contract for the term of two academic years. (Tenzin Phuntsho) HR Officer Hmrgn Res<niroe Wangdue 1. Keeping with the tradition of transparent and effective recruitment system, online examination has been introduced from August 2015. March 12, 2024 March 27, 2024 Announcements The Anti-Corruption Commission is pleased to announce that the selection result for the position have been announced on the Zhiyog Recruitment System (ZRS). Caretaker 6. Zhiyog Electronic Systems (ZESt) Archive. You may need mobile scan to assist with your attachments. bt) by January 25, 2024. The trac. bt) before 23’d July 2024. Office copy Telephone # HR Officer: 02481896, Fax # 02481380 We use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website. Therefore, interested applicants aged between 18 - 50 years fulfilling the eligibility criteria may apply online using the "Zhiyog Recruitment System" link https://jobs. During this time period it will not be possible to browse jobs The dzongkhag Administration, Punakha is pleased to announce the following vacancies to be recruited for 36 months, from 1st October 2024 till 30th September 2027. The CV can view viewed by the Self Service Provided in Zhiyog Electronic System log-in instruction provided on the log-in page. Advertisement for position of Junior/Associate Consultant-MRO at ONGC Mumbai. Selected applicants will be eligible for a Professional Allowance of 45% of the basic pay and contract allowance as Enumerators Recruitment for Data Collection. To improve teacher performance outcome. Total Views: Zhiyog Recruitment System | ZRS. For details Read More The Dzongkhag Administration wangdue is pleased to announce the vacancies for the post of ECCD Facilitators as given below' To this effect, the interested and eligible Bhutanese citizen above the age of 18 and below 40 years can submit the application along with the Mandatory documents on or before 27/10/2024, via online zhiyog Recruitment System (ZRS) available on VACANCY ANNOUNCEMENT The Royal Audit Authority is pleased to announce the following vacancies for recruitment. The Dzongkhag Administration, Punakha is pleased to announce the vacancies on consolidated contract for various post. Job Hai recruitment portal - get recruitment solution from Job Hai to hire right and bright candidates. Therefore, interested applicants (aged between 18 and 50 years ) fulfilling the eligibility criteria may apply online using "Zhiyog Vacancy Announcement for Survey Engineer on consolidated contract for 3 years. bt by November 10, 2024. Filter Condition: October 26, 2024 Leave a comment mrrhwebmaster The Eastern Regional Referral Hospital, Monggar is pleased to announce for the various post on regular/contract appointment as detailed below. National Eligibility and Entrance Test (NEET) ~February 10, 2025 Notification on Amendments to UG Scholarship Obligations ~February 7, 2025; Accelerator for Enlightened Entrepreneurial Bureaucracy Vision ~December 30, 2024; Guideline for handing-taking over of roles, files, and properties in the Civil Servi ~December 23, 2024; Guideline for Generative © 2025 - RCSC, Thimphu, Bhutan OK Cancel. Copy of Citizenship ID card. Password Open Bhutan NDI on your phone; Tap the Scan button located on the menu bar and capture code Dzongkhag Administration. Therefore, interested applicants Therefore, interested applicants aged between 18 - 50 years fulfilling the eligibility criteria may apply online using the "Zhiyog Recruitment System" link https://jobs. No. INCOMPATIBLE BROWSER! Please note that Internet Explorer/Microsoft Edge is not compatible with this website. Jhali Phumi, Punakha To improve teacher recruitment and deployment. The Royal Civil Service Commission is pleased to announce the following details regarding the Main Examination of the Bhutan Civil Service Examination 2015:Read More The Dzongkhag Administration, Punakha is pleased to announce the vacancies on consolidated contract for various post. bt and apply Open Bhutan NDI on your phone; Tap the Scan button located on the menu bar and capture code Paro Dzongkhag Administration is pleased to announce the following vacancies on consolidated contract. 1-6) Interested eligible candidates as per Section 4. za. Reload to refresh your session. RCSC has identified seven HR functions to be delegated to the agencies. The shortlisted candidates will Read more A graduate wishing to appear for the BCSE shall register online at www. Main navigation. interested candidates fulfilling the above criteria may submit an application with the following documents via "Zhiyog Recruitment System" (https://jobs. Driver 3. Scan with Bhutan NDI Wallet Please wait {{ErrorMessage}} Retry. If you continue to use this site we will assume that you are happy with it. Matron 4. Back Print Vacancy QR Code Scan to apply for the post. CLICK HERE TO APPLY Note Currently, these systems have the options of conventional manual login using a user id and a password and using NDI (i. (Zhiyog Recruitment System, ZRS) with effect from 13th to 23rd March, 2024. The Zhiyog Electronic System (ZESt) under the Royal Civil Service Commission has been successfully integrated with the Bhutan NDI Wallet, allowing civil servants to obtain Civil Servant Credentials. There are two types of credentials available: the Employee ID credential, which remains unchanged as long as the individual is a civil servant, and 퐂퐡퐢퐞퐟 퐏퐫퐨퐠퐫퐚퐦 퐎퐟퐟퐢퐜퐞퐫 퐚퐭 퐁퐐퐏퐂퐀 Application deadline: 26/9/2024 Please visit the Zhiyog Recruitment System to apply: 퐂퐡퐢퐞퐟 퐏퐫퐨퐠퐫퐚퐦 퐎퐟퐟퐢퐜퐞퐫 퐚퐭 퐁퐐퐏퐂퐀 Application deadline: 26/9/2024 Please visit the Zhiyog Recruitment System to apply: https Mongar Dzongkhag Administration, Eastern Bhutan. 20 March 2024. Call Us at: +975-2-322491 Royal Civil Service Commission BHUTAN Privacy Statement Royal Civil Service Commission. Interested individuals may apply via Zhiyog Recruitment System or following the link below: The Dzongkhag Administration is pleased to inform you that the result for shortlisting of the job vacancies announced recently been declared in the Zhiyog Recruitment System (ZRS). Medical Certificate (Valid) Dzongkhag Administration, Paro would like to announce vacancies for various posts on consolidated contracts. Powered By A graduate wishing to appear for the BCSE shall register online at www. Open Bhutan NDI on your phone; Tap the Scan button located on the menu bar and capture code Also known as a recruitment CRM management system (RMS), this software offers a digital and at times automated way to manage, organize, and complete core HR tasks. bt from 12th January 2023 till Vacancy Announcement The Punakha Dzongkhag Administration is pleased to announce the availability of a vacancy for the below-mentioned post under a contract appointment, as detailed in the attached file: Interested applicants (aged between 18 and 50 years) who fulfill the eligibility criteria can apply through the "Zhiyog Recruitment System" Eligible candidates can apply through the Zhiyog Recruitment System: https://jobs. The contract term will be renewed based on performance. 16 Jan, 2025 . Get online recruitment & manpower services! Joint Press Release: NDI integrated with ZESt System (RCSC and GovTech) Leave a Comment / General Announcement , General Notifications , Press_Release / By Jangchuk Dorji The Zhiyog Electronic System (ZESt) under the Royal Civil Service Commission has Didn't receive Activation Link? Click here to Resend. Sweeper 7. Therefore, interested candidates fulfilling the above criteria may apply online with the relevant documents using “Zhiyog Recruitment System” (https://jobs. Here is an overview of the procedure to be followed Once registered, you will login and be able to create your CV. Moreover, this shall enable users to submit the application across the agencies. To improve access to educational programmes and information for students, teachers and public. Please scan the QR code below to access the Zhiyog Recruitment System. A copy of B. bt and apply. 3 of the BCSR 2023 can apply through the Zhiyog Recruitment System (jobs. Shortlisting Announcement all documents should be uploaded through Zhiyog Recruitment System (https://jobs. bt) For details contact 07-251400 during office hours or log in to www. Email: ictcluster@mongar. Read More » November 29, 2024 No Comments NEWS. The Railway Recruitment Board website provides information on recruitment processes and job opportunities in the Indian Railways. Therefore, the candidates who have applied for job vacancies are asked to login your ZRS account and check the result. jobs system will be undergoing essential maintenance at 18:00 on Tuesday 4th March 2025. Therefore, interested applicants (aged between 18 and 50 years ) fulfilling the eligibility criteria may apply online using "Zhiyog Recruitment System" via link 𝘨𝘪𝘷𝘦𝘯 𝘣𝘦𝘭𝘰𝘸 from 16th September till 30th September In accordance with the decision of the 2nd Human Resource Committee Meeting held on 2nd August 2023, the Dzongkhag Administration, Punakha is pleased to announce the following vacancies on consolidated contract for various post. Interested individuals may apply in Zhiyog Recruitment System from the given link below: Trac powers the recruitment for a large proportion of the UK's public sector workforce. gov Open Bhutan NDI on your phone; Tap the Scan button located on the menu bar and capture code Leave a Comment / By National Land Commission / February 28, 2024 March 14, 2024 Eligible candidates can apply through the Zhiyog Recruitment System: https://jobs. Tel: 04-641185. bt w. 퐕퐚퐜퐚퐧퐜퐲 퐟퐨퐫 퐀퐬퐬퐢퐬퐭퐚퐧퐭 퐏퐫퐨퐠퐫퐚퐦 퐎퐟퐟퐢퐜퐞퐫퐬 퐨퐧 퐜퐨퐧퐭퐫퐚퐜퐭 The eligible candidates can apply through the Zhiyog Recruitment System: https://jobs. The objective of the ME shall be to test the candidate’s core competencies and subject/general knowledge for final selection. 12. 25th January 2024 Vacancies at Limpopo OTP. Interested individuals may apply via Zhiyog Recruitment System (RCSC): Interested candidates who meet the required qualifications are encouraged to apply through the online job portal "Zhiyog Recruitment System" (ZRS). * Login process should be completed within 3 minutes. HR departments deploy this type of software to The Labour and Human Resources ministry launched the recruitment and selection regulation today in the capital. Interested applicants, aged between 18 and 50 years, who meet the eligibility criteria, are invited to apply through the Zhiyog Recruitment System at https://jobs. Vist ZESt at https://zest. scp. Any documents in hard copy within or after deadline shall not be accepted. The purpose of the regulation is to ensure a uniform system for transparent and effective employment process. For more information please I noticed that the dateline of application for the above mentioned vacancies was altered in ZRS from 3rd September 2024 as announced here in this Dzongkhag official The Dzongkhag Administration, Haa is pleased to announce vacancies on consolidate contracts for various posts to be appointed from 15th February 2023. ng) The Dzongkhag Administration, Samtse is pleased to announce the vacancies for various posts to be appointed effective from 1st August 2024. Interested eligible candidates can apply through the RCSC’s Zhiyog Recruitment System Following the vacancy announcements of various positions through Single Window Recruitment, Lateral Transfer, and on contractual basis, the Anti-Corruption Commission is pleased to announce that the shortlisting results have been updated in the Zhiyog Recruitment System. ( Tenzin) Dy. 20 Jan, 2025 . Civil Service Reform Act of Bhutan 2022; 2024 ~December 8, 2023; NOTIFICATION: Introduction of Annual Leave in addition to the existing leave options ~June 20, 2023; Please follow this video tutorial to apply for various posts announced through online "Zhiyog Recruitment System". We have been able to streamline all our processes right from student management, job-postings, job process, performing analytics, scheduling, and enhancing our reach amongst the students with the use of mobile app. Suitably qualified candidates should log on to the Nigeria Customs Service Recruitment Portal (https://recruitment. bt/ViewCitizenDetails/ Zhiyog Recruitment System Login with Bhutan NDI For more details, please login to Zhiyog Recruitment System(ZRS) at https://jobs. NPHC 2024 Recruitment - Free download as PDF File (. 2024 to. Open Bhutan NDI on your phone; Tap the Scan Login with Bhutan NDI to seamlessly access services online. pdf), Text File (. Has been introduced as the foundation for Bhutan’s digital economy, facilitating trusted interactions between individuals and organizations. If you are shortlisted, please report to the Dzongkhag Open Bhutan NDI on your phone; Tap the Scan button located on the menu bar and capture code Mandates Advice management on all Human Resource matters of the Dzongkhag. Mongar Dzongkhag Administration, Eastern Bhutan. About District; Dzongda's Chronology; Dzongkhag Map The Royal Civil Service Commission is pleased to announce that the venue for the Preliminary Examination of the Bhutan Civil Service Examination 2024 will be conducted in two locations i. Total Views: Enumerators Recruitment for Data Collection. 4. Liaise with all Sectors for efficient and effective service delivery. e THIMPHU and MONGAR. e. Shortlisting result for Surveyor I for the vacancy announcement dated 25- Oct-2024 to 5-Nov-2024 Zhiyog Electronic System. BPST Resources. 5. Open Bhutan NDI on your phone; Tap the Scan button located on the menu bar and capture code Ministry of Foreign Affairs and External Trade RGOB. bt Application deadline: 16 January 2024 The Dzongkhag Administration, Punakha, is pleased to announce the following vacancies for a 36-month period, effective from October 1st, 2024, to September 30th, 2027. bt) latest by June 11, 2024. samdrupiongkhar. 1. They are regular recruitment Open Bhutan NDI on your phone; Tap the Scan button located on the menu bar and capture code The Dzongkhag Administration, Samtse is pleased to announce the vacancies for various posts to be appointed effective from 1st August 2024. Interested applicants meeting the criteria specified in ZRS may apply in ZRS (Zhiyog Recruitment System): 1. No hard copy will be accepted. Effective 1st October 2024, the conventional login method using a user ID and password will be discontinued for all RCSC systems. customs. Cook Thimphu Thromde is pleased to announce the vacancy for the post of Sanitary Inspector on consolidated contract. Vacancy Announcement The Punakha Dzongkhag Administration is pleased to announce the availability of a vacancy for the below-mentioned post under a contract appointment, as detailed in the attached The City of Tshwane will use any personal data collected through the job opportunities section of this website for recruitment purposes only and, should your application be successful, for purposes connected with your employment. Have completed aminimum of 10years active service 6months prior toplacement effective date. bt) by November 30, 2023. Home; About Us. Eg: if DoB is 3rd May 1980, The Dzongkhag Administration, Monggar is pleased to announce vacancies for various posts to be appointed from 15th September 2024. To provide effective and efficient operational and direction services What is Zhiyog Recruitment System (ZRS)? Zhiyog Recruitment System is a single site to cater all the recruitments under Civil Service. Interested candidates with an age limit of 18-45 may apply through the following links (Zhiyog Recruitment System) on or before April 21, 2023: RSS from BBS. For more details Click Here New Brand Guidelines for the National Land Commission Secretariat JointPressRelease:RoyalCivil ServiceCommissionandGovernmentTechnologyAgency Date:10thJune,2024 JointPressRelease:NDIintegratedwithZEStSystem(RCSCandGovTech) What is RCSC Zhiyog Recruitment System? Zhiyog Recruitment System (ZRS) is an online system that allows applicants to create a personal profile that can be updated regularly in order to submit applications for more than one advertised job posting. Recruitment schedule and Notification Annual recruitment schedule for various category of posts to be recruited is The Dzongkhag Administration is pleased to inform you that the result for shortlisting of the job vacancies announced recently been declared in the Zhiyog Recruitment System (ZRS). Re-announcement: ( ) Position Level: Employment Type: Forgot Password? If you are Signing-In for first time please use your Employee ID as username and your Date of Birth (in DDMMYYYY format) as password. Interested candidates who meet the required qualifications are encouraged to apply through the online job "Zhiyog Recruitment System" (ZRS). Royal Navy Recruitment Portal. Get Unlimited and Full Access to all posts from more than 350 Agencies in Bhutan Dziseldra tirelessly scout and gather valuable data from hundreds of websites and social media platforms, so you don't have to. Provide ICT Support, website, EMIS, mail server, IT solutions. It will also ensure recruitment of the right person with transparency, fairness and merit based process, free of any discrimination. This guide will help you understand how the ECPA e- recruitment system works and how to apply for vacancies online. Implement the Civil Service Rules and Regulations and Directives on Personnel matters in the Dzongkhag. Similarly, promotion processes that required filling up many data fields for each Civil Servants in Bhutan can follow the steps shown in this video guide to get their employee ID and other employment details from the Royal Civil Service Co Dzongkhag Administration, Paro would like to announce vacancies for various posts on consolidated contracts. n e o r p d t o S s 2 1 m 1 L 9 M 1 i 5 t g a 8 3 8 f n u 0 f 5 i f o 6 3 6 1 0 a a r e Login; Vacancy Announcement Detail. World Bank Group executive directors reaffirm support to Bhutan February 27, 2025 Sonam Pem; Ambassador V. Candidates appearing the ME shall be grouped as per the following: Our Contact Contact Us 75 Fox Street, Mashalltown Johannesburg, 2000. Filter Condition: Video on how to use the system ZRS QR Code Please scan the QR code below to access the Zhiyog Recruitment System. Scan & Upload Attachment. Our website is currently undergoing daily improvements to enhance your experience. 31. cywykqo pkqntp qilns qdouoan hseqlus stb wviys nsju aaonj nbcj lxewu dcyqi czaxife gudtydu mjgf